Boozerama Bar V

Corey- 2.- xd5.

Ye' wanna play queens pawn, ey?


Originally posted by Lyra, AKA CyberDragon:
Hey, Maaaaaaaaaac! I got Chessworks working! Ready to go run in fear? I'm logged in now, and I'll try to be all day (as "Lyra Silvertounge"). I'm open for a game, unless you're to chicken...

Yoohoo! Oh, Lyra! I'm still there, whyfore didst thou leave when I arrived? Too chicken? Come on!

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

No-ith, my-ith computer-ith crased-ith. I will play you now!

So much chess! It fills the very air with its noxious odors. How can anyone see in here with all the moves being planned out!? Ah well, if anyone would like to organize some sort of betting ring around these games, I'll slap down my second place duck on a Macavenger win over Lyra.

How many feet were in that duck race again? maybe we should do more then one roll a post... we have to have some sort of circuit of these! And whose going to feel like a race if it takes a month to complete?

Apply When Wet

Hey! MAc left Chessworks! Oh Zeeeeeen... I think you owe me a duck here...


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**So much chess! It fills the very air with its noxious odors. How can anyone see in here with all the moves being planned out!? Ah well, if anyone would like to organize some sort of betting ring around these games, I'll slap down my second place duck on a Macavenger win over Lyra.

How many feet were in that duck race again? maybe we should do more then one roll a post... we have to have some sort of circuit of these! And whose going to feel like a race if it takes a month to complete?

Hmm, no takers on your bet, I'd imagine, since I already won. Hang on a sec, let me work out the moves again.

Macavenger (White) - Lyra

1.e4 e5
2.Nf3 Nc6
3.Bc4 Nf6
4.Ng5 d5
5.exd5 Nxd5?!
6.Nxf7! Qe7?
7.Nxh8 Na5?
8.Bxd5 Qd6
9.Nc3 Be6
10.Qh5+ g6
11.Nxg6! O-O-O
12.Bxe6+ Qxe6
13.Qxh7 Rd7
14.Qh5 Rg7?
15.Nxf8 Qg8??

The duck race is 50 feet, and I agree, we should have a couple rolls a post. Insano, remember, next post, Arooke gets two rolls instead of one, because of the peanuts, and then do an extra roll for everyone or something.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Lyra, AKA CyberDragon:
Hey! MAc left Chessworks! Oh Zeeeeeen... I think you owe me a duck here...

I left after you left, at the start of game two, you know. You left first, and we'd already played one, so...

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Lyra,if that is your real name, how did you get Chessworks working? An old man from Peru how stupid do you think we are?

RC wakes up and from way down below shoots Insano out of the sky with a Stinger missle launcher.

"You know what I say, trying is the first step to failure" Homer Simpson

If anyone needs help creating a web site with HTML or needs help with HTML please E-mail me at

I told mac that if he didn't anounce that he DID NOT resgin within the next 24 hours, then he resigned. So, better say goodbye to your duck!


Originally posted by Lyra, AKA CyberDragon:
I told mac that if he didn't anounce that he DID NOT resgin within the next 24 hours, then he resigned. So, better say goodbye to your duck!

OK, next time, try posting something we can reead and understand. Second, I reccommend picking your arguements a bit more carefully. In a case like this, I'm probably not the best one to argue with, because:

  • I'm known as probably being one of the top 3 hardest members on the board to argue with,

  • I've been able to reproduce the correct moves of the game,

  • I'm a regular on this board, well known to the people here, with over 1700 posts, where as you're unregistered,

  • I'm noted as the ASW chess champion by the guy who runs the server we just played on,

  • I hold chess as being something of a special sport, and highly despise lying about it. Chess is one of the most fair sports in existence, and I hate to see it soiled in any way. So back off before I call Caissa's wrath down on you. 😉

Zen, keep the duck...

/me wishes shayborg had been available to witness

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

RC, how can you shoot me if you don't know what ship I'm in?

Would you guys like the races to be shortened to 30 feet?

Roll A

Froederick: 20
Zen Masta Duck: 22
Arooke: 11

Roll B

Froederick: 21
Zen Masta Duck: 24
Arooke: 14 Interesting, Zen Masta Duck takes the lead and Arooke is catching up

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

I knew those pep talks were good for something! And if you wouldn't mind putting an (option 2) ™ after the Zen Masta Duck. And of course, since no one bet me, I shall not be giving up my duck, and shall instead substitute my usual Mink Farm(Artificial) as a wager on Mac, though currently I have placed no bets. Do tell me when the next game rolls around so I can try and get people to wager.

And Insano, I think everyone has a special sensor just for you, so that they might kill you more efficiently. Wouldn't want any innocent bystanders getting hurt now would we 😉

Apply When Wet

(This message has been edited by ZenMastaT (edited 08-29-2001).)

Uh, Mac? remember our little 'talking smack' rule? ITS A FRIENDLY GESTURE, FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD!

So don't use the elaborate list funtion to kick dirt in my face, cuz I love chess to, but I love God more, and =, sorry to break the bad news to you, but he just "accidentaly" squashed cassia under his shoe.


Originally posted by Lyra, AKA CyberDragon:
**Uh, Mac? remember our little 'talking smack' rule? ITS A FRIENDLY GESTURE, FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD!

So don't use the elaborate list funtion to kick dirt in my face, cuz I love chess to, but I love God more, and =, sorry to break the bad news to you, but he just "accidentaly" squashed cassia under his shoe.**

Well, your last post looked more like a denial that I'd won, not smack talking. I think I understand better after seeing you on Chessworks again, but at the time, i thought you were claiming you'd won the game.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

NO. I wasn't implying that I'd own the FIRST game. Although, there wasn't a witness, so... but I ain't cheap. I'm not gonna say "PROVE IT!" in your face (Wait, I'm not?).

Lyra, feeling at a particular murderous state, walks up to Insano's commander-in-chief of his fleet. Some whispers and a lot of bantering and even more credits pass between them, and then she finnaly walks away. When Insano wakes up the next day, he is surprised to find a rather large kitchen knife sticking out of his back.

Mac that's a pretty nifty move you pulled on me. You should know I'll be whanting a remach. For some reason I can't connect to Chess works.

Insano, the Stinger missle launcher has a cryogenically cooled infrared seeker wich could distinguish between your body heat and the heat form the masses of ships that were in that vesitity. 🙂

"You know what I say, trying is the first step to failure" Homer Simpson

If anyone needs help creating a web site with HTML or needs help with HTML please E-mail me at

/me closes BB5 due to size, and points to the new (url="http://"")Boozerama Bar VI(/url)

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Hey RC! Ye wanna play chess sometime? Post below when's a good time to you. Now would be best for me!

Seeing as how the other bar blew up, Lyra comes back to this one and announces to the mad rush of people trying to leave- NO ONE GO TO THE OTHER BAR, BECAUSE IT IS NON-EXISTANT! THAT'S RIGHT, IT GOT BLOWN UP! After this, everyone sits down and resumes their chess games, spoon-throwing contests, and duckraces. Lyra goes back to sleep.

Lyra goes up to insano and yells, "HEY! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GIVE ME A DOUBLE MOVE!!!".