Boozerama Bar V

Ha! My new body is metallic! All of my insides are made of alien armor! In other words, your pretzels did nothing to me! Muuuuaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Shade groans and takes Insano and puts him in the toilet,before turning the vater temperature up to "Vapourise"and the water pressure up to "maximum".
Insano is instantly crumpled into a small,burning ball of steel.In a toilet.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

Ah yes, the most humiliating form of death, that instituted by toilet.

Zen quietly gets up from his perching position after viewing the causeless death of Insano, and walks over to flush the pepsi-toilet. After realizing that whoever created it hadn't had flushing in mind, he moves off to find someone he can engage in some sort of stirring debate regarding the function of the word "bungle"

Apply When Wet

What are you talking about,ZenMastaT?
I made that toilet.
I just wanted Insano to dissolve a little before I flushed him.
Shade flushes Insano into the sewers.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

Must have been thinking of that toilet from the last bar somebody made out of a Pepsi container... Ah well, I've got to do something to get these toilets off my mind.

I wonder if it is improper etiquette to post just so I can have 100 posts? Hmmm, and that would make about 45 posts all in one day too, sheesh. (Though I understand that is nowehere near Skyblades record)

Apply When Wet

Shade brings out a huge MindWiperDisruptoBeam(man,I wish I could do that TM thing)and wipes ZenMastaT's mind clean,not only of toilet-related stuff,but also of everything else.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

Er... Eh? Zen has luckily foreseen such an occurence and kept a spare personality in his back pocket that activates for such common occurences. and you sure that ™ thing don't work? No Option Key combined with the numeral "2" for you?

Apply When Wet

Yes,I'm sure.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21


Originally posted by Insano:
Wow, lots of posts! Do you realize how long i would have to read if i left for a weekend?


Do you realize how much posts there are for posting once everyday!?


Originally posted by that evil moose:
Who likes Rawzer?
I like Rawzer!
Wait! No I don't!

Well what's wrong with Rawzer. I think he's really nice!

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
rookie's smiles:(url="http://"")Cool Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Cooler Smiles(/url)
AIM: Ferazel17

Insano manages to uncrumple himself in the sewer. He then walks back in the bar where everyone dies of the stench. He then proceeds to blow it up.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Luke shoots Insano in the head several times and rebuilds the bar.


Ą™Ł˘*§ś•Şş–*œ*´ŽÝĽ¨ˆř*“‘Ťĺß*ƒŠˇ*°Ź ć*=ç**˜ľ**÷ Option+1 234567890-=qwertyuiop()asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./


Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Board(/url)

Corey installs a No-Go BarField™ system in the bar. The bar is now invincible. Corey types Alt-0153 on his PC. It makes a "™". Corey types Option-2 on his Mac. It makes a "™". Corey apologizes to Lyra the Chessmaster and gives her a complimentary spoon. "Your hair is such a lovely shade of blue!" says the spoon.

Coreył (Cubed)


Originally posted by coreycubed:
**Corey installs a No-Go BarField™ system in the bar. The bar is now invincible. Corey types Alt-0153 on his PC. It makes a "™". Corey types Option-2 on his Mac. It makes a "™". Corey apologizes to Lyra the Chessmaster and gives her a complimentary spoon. "Your hair is such a lovely shade of blue!" says the spoon.

Luke blows up this bar and builds a new one in under 3 seconds.
"Soory, corey, it's impossible to make these bars invincible. The good news is that they can be rebuilt instantly."

P.S: You have to type five digits to get a ™ on a P(iece of)C(rap)? when you can get the same effect with two keys on a Mac? Geez... 0

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Board(/url)

Luke, what did you shoot me with? I can't die from everything, you know.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Lyra doesn't mind, seing as how it was all in good fun. Arookee, however, is another matter. He takes the complimentary spoon, shoves it up corey's nose, causing a biological reaction and detonating the bar (your force-field could do nothing against a chemical reaction) and Insano with it. Miracously, the duck stadium is left perfectly intact while the sourounding area is a mass of rubble and concrete.

Corey quickly grabs the remote that controls the No-Go BarField™ and dials it down to protect him from his explosion. Excepting his hat, he is instantly pummeled into a nasty pulp. He floats within the zero-G contained inside the forcefield, goes into his hat, turns the dial of the Restor-A-Duck 9000™ to "Corey" and rematerializes himself. "That was a nasty thing to do, Arookee!" he says. "But seeing as I like you so much, even if you are permanently commited to Lyra, I can still feed you snacks, can't I?" Lyra hangs a sign outside the bar that says, "Please do not feed the Daemons, since they do not need to eat." "Oh well," says Corey, "Screw that idea. I'll just feed Chirpo instead. HE doesn't seem to have any attachments anymore." Corey tosses a package behind him that says, "To Lyra the 'Chessmaster' and Arookee. To be opened yesterday."

Coreył (Cubed)


Originally posted by Insano:
**Luke, what did you shoot me with? I can't die from everything, you know.

A previously unknown alien laser more powerful than a Heavy Fusion Beam.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Board(/url)

RC's Buttkicker7000™ ( :p™™™™™™™™™™ :p) just come in the mail for him. So he decides to turn it on. Targeting every one in the bar but RC the machiene unleashes it's powerfull wrath upon them. 😄

If anyone needs help creating a web site or needs help with html please E-mail me at

Luke kicks the Buttkicker. It malfunctions and target RC.
"Take that!"

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Board(/url)

Lyra immediatly takes down the old sign, and replaces it with:

---------------------------Feed the Daemon! Only 500 Credits!------------------------------

However, Arrokee, seeing finacial gain in his future, adds:

--------------------------Feed the Daemon!Only 500,000,000 credits!------------------------

A soon as this is put up, a large crowd comes, giving Lyra money and Arookee Cheez-its™. After the crowd disperses, lyra gives some money for a new bar, complete with:

Swimming pool
Work-out room
Duck Racing, Football, Basketball, (and other assorted sports) arenas
Ski Resort
Shooting Range
Acid pit (for executions)
Computer/Simulator room
Mission computer
Chess Hall
Full spa services
Schoolhouse (for future 'tenders)
Godiva stall
Outfitting station
And of course... a fully-functioning bar!

After all this, they split the barely-lessened winnigs in two. Lyra buys herself Panserbjorne-Armor (read the books to find out more) so she can never be hurt, and Arookee imediatly shapeshifts to a monkey (from a hawk), and then proceeds to hang Insano at the gallows, burn the gallows, all while shooting at him with a rapid-fire uzi. Then, he takes Insano's mangled ashes and places them in a solid-tritanium, 5 foot thick casing and throws it into the Acid pit (see above list) so he will be slowly inceneraated yet AGAIN (Arookee seems to be fond of incenerating Insano). Afterwards, he shapeshifts to a cat, and goes and falls asleep with Lyra sleeping next to him (it seems he also is fond of sleeping after incenerating Insano).