The Blue Mushroom Pub


Originally posted by LifeKnight:
**LifeKnight... annouces that a "big surprise" will walk into the pub soon after the spoon duel and there will be interesting series of events over the course of the next few days.

A man jumps through the window with the speed of a sprinter from the Olympics. He overturns tables and knocks people into the scalding hot tub. Finally, when he reaches the center of the bar, he yells, "iTunes for Windows, iTunes 4.1 for Mac, Quicktime 6.4, AOL and Pepsi make deals with Apple, a new iPod commercial, iPod accessories, gift certificates for the iTunes music store, a Bluetooth firmware update, an iPod software update, and books in the iTunes music store! It all came out today!". The man then sprints out of the bar through the window, and runs in the direction of Gwyden Camp, clearly to tell them the news as well.

Thunderforge says, "Well, looks like you were right all along, LifeKnight. Now, could you look into the future and tell me when Coldstone and PoG will get much needed bug fix updates?"

Clones are people two.
If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!

(This message has been edited by Thunderforge (edited 10-16-2003).)

(This message has been edited by Thunderforge (edited 10-16-2003).)

Rawzer smacks LifeKnight upside the head with his Spoon of Awesome, and declares, "I accept."

(By the way, T-Forge, why did you specify "at the daily rate" when it's free?)



Originally posted by Rawzer:
**(By the way, T-Forge, why did you specify "at the daily rate" when it's free?)

It sounds like it is a bigger prize, it is a bigger prize to our... less intelligent patrons (those who never wore Heldan's Hat while fighting mind hunters), and the ever popular "Because I can!".

Clones are people two.
If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!


Originally posted by LifeKnight:
**< an ort> LifeKnight negates SuperNova's magic. You cannot change the future.



Originally posted by Thunderforge:
A man jumps through the window with the speed of a sprinter from the Olympics. He overturns tables and knocks people into the scalding hot tub. Finally, when he reaches the center of the bar, he yells, "iTunes for Windows, iTunes 4.1 for Mac, Quicktime 6.4, AOL and Pepsi make deals with Apple, a new iPod commercial, iPod accessories, gift certificates for the iTunes music store, a Bluetooth firmware update, an iPod software update, and books in the iTunes music store! It all came out today!". The man then sprints out of the bar through the window, and runs in the direction of Gwyden Camp, clearly to tell them the news as well.

Seems like it has already changed, as the spoon duel is still going.

Yet another meaningless post
<(url="http://"")E(/url)(url="http://"")V(/url)(url="http://"")ula link(/url)>

(This message has been edited by SuperNova (edited 10-17-2003).)


Originally posted by SuperNova:
**Seems like it has already changed, as the spoon duel is still going.

Ah, you have a point there. LifeKnight said after the duel interesting things would happen. But I don't trust any sort of fortune tellers anyways. One once told me that I would have a girlfriend within a few months. It's been a year and not a single date 🙂

Actually, that never happened to me, but it's a good response if a fortune teller asks to give you a fortune and you think that fortune tellers are fake.

Clones are people two.
If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!

(This message has been edited by Thunderforge (edited 10-17-2003).)

LifeKnight walks up to Rawzer and hits him two times with the "Spoon of Lordship". And two bolts of lightning come through the time portal and hit Rawzer (hee hee).

Boo! Did I scare you? No? BOO! How about now? Good!

Thunderforge doubles his bet, which is in Rawzer's favor.

Clones are people two.
If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!

Kryten walks into the bar, sits down and orders a blue mushroom. When he gets it he eats it and immediatly falls over sideways. 😛

As he dirfts out of conscieness he sees a centepede come though the window followed by a wierd lobster thing. 😛

"There are no turtles anywhere" Ponder Stibbons

SlaVitiCkus adds onto the "No magic in the bar sign" the words "this also includes you, LifeKnight" (no clue why it wouldn't of before...). The sign's words suddenly nullify any magic in the bar. SlaVitiCkus then walks into LifeKnights room and breaks his sword, he then swears to himself and thinks he should of sold it to the goblins. He then destroys the Ultima dimension to prevent LifeKnight from gaining spoon strength, as he has 5000gp on Rawzer. He then wonders what Arianne and the bartender were talking about, but decides it would be safer not to try and spy on them, remembering the large amounts of blood he has lost in the past. On his way back to his room, he steps on a shard of the glass sword and passes out, bleeding at an alarming rate. He then sees the PoG game over screen, and loads himself back up. (Hmm, the first death in the bar hehe)

He also smiles at the irony that LifeKnight paid for his room with SlaVitiCkus's plug-in 🙂

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
"You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil, whitedevil2, Ory 'hara, and poger825.

Rawzer and LifeKnight go into an Episode I-esque duel, Rawzer beating LifeKnight in the face as often as possible, and LifeKnight poking Rawzer in the gut.


As Kryten wakes up he idly watches the spoon duel between Rawzer and LifeKnight. He is amazed that no one has stolen anything of his yet. He stands up and grabs LifeKnight's Spoon of Lordship. He goes over to where the centipede and the lobster thing are resting and whacks them over the head with the Spoon. He then proceeds to cut the Spoon in half with his sword. He then pokes Rawzer with the dead lobster thing and demands a room to stay in. 🆒

"There are no turtles anywhere" Ponder Stibbons

Kryten has cheated by interfering with a spoon duel. LifeKnight takes his back, and continues hitting Rawzer. Also, SlaVitiCkus thinks he got past a magically locked door and an extra-dimensional field. Well, he didn't. The glass sword is still there. LifeKnight then says that the "big surprise" after the spoon duel is "PoG related, but not quite PoG related". 😄

Boo! Did I scare you? No? BOO! How about now? Good!

Thunderforge doubles his bet again for Rawzer, making his original bet four times what it was.

Clones are people two.
If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!


Originally posted by Thunderforge:
**Thunderforge doubles his bet again for Rawzer, making his original bet four times what it was.


LifeKnight, while fighting, asks Thunderforge how big his bet is. LifeKnight thinks about throwing a Ring of Fire at Rawzer, but remembers that only spoons and their own powers are aloud in spoon duels.

Boo! Did I scare you? No? BOO! How about now? Good!

(This message has been edited by LifeKnight (edited 10-20-2003).)

KDC looks on, with increasing iterest. Sort of.

"The principal virtue of democracy is that it makes a good show — one incomparably bizarre, amazing, shocking, and obscene."

Rawzer artfully dodges LifeKnight's last thrust, spinning around and whacking LifeKnight right on his ear, laying him flat on the floor. Rawzer raises his spoon for the final blow...


Destroyer E walks in. Then, he decides Boozy Bar is better, so he leaves.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

...When he is interupted by Kryten poking him with the wierd lobster thing and telling him that he doesn't want a room after all. He walks over to Arianne and says "Damn mortals, they are so touchy don't you think?" He orders a bottle of beer from Sidatious and drinks it slowly as he discusses mortals with Arianne.

"There are no turtles anywhere" Ponder Stibbons


LifeKnight thinks about throwing a Ring of Fire at Rawzer, but remembers that only spoons and their own powers are aloud in spoon duels.

Well, obviously. One would think that sort of thing would be rather noisy. Ahahahaha, ahahahaha, ahahahaha.

All hail Hikari, Golden Goddess of Light!
Rock: Hi Forte, nice to see you again! Forte: SUFFER!

LifeKnight admits defeat. He then says (edit: once again) that the expected "big surprise" is "PoG releated, but not quite PoG related". 😄 😄

Boo! Did I scare you? No? BOO! How about now? Good!

(This message has been edited by LifeKnight (edited 10-21-2003).)