Boozerama Bar: Eternity

EVWeb gets mad at UR for laughing, and shoots UR with everything he's got. Then decides to get another drink. He quickly runs to the bartender, gets a drink, and runs back behind his table to continue his war.

Apples rock! My two favorite games only work on a mac, EV and ARES.
(Check out the ARES Web board, it needs you!)
(url="http://"")Boeing(/url)|(url="http://"")Apple(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula(/url)|(url="http://"")EVWeb(/url)|(url="http://"")Matrix-XP (its not what you think)(/url)

The cheat walks back in after a few months. He pulls out his Hypervelocitygonnakiclyourass super shot blaster and takes aim at Cades head. "Hehe!" He pulls the trigger and cades head flys into the glass bottom boat rentals sinking them. "I hated glass bottom boats." The boats hit te bottom and find a roach juice spicket. RJ spews into the pool contaminating everything. the cheat then dawns his 'youcanttouchmecuzimallpowerful' sheild.

POST 191! YAY!
(url="http://"")Unreals Fourms(/url) (url="http://"")Unreals Lair(/url) (url="http://"")

UR comes out of the regenerator and press a button on his watch/communicator. Suddenly, EVWeb is attacked by the entire Pirate fleet.

"To be great is to be misunderstood..." Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Ultimate Rebel

Sits back and watches the chaos. (See only one line! I could have gone on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about very random things that have absolutely nothing to do with anything. blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah)

(url="http://"")Screen Name Central(/url) is a great place to display your AOLŽ Instant MessangerŠ screen name for all the world to see!
Dammit! Missed my 300th post!!
Proud exterminator of Maniak from the (url="http://"")Boozerama Bar(/url)

DE gets an oversized mallet and hits emaniac several times in the head. emaniac is now flat.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

Meanwhile, Trugati is walking around the bar aimlessly, only to step on the flattened emainiac. Trugati looks at the intriguing object for a while and picks it up. Then she dumps it in a pan and gets the flour out. "Pancakes for only 100 credits!" she yells.

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One Ring for the Dark Lord on his dark throne in the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
J.R.R. Tolkien

DE gets a pancake, and puts an unhealthy amount of sugar, butter, and syrup on it.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

Luke spontaneously combusts.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.

EVWeb's table is blown to bits by the fleet, but then realizes that they are not pirates, but a Confederate Raid Fleet. EVWeb yells,"Emaniac is a traitor, blast him then wipe out the Confederates!" EVWeb has Evildrome open fire on the fleet, which is destroyed quickly, then continues his war , and his first target is Emaniac.

Apples rock! My two favorite games only work on a mac, EV and ARES.
(Check out the ARES Web board, it needs you!)
(url="http://"")Boeing(/url)|(url="http://"")Apple(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula(/url)|(url="http://"")EVWeb(/url)|(url="http://"")Matrix-XP (its not what you think)(/url)

As he is beat up by every member of the bar, he begins to play (url="http://"")The State of the Union Drinking Game(/url) And gets incredibly drunk and drops a “nukular” bomb on the bar. Blah blah blah...

(url="http://"")Screen Name Central(/url) is a great place to display your AOLŽ Instant MessangerŠ screen name for all the world to see!
Dammit! Missed my 300th post!!
Proud exterminator of Maniak from the (url="http://"")Boozerama Bar(/url)

But alas, the emainiac the pancake forgets its place- pancakes are to be smothered with syrup, cut up, and eaten, unworthy of killing humans. Trugati deals the pancake 10 lashes with her fork before gobbling it up. Then, suddenly moved by pity, she barfs into the regenerator, and out pops emainiac(covered in gastric acid, of course).

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One Ring for the Dark Lord on his dark throne in the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
J.R.R. Tolkien

DE gets a root beer. Then, a random person in the bar explodes.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

The Cheat explodes.

(url="http://"")Unreals Fourms(/url) (url="http://"")Unreals Lair(/url) (url="http://"")

Appalled at coming out of the regenerator covered in barf, he goes and takes a bath in the Acid Pit.

(url="http://"")Screen Name Central(/url) is a great place to display your AOLŽ Instant MessangerŠ screen name for all the world to see!
Dammit! Missed my 300th post!!
Proud exterminator of Maniak from the (url="http://"")Boozerama Bar(/url)

DE drinks 2131 root beers, and burps. The burp is so loud it makes all the glass in the bar shatter.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

EVWeb continues to fire around the bar, then accidentally hits the acid pit. The acid spills all over the floor. EVWeb runs out of the bar, and waits for the mess to be cleaned up, because everyone is making a disturbance.

Apples rock! My two favorite games only work on a mac, EV and ARES.
(Check out the ARES Web board, it needs you!)
(url="http://"")Boeing(/url)|(url="http://"")Apple(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula(/url)|(url="http://"")EVWeb(/url)|(url="http://"")Matrix-XP (its not what you think)(/url)

DeadBeat dances the dance of life.

"I'm being repressed!"
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

UR comes in and sits down on the couch.

"To be great is to be misunderstood..." Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Ultimate Rebel

Appalled at the Normality of the bar in recent days...
He orders a beer for everyone...

(url="http://"")Screen Name Central(/url) is a great place to display your AOLŽ Instant MessangerŠ screen name for all the world to see!
Dammit! Missed my 300th post!!
Proud exterminator of Maniak from the (url="http://"")Boozerama Bar(/url)

Trugati wonders where the people who used to frequent the old Boozerama went.

Then Trugati picks up the shards of glass and throws it at EVWeb.

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One Ring for the Dark Lord on his dark throne in the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
J.R.R. Tolkien