Boozerama Bar: Eternity

Trugati shoots the lid clear off with her super-sonic hyper-plasma blaster and crawls out, helping the others out. EVweb finds himself in the acid pit instead.

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One Ring for the Dark Lord on his dark throne in the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
J.R.R. Tolkien

DE recharges and nukes the hell out of Luke. There are no more demons in you! 😉

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

EVWeb climbs out of the pit, decides he has had enough, and orders a vodka. Then decides its too noisy and yells,"Will you just be quiet!?! I'm trying to drink here."

Apples rock! My two favorite games only work on a mac, EV and ARES.
(Check out the ARES Web board, it needs you!)
(url="http://"")Boeing(/url)|(url="http://"")Apple(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula(/url)|(url="http://"")EVWeb(/URL )|Matrix-XP (its not what you think)

(This message has been edited by EVWeb (edited 01-16-2004).)

Tuskawillamac drinks the rest of the bottle, lives, then collapses into a coma. Bye Again!

(url="http://"")How to get revenge(/url) (url="http://"")Microsoft is better for your family(/url) (url="http://"")Computer...Computer on drugs(/url) (url="http://"") Mac and Cheese(/url) (url="http://"")Jesus(/url)

UR comes in then leaves.

"To be great is to be misunderstood..." Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Ultimate Rebel

Blows everyone's head off with a banana.

Then kicks everyone with his potato foot. Bites his foot off then replaces it with his banana gun.

Gives myself the random post award.

(url="http://"")Screen Name Central(/url) is a great place to display your AOLŽ Instant MessangerŠ screen name for all the world to see!
Dammit! Missed my 300th post!!
Proud exterminator of Maniak from the (url="http://"")Boozerama Bar(/url)

EVWeb turns around and shoots emaniac for the second time, then yells, "I declare war on anyone who makes a distrubance!"

Apples rock! My two favorite games only work on a mac, EV and ARES.
(Check out the ARES Web board, it needs you!)
(url="http://"")Boeing(/url)|(url="http://"")Apple(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula(/url)|(url="http://"")EVWeb(/url)|(url="http://"")Matrix-XP (its not what you think)(/url)

UR wonders what a "distrubance" is, but stops and decides to throw flash bangs at random people. When everyone is blinded and deafened, UR slaps them upside the head and steals everybodys' left shoe, which he replaces with other people's shoes. When the confusion is over, everyone blames the other person for having stolen their shoe. To make himself inconspicuous, he switched his boot with someone else's shoe. 😉
UR takes emaniac's award out of his hands and prepares to fight him for it. 😛

"To be great is to be misunderstood..." Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Ultimate Rebel

RO walks into the bar with his Thousands of flying sharks and mighty space dragons he then uses his captured Confed/Rebel fleet to empty the couches of partrons with the secret equiped Meowx cannons and sends the sharks and dragons into the carnage, then orders s######s for everyone and farts in UR's face witch then bursts into flames

"Hey guys. Uh. How's it hanging? Long and straight? lefty? righty? Mighty? tighty? Tiny?

Well, that's good, alright, okay, sweet, weird or terrible."

Jimbob buys a drink after everyone looks at him like an idiot.

<Insert Clever Saying Here>
(url="http://"") Schlichtinator Site of stuff (/url) |(url="http://"") Penny Arcade! (/url)
Let us run through the flowers of red and gold,
and dance naked under a building of bricks!


Originally posted by whyme:
**Cade's story was all very well and fine, until whyme ended up as a slave. Not appreciating this turn of events, whyme starts a revolution in the mines. Pulling out his old trusty old automatic shotgun from red faction, he blasts away the guards. In a matter of hours, he is on a ship headed for the command center loaded with iron and explosives. "This is a delivery for the military commander..."

"Very well, proceed to the inner ring."

whyme deftly pilots the ship into the inner ring. All of a sudden over 50 escape pods shoot out of the vessel. The vessel then explodes, killing Cade and dealing a great blow to the structure of the station. A small escape pod is unseen as it drifts out of radar distance and towards the boozerama bar.

Sharks are too good for cade.

Hows that for a long post!


Wow! Im impressed! You managed to do a long story! Its a good story too for Boozerama standards. In the plug, there is a mission called Calamar Campaign V where Zaquin actually gets liberated. But for the purposes of the story, the sheer strength of the Colonial Navy will put down the revolution. Cade regenerates, and alerts Terrans by radio comm. "Red alert! Red alert! A slave has put up a revolution! He killed the guards, killed me and damaged the station greatly. This felon also escaped in a Escape Pod. Be sure to catch it. Send in ships to intercept it!" The Chairman of Central Command, supreme ruler of the Empire, answers. "Roger that! You will get a fleet of Missile Cruisers, Neutron Cruisers, and a prototype Hammerhead Carrier, one of the 2 most powerful ships in E1." The fleet jumps in and tucks the Escape Pod in the cargo bay of a Missile Cruiser. Then whyme gets to Sol, where he will be interrogated. After landing on Sol, he is asked about the details of the revolution. 😄

Trugati: I wouldnt otherwise do advertisements, but this is the Boozerama and I do what I want! Beware, I will advertise F-25 2.0 later (evil grin borrowed from Frandall).

Destroyer E: Cade raises the advertisements DE put down up again.

Muahahahha! I succeded in advertising more. I put more E1 terms, like Missile Cruiser.

I am eager to try to answer mission questions

Does his random stretching routine. This includes throwing up various fruits all intact, putting various body parts in strange locations, and blowing various peoples's heads off. Now that he is warmed up, emainiac can now commence the most random post ever...

Emainiac walks into the bar, taking the swinging doors and bashes them into his head. After wiping the ensuing blood on the bar top he starts to trip over his 15 left bananas. He walks over to the regenerator and bashes his potato hand through the side of the machine. He then puts the regenerator on cook for 10 minutes and cooks his potato hand. He walks over to the bar, asks for some sour cream, dumps it on his head and blows the bartenders head off for allowing him to do that. He then wipes some sour cream from his head onto his hands and devours them. After their re-growth as Brussels sprouts he feeds the acid-sharks his hands and points his nonexistent finger at them as they curl up and die. Emainiac runs over to the regenerator/microwave, traps the sharks in the regenerator and hets it on cook for an hour. He joins them...

After and hour of being devoured/nuked, he climbs out of the regenerator and feeds himself to the patrons of the bar. He then goes to Washington, D.C. To collect the outstanding Randomness award Posted Image from the president of the USA...

He then Bandana-Cream-Pies GWB...

(url="http://"")Screen Name Central(/url) is a great place to display your AOLŽ Instant MessangerŠ screen name for all the world to see!
Dammit! Missed my 300th post!!
Proud exterminator of Maniak from the (url="http://"")Boozerama Bar(/url)

(This message has been edited by emainiac (edited 01-18-2004).)

EVWeb sits down, gets a drink then goes to a vancant corner of the bar, and watches for people making disturbances. He notices several people and starts his war.

Apples rock! My two favorite games only work on a mac, EV and ARES.
(Check out the ARES Web board, it needs you!)
(url="http://"")Boeing(/url)|(url="http://"")Apple(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula(/url)|(url="http://"")EVWeb(/url)|(url="http://"")Matrix-XP (its not what you think)(/url)

Luke, after shooting Jimbob, hands out copies of several of the major Buddhist texts.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.

DeadBeat destroys all his wordly possessions then meditates until he achieves peace with his ex-wife.

"I'm being repressed!"
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

UR runs around screaming and yelling, spraying air freshener in front of his face sveral times and smashing his head into water and good-smelling foods. 😉 After an hour or so of his insanity, UR decides the fart stench is gone from him, and continues to do nothing. 🙂

"To be great is to be misunderstood..." Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Ultimate Rebel


Originally posted by Rich Overlord:
RO walks into the bar with his Thousands of flying sharks and mighty space dragons he then uses his captured Confed/Rebel fleet to empty the couches of partrons with the secret equiped Meowx cannons and sends the sharks and dragons into the carnage, then orders s######s for everyone and farts in UR's face witch then bursts into flames

is extremely confused by the sudden random meowxing coming from seemingly nowhere
bunches of cats walk across the room
a banana lands in his lap and sizzles, replacing what used to be there. now there really is a banana in my "pocket," and it's hanging lefty mighty, thank you very much...
eats a potato the wrong way and it comes out shark-like, spitting fire, the shark burns holes in the curtains hangiing off the lamps, and the light bounces off the walls, and burns holes in peoples heads, stuff, and bananas...and bandanas. Man, what a distruance, it's so pretty with the blinding colors of the fireworks in my stomach after the potato split with chocolate cherries. the wrong way turns out to be the right way, and the shark comes out the wrong way, instead as a monkey. The monkey meows, and walks across the rom, knocking all the cats around, and they bounce off the walls. The rom gets deleted, and everyone's memory gets wiped. A giant razor appears, and proceeds to shave all the cats while a cannon shoots head-like thingies all over the place, where they stack up on the ceiling and cause it to fall straight down, not breaking at all. The little cannon-helper robot was holding a head, which went nuclear and blew up. The explosion turned on a machine on the other side of the planet, which started spitting out arrows on the screen, which the monkey happened to see and tried to figure out, slapping all the buttons on the floor, making mooing noises. The mooing attracts a rather large-banana-ed cow, who proceeds with a mating attempt with the monkey, who climbs in the cow's arse and subsequently gets launched out, tail on fire, which creates a temporal flux, and appears out of nowhere, and hits a large Rebel Freighter with the name Rich Overlord on it. The monkey had a sticker on its face, which got melted onto the ship's viewport. The whole ship explodes except the viewport, which lands mysteriously on a desert isle which just happens to be the home of Rich Overlord's hidden ilitary base. (In English v2., the version of English which RO speaks, the letter m does not exist.) It gets discovered 10 minutes later by a patrol unit, who briings (English v2. also spells brings like briings, but spells bring normally. Only plural.) it back to command, where the general sees the sticker on the windshield, and decides to send the whole fleet out to the Boozerama Bar (the sticker had the Boozerama Logo on it), and they fire their meowx cannons at the bar, which blows up in a connundrum of things that lead up to the same connundrum of things. Dash then laughs at UR's face witch, who got farted in (how in the heck, I wonder, does that work?). Dash also laughs at RO, who burst into flames. HAHAHA! Beat that! Thank you very much, I'll take that award...

Please continue to post, and I will continue to make fun of your punctuation and spelling...I mean post back... (stolen from

See, now I'm lost in the middle of Somewhere Else...explodes
There's no place like
One by one, the -phantompenguins- are stealing my
<a href="">Atphome </a> <a href="">Prophecy Productions </a>

(This message has been edited by Dash_Merc (edited 01-19-2004).)

(This message has been edited by Dash_Merc (edited 01-19-2004).)

EVWeb decides that Dash_Merc is the one making the biggest disturbance, and opens fire with two heavy laser rifles. Dash_Merc gets blown behind the bar counter, and disappears. EVWeb continues to fire at anyone that makes a disturbance, and yells,"Any who make a disturbance will feel my wrath!" Then he knocks over his table to provide cover for himself. Then realizes he knocked over his drink.

Apples rock! My two favorite games only work on a mac, EV and ARES.
(Check out the ARES Web board, it needs you!)
(url="http://"")Boeing(/url)|(url="http://"")Apple(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula(/url)|(url="http://"")EVWeb(/url)� 124;(url="http://"")Matrix-XP (its not what you think)(/url)

(This message has been edited by EVWeb (edited 01-19-2004).)

UR laughs at EVWeb for knocking over his drink in desperation to defend himself for attacking all who created a disturbance.

"To be great is to be misunderstood..." Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Ultimate Rebel

DE comes in and kills Cade, emainiac, and Dash for making posts more than 6 lines long.

DE destroys all of Cade's stoopid ads, then he kills Cade again.

DE gets a root beer.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.