Levo Spaceport RPG

Staron entered the deck of his vast Argosy Star ship in the vulcan system. He walk to the conrtol pannel and boot up his visual screen. A group of freighters were on screen, perfect for him to steal precious cargo from. He log off the visual and prepare to board the freighter. He grab his beam saber which is a rod of gold that emits a blade of light, somewhat like a lightsaber you'd see in star wars. He take about twenty of his most power crew members, each armed with laser pistols.

The docking clamps connect to the freighter and he along with his crew board the freighter. He glance about the ship with a devilish sneer. Those emerald hues dart about the interior, gazing at the vast halls, then he proceed to the freighters deck. The captain it seems is no where to be found. Just then he hear a sound like hydrolics pumping. The doors slide open and in step the captain. A lass it would seem. Tall and slender, pale skin and dark hair. A fairly attractive young lady. Too bad she would die by his hands.

She aim her laser pistol at him and stare with dark eyes.
"Who are you and how did you get here?" She asked in a bold tone.

Staron give her a malicious grin and then reply.
"I am Staron Starwind of the Argosy Chimera. I am here to end your life and raid this vessel of all it's luxuries and credits."

Something his crew members are already fast at work doing. Any member of the freighter who stand in their way are swiftly beaten and gunned down by the burly men. This leaves Staron and the ships captain alone, one to one, man to woman.

There is a long pause in the air as the two stare each other down, then Staron lay a hand dressed in an elegant white satin glove upon the pommel of his beam saber. The other hand he comb through his silvery hair and then he unsheath the saber. It instantly take aglow with a greenish blade of light. He now hold the pommel in two hands much like a swordsman of earth times would.

The captain aim the gun to him and without a word fire off three shots that are reflected away with skill full strokes of the beam sabers blade. He then leap into the air and land beside the captain. He swng his legs around and knock her to the floor. She hit the ground with a thud and then he grasp her by the colar of her uniform.

Pulling a laser pistol from within his jet black drench coat he speak.
"Good journey captain."

With that he press the pistol up to her heart and fire it off. The laser beam peirce through her flesh and out her back. The floor immediatly stain in crimson as blood spatter all over the floor. Staron throw her lifeless form to the floor and throw a long stemmed rose upon her.

"Rest in peices wench."

He turn from the freighters deck and proceed back to the Chimera. The argosy departs and as it leaves, a flicker of light is seen, followed by a large blast and the freighter is of no more.


(OOC: Tempest, you're jumping the gun just a bit. You've got a militia fleet, a Confederate cruiser and Rivay to deal with before you can get out of the system)

)( OOC: I guess man, but wouldn't you figure, even if the ships were still in orbit, that a Corvette would be able to outrun them? The militia only went to orbit to handle the threat of a fight and the confed cruiser already helped the destroy the rebel cruiser. There really isn't a point for any of these ships to just hang out above the planet anyways. Also the corvette is unmarked and they think I'm dead, so they would have a real reason to try and kill me if they though I was just a merchant ship leaving the system. 😉 )(


(This message has been edited by Tempest (edited 08-13-2002).)

Bob lands justout side the buliding where the prime minister is speeking. Bob runs through the Gards to the minister. "Dont Beleive him!!!"Penguin yells."I have footage from up there and here it is" He slides it to the minister. "go ahead and watch it." The minister replys "i will not, we already know what happend up there." "What do you know, you wernt up there. JUST WATCH IT!!" Bob fingers nothing but he makes it look like a proton gun. The minister pops it in.


The confederites and the rebels are in outrage. They say "there is no possable treaty in the preasent or future." Bob walks out and hops into his ship and lands in his hanager.

"You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose. But you cant pick your friends nose."- Me

It took ten hours for Javaed to become more pissed off than pissed, and when he finally became sober enough to think straight, he started unleashing a string of some of the most vile curses ever spoken. After calming down slightly, he turned on the lone telescreen in the room and listened to the news while pacing up and down the room.

"As all of you know, this afternoon, a rebel warship disrupted the peace talks by attacking Levo militia vessels in orbit right above the capital. This attack shall not go unnoticed. A good pilot was lost in that attack, Captain Tempest. Why should a pilot of ours die during peace talks? Perhaps the time has come to seek protection from the Confederation against these renegade Rebels!" came the voice from the telescreen, belonging to the prime minister of Levo.

Javaed stopped in his tracks, his face unreadable. Moving quickly to a data node, he spent an hour searching through various files available to him due to various contacts, masking his every move perfectly. He quickly found the file of one Captain Tempest, and skimmed through it. Noted neutrality. Considered a possible danger. Other files, on more recent events, helped Javaed establish a picture of what had happened. A newly built Corvette had carried two Rebel agents off Levo - most likely back to Palshife - belonging to a commander who was injured during a fight. Captain Tempest was mentioned as the culprit of various crimes, by one of his most reliable contacts.

According to his character, Javaed would have to look for an occupation very soon or risk being noticed - If there's anyone besides me on this damned planet who has a clue what he's doing - but what had occured here certainly required looking into.

However, there was the undeniable question; what could the Rebellion do? They couldn't attack Levo without ruining their entire mock "good guy" theme. With the news that the Rebel cruiser had started the attack spreading like wildfire, already effecting New Istanbul and Propus, who were both in fear of similar attacks from the Rebellion, putting it out would be difficult. But then there's the fact the prime minister said Tempest was dead. Showing up alive is all he has to do to change things. But, of course, even that might not make a difference. It would just prove that Tempest betrayed Levo for the Rebellion.

To turn the tables slightly, what would be needed was for another rumour to spread, and Javaed knew exactly what. The Terminus , a heavily modified Clipper, belonged to another of his colleagues, who was going by the name of Saire Landane. The Terminus was a work of art that Saire and Javaed had designed together while they were working on New Ireland two years ago. It had a masked Rebel IFF beacon, had a faked cloaking device, two faked mass drivers, and hundreds of tiny, subtle signs of being a Rebel vessel.

Saire Landane was dead, of course. He had died of a heart attack two weeks ago - at least, that was the official reason. There had been a brief investigation into him being poisoned, and some trace - which hadn't been picked up during the investigation - of the intervention of the Confederation.

All Javaed needed now was a reason for the Levo police to open up the investigation again, and take a look at the Terminus. There were plans, hidden away in that ship, to assassinate the Levo prime minister. If everything went as planned, and it became public that the Rebellion were trying to assassinate a neutral prime minister, but were stopped by Confederation agents, New Istanbul, New Ireland, and New Scotland would be Confederation by the end of the month.

Let's hope I'm not playing any of my cards too quickly, he thought.

With Levo's already existing friendship with the Confederation, there should be no problem simply asking them to look into it, but 'Javaed' had to be clean as long as possible. For that reason, he sent another message to Talsir, who had contacts directly with Levo.

Talsir, I need you to ask the Levo government to look into the death of Saire Landane with more detail -Javaed

Once again, the message, sent by communicator, was entirely impossible to intercept, detect or trace, and the encryption could not be broken anyway.

Levo police reacted quickly after their government's orders were received. Storming the place where Saire Landane had been living before he died, they made a thorough check of the apartment. The Confederation traces were uncovered, and it was suggested that the Confederation had murdered him for no reason, until the ship was investigated. Unfortunately, before a closer look could have been taken at the fake Rebel technologies, the ship exploded, reacting to the people entering.

Everything happened very quickly, then. Saire Landane was officially confirmed to be a Rebel assassin, the plans found before the ship exploded and taken out - information on exactly how the police would go about investigating the ship was easily available to agents such a 'Javaed', 'Talsir' and 'Saire', who had organised the fake evidence such that the self-destruct only occured in the last place they would investigate, the engineering bay.

"Earlier today, a Rebellion plot was uncovered to assassinate the prime minister of Levo, Roan Dyhara. Dyhara is currently being guarded closely to prevent such happenings occuring again, and Levo has been locked down for the time being. Individuals may only enter or leave the planet if they display identification cards and surrender all weapons at the spaceport," the INN later reported.

"A vessel known as the Terminus was investigated, and various markings were found proving it to be a Rebel vessel. The ship self-destructed as police attempted to enter the engineering bay, and it is believed that the Rebellion outfitted the vessel's engines with some device that they did not want to be discovered. The Rebel agent, one Saire Landane, was stopped by Confederation c-int agents, and unfortunately had to be killed."

Javaed only half-listened to the news. He had found an engineering position in the spaceport - not the area that was now sealed off. Now, he would not have to worry about being suspected. He was, quite simply, just an engineer. The only thing he could do with now was a wife who was a citizen of Levo. Once he had finished with his job here, such people could easily be terminated, one way or another.

Aboard the Nirvana , still docked on Levo, Luke was discussing matters with his officers. They had no mission currently, but Luke was so rich that that didn't really matter very much. But Luke liked having an objective, so he had his head spy Brad Tamte read off his ever-changing list of everything that could possibly be viewed as suspicious.

"Signs of increased piracy in the Zebetrious system. A freighter convoy missing, presumed attacked by pirates, to the galactic north. Mysterious explosion of the Argosy Wanderer. Rebel cruiser destroyed by Confederate and Militia ships, supposedly in self defense. Milita pilot Tempest reported to be killed in the battle, though my spy network says he was never even involved in the battle. Escape of two Rebel operatives from imprisonment by Levo Militia. A Corvette with no IFF reading and no official name or designation number leaves Levo system at great speed. Artemis group captures pirate prince Xessel. Supposed assassination attempts on Levo prime minister. Alien fighters spotted in the Topaz system. Jackson's Plague breaks out on Armstrong. A scoutship captain on Spica trying to get a job as merecenery."

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"http://www.homestead.com/lukenj/index.html")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

After fixing his ship bob flys to zebatris (however you spell it) and started looting passing pirates. after 3 hours he accoumulated 34,000,000,000Mand tookoff to specia and sold his ship and got a manta. He retrofitted it with jav pods and rockets, Lazer cannons , Missles, 4 sheild capasiter and booster, space bombs, Cargopods and a manta bay with 12 mantas just like his. He docked his manta into the XXX Club and got another robot to piloit the XXX club. Bob heads back to Levo and lands. penguin Heads to palshife.

To: Tempest
From: Bob Penguin
Subject: frameing the minister
Priorty: High
Encryption: High
Hey Tempest stay on palshife until I come in and ill tell you a plan I have...
End Message

Penguin sets a corse for palshife and puts the autopiloit on and gets into his manta, just in case.

"You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose. But you cant pick your friends nose."- Me
A man left for work one Friday afternoon. But it was payday, so instead
of going home, he stayed out the entire weekend partying with the boys
and spending his entire pay check.

Rivay had spent time looking round the Levo Spaceport. The explosion that had sealed off a large section had been a problem, and the message he had recieved had caused some rethinking.

Having gone back to his scoutship, the computer system had correllated many of the facts. Nothing seemed to stick out though, except that 2 Rebel operatives had escaped. Then the systems beeped once and flashed an alert. A report had been given in by a militia commander saying he had encountered Tempest while looking over a new corvette. Following Levos sensor reports, the corvette had been tracked leaving the planet and heading for hyperspace. No one had paid it any attention, since at the time no one had thought anything of it.

Looking at the hyperspace trail left by the corvette, it was going to Kathoon. While an independant system, it had close ties with Levo. The local militia would assist.

Dropping take off authorisation into the starports files, Rivay set off for the Kathoon system. Even though the corvette had left a good hour ago, he would still arrive almost a full day before it did. And the Maxwells Purchase militia would be waiting to apprehend the rebel agents, guilty of multiple murder, and the treasonous Tempest.

As a lone corvette entered the system, a hail went out.

"This is Bounty Hunter Rivay under charter from the government of Levo. Surrender or you will be shot down. Any attempts to charge hyperspace drive will be detected and taken that you are trying to escape. The Maxwells Purchase Militia has agreed to assist in your capture under the charge of multiple murder and treason."

The signal cut out as a single scoutship fired at the Corvette with 4 Laser Cannons, cutting its shields down rather quickly.

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 08-13-2002).)

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 08-13-2002).)

(OOC: Tempest, have we just about agreed to auto-revoke Penguin's posts, i.e. ignore them all?)



Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**(OOC: Tempest, have we just about agreed to auto-revoke Penguin's posts, i.e. ignore them all?)


(OOC: It certainly wouldn't be a bad idea... ;))

Joseph Payne - (url="http://"mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net ")mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net (/url) joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net

{To: Luke, Nirvana}
{From: Talsir, Levon Merchant}
{Subject: Bounty Hunting}

Dear Sir,
On my approach to Levo, my vessels were damaged badly in the Zebetrious system by a band of pirates led by a ship called the Reverse Halo , a Kestrel. I believe there are as many as four corvettes and countless Lightnings under his command, and other bands operating in and around Zebetrious. I cannot accept this!

Soon, I may have to leave Levo to my next destination, and my fleet of a twelve light freighters could not stand up to any form of ambush.

The enclosed legal agreement states that if you destroy the Reverse Halo , 500,000 credits will be placed in your account.

I hope you have the necessary ID card to leave the planet, and I wish you luck in your mission.


{click here to examine the sender's profile}
{end transmission}

Tempest looked up at the viewscreen with utter disbelief that Levo had actually tracked him. The scoutship stood nose to nose with the corvette, both at a full stop. The scoutship would be easily destroyed, but the local militia was right behind him, and murdering a bounty hunter would only make a bad situation worse.

Tempest sat silently for a second, echanging quick, worried glances with Skyblade and Firefox. He then opened a comm channel to the scoutship.

"Bounty hunter, prepare to recieve my declaration of surrender. Give me 5 minutes and I will power down all the ships's systems. Stand by..." Then he cut of the communication.

He stood up and faced Skyblade. "

"I don't know what to do here. the 5 minutes will only buy us a little time, but I sincerly hope you have some sort of rebel trick to get us out of this..."


There were no job offerings on Spica, so Bari gave his farewells to the spaceport and left without looking back. He did manage to secure a rather advanced ECM jammer that was even capable of partially blocking sensor arrays. This was a tremendous advantage in the plunder around the Vulcan system. He had snuck up on an independent corvette and managed to cripple its main engine before it could enter hyperspace. Dancing in and out of the corvette's range, he finally managed to disable it. When he boarded the ship, he noticed that the life support systems had also been destroyed, and that the entire crew was crowded into a cargo bay which still ahd air. Bari walked onto the bridge, stole all the money, and smiled as he hit the cargo eject button. After that, he thought for a while. The ship was mostly intact, only 2 key systems had actually been damaged. He and his navigator began to work on the engine, and within a few days, managed to get it running at 60% efficiency. They then quickly jumped back into the Spica system to get the ship repaired the rest of the way. He sold his Scoutship and hired a crew. Then, he made the following upgrades for his new ship.
-2 Laser turrets
-4 Laser Cannons
-2 Javelin Pods
-Engine Upgrades
-Shield Upgrades
-ECM jammer from Scoutship
-Advanced Sensor Arrays

With that he set back off to the Vulcan system, wreaking even more havok than before on the shipping lanes.

Calvin: I'm a man of few words
Hobbes: Maybe if you read more you'd have a bigger vocabulary...

Unfortunately for Tempest, Rivay was in no mood to let him have 5 minutes to do something.

Any normal scoutship would have had only a slim chance against a corvette, but in this case, any corvette would have significant trouble beating the scoutship.

Javelin Pods deployed from the bottom of the scoutship and opened fire in concert with the laser cannons.

In less than 12 seconds, the shields were down, and armour was being scratched. Then the scoutship halted fire.

"Corvette, turn off your systems now and prepare to be boarded. Resistance will be met with deadly fire. This is your last warning."

And unknown to Tempest, a Particle Beam was ready to fire and leave the corvette drifting, or destroyed if needed.

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

The corvette stood still and silent for moment, and then suddenly the running lights bagan flashing on the Corvette. The nearest militia vessel got on the comm to the rest of his fleet, "SHE'S SET TO SELF-DESTRUCT! FALL BACK!"

The Militia vessels dropped back a few hundred meters, just far enough to see the Corvette erupt into thousands of metal shards and debris in one swift explosion.

The scoutship was given a significant jolt but for the most part was undamaged. The Corvette, on the other hand, was completely gone.

The militia vessel again came over the comm system, "Scanning the debris, no life signs present. They must've been onboard when it blew. Return to base." The militia vessels broke formation and started returning to Maxwell's Purchase.

Little did anybody know was that a lone escape pod was drifting through the debris. It contained Tempest and the two rebels and was on such a low power output that its energy signiture was undetectable by ship sensors. The debris thoughrouly masked their life signs. All that was left was to wait for a passing Rebel ship in order to signal for help...


Rivay cursed as the corvette blew up. The sensors where temproarily blinded, but they quickly recovered, far faster than any commerically availible system could.

Scanning the debris for any records of the rebels, all that he could detect was debris from the corvette. But something was missing. For some reason, the organic traces present in the expanding cloud of gas where far too low for even a single body to have made. They hadnt been on the ship when it had exploded.

"Maxwells Purchase Militia, spectographic scans show no traces of bodies from the explosion. Look for anything they might be hiding on. Rivay out."

Looking over the incoming sensor scans, rivay then remembered who the corvette had belonged to. Sending out a coded pulse, a signal flashed back in seconds. Any escape pod had a beacon that responded to the correct coded transmission. And the Levo Militia one was no exception.

"All militia ships, converge on the signal. I've found them."

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

Tempest sat it the dark, quiet escape pod with Skyblade and Firefox and watched the sensors. He watched intently as the bleeps turned around and made a course back towards their position.

"Damnit! We gotta roll!" screamed Tempest as he flipped a few overhead switches.

Instantly the lights on the outside of the pod turned on and the overly powerful engine of the escape pod shot out flame and plasma. Tempest was pinned against his seat as the pod took off at intense speeds.

Although the militia ships and the scoutship would still gain distance, running would still provide hopefully the time they need for a Rebel ship to come to their rescue...


Bari was headed to Plashife after antoher successful pilferring run. The getting away part was what where he ran into trouble. It was humiliating enough that he had been caught by the Confeds, but would you believe they actually followed him to Spica in pursuit? Appearantly he was gaining quite a name, and that his IFF signals were too well known. A man he'd met on Plashife a few years back knew of a way to modify the IFF codes convincingly enough that the modifications weren't detected by the Confederates. He was outrunning the Confeds, but only by an hour or so. ON his way through the Kathoon system, there was appearantly some commotion. The militia had fighters sweeping off towards the edge of the system, but Bari could not see their target.

Curious, he went in for a closer look...

Calvin: I'm a man of few words
Hobbes: Maybe if you read more you'd have a bigger vocabulary...

Rivay laughed as the escape pod lighted its engines off and set course for it. A normal scoutship would just be able to keep pace with it. Rivays scoutship would be able to run rings round it, and that was without the afterburner

A single laser cannon shot a single blast at the escape pods engines, causing them to go up in flames. The fact they didnt have much power to burn meant the explosion was minor. A small capsule tumbled out of control, power gone, the concussion likely to have knocked its occupants out.

Rivay smiled and shot a grapple off to catch the escape pod. It caught and he began to drag it back to the planet. Then the local Militia signalled

"Rivay, a known Pirate has entered the system. Confederate forces have alerted us to the chase. We have to deal with him."

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 08-13-2002).)

Bob enters the kathoon system in the XXX Club and does a flyby of the escapepod and picks it up. Then he imeadetly takes off for palshife. "What are you guys doing here? I thought you were goeing to palshife." The ship rocks as it enters hyper space. "I heard what the minister sayed. I kenw it was a setup. Then i got a distress call from you and imeadly came to the Kathoon system and there you were almost dead. What were you thinking?" The ship comes out of hyperspace and enters hyperspace towards Turin V.

"You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose. But you cant pick your friends nose."- Me
3rrd Party EV Site: (url="http://"http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EscapeVeolcityGroup")http://groups.yahoo....peVeolcityGroup(/url)