Noob plug designer questions

1 When ever I make a planet and beta test it it says that it's to 'hostile envirment' yet it's unchecked :blink:

2 How do you make outfits/ships?

1. Okay, okay, what exactly are you doing?

2. You create a Outf or a Ship resource.

And could you post a copy of your plug on the boards so we can see for ourselves what is going wrong?

1Well I'm not registered so I might not be able to do it can I?

2Yes I know were to create them but when I do they won't work

Well, register the game and everything should work just right.

No No I didn't register EVONE

Oh. Well leave that question up to someone else.

New question

3 How can I make a planet sell opals etc.

If you use MissionComputer you will have a better time of things in general. EVONE is outdated and unstable.

As for your other questions, I strongly reccomend that you read the Nova Bible that comes with your copy of EVN and is also built-into MC's help system. All will become plain.

@it-000, on Jul 27 2006, 04:04 PM, said in Noob plug designer questions:

New question

3 How can I make a planet sell opals etc.

Copy the appropriate "junk" resource from Nova Data 1 to your plug, then edit it to add references to different planets.

I don't know if EVONE handles things strangely or something, but if you want to let the player land on a spöb, you need to make sure the "Can Land Here" flag is checked. (And preferably, the "Can land here only if destroyed" is unchecked.)

I'm a newbie, and dont know how to create a mission/scenerio. where can I learn? I know how to make governments sistents and sbobs. Any help appreciated because i'm makeing a government...

Why, the Nova Bible of course. It's in the documentation folder.

@it-000, on Jul 27 2006, 12:30 PM, said in Noob plug designer questions:

1 When ever I make a planet and beta test it it says that it's to 'hostile envirment' yet it's unchecked :blink:

1: Ah, ive had that problem too. Make sure that the planets graphic isnt 33, I can't remember how i fixed mine. The graphic was 33 and then i changed it to 35 and it worked fine. So i think it has somehtign to do with the graphic. Also, the can land here flag must be selected and i would go into further details except i lost the file and the backup of it is on a corrupted hard drive, so its not accesible.... <_<

Well duh, the bible, but it dosnt explain the dinamics of things. i read the whole thing and still had to figure out for myself how to make a sistem.

@phoebus-xebdaz, on Aug 12 2006, 01:49 PM, said in Noob plug designer questions:

Well duh, the bible, but it dosnt explain the dinamics of things. i read the whole thing and still had to figure out for myself how to make a sistem.

The Bible is a reference, not a guide. A few people have written limited guides to some aspects of plugin creation, but I don't have links handy right now.

I compleetley agree with you.

I can't think of any guides for just "how to make system", but for most things, all you really need to do is copy one from the Nova data files, and start changing numbers to see what happens.

For more general guides, I recommend looking through the All the Important Links You'll Even Need thread, and Bomb's Plugin Guide (you'll need to change one of the pop-up menus at the bottom of the page to "show all").


@lindley, on Aug 12 2006, 06:51 AM, said in Noob plug designer questions:

The Bible is a reference, not a guide. A few people have written limited guides to some aspects of plugin creation, but I don't have links handy right now.

I totaly agree with you. I actually have never fully read the bible fully, and through plugins and expirementation I've figured out almost all of the different resource types. I only use the bible to clarify something that EVNEW doesnt exactly explain to me. I also use a resource guide becuase numerous tiems ive had the wrong RID number or the RID number was to high. <_<