Global Thermonuclear War Game 24

Templar98921 to confirm my previous vote which I forgot to bold until I noticed after mrxak's tally.

If it comes down to a tie, I will shift my vote over to xander or templar if necessary. I hope it doesn't come to that though. I still think Jacabyte is by far the most suspicious of the three in the tie right now. I would much prefer it if someone would vote for him rather than having me jump ship.

very interesting. I wish I could vote. This round should let me know if my suspicions were correct.

Everybody's voted DV. If you want to end this madness, you'll have to do something about it yourself.

I've come to notice, while looking back over the course of the game, that mrxak is using white/near-white text to hide these little snippets in his story posts:

@mrxak, Beginning of Active Phase said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 24:

"Begin a diagnostic before things begin, we don't want a repeat of the last run."
"Yes doctor."
"Maintain higher than 90% tolerance. We don't have a lot more time here."
"Going to 90%"
"No, higher. Give us a margin. Yes, good. Keep it at that."

@mrxak, Beginning of Inactive Phase said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 24:

"Subject XDR102 has just experienced simulated cardiac failure, doctor."
"Yes, that is to be expected, but I see everything is still within tolerance."
"Yes doctor. Doctor?"
"Yes Clara?"
"Is it really necessary to push it so close to tolerance?"
"We must. Don't forget what happened at 74%."
"But 92%, it's dangerous."
"I know, but we have no choice."

@mrxak, Beginning of Active Phase said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 24:

"Okay, system back online. That was a close one."
"Don't worry, none of the subjects actually woke up. We just have to be more careful."
"I'm running diagnostics now. Looks like a subprocess overloaded."
"No, it didn't overload, it got caught in a feedback loop. We just need to be more careful. How close are we to historical data?"
"Within expected parameters. I think we did it."
"Good, just watch out for feedback loops again in the future."
"I will doctor."

@mrxak, Middle of Active Phase said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 24:

"Was that wise, doctor?"
"We have to stress him."
"Surely there's another way."
"If we force him into a higher emotional state, we may finally get what we need."
"Yes doctor."

@mrxak, Beginning of Inactive Phase said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 24:

"Subjects HYP106, CIA115, and KME109 have been eliminated from the program doctor."
"Good, continue monitoring their synaptic relays and run the debrief program."
"Yes doctor."
"Hopefully they know more now than we got out of MAK112 and SIB119. If not, we'll restart them in a new simulation soon."

Round 3 Active Phase began late, and no story text was included.

@mrxak, Beginning of Inactive Phase said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 24:

"Did he really behave this way, doctor?"
"The drugs will increase his eccentricities, of course, but these experiences are all derived from actual memories."
"What about the others?"
"Well you know how it works, Clara, I just hope there's less brain damage this time. We still haven't found what we were looking for."
"I hope so too, doctor."

@mrxak, Beginning of Active Phase said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 24:

"Subjects EKH104 and LNS111 have been eliminated doctor."
"Interesting. Excellent, I see that the synaptic relays are still working within expected ranges. How is subject MRX100?"
"MRX100 is more eccentric than ever. He just cried over the loss of one of his balloon animals."
"That was to be expected. The drugs will throw his system out of balance, but we need to push him."
"Don't you think, doctor, that maybe we should go easier? If we let everything proceed slowly, as it did before, we will learn everything?"
"No, there's no time for that, we have to learn all we can before it's too late. Try to increase synaptic function closer to tolerance."
"Yes doctor."

I first became aware that he was doing this when I noticed that the bottom margin of his story-posts was unusually large, and saw text that was ever-so-slightly lighter in color than the background it happened to be on.

This is the first time I thought to go back and look for it all, though.

Anybody else notice this, yet?

JacaByte: egroeg and lemonyscapegoat have yet to vote, but all things considered, I would not be surprised if they don't manage to get in on-time.

There's thirteen players, and I count thirteen votes...

Oh wait, that's because there's a fourteenth player named "No Vote," apparently. <_<


It's good bookkeeping, and it helps to keep the math straight to keep a track of who hasn't done something, in addition to who has done something.




, to save my own skin. I feel that he is probably innocent, but better him than me. If he were to vote Templar98921, rather than myself, then would could both live.


We'd both live, but the terrorists would get a free kill. Of course, if I were to vote for Templar98921 , then somebody else might come along and vote for Darwinian. It's a long shot, but it's one I'm willing to take. I don't want to die this round, but Darwinian has been on the rack for about 4 rounds now. Its time we made up our minds about him...



By my clock, it's deadline.
(EDIT) Well, near deadline. mrxak posted the 24-hour warning at (By my time) 6:31 yesterday, and it's just past 6:00 now.
(EDITx2) Now color-coded for my convenience.

Templar98921: (4)
Eugene Chin

JacaByte: (3)
RJC Ultra

darwinian: (2)

prophile: (2)

No Vote: (2)

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 26 May 2008 - 01:57 PM

_"So, we have reached a decision, yes?" mrxak asks, popping up behind the podium. "What's the word, Speedy?"

mrxak listens carefully to the balloon turtle, then laughs hysterically.

"Ahahaha, you are too funny, Speedy. But what about the vote?" mrxak again listens carefully to the turtle, then nods solemnly. "Yes, well, it seems the security council had decided to horribly kill Templar 98921. I always thought he was evil, myself."_

Round Four Votes:
darth_vader - JacaByte
darwinian - Templar98921
egroeg - egroeg
Eugene Chin - Templar98921
JacaByte - Templar98921
jrsh92 - darwinian
lemonyscapegoat - lemonyscapegoat
Manta - Templar98921
Mispeled - prophile
prophile - darwinian
Rickton - JacaByte
RJC Ultra - JacaByte
Templar98921 - prophile

JacaByte- 3
Templar98921 - 4
egroeg - 1
darwinian - 2
lemonyscapegoat - 1
prophile - 2

"Guards! Come drag He That Has Too Many Numbers away to be executed. Be sure to use extra salt!" mrxak summons the guards.

Templar98921 has been killed.

"Well now, that was quite exciting. I'm sure you all worked up a healthy appetite. Go have a nice snack time!" mrxak called to the delegates already rushing to the vending machine.

Thus ends active phase of round four. The first inactive phase of round four begins now. If you need to send me a PM, please do so ASAP.

"The general is asking about our progress. He wants us to speed up the procedure."
"Speed it up? Any faster and we might kill him."
"I don't need to remind you what this man has done."
"No, no of course not. But he's still my patient."
"I know. Let's increase to 94% of tolerance. If we don't get the information we need, well, I don't need to tell you."
"Alright, alright. 94%."

Ahh... What?

That happened quickly. Goodbye cruel world. Manta, I didn't mean it that way.

I leave the house for 12 hours and when I come back someone I wasn't even thinking about dies unexpectedly. I guess that's just GTW for you, though. It'll be interesting to see his role, because I have observed some VERY bizarre behavior from He Who Has Too Many numbers-- one example is part of why I was mad at darwinian the first round-- when darwinian was accusing me of "insisting" on killing someone each round, Templar said, quite straightforwardly, that we NEED to kill council members. This didn't attract darwinian's attention, despite his having gone after me for something along the same train of thought but much less extreme. I think the reason darwinian didn't go after Templar at that point was that, after people got angry at him, he abandoned his desire to go after people for trying to make a kill each round. Therefore I'm certainly not going to make a connection between Templar and darwinian where one likely doesn't exist, but Templar's behavior was certainly puzzling. Through the game, he's made somewhat extreme assertions, taking strong points of view and defending them sufficiently to avoid suspicion until just a few hours ago, but not thoroughly explaining anything.
My analysis of the situation: in all likelihood, Templar was a stupid innocent. He exhibited tons of "wolf behavior" (which is the coolest sounding way I've heard it described), but for that reason, I don't think he's a wolf/terrorists. Terrorists make an attempt to survive by being inconspicuous. Innocent players usually care less about their own lives or public opinion of themselves specifically. Like I said, although Templar exhibited plenty of standard terrorist behavior, he never really jumped out as a terrorist, unlike a post Jacabyte made which really just made me think "definite terrorist" when I read it, all reason or standard terrorist behavior aside.
The long analysis post is really just me doing my best to make sense of the situation. I woke up this morning at 11:30 and had to madly rush out of the house to keep up with a group of people I was going to see Indiana Jones with (awesome movie BTW), I checked this topic on my way out, and everything was going quite normally... I come back and suddenly someone who, while possibly having had a vote for him (I don't remember), certainly was not a candidate for death and wasn't really jumping out at me as "someone about to get voted off" is dead-- by a massive landslide. It helps that people left their original votes but just blacked them out, it's easier to follow but that was still very interesting (meaning: I don't get what just happened).

This post has been edited by jrsh92 : 25 May 2008 - 10:29 PM

Okay, so basically in 5 hours the inactive phase will be over.

_"Mmm, eggs," mrxak gobbles up his eggs over easy with toast. "I'm glad you suggested this, Speedy."

mrxak holds up the ballon turtle to his ear for a few minutes, then laughs.

"Well, I see everyone has their snacks now too," mrxak begins, seeing that everyone is back at their seats. "That means it's time to open this box I received earlier. There was an envelope attached, with these magazine clippings to spell out words on the letter inside. It reads something like 'don't open until everyone is sitting down' or something, I kinda forget. I hope it's cookies!"

mrxak opens the box, and sure enough, inside is some cookies. There's also a small metallic device of some sort inside, with a big red button.

"Huh, I wonder what this is, I should press the button and find out!" mrxak says, and the delegates begin to look nervous.

mrxak presses the button, and darwinian's seat explodes.

"Huh, what a strange button, I wonder what it does if I keep pressing it," mrxak says, eating some cookies. He presses it multiple times, but nothing else occurs. "Aww, I think I broke it. Oh well. I guess we only have 11 delegates left? Janitors!"_

darwinian has been killed. He is now dead, uh, again. Templar98921 was a terrorist. darwinian was an ordinary delegate, if zombified. darwinian's cellular structure was beginning to break down and his mental faculties altered. At the end of the round he would have assaulted somebody in an attempt to consume their brain, and guards would have been forced to headshot him.

You have 48 hours to vote. It is now officially Round 5 Active Phase.

"94%, I'm worried this will kill him, doctor. We've never tested it this close to tolerance."
"It's bad out there Clara, the latest reports..."
"No, don't tell me. I don't... I know what's going on, I just don't want to think about it."
"Just remember, he's responsible for it. If he dies..."
"I took a pledge doctor, I shall not administer any harmful drug. And you took an oath too."
"I know that, I don't want to see him dead either, not at my hand, but he still needs to pay for what he's done. And my real patients are the people out there..."
"Why do you think we're only getting these security council memories?"
"He's fighting us, part of him knows what's happening, but we can learn even from these memories. 94% tolerance, we might finally get what we need."

Jacabyte, I apologize for voting you. Eugene Chin and Manta are almost certain innocent, and most likely prophile too, I guess.

@mrxak, on May 26 2008, 07:15 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 24:

darwinian has been killed. He is now dead, uh, again. Templar98921 was a terrorist. darwinian was an ordinary delegate, if zombified. darwinian's cellular structure was beginning to break down and his metal faculties altered. At the end of the round he would have assaulted somebody in an attempt to consume their brain, and guards would have been forced to headshot him.


We finally vote out a terrorist, and the terrorists retaliate against somebody who was going to die either way.
This is nothing personal against you darwinian, but by your own and mrxak's admission, you were living on borrowed time, which was about to run out anyway.

And, uh... It's Mental faculties, not Metal faculties.
Unless Zombies get Razor-Steel Teeth.

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 26 May 2008 - 09:44 AM

I'll keep quiet until things cool down a bit, I suppose. I believe that the death of a terrorist this round was a fluke, but since I practically caused his death, I suppose this means I'm not a terrorist? 🙂

@templar98921, on May 25 2008, 03:06 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 24:

darth_vader is on -1 Terrorist points. Nothing he has done has made me suspicious. He also voted for kickme, which takes him down from -3.

This post of Templar's makes me think that he was trying to shelter



some. Furthermore, darth seems to have been doing quite a job of hiding fairly well under the radar and never really sticking his neck out. This makes me think that darth is the second terrorist.

Lastly both Templar and darth seemed to think that prophile as innocent in previous rounds and thus I suggest he is the third terrorist.

This post has been edited by Manta : 26 May 2008 - 02:38 PM