Levo Spaceport RPG

Tempest sat there in quiet. His hands shook out of nervousness so he had let go of the thottle stick.

Suddenly, there was a laser like noise and single proton bolt passed by the ships. Nobody saw who fired it but in an instant there was a thunderous roar of protons, laser, and rockets. Tempest's Defender shook violently as he reached for the controls to steady his ship. Over the comm channel, the lead militia vessel, began repatedly screaming, "WAR VESSELS, CEASE YOUR FIRE!! CEASE YOUR FIRE!!!"

Then just as quickly as the fight started, it stopped and the two cruisers went back to their staredown.

The Levo militia fleet commander got on the comm system and just said, "All militia vessels, check in..." Soon the air was filled with voices,

"373 checking in."
"897 here sir."
"3176 checkin' in"
"273 checking in"
"125 checking in"
"826 here."
"9826 severely damaged sir"
"7372 minor damage here"
"288 checkin' in," reported Tempest,
"We've lost 457 and 923 commander, I'm reading no escape pods..."

"Very well, all units go back to radio silence until further orders are given, commander out."


(This message has been edited by Tempest (edited 08-12-2002).)

BariSaxGuy5 looked into his Shuttlecraft's cargo bay. It wasn't much, but it was enough to get him away from the pirates he was captured by. Bari was a crewman on the Light freighter Star of Rigel III that ran the medical-metal route from Earth to Spica. While passing through Vulcan on one return trip from Spica, they were ambushed by a pirate corvette, disabled, and boarded. The pirates had kiled the entire crew, and Bari only managed to escape by hiding in a cupboard under a bathroom sink. The ship still had life support, but it was fast failing. He transfered the remainder of the fuel from the ship's engines to a his shuttlecraft and headed towards the closest free port, Levo.
Here, he pawned off some of the ship's equipment he managed to salvage of the Star of Rigel III and used it to run the same route. He managed to make quite a profit, and was just now parting with his shuttlecraft while the outfits to his new scoutship were made. He had bought the scoutship from a company that collected derlicts around the fringes of space and sold them as they were. Nick was able to trade his shuttlecraft for the crippled scoutship, and the repairs were only likely to cost 10,000 credits. But he wasn't going to stop there. He had earned a total of 630,040 credits from his cargo running, and his scoutship wasn't going to be the average cargo hauler so common in the area. The special outfits were going to take some time to complete, but were finally underway.. His plan for additions looked something like this:
-2 Mass expansions + Escape Pod(Complete in 3 posts)
-Laser Cannon(Standard equipped)
-Laser Cannon(Standard equipped)
-Laser Cannon(4 Posts)
-Laser Cannon(5 Posts)
-Javelin Pod(6 Posts)
-Javelin Pod(7 Posts)
-2 External Fuel Tanks(8 Posts)
-Engine upgrades(Done by skilled technicians starting at same time as Mass expansions, done in 5 posts)
This meant a total of 8 days(posts) before his scoutship was ready to fly. It would be worth it. Pirating Argosies in the fringes would be much more profittable than cargo running could ever be...

Awaiting Outfits to be completed in 8 posts

Calvin: I'm a man of few words
Hobbes: Maybe if you read more you'd have a bigger vocabulary...

Bobs sheild generator is COMPLEATED!

Bob pushes a button on the outside of the XXX Club and it dissipered. Bob walks overto where the bridge should be and picked up a boz.(The XXX Club is in it!) and puts invisaline onit.(Turns it invisable). Shoves it in to his right leg. Penguin goes to sector 2 hanager 12. It is a short walk because mine is sector 2 hanager 11. Penguin looks around and sees a new warship. The rebel dreadnaught. it is just siting there and by the looks of it it's been there for quite some time. Penguin gets in snd it does'nt have a captin. So bob takes it. penguin launches and floats Behind the Militia. as the confederate Cruiser sees him he fires. Bob return fire. Soon the space inbetween them is a green and blue mass. Bob hears: "WAR VESSELS, CEASE YOUR FIRE!! CEASE YOUR FIRE!!!" So the condedie and Bob cease fire.

"You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose. But you cant pick your friends nose."- Me

(This message has been edited by TheLonePenguin (edited 08-12-2002).)

Luke laughs out loud at the message from Bob. 100 billion credits for destroying a damaged 'fed cruiser indeed! Luke sends a text message back:
Bob- very funny. Leave me alone unless you have a serious job offer.

Luke finishes his drink and snaps his fingers. Immediately his first officer and his four body guards stand up and they all head back the Nirvana.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"http://www.homestead.com/lukenj/index.html")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

OOC: After I posted I got second thoughts knowing you and you're plot twisting, sorry :frown:

OV tries to stay out of all the commotion going on. OV goes to the holovid to see the news.

"Attention Outer Colonies. 3 Alien Fighters have been sighted reaking havoc in the Topaz System. Watch out for Alien attacks"

OV dashes out of the bar so he can add some extra things to his ship. On his way to the outfitter he realizes that someone is following him. OV goes around a corner and draws his blaster. The follower comes around the corner and Ov trips him and puts his pistol into his back and grabs his neck.

"I don't want to do it but if you make me I will." OV says. "Who the hell are you!?"

"I was hired by some - Mercinaries," he says. "They want you dead." he gasps.

"What group!?" OV says jabbing him with the gun.

"Cydonian" he shouts, and with that 5 mercinaries run out of a nearby building and open fire. OV ducks for cover but not before getting drilled in the leg. OV gets comm and calls the bar.

"Levo Spaceport come in! I'm under attack just outside the outfitter, someone aid!" OV tries to return fire but the pain is overwhelming and he blacks out.

The Mercinaries start to move in....

All hell that ends well -Me
Some people are so full of themsleves that they could fill the oceans with their blood -Me
(url="http://"http://www.weebl.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/b3ta/pie.html")Weebl and Bob(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.liquid2k.com/ethan_sucks/quiz6/pumpkin.jpg") Pumpkin Puke(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.magleague.com")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/gallery.htm")Underdog Smiles(/url)

Skyblade had sat on the hard floor of his cell for over 24 hours now. He hadn't slept with his mind full of questions and in a bundle of confusion, but he greatly ate the rather good food provided by the prison guards.

After pacing through his cell for half on hour, Skyblade looked through the beam-proof window material of his cell door. No guards were around for the moment, so he quickly dashed to the farthest corner of his cell and removed the small radio transmitter hidden in the heal of his boot.

Tapping in a coded frequency channel that the RIB had verified was top secret, Skyblade tried to establish contact with agents on Levo as well as High Command - nothing. The prison had a transmitter shield that blocked any communications from within the fortress, and nothing could get through except for special comm channels authorized by the Levo government.

After several more attempts through various frequency channels, Skyblade knew that he wouldn't be able to make contact from within the prison. All he had to do was wait.

Skyblade placed his transmiiter back into its hidden compartment and drifted into a doze. No sooner was he asleep when the thick door of his cell banged open and two troopers entered the room.

"Get up. A few visitors would like to have a word with you."

The guards escorted Skyblade down the massive and long hall to a large conference / interrogation facility. Various members of the Levo Military Arm and government sat in chairs around a square table.

The guards ordered Skyblade into an isolated chair located in the middle of the room. The members sitting around the table eyed him for a few moments, and then ordered the guards to leave the room.

"Agent Skyblade, I understand you've managed to dig up some of our business that you should have had nothing to do with. Ours affairs are not to be bothered by anyone other then ourselves."

Skyblade looked at the man for a moment. He didn't care to reply - after all, that was all part of being involved in the Rebel Intelligence Bereau. Soon one of the military officers spoke.

"What is your real name, Skyblade? We'd prefer to call you something other than your codename."

"I believe my codename will do just fine," Skyblade responded sharply. "I thought your business was your business. Isn't my real name my own business?"

"Very well," the officer said. "You obviously take your job quite seriously. Now for business: what brought you to Levo?"


"Oh, that helps us out plenty," the officer said with a laugh. "Do you know the meaning of the word 'specific?'"

Skyblade looked up from the floor and at the officer. "I believe the answer to your question is quite obvious. The Rebellion knows that Levo and the Confederation are up to something, and we don't intend on remaining idle while relations between the two governments improve behind our backs."

"What aroused your suspicions, Skyblade?"

"Political strategy on the part of the Levo government, or should I say lack of."

The committee continued to fire off question after question at Skyblade, but he refused to give them any information of the extent of the RIB's involvement.

"What has happened to Firefox," Skyblade asked after a brief pause in the interrogation.

The figures around the table were quiet for a moment.

"Oh, we found him just as easilly as we caught you. He's just as stubborn as you are, but that doesn't matter. We shall soon wipe our hands of you both."

Skyblade was alarmed - Levo intended on killing the two RIB agents that were in their hands, and covering up the entire affair before anyone else outside of the government would know.

"Where is Firefox?"

"Happily enjoying a good beating from prison guards in this same prison. He tried to escape earlier today, but he's paying the price."

After a few more questions, Skyblade was escorted back to his cell. After the door closed and the guards activated the security lock on the keypad, Skyblade began to think of everything he had heard from the committee.

"We don't have much time," he thought. "I've got to get to Firefox."

Joseph Payne - (url="http://"mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net ")mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net (/url) joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net

OV woke up on an Clipper headed for Cydonia. OV sat up with out the 2 pilots noticing him. OV moved behind the second pilot and silently removed his Proton Pistol. OV stepped back and took aim and two shots to the head for both of them and they were dead. OV took control of the helm and flew off to try and locate Skyblade.

OV scanned for bio-signs but he couldn't pick up anything. OV tried scanning for every setting he could manage but couldn't locate anything. Thn it hit him, Skyblade is a Rebel, he'll have a special comm system. OV tried scanning for that and finaly got an extremely faint signature. OV headed off in the direction of Skyblade...

All hell that ends well -Me
Some people are so full of themsleves that they could fill the oceans with their blood -Me
(url="http://"http://www.weebl.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/b3ta/pie.html")Weebl and Bob(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.liquid2k.com/ethan_sucks/quiz6/pumpkin.jpg") Pumpkin Puke(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.magleague.com")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/gallery.htm")Underdog Smiles(/url)

(This message has been edited by Overrider720 (edited 08-12-2002).)

Bari was getting careless. Convinced that everything would go according to plan no his ship, he had almost been shot on the way to check on how things were doing. Bari did not enjoy being shot, so he decided to take appropriate action to rectify the situation. He devoutly hoped that nobody would notice the rather large burning hole in the fellow's head where Bari had shot him with his Proton Rifle until he was within the safety of the Levo bar. The rifle was a good weapon, but it had cost a fortune. Even on the lowest setting it would leave a hole an inch in diameter through almost any material know.

On the INN, he saw a live projection of a cruiser standoff high in orbit. Idly, he ordered a drink and waited for the outcome.

3 more posts until ship is finished

Calvin: I'm a man of few words
Hobbes: Maybe if you read more you'd have a bigger vocabulary...

(OOC: well, I'm not sure about the block, but I'll give it a shot since there isn't any PC vs. PC conflict yet)

(edit)Skyblade; can you come on AIM, please?(/edit)

An ordinary-looking man, just past his prime, with no distinguishing features at all, and dressed in the Levo fashion of a year ago - which was pretty unremarkable as well - stepped into the primary Levo spaceport bar, with a grin painted on his face. Quickly looking around, seeing the bar all but deserted - and no wonder; with the conflict between the Confederation and Rebellion unfolding, many people would be in their homes, stocking up on food or trying to reserve a flight - the man walked up to the barkeeper, who didn't even notice him, for all he was looking, until the man spoke.

"Not many customers?" the ordinary-looking man asked casually, idly making a vague gesture towards one of the non-alcoholic drinks available while placing a credit chip on the counter.

"Not many at all, good sir," replied the barkeeper, scooping up the credit chip in a flash and preparing the drink just as quickly. His eyes were slightly wild, and tired - no doubt, considering the current situation. "Except a few odd ones, of course. You always get those, these days. With the conference and all. Bad for business. Scare off the honest folk, and hardly buy a drink. Why, there was one man, sat in a dark corner the whole time, barely bought a thing."

"Well, at least he's gone now, I see," replied the customer, his voice steady. He drained the drink quickly, and grinned.

"Yes...gone...funny thing is, his ship is still there. 'least, I think that's his ship. I wouldn't normally know, but I had to go see my daughter, you know, coming back from New Istanbul after university...and it was a pretty breath taking vessel."

"A black Corvette? I think I saw it."

"Yes, black. Beautiful thing. It must be unique."

"Yes, probably. Most people don't paint their ships. The costs are pretty astronomical." The man's voice was ordinary, also, and with the same accent as the barkeeper. He spoke in the same easy manner, and quite likely the barkeeper would not remember him an hour later. "Hey, which corner did he sit in?"

"Oh, that one," the barkeeper pointed, missing the oddness of the question. With a grateful nod, the ordinary-looking man turned and walked over to the shadowed corner. Pulling back a seat, he sat down lightly.

Fools. Fools to the last of them. Covert op work - coming in a bloody unique Corvette? Shaking his head ruefully, but only marginally, the ordinary-looking man reached into his coat pocket and produced a small, nondescript device. It looked very much like a simple organiser at first glance.

It was not. Leaning forward slightly, he examined the table. Sure enough, there were several hairs and fragments of skin tissue. The device buzzed when turned on, and drew the samples into it. A full genetic examination would have to occur back at his mobile base - an unremarkable Argosy, the Wanderer. He pulled his chair back, and was about to rise to get another drink, when he noticed a scrap of material. He took that as a sample also, and put the "organiser" away.

It was a decidedly ordinary two hours later when the ordinary-looking man left the bar, having managed to get the barkeeper deliriously drunk in the process. Several other people were coming in by then, and he gave them all a smile and a nod, and flirted briefly with an attractive female. No-one ever saw him do anything that seemed in the slightest suspicious.

He had introduced himself as being called Javaed Telnor, born on Sauron, but with strong ties to Levo. He had no preference in the Confederation-Rebellion war, he had said, and he had come to Levo chasing down a job offer.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-12-2002).)

The stand off continues. all ships are at full sheilds. If they get atit agean the Spaceport will be in dire need of reconstrution. The escort carryer launches and comes to a stop on the other side of rhe Rebel Cruiser and launches its fighters. i get some droids to piloit the XXX Club. I take the box out and throwit out into the airlock and it Poofs into a Rebel Cruiser. The crew go to it and launch its fighters and tells them to stay. The stand off continues...

)( The Confederite Cruiser needs some help...)(

"You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose. But you cant pick your friends nose."- Me

Skyblade stood and glared at the trooper as he brought in a food tray.

"You won't be getting many more meals, so enjoy it while it lasts," the guard said in his stiff voice.

While the trooper was talking, Skyblade had noticed a roll of wire attached to the trooper's belt - used for tying prisoners. The soldier's gun was located inside of his jacket... Skyblade couldn't get to that.

The guard turned and began to exit the cell.

Skyblade instantly jumped forward and ripped the roll of wire from the guard's belt. Just as the guard turned and reached for his blaster pistol, Skyblade quickly wrapped the wire around the guard's throat and pulled tightly. As the guard choked and coughed wildly and tried desparately to get the wire off that was cutting into his throat, Skyblade quickly forced the guard to the floor and delievered a crushing blow from his boot against the guard's face. With the guard knocked out and the prison door open, Skyblade quickly took the guard's weapon belt and blaster. He could hear the footsteps of another guard slowly approaching his cell, so he again took the roll of wire into his hand - firing his blaster would alert the entire prison.

Noticing the metal bars that stretched across the ceiling of his cell, Skyblade quietly headed for the corner of his cell located right next to the door. Seconds later the guard stood just outside looking at the trooper on the floor.

"Private Fletchet!"

The trooper ran into the cell and stooped down to see if the guard was still alive.

Skyblade quickly tossed the looped end of the wire around the man's neck and threw the other end over one of the metal bars in the ceiling. Before the trooper could react, Skyblade gave the wire a mighty pull and the second guard was lifted off his feet. As the guard gripped at his neck and kicked wildly, Skyblade continued to pull and tied the wire to the handle of the door. Moments later the dead guard hung silently in the air, arms and legs completely still.

Skyblade took the second guard's blaster pistol and stuffed it into his pocket. This guard was also carrying an automatic proton rifle slung across his shoulder, and this also was added to Skyblade's weapon collection.

Skyblade quickly took the hanging guard's uniform and put it on himself, and then proceeded out of the cell. He shut the cell's door and locked it using a code he found within the guard's ID papers.

After looking down both ends of the hall to make sure nobody else had seen the action, Skyblade began to walk towards the sector that contained the prison's data computers. He walked at pace similar to the patrol guards to assist in hiding his true identity.

Upon reaching the computer sector, Skyblade faced a single guard who operated the room. He glanced at the guard's rank before opening his mouth.

"Lieutenant, what is the location of the prisoner 'Firefox?'"

The guard looked at Skyblade for a moment and studied his face.

"The prisoner Firefox is in a top-security sector in hallway 9. You cannot access his cell without authorized permission, however. do you have written permission, sir?"

"Yes, I do. But first, what is the number of his cell?"

The guard again looked at Skyblade for a moment with a curious expression. He hesitated before speaking.

"Cell # 33. But sir, you must have permission from the prison authorities to access his cell. I cannot let you pass unless you give me some written evidence and pass a retina scan."

"Very well," Skyblade replied. "Here are my papers."

Skyblade handed the guard a few folds of blank paper that he dug out of his chest pocket. Just as the guard opened up the papers, Skyblade drew a knife from the weapons belt he wore and dashed at the guard's throat. Blood poured across the floor as the trooper fell to the floor dead.

Skyblade hid the guard's body underneath a table littered with papers and computer systems, and shoved a chair in front of the space to shield the area from sight. He then proceed through the checkpoint and headed for hallway 9...

Joseph Payne - (url="http://"mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net ")mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net (/url) joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net

(edit)Skyblade? AIM?(/edit)

The man who called himself Javaed was in the spaceport, making his way back to the Wanderer , when he noticed the black Corvette along the way, just four ships away from his own. His face a picture of naďve curiousity, innocence incarnate, Javaed wandered over to the ship. He caressed it's beautiful hull lightly, smiling. "Done beautifully, with a layer of Durasteel armour. A lot of money was put into this ship."

A barely noticeable movement, which no-one more than ten metres away could notice, and a device was fixed onto the hull. Also black, and shallow, it was unnoticeable except at very close inspection. The device was a beacon - a tracker - allowing him to take note of its location and power of shields. It could also be changed by remote to be a different type of beacon: an IFF beacon. The man didn't know where the owner was, but in a place where a Rebel or Confederate beacon could mean death before anyone thought twice, it could be useful.

The device had been made on Zaxted Station, and sold to a citizen of Levo. That was all that any trace could show up. On the back was imprinted a small logo - a blue dot on a white background. Any trace would suggest that the Levo government had employed it, and the logo was Confederation.

"Ho, you. What are you doing at this ship? I know for certain it isn't yours," came a voice from behind him. Turning slowly, Javaed recognised a militiaman of Levo.

"I'm a shipspotter," Javaed replied. "Well...not officially, I guess. I was brought up on Sauron, and I have qualifications in engineering and-"

"I don't care about your goddamn qualifications," the militiaman cut in. "Why were you examining this ship?"

"It's a fine ship, and I'm a shipspotter. I've never seen anything like it," Javaed answered, worry showing on his voice - faked worry. "You know..." Javaed said slowly, "I'd almost swear that this ship was modified on Clotho. The tinted armour is a speciality there, I've heard."

The militiaman frowned slightly, as in his mind he connected Clotho with the Rebellion, and came to the inevitable conclusion - but kept silent. "I'd also swear I've heard of this ship before, acting around Risa. Hmm. That's funny. I'd swear it was Rebellion." He barked a laugh. "Sorry, don't pay me any mind. The name's Javaed Telnor," he grinned, offering his hand.

After two minutes of idle conversation, Javaed returned to his own ship, and the militiaman quickly began to forget about him. Just an engineer from Sauron.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-12-2002).)

On Levo, a scoutship with a few obvious modifications settled down at the spaceport. An afterburner ring at the back hid several modifications to the engine, although they could be noticed if people looked closely. 2 bulges lined the bottom of the ship, obviously fuel tanks. Instead of just 2 Laser Cannons, 4 rimmed the front of the ship. Closer looks would have seen a decoy flare hatch, a cheap ECM system, and a ramscoop. Taken together, the ship was a perfect fast courier, exactly what its owner claimed it to be.

Of course, the particle beam emitter hidden in the laser cannons was undetectable to scans, as were the seperate shield generators. 2 Javelin Pods hid as part of the external fuel tanks, loaded with javelins ready to be used. The fact most of the hull was made out of Tritanium was hidden beneath a composite of various other materials and sensor absorbers. As was the military spec jammer. The only time anyone would see those would be if they got on the wrong side of the I.S.S. Telmasa.


Rivay looked over the news reports of the cruiser standoff in orbit and smiled. It looked like the Rebels would regret things soon. Things just had to be organised on Levo. Transmitting spaceport fees, Rivay set off to have a look round the area.

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 08-12-2002).)

Javaed walked up to his ship, a fairly old Argosy, which was in port not far from the black Corvette. Grinning to himself happily, he threw a heavy bag over his back at the Argosy, shouting; "Sara! I'm back now!" to the ship, although there was no chance the woman of his dreams, inside, could hear him.

The bag flew through the air, but it never reached the floor. A red light beeped, and Javaed screamed as the vessel was immersed in flames.

" Sara! " he cried out, caught for a moment between diving forward and diving back. The bag was incinerated, and he barely escaped with his life, turning and running as hard as he could.

When he looked back, panting, the vessel was nothing more than a wreck. Luckily, the explosion had not been as successful as it might have been; various containment fields had meant that there had been several explosions, each progressively larger than the last.

"Sara...oh Sara..." Javaed wept soundlessly. "Why hasn't...the hyperdrive core...the explosion wasn't..."

Suddenly, the final explosion rung in his ears, tearing apart part of the spaceport itself and destroying the two adjacent vessels.

Javaed allowed himself to be helped to his feet, and he replied to their questions between sobs. He was taken out of the spaceport, to the bar, to get himself drunk. That area of the spaceport was quickly closed and sealed off, and guarded, in light of the assassination attempt...if that was what it was. No-one could take too many precautions at this time, however. The blast doors were all sealed, and the entrances also, and the militiaman did not have the means to open them, even those that guarded it.

Once at the bar, Javaed did in fact drink himself into a half comatose state, but while he was being left alone, he pulled out a communicator. Sobbing into it, and saying words like "tragedy", "Sara" and "dead" loudly enough for people to hear, he did however get his point across to the other person, who was in the same line as he was, and named - as far as people knew - Talsir. There were five of them here, all with their own ships.

Talsir. Tell Rivay to look out for any ships leaving orbit, and signs of Levo militia giving chase. He'll know what to do. -Javaed

The message was encrypted as it entered the communicator (one time cipher pad, pass as long as message), and was entirely impossible to intercept anyway.

Drowning his sorrows, Javaed did however keep a close eye on everyone who entered the bar, and looked suspicious, memorising faces and details down to what they had drunk and how quickly they had drunk it, while not seeming to do so.

He made good friends with the barkeeper, who eventually revealed that his daughter was off to Propus for a job, and that he had a spare room - for a price - if Javaed needed somewhere to sleep. Javaed graciously accepted, and stumbled to the mentioned room with the help of one waitress, younger daughter of the barkeeper.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-12-2002).)

Tempest and the milita ships sat between the cruisers for a near 3 hours of utter silence. Then a communication instantly broke through.

"Attention militia vessels, this is the Levo Prime Minister. I have orders for you, so listen closely. This is what is going to happen. I want you to make it look like the Rebel cruiser fired on some of our ships and we were forced to return fire and aid the Confederate cruiser. Thats the story we are going to be using. We can't let something like this end the conference. The stand-off will be stopped here."

Tempest immediately cut in with disgust, "But Prime Minister we can't just fire apon a rebel ship without provocation! We are in a nuetral situation here! We..."

"Who is questioning my orders?" asked the Prime Minister.
"Fighter 288, sir. Captain Tempest here."
"Well Tempest, you can comply with my orders or we will have to kill you as well. You have no understanding of how big this is do you?"

At that moment Tempest cut communication off, fired at the bridge of the nearest Militia Corvette and then darted towards the planet. The corvette followed leaving one less ship for the Rebel cruiser to take on. The firefight in orbit eventually began.

Tempest took his defender in at a steep re-entry. If he calculated correctly, that corvette wouldn't be able to withstand heat like that. Soon enough the corvette broke off its pursuit but Tempest's ship had become a ball of flames heading fast for the capital. He managed to pull up and make a "bumpy" landing in a backalley. He lived but the ship was totalled.

After pulling himself from the wreck he bagan making his way towards the nearest Militia base of operations.

While walking down one of Levo's streets he passed a Holo-Vid that displayed the local news. Many local citizens were gathered around it, watching intently. The same blonde announcer was on making reports...

"Just a few moments ago we recieved information from the milita that the Rebel cruiser in orbit provoked an attack on Militia vessels and was destroyed by a Confederate/Milita combination assault. Debris are currently falling just North of the capital..."

This government had gone corrupt, Tempest thought to himself. I remember the days when we were about keeping the peace and being nuetral. Disgusted, Tempest ripped off his badge and threw it into the street.

Soon enough he reached the Militia base and found it to be swarming with armed guards. Two began to approach and Tempest quickly dove behing some shrubs.

"Can you believe that Skyblade charicter was a Rebel spy?" said one guard.
"Don't know how we found out, but I hope he rots in prison. Damn Rebels." said the other guard.
"Well they got him locked up in the security detention center just north of here..."

The soldiers kept walking and soon had turned the corner.

Tempest quietly ran to the nearest landing pad where a new corvette was being inspected by a Commander before it was sent to be sparyed with the Militias colors. Tempest quickly walked up behind the commander and patted him on the back. The commander stood up and then looked at him in shock.

"Hey your that Tempest guy! Your under arrest for..." but was cut off as he was hit over the head with tempest blaster pistol.

"Sorry..." whisper Tempest.

In five minutes Tempest was had stolen the new unmarked Corvette and a Commanders uniform and was on his was to the security prison where Skyblade was being held...


Skyblade entered hallway nine and listened to the door shut behind him. Unlike the previous prison sectors, this section was protected by security cameras and a larger patrol of highly-trained troopers. Any mistake now would mean certain trouble.

As he made his way down the passage, Skyblade watched the cell numbers above each door. Every few minutes he passed a guard who gave him a quick salute and paced onward.

29,30,31,32, ah, 33

Skyblade approached the security keypad of cell 33 and drew a slip of paper that contained the unlock code, which he had written down at the computer data sector. He punched in the long phrase of random numbers and letters, and the cell door quickly opened.

"Lieutenant," Skyblade said to a nearby trooper, "Stand by to have the man in this cell transferred."

"Sir, I was ordered that the agent in that cell was not to be moved," the guard said.

"I have been authorized by the prison commander to have Firefox moved to the interrogation room for final questioning."

"Yes sir, Major. But I will have to escort you and the prisoner to the room."

"Very well, Lieutenant. Give me a moment and the prisoner will be set to go."

Skyblade entered the cell and approached the sleeping figure lying in a cot alongside the wall.

"Marcus," Skyblade said in an almost silent whisper, "Wake up."

The figure quickly drew himself up from the bed at the sound of his real name.

"Skyblade?" Firefox said in a surprised whisper, "How'd you get in here? Good Lord buddy, I've missed you. I thought they had probably killed you by now."

"No, but they're planning on it, and soon. We've got to get out of here fast."


"Just follow me as I escort you for your 'final interrogation.' Then we'll take it from there."

"Right on, sir. Ready when you are."

Skyblade exited the cell and called to the guard.

"Lieutenant, we're ready to move."

"Yes sir."

Skyblade, Firefox, and the Levo lieutenant walked back through the hallway and through the security sector. After taking numerous turns and twists through the massive prison, they finally reached the area where the interrogation room was. The guard, however, noticed that the officer in charge of the data banks was gone.

"Where is Davidson? He's not suppost to leave his post until 18:00 hours."

"I don't know, lieutenant," Skyblade replied.

The guard looked around in the room and noticed sticky blood smeared across the floor.

"Major, there's blood here! I must alert the prison!"

Just as the lieutenant began to run for the alert switch located on one of the computer panels, Skyblade jumped across the table and grabbed his arm before he could flip it.

"So you're behind this," the trooper said as he attempted to wrench his arm away from Skyblade.

The trooper, whose 6'5" frame far exceeded Skyblade's size, slammed his elbow against Skyblade's neck and wrestled him to the floor. The guard drew his blaster pistol and began to fire.

Just as Skyblade was certain he was going to be shot, Firefox gripped the guard's neck and slung his feet at his left shin. A cry of pain emerged as the guard fell to the floor, and Firefox began to wrestle the pistol away from the injured trooper.

As the trooper again suceeded in gaining control of his weapon, Skyblade finally unslung his proton rifle and fired off several bursts at the trooper. Three blue beams ripped through the guard's chest, splashing blood across the computer systems behind him. The guard slumped to the floor in silence, and Firefox took his weapons.

As Skyblade got back to his feet, the prison's alarm system went off. the click of military array could be heard throughout the prison as troopers ran to the area where the energy detection system had monitored the weapon fire.

"We're for it now. Let's move!"

Skyblade and Firefox dashed through one of the doorways and closed it behind them, locking it with a security code. The headed for the western section of the prison where the communications tower was located.

As the two agents ran through a dark passage, they could hear a patrol up ahead coming their way. Skyblade and Firefox slipped into an empty cell and watched as the troopers ran by, not noticing the open cell through the darkness.

After the patrol had passed, Firefox located the elevator system which lead to the comm tower. They entered it and were soon taken to the top. As soon as the doors opened, Skyblade tossed a stun grenade into the room and listened. He could hear the guards stumble to the floor in shock as they attempted to find out what was going on.

Firefox and Skyblade emerged from the elevator firing away with their weapons. Only one guard managed to get off a shot, which was completely wild from the effects of the stun grenade. Firefox gunned down most of the guards while Skyblade located the comm panel.

"Here we are... Activate the channel to the prison sectors!"

In somewhat of a hurry as more guards to show up any moment, Firefox found the channel frequency and soon had it open.

"This is the sector commander of hallway 4," Skyblade said, doing his best to add panic to the diversion. "We have located the two agents attempting to escape, but we are held up in a firefight. Requesting all units to sector 4! Need immediate assistance!"

Skyblade stopped and listened. He could hear the troopers throughout the prison turning from their destination and rushing to sector 4.

Firefox flipped off the comm channel and turned to Skyblade.

"We've got the entire prison brigade on its way to the eastern side of the prison now. Let's get the heck out of here!"

The two again ran to the elevator and made their way down to the hallway where they had first come through. The western prison sectors were now silent as all of the guard units had run to give sector 4 the assistance they didn't really need.

Soon Skyblade and Firefox had exited the prison, but were blocked by the massive wall of the outer rim. They could see Levo air units beginning to circle the airspace to provide chase for any fugitives...

Not having any way to get through the wall and no ship to make a run attempt, the two agents took up hiding behind a thick support pillar and quickly planned their next move.

Joseph Payne - (url="http://"mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net ")mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net (/url) joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net

Tempest approached the Prison with lightning speed to find the facility in dissarray. The gates had been sealed and guards were scattered about armed to the teeth. Patrol craft were hovering above the outer wall with search lights. Obviously Skyblade had escaped with his partner.

Now was time get him out of there...

He moved closer and 2 militia vessels immediatley moved to block his path. They opened a comm channel and went on the Tempest's main view screen.

"Unidentified vessel, this is resricted air space, I'm afraid...oh! Commander, I'm sorry sir. Didn't know we were getting backup here. We've got a situation..."

"I know," replied Tempest, "Continue with your efforts, I'll search this area here, check the east wall."

The patrol vessels broke off and moved towards the east and restarted their patrol pattern.

Tempest then lowered his Corvette right inside the outer wall and set down. He opened the automated door and started up a beacon on a standard Rebel frequency. Tempest only had to sit and wait now...


Bari smiled. The modifications on his ship were completed, although what he saw before him was not nearly as impressive as the cost had been. A mere 20,000 credits remained in his fund, and he used a majority of those on stocking his ship with 150 Javelin rockets and some backup fuel cells. He was ready to roll.

3 days later, Zebetrious System

"Commander!" cried the first mate of the argosy Voyager "there's a scoutship fast approaching!"
"Hail them, find out what they want"
However, they got their response evfen before they sent out the question. A barage of laser and javelin fire raked the lone cargo vessel.
"Send out a distress signal! We're being attacked by pirates!" The captain screamed
"There's no one in the region sir! We're all alone!"
A few seconds later, the ship went dark, never to be lit up again

5 days later, Vulcan system aboard the Confederate Frigate C.S.S Abraham
"Sir! We are picking up what looks like the remains of a pair of argosy freighters"
"What is the cause of their failure?"
"We are detecting laser burns and projectile impacts sir"
"Log the serial numbers as destroyed, and send in a few patrol ships to sweep the area, it looks like usual pirate activity to me"

Meanwhile, on Spica
Bari had in pilferred about 15 or 16 Argosies, but before he could finish destroying the 2 in the Vulcan System, a Confed Gunboat entered the area. Knowing what it would mean if he were caught so near to a disabled ship, he had fled.
More upgrades were being added on to his already formidable scoutship. He was awaiting the final installation of his 4 Shield capacitors and shield booster, as well as a layer of armaplast armor. He took a few too many risks, and had at one point been damaged down to 60% armor. But these will be enough to make this ship surable enough to get away in those brushes with the Confeds he thought.

As soon as the upgrades were installed, he flew back to Levo Spaceport and posted his ad on the channels secret to those who didn't want there messages reported to the government.
Mercenary For Hire
Willing to take on smuggling, bounty hunting(in our out of ship), or other odd jobs. Must be willing to pay.

Calvin: I'm a man of few words
Hobbes: Maybe if you read more you'd have a bigger vocabulary...

The computer system began to beep an alarm aboard the lead patrol craft. The operator quickly reported the situation to the commander:

"Sir! Sensors indicate that the corvette that entered the perimeter moments ago is releasing a homing becon on comm channel 2164, frequency 32."

"2164? That's the Rebellion's distress channel," the commander said somewhat alarmed. "Have all units in sector 22 head for that corvette - apparently our former commander is playing games with us."

= = = = = = =

Skyblade removed the transmitter from his boot when he felt it vibrate, and quickly looked at the small message screen.

"We've got a homing device on 2164 - you know what that means," Skyblade said with a little excitement in his voice. "Let's move!"

Skyblade and Firefox dashed from the cover of the pillar and began a swift run towards the direction of the homing beacon. Patrol craft immediately spotted them and began a chase.

"You are under violation of code # 317! Surrender or we will fire! I repeat, surrender or we will open fire!"

As the echoes of loudspeakers continued to sound, the RIB agents ran all the harder. The hover crafts began to fire random shots in their path, but they weren't slowing down.

Soon Firefox had located the position of the homing beacon - a corvette was landed approximately 150 yards away with its door open. They were obviously being rescued and expected.

Skyblade and Firefox again started their run for the corvette, and hundreds of Levo troopers thirty meters behind gave chase. As laser beams continued to zip by, a small squad of soldiers surrounded the corvette in an attempt to break off the escape. Skyblade let loose hundreds of automatic bursts from his proton rifle, and Firefox covered Skyblade's back, cutting down as many pursuers as possible. No sooner had Skyblade mowed down around twenty troopers when crew members from the corvette emerged and began to cover the withdraw. A brief firefight began, which resulted in several additional Levo casualties. As soon as the agents and crew members had climbed aboard, the corvette lifted off the ground and began a high speed ascent from the surface of the planet. Patrol vessels attempted to pursue, but the high speed of the corvette could not be dealt with...

After meeting the rescuer and giving him their thanks, Skyblade quickly headed for a private room as the ship continued to head through the atmosphere. He opened a secure comm channel - one he knew had not been cracked - and inserted an encrypted chip with vital information regarding the events on Levo. He sent the message off seconds later and shut the channel down, more than happy to know that the information that had nearly cost him his life was in Rebel hands.

Firefox approached Tempest on the bridge deck.

"As you probably know captain, Skyblade and I are members of the Rebellion war effort. We must get out of this system as soon as possible and make way for Pashlife. If you can get us there, I can promise the pay will be more than worth it."

Joseph Payne - (url="http://"mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net ")mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net (/url) joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net

Tempest pulled the corvette into orbit. He then set course for Palshife and entered hyperspace. The ship was set on autopilot and would continue this course until he reached the desired system.

He stood up from the helm and turned to face Firefox.

"Yeah, I can get you guys to Palshife. After what I did I can't go back there by myself anyways. I might need some upgrades once we get there. This is worse than I thought. Every Levo official is in on it. Check out the news..."

Tempest puts on the INN on the Holo-Vid. The same boring blonde announcer appears,

"Breaking news today as a Rebel Cruiser opens fire on militia vessels above the peace conference at Levo. The Rebel cruiser was destroyed in a fight that could be seen from the surface and the conference went into chaos...More at 1100 hours. But now we go live to the Senate building where the Prime Minister addresses the citizens of Levo and members of the conference..."

Prime Minister- "As all of you know, this afternoon, a rebel warship disrupted the peace talks by attacking Levo Militia vessels in orbit right above the capital. This attack shall not go unnoticed. A good pilot was lost in that attack, Captain Tempest. Why should a pilot of ours die during peace talks? Perhaps the time has come to seek protection from the Confederation against these renegade Rebels!"

"See they are using the media against us. The Rebels didn't start that fight. They think I'm dead and they got away with it. We are just a couple wrenches in the gears. The only problem is, we can't just fly back with a fleet of ships. It could make the media guess we were starting an attack. This has to be subtle." said Tempest.
