Global Thermonuclear War Game 24

I really think JacaByte is being more sneaky than just bandwagoning. Someone just bandwagoning might be a terrorist or might just be confused and/or lazy in voting. I hate bandwagons in general, but I'm pretty sure about JacaByte at this point.

@mispeled, on May 25 2008, 01:32 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 24:

I'm really, really not liking these votes on Darwinian.

It seems like jrsh's motivation for voting for him is dislike, rather than any kind of belief that he is mafia. After we wasted a round voting off EVHawkman because he was dead weight, and we've only gotten one of the four or five mafia, we really need to follow legitimate leads for our vote this round. I'm not sure if this makes jrsh suspicious, but you're certainly not helping our chances of winning.

And then we have JacaByte on the bandwagon just to test his theory which doesn't stand up under much scrutiny.

But seriously. Prophile really could not at all be bandwagoning any more blatantly than that.

While I appreciate the show of support, I think that prophile is not the most likely candidate. If you look at the first round, kickme voted for prophile, and very early in the voting. It does make sense for traitors to vote for other traitors when there is some certainty that they won't accidentally kill another traitor. The second vote of the first round is not such a good time to do so. So, either the traitors were willing to take a huge risk to fool us all (which is still quite possible), or prophile is not a traitor.

I am not saying that prophile should be ruled out, but rather that prophile is pretty low on my list of suspects at this point.


@darwinian, on May 25 2008, 12:12 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 24:

It does make sense for traitors to vote for other traitors when there is some certainty that they won't accidentally kill another traitor. The second vote of the first round is not such a good time to do so. So, either the traitors were willing to take a huge risk to fool us all (which is still quite possible), or prophile is not a traitor.

Eh? :blink:

Surely that would be one of the best times to vote for another terrorist? Theres little chance of starting a bandwagon, and you can still link to the post if you come under scrutiny. This way helps to protect Prophile as well as kickme, for if either of them died the could show that vote.

And even if they took a huge risk, it payed off. We attempted to kill you instead, and you were resuscitated. I believe you are innocent, so no harm done, except for the defense strategy by the terrorists. :ninja: Be wary.

@templar98921, on May 25 2008, 05:03 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 24:

Eh? :blink:

Surely that would be one of the best times to vote for another terrorist? Theres little chance of starting a bandwagon, and you can still link to the post if you come under scrutiny. This way helps to protect Prophile as well as kickme, for if either of them died the could show that vote.

And even if they took a huge risk, it payed off. We attempted to kill you instead, and you were resuscitated. I believe you are innocent, so no harm done, except for the defense strategy by the terrorists. :ninja: Be wary.

I am happy to eliminate prophile, given some kind of logical argument. Your argument is that "he is a terrorist." You haven't backed that statement up at all. Tell me that you are in contact with the IA, or that you have some other way of knowing that he is a terrorist, and I will believe you. However, you have not provided such statements. Thus, on the logic that a terrorist wouldn't endanger another terrorist, I have to assume that kickme's vote for prophile was in earnest.


It really strikes me how Templar took xander's words, and twisted them backwards.

Round Four Votes:
darth_vader - JacaByte
darwinian - Manta
egroeg -
Eugene Chin -
JacaByte - darwinian
jrsh92 - darwinian
lemonyscapegoat -
Manta -
Mispeled - prophile
prophile - darwinian
Rickton - JacaByte
RJC Ultra -
Templar98921 - prophile

@eugene-chin, on May 25 2008, 03:10 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 24:

It really strikes me how Templar took xander's words, and twisted them backwards.

I'm not sure if thats a compliment or not.

Look at it this way:
darth_vader is on -1 Terrorist points. Nothing he has done has made me suspicious. He also voted for kickme, which takes him down from -3.
Xander, jrsh92 are on +1 Terrorist points. You have been quite aggressive, but have provided not unreasonable reasons.
Eugene Chin,lemonyscapegoat, Manta, Mispeled, RJC Ultra and Rickton are on +2 Terrorist points. This is for various reasons, such as a lack of posting or content-less posts.
Jacabyte is on +3 Terrorist points. This is because he is acting desperate.
egroeg and prophile are on +4 Terrorist points. In egroeg's case it is because he seems to be lurking a lot, and votes on little explained reason. In prophile's case it is because his relationship with kickme, shared only with the now deceased nfreader. This makes him suspicious as the vote could be an early case of armoring themselves.

For someone who accuses others of not reading his posts, xander, you seem to have completely missed the point of mine.

@templar98921, on May 25 2008, 03:06 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 24:

Eugene Chin,lemonyscapegoat, Manta, Mispeled, RJC Ultra and Rickton are on +2 Terrorist points. This is for various reasons, such as a lack of posting or content-less posts.

Templar98921 , you tried to jump on a bandwagon forming against me in a previous round without knowing that SIB was already dead by a player's special role. Furthermore you continuously accuse me of doing things that I am not doing. I have been posting when I can ( I actually have something going on in my life besides this ) and I have been putting thought into all my posts. Mind you that you are accusing me of this after you previously voted for me because you were just "desperate for targets." Lastly the way you are trying to twist other player's logic make me think that you are a terrorist.

Xander, I'm not sure what your role is, but I am still unconvinced that you are a terrorist so I will not self-defense vote against you.

Edit:Forgot to bold.

This post has been edited by Manta : 25 May 2008 - 12:19 PM

Well, I'm pinned. I'd like to change my vote, but if I do that, I die, basically. Or it's a tie vote which gives the terrorists a free kill.

I hereby vote Jacabyte. I admit I haven't got any solid evidence, but of all players, he seems the most suspicious.

Round Four Votes:
darth_vader - JacaByte
darwinian - Manta
egroeg -
Eugene Chin -
JacaByte - darwinian
jrsh92 - darwinian
lemonyscapegoat -
Manta -
Mispeled - prophile
prophile - darwinian
Rickton - JacaByte
RJC Ultra - JacaByte
Templar98921 - prophile

Four of you have yet to vote. If one more of you votes, that will trigger the 6 hour rule. If the four of you don't, or I just don't happen to check back in time, then the round should end in no later than 8 hours from now.

Anyway, the tally as I see it is:

JacaByte - 3
Manta - 1
darwinian - 3
prophile - 2

Remember folks, ties are bad.

I'll be gone until Wednesday.
And before you start bitching, I'm visiting my grandfather in the hospital. I think that takes precedent.

Indeed, and I hope everything works out.

Anyway, unless other players decide to kill you, you should still be alive when you get back. It takes two rounds of not voting that will get you eliminated by me, and if you're back before Thursday, you should be able to avoid that.

Now prophile can vote for JacaByte safely. I suggest he do that since I'm pretty sure JacaByte is a terrorist and it will also save prophile's life.



, in self-defense. In some ways, it would probably be better if I were dead (if I don't die this round, I am certain that you are all going to jump on me again next round, wasting yet another round voting against me). On the other hand, I would prefer to stay in the game.


Bah, what's the point. This is just one more wasted round of votes on me, but if that's what it'll take, then that's what it'll take.



This post has been edited by JacaByte : 25 May 2008 - 01:30 PM

I'm going to have to go against the crowd and say Templar98921.

Part of it is the way he was twisting xander's words, and part of it is a vague bad feeling I've been having about him.

@eugene-chin, on May 25 2008, 06:02 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 24:

I'm going to have to go against the crowd and say Templar98921.

Part of it is the way he was twisting xander's words, and part of it is a vague bad feeling I've been having about him.

I am inclined to agree with you, and, as my skin no longer seems to be on the line, I am willing to vote for





What's that? Your skin is off the line because I voted for myself? Then you jump off the bandwagon against myself and go after another? That's exactly the kind of behavior that I was looking for during round one,



. This time my vote stays.

This post has been edited by JacaByte : 25 May 2008 - 04:51 PM


darwinian: (3)

JacaByte: (3)
RJC Ultra

Templar98921: (3)
Manta - Now In Bold (Manta, please confirm, mrxak missed it the first time)
Eugene Chin

prophile: (2)

No Vote: (2)

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 25 May 2008 - 02:03 PM