Boozerama Bar V

(quote)Originally posted by Macavenger:
**I'd just like to point out here that there is a large difference in speed between a stun blast and thrown spoons.;) ).

Corey forgets about the duel and walks back into the bar. He feeds Arookee and Chirpo (who have become fast friends) some Cheez-Its™, and gives Lyra a Cream Soda.

Coreył (Cubed)
I may be dumb, but I ain't stupid!

Captain Skyblade decides to blow up the bar since everyone is now fighting. 😉 He then builds a brand-new one twice as large as the original, which holds four million-gallon Dr. Pepper tanks below the floor, along with smaller tanks carrying other soft drinks. This new bar also has two brand new chess tables.

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

Zen, unsure about his current position due to being exploded along with the rest of the bar, inquires of Skyblade whether or not a spoon fighting arena would be appropriate. And no running away from the arena! "Ah yes, Corey, we never got to have our duck race, something I have been looking forward to for many a year." Zen states as he winds up a rather odd mechanical object that will serve as an incentive for the ducks to race.

Apply When Wet

Skyblade hammers the new rules of the new bar to the wall:

-Spoon fighting is allowed. Just make sure you limit them to ten minutes each...
-Chess is definately allowed. Losers will get spooned, however...
-Dr. Pepper is now available in larger quantities than before. 12 oz. cans are now down to 1/10 of a credit.
-Confeds ain't allowed. Not only will you get spooned, but tritanium-knived as well.

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

Corey grabs his Restor-a-Duck 9000™ and shoots a duck feather that was casually hiding out in his hat the whole time. The feather gets tranformed into the duck it once was. Corey walks over to the spoon-fighting arena and makes a few modifications, so it's suitable for duck racing.

"Zen, get over here and start racing!!"

Coreył (Cubed)

Skyblade runs back over to the rules list with a pen.

-Duck racing is allowed. Losers will be spooned.

Grabs another Dr. Pepper

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

"Verrrry Well" Zen then pulls from a totally random area a small duck that is plastered in stickers from major corporations... Apple, Coca-Cola, Dr.Pepper, and other subsidiaries there of. "Now, the rules for such a race, the first duck to make it around the arena and into the volcano first is of course the winner." After a short pause, he adds "You did bring a volcano didn't you?"

On a further note, I have noticed Skyblade seems to constantly be grabbing Dr.Peppers, refilling his back pack, and generally acquiring the heavenly drink whenever he can, yet he never seems to actually drink it... Are you trying to hoard the entire Dr. Pepper contents of the galaxy in some kind of sinister plot?

Apply When Wet

How do any of us keep in shape, what with drinking all these Dr. Peppers and stuff? We need a workout room!(j/k) No really, all we need is a BodyWerker+™ in the corner. Just step inside, and you are granted a bodybuilder's physique in seconds.

Corey orders a BodyWerker Plus™ from the "Bartender's Supplies" catalog. S/H will be 5,000 cr. No CODs. All major bank firms accepted. A package comes shooting through the door. "Hey look!" says Corey. "It's labeled, 'To be opened yesterday'!" "No it isn't," says Skyblade, "we already had this discussion, remember?" "Oh yeah..." So Corey sets it up and charges 100,000 cr. per use. He adds another sign to his collection outside - "Be The Envy Of All Your Friends(assuming you have any)! BodyWerker+™ only 100,000 cr.! Instant Muscles! Your Life Will Never Be The Same Again!"

Corey checks his digital watch.

(edit - Zen posted while I was composing...)

"Of course I did!" Corey says. He turns the dial on his Restor-A-Duck 9000™ to "volcano". He fires it somewhere in the general vicinity of the spoon arena, and a volcano sprouts from the spot the bolt hit.

"Now, go!"

Coreył (Cubed)

(This message has been edited by coreycubed (edited 08-25-2001).)

"Oh, good idea!"

Skyblade contructs a workout room for exercise. Dr. Pepper has long-term effects (as does every soft drink), and it has to be burned off every now-and-then.

Skyblade orders another Dr. Pepper, and drinks it instead of putting it in a galactic storage tank like some people think 😉

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

Zen carefully sets his duck upon the area he vaguely refers to as the starting line, then sets down his metallic wind-up creation. Upon activation this creation seems to infuriate the ducks, as well as any duck-like members in the vicinity. He then pulls one of those neat little thin handled metal spoons from his shoe and twangs it in the air. "This will be our starting device!" He shouts unnecessarily. He then proceeds to wait for corey to set down his magically created feather-duck.

In the meanwhile, he glances about the room and notices the lack of chess playing. "Surely this cannot be!" He shouts again, while hurling small peanut like beans designed to attract chess players at the general direction of the tables.

Apply When Wet

Hey, I'm still waiting for my opponent to move. Hunter is apparently on some sort of vacation or something. If you want to do something about the lack of chess playing, I'm always happy to play multiple games at once.

Skyblade and I were also going to play a game once, but despite talking smack to me in the bar and via e-mail, he seems to be avoiding me. Whenever you want to start a game, Skyblade, I'm ready...

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Macavenger:

Skyblade and I were also going to play a game once, but despite talking smack to me in the bar and via e-mail, he seems to be avoiding me. Whenever you want to start a game, Skyblade, I'm ready...


Nah, I'm not trying to avoid you. In fact, I'd love to play a game of chess, but I have no idea how to play the game and remember where all your pieces are.

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Nah, I'm not trying to avoid you. In fact, I'd love to play a game of chess, but I have no idea how to play the game and remember where all your pieces are.

Have you looked at (url="http://"")this topic(/url)? We could arrange a time to be on there, and my handle there is the same as here.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Originally posted by Skyblade:


Skyblade contructs a workout room for exercise. Dr. Pepper has long-term effects (as does every soft drink), and it has to be burned off every now-and-then.

Shade notices that Skyblade has forgotten one major medium-term effect of major Dr.Pepper consumption,and deactivates his ShadeŽCloak(hw do you do that TM thing?)
Suddenly his skin appears to ripple,and where the alien Emperor was once standing there is now a tall man in a dressing-gown with a horde of Von Neumann machines clustered around his feet(this is actually what I look like,minus the Von Neumann machines).
He orders a few Von Neumann machines to construct a toilet cubicle for Skyblade.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

You mean this™? 😛


- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


That reminds me of a good question(off-topic, perhaps)...if a stun bolt was shot at a Jedi (like the one the troopers shot at Leia in Episode IV), would the Jedi's lightsaber be able to block it effectively?

It would be very difficult. You'd have to be Luke in order to do that. Mac, you aren't a Luke. My spoons are launched at incredible speeds. At least as fast as a stun bolt.

Insano gets a new body. Just when he thought he was doing well. He then re-constructs Skyblade's Dr. Pepper pool. Skyblade, did you see this before? Olympic size pool filled with DP.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.


Originally posted by Insano:
**It would be very difficult. You'd have to be Luke in order to do that. Mac, you aren't a Luke. My spoons are launched at incredible speeds. At least as fast as a stun bolt.

I don't buy that. It's scientifically impossible to eject something at FTL speeds. You can't throw spoons as fast or faster than a stun bolt.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Seeing the nature of the current argument, Zen pulls a large trout labeled with the word "Absurd" on the side and begins chasing people around with it. People being mainly Insano

Apply When Wet

Luke wakes up. He looks around and sees a scorched are of dirt. He staggers over to the new bar and apologizes to OV. "I knew I was missing someone..." Luke proceeds to sit down next to the duck-racing arena. "I'll bet 50 credits I'm not going to win," Luke says, as he has not entered a duck. 🙂

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Board(/url)

Due to the fact that the current Duck Race is not nearly as exiting as he had hoped, he offers to lend anyone interested a spare Duck for the price of a mere 3cr and access to Cpt. Skyblades Central Dr. Pepperatorium where untold riches may be had.

He glances at Luke imploringly whilst offering an extremely average looking duck that appears not at all interested in racing.

Apply When Wet