Boozerama Bar V


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**He glances at Luke imploringly whilst offering an extremely average looking duck that appears not at all interested in racing.

Luke buys the duck off Zen and names him Froedrick.

"Hey, thanks! Did I ever tell you about how I was a Buddhist in BB2..?"

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Board(/url)

Lyra, who has been standing outside of the bar for a couple of hours (with hand outstretched) gets angry. Being a passionate young person, she stomps up to Mac and demands that she tell him where to get "chessworks" or whatever so she can kick his butt! Just as Mac is deciding, however, a large clutter is arising from a corner. Evreyone turns to look. What appears to have happened was that Arookee and Chirpo BOTH wanted the last Cheez-it™, and Chirpo grabbed it and stuffed it in his mouth. Arookee, see it would be pointless to try and retrieve it, does the opposite. He stuffs it down his throat! Evreyone is horrified, and Lyra comes over and pulls Arookee away, but alas... It is too late... Chirpo is dead! (For now, anyway). Arookee, looking quite pleased with himself, grabs a new Cheez-it™ box (previously unnoticed), and proceeds to stuff More cheez-its™ down Chirpos throat. After no more will fit, he eats the rest, changes to a racoon, cuddles up in Lyra's arms, and promptly falls asleep.

PS- Notice, coreycubed, I didn't want Chirpo and Arookee becoming friends THAT fast.

Luke stares at the Daemon with an open mouth. Of course, Luke's mouth is only open because he is about to sneeze. "Ah...CHOO! Oh, excuse me..." Luke orders a Sprite.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Board(/url)

Lyra, the third post of my aforementioned topic contains a link to the Chessworks site. Dig a little deeper. 😛 I link there instead of directly to the Chessworks site because it also contains some decent instructions on how to get started.

And also, before you go on about kicking my butt at chess, remember that I'm currently considered unofficial champion of the ASW boards...

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Zen glares irrately at Luke whilst awaiting the majority of his payment, the key to Skyblades secret stash. He tires of his common glaring routine and instead decides to saunter up to Arookee and casually offer the little Daemon a hand grenade. Without waiting to see what happened, he quickly saunters away again and begins giving his Racing Duck™ a pep talk.

Ps: Thanks for the ™ info Mac!

Apply When Wet

Arokee awakes, stares at the hand grenade and has an idea. He takes the hand grenade, fires it at the mangled body of Chirpo, and goes back to sleep. He then has another idea. He whispers something in Lyra's ear. Lyra walks over to Mac, and states; "I'll have you know that 1- In my chess club, I'm champion, and 2.- I know your REAL name. (I looked at the "just games" post) If I beat you, I'll tell evreyone. so, HA-HA! (Get ready to play, Mr. Avenger...)


Originally posted by Lyra:
2.- I know your REAL name. (I looked at the "just games" post) If I beat you, I'll tell evreyone. so, HA-HA! (Get ready to play, Mr. Avenger...)

Gee, thanks for telling us all where to find it... :rolleyes:

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Board(/url)

After much deliberation, Corey finally plonks down his duck on the "starting line". "OK, get moving you useless lump of shark bait!!" But the bird just sits around uselessly. Corey yells, "I'm going to kill you if you don't move in 5..4..3..2.." but just as he is about to say one the duck starts hurtling towards the volcano at F.T.I.S. speeds (Faster Than Insano's Spoons). It wins the race, but not before frying itself into a pitiful heap of feathers. "Oh well," says Corey, and reanimates it using his Restor-A-Duck 9000™ that he grabbed off page 1. "I'm up for another race anytime." he says, and throw a complimentary spoon at Zen. "My, you smell lovely today, Zen!" the complimentary spoon says. Zen just stares at the spoon oddly. Meanwhile, Corey opens a fresh box of Cheez-Its™ and hurls a few in the direction of Arookee. Arookee snaps them up and swears allegiance to Corey if he can supply Cheez-Its™ for the rest of his life. Corey agrees. This ticks Lyra off.

Coreył (Cubed)


Originally posted by Lyra:
"I'll have you know that 1- In my chess club, I'm champion, and 2.- I know your REAL name. (I looked at the "just games" post) If I beat you, I'll tell evreyone. so, HA-HA! (Get ready to play, Mr. Avenger...)

1 - And what is your chess club? A group of third graders? 😛

Also, how do I know you're telling the truth about being club champ? Prove it. For me, you can ask shayborg or Akula (OctoberFost of these boards). Akula was generally considered the best player around here - at least until I beat him twice in two games a couple of days ago, and I had black both times.

2 - So? Who's everyone? You don't know where i live, t=other than the state, unless you happen to be someone I know hiding behind a screen name. And if you are someone I know, it's highly doubtful that you can beat me with any kind of consistency.

BTW, if you're a USCF member, you might be able to add some credibility by telling me your rating and giving me sufficient info to check that.

Oh, and to finish, I'm not attacking you here, this is called "You talk smack, I talk smack back." 😛 😛

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

After his untimely defeat, Zen sets the talking spoon off to play with his loser duck. He then mopes to the untimely rythm of the twanging start spoon to the most obvious wall in the room (no, not that one) and places an ad. "Willing to buy ship, as long as the cost is nothing, and/or the key to Skyblades Secret Stash which Luke so unknowingly gave me"

He then mopes back to a more appropriate place in hopes of avoiding any possible spooning for his recent loss, and stares enviably at all the small animals/toasters about the bar who are partaking in their mindless tasks.

Apply When Wet

/me spoons ZenMastaT for losing 😛

P.S. When did you lose? I didn't see that...

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Corey out duck raced me in a post right before yours, he might have posted it whilst you were making yours... After taking his spooning like a yellow bellied coward, Zen goes back up to his ad to see if their had been any replies. Noticing none, he carefully stencils in the word "please" wherever it might logically fit.

He then goes back to the bar and begins to look for small animals with which to amuse himself and cautiously sings "Monty Python™" songs to attract them.

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**1 - And what is your chess club? A group of third graders?:p

Also, how do I know you're telling the truth about being club champ? Prove it. For me, you can ask shayborg or Akula (OctoberFost of these boards). Akula was generally considered the best player around here - at least until I beat him twice in two games a couple of days ago, and I had black both times.

2 - So? Who's everyone? You don't know where i live, t=other than the state, unless you happen to be someone I know hiding behind a screen name. And if you are someone I know, it's highly doubtful that you can beat me with any kind of consistency.

BTW, if you're a USCF member, you might be able to add some credibility by telling me your rating and giving me sufficient info to check that.

Oh, and to finish, I'm not attacking you here, this is called "You talk smack, I talk smack back." 😛 😛

Well... 1- My club is the club at work, so I can't give you proof there, and 2-, No, I'm not a member, but my rating on chessmaster was somwhere around 1000. once I download the player I'll challenge you to a match, OK?


Originally posted by coreycubed:
**Corey opens a fresh box of Cheez-Its™ and hurls a few in the direction of Arookee. Arookee snaps them up and swears allegiance to Corey if he can supply Cheez-Its™ for the rest of his life. Corey agrees. This ticks Lyra off.

Actually, this doesn't tick Lyra off, seeing as how daemons are born with you and can not go any farther than 5 yards from you, and seeing as how Arookee wanted to trick you so he could beat the crap out of you later, and seeing as how Daemons don't neeed to eat. Oh, and here's a hint: Daemons feel any pain you do, and vica-verca.

By the by, I put the "chessmaster" thing in just to tick Mac off.

Yum! Cheeze-it!

Who likes Rawzer?
I like Rawzer!
Wait no I don't!

Oringinally posted by ZenMastaT:


He then mopes back to a more appropriate place in hopes of avoiding any possible spooning for his recent loss, and stares enviably at all the small animals/toasters about the bar who are partaking in their mindless tasks.

What toasters,ZenMastaT?
Mind you,Von Neumann machines look a little like toasters

Shade orders a keg of Speight's Old Dark.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

Wow, lots of posts! Do you realize how long i would have to read if i left for a weekend?

Mac, about the spoons, a lot of impossible things happen in here.

About Chirpo: What you forget is, Chirpo is immortal! At least we think he is. Dang cricket just keeps coming back.

Insano then brings a duck in. The duck bites him, hard, and insano accidentaly throws the duck across the bar. It flies, doesn't hit the wall, and hits Insano unconcious.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Zen glances around taking in the numerous people and objects around him "Those are the exact toasters I was refering to" Zen quipps as he points out a Von Neuman machine. Then noticing Insano yet again unconscience, he points and yells "Quick, someone kill him for a random arbitrary reason!" Before asking Lyra if her Daemon knows how to operate a jackhammer

Apply When Wet

Shade decides to oblige ZenMastaT by killing Insano.
"Nothing personal"he tells Insano,before dropping razor-edged tritanium throwing pretzels down his throat.
The WarPretzels(Are you sure about that TM thing,I gett €)rip him apart from the inside out,before landing with a small ringing noise on the bloodstained floor.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21