Battle for Sol III - The Saga Continues

As KK wished, reinforcements arrived. The remnants of spl_cadet's fleet jumped into normal space in the Pollux system, adding to KK's fleet. Until he had enough ships to form his own fleet again, spl_cadet put his ships under KK's control.
1st Squadron
1 Halberd
1 Drake
12 Ghosts
20 Deborahs.

Mechanical engineers build weapons. Civil engineers build targets.
"It's up to God to forgive bin Laden. It's up to us to arrange that meeting!"-Marine Corps bumper sticker.
(url="http://"")Coming eventually, spl_cadet shipyards!(/url)

Vice-Admiral ZenMastaT finally received his orders through secure comlink... and immediately ordered his massive fleet into action, as soon as the newly received reinforcements became available to him. With all fighters aboard, the massive capital ships made the jump to light speed, first to Tau Ceti,then to reinforce the beleagured Pollux, which had sent out a distress signal only a few hours ago.

They arrived to find the battle already concluded, with the pirate fleet firmly in control and licking its wounds. However, the Battle for Pollux was not yet at its final conclusion.

The Skyhawk Carriers began immediately to disgorge their immense fighter load, a total of 120 Stingrays, 50 Skates, 52 Swordfish, and 30 Devil Rays. To add to the intense amound of flying intelligent space material, the Vice-Admiral's capital ships began to unload their own bult in fighters, a further 168 Stingrays... bringing the HALO toting Stingray total to a whopping 288 Fighter craft.

As soon as all fighters had formed into their respective Squadron and Air Groups, ZenMastaT ordered the Stingrays forward to engage the hostile Pirate fighters with HALO's, but to withdraw immediately after firing off their first salvo, and skate around the enemy, attempting to stay out of gun range. Half of the 132 further fighters were ordered to provide cover for the Stingray barrage whereas the others were to provide flanking cover for the capital ships. As for the capital ships themselves, the Skyblade Frigates attempt to engage any fighters coming within range with their HALO missiles, and the rest attempt to hold the line, searching for Corvette targets, as well as begining to approach KK's capital ship core.

Due to the massive HALO barrages, KK's fighter horde begins to not so slowly deplete in numbers.

Unfortunately, many of the untested fighter pilots where unwilling or unable to correctly follow the maximum missile range orders, and found their ships engaged by the powerful Pirate fighter craft.

**Pirate Losses(/B}
18 Corvettes (77 Remaining)
14 Moderate to Heavily Damaged Corvettes
31 Lancers (96 Remaining)
26 Gunstars (58 Remaining)

(B)HC Losses**
39 Stingrays (249 Remaining)
2 Swordfish (50 Remaining)
6 Skates (44 Remaining)
3 Moderately Damaged Skyblade Frigates
1 Moderately Damaged Devil Ray
Apply When Wet

(This message has been edited by ZenMastaT (edited 12-28-2001).)

(This message has been edited by ZenMastaT (edited 12-28-2001).)

(This message has been edited by ZenMastaT (edited 12-28-2001).)

The battle had taken a decisive lead for the Rebellion, and alien vessels were becoming a rare site. What remained was being pounded by Dreden weapons. Imperial exisitence in the south would no longer exist unless something miraculous occured, or a withdraw was ordered. The Emperor's very own life was in jeopardy...

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

Commander Plute was a man who was very considerate of the attitude of his men. He made sure that they were all relatively at ease. Not careless, but not so high-strung as to make walking down a corridor like a walk in a graveyard. Plute's men quickly accepted his authority. He was fair, and his men would do almost anything for him.

This is all going very well. I would have thought there would be at least some suspicion, but nobody has even considered it. You're a genious old boy Plute silently congratulated himself.

"Ensign, set a course for Sten, I'm sure the emperor won't mind us taking back one of his planets." Plute commanded. Aside from pleasing the emperor, he also wanted to see what his ursurped fleet could do.

"right away sir!"


The scene at the port of Sten was one of panic. The crews of the defense fleet scrambled to their ships. By the time they were off of the planet, the aliens were in range.

The defense fleet consisted of 1 cruiser, 3 destroyers, and 8 gunships.

"All units, fire seeker modules!"

The first wave of seeker modules ripped through the dreden ships, completely destroying 3 of the gunship, and damaging a fourth. The destroyers faired better, only taking slight damage, while the cruiser was taken down to 50% shields.

This barrage was met by a firing of plasma torpedoes and plasma bolts. The bolts all missed the agile interceptors, but damaged 3 heavy fighters and killed 3 more. The torpedo fire severly damage one of the alien destroyers, crippling its engines and weapons, and completely destroyed another.

"All units move in for a close-range attack!"

The fusion beams screeched forth from the heavy fighters and soon all of the gunships were reduced to scrap metal. The plasma cannons fired on the alien ships, destroying 3 heavy fighters and 1 interceptor while slightly damaging a heavy cruiser.

The fusion beams did their deadly work, and soon the last destroyer fled the system. Plute's fleet suffered minimal losses.

59th Fleet Status:
1 carrier
1 battlecruiser
4 heavy cruisers (1 with light damage)
9 Destroyers(one severly damaged)
44 Heavy Fighters(6 damaged)
9 Interceptors

Sten is now under Alien Control

Every time I went to a wedding, my aunts used to poke me and say "you're next!", but they stopped when I started doing it to them at funerals.

(This message has been edited by BariSaxGuy5 (edited 12-28-2001).)

(Note: This post can be voided by KK if he feels it neccessary. For example, he was typing up his post at the time that I wrote this. Also, this is just part of the action since I am controlling just a few ships here)

Glad to have his new Deborahs with him, spl_cadet took 1st Squadron and decided to teach this new HC commander a few lessons. Covered by his Ghosts, the Deborahs unleashed a massive barrage of cluster missiles upon the the HC fighter force. At first the HC pilots took little notice of the small amount of missiles, but when these missiles suddenly tripled in number, and more kept coming, they were thrown into panic. Bombers, the primary target, crumped as missiles slammed into them, turning into massive fireballs a few seconds later. Fighters also died, unprepared for the barrage. The assault finished, 1st squadron returned to the fleet.
Fleet losses:
Pirates: None due to massive barrage.
73 Stingrays lost
22 Devil Rays lost
12 Swordfish lost

(Note: After checking the HC shipyard, I've decided to retroactively boost the shields of the Deborah to 160 and armor to 40. Otherwise there are fighters that have better shielding than it and this is a gunboat)

Mechanical engineers build weapons. Civil engineers build targets.
"It's up to God to forgive bin Laden. It's up to us to arrange that meeting!"-Marine Corps bumper sticker.
(url="http://"")Coming eventually, spl_cadet shipyards!(/url)

Message to Emperor rebel council priority 2 from Commander Plute:

"greetings sir, even though the tragic loss of our brave Centurion Nick has greived us all, it is time for us all to move on. I suggest you commence research on a new system I've had in the works for the past week or two. I call it the Point Defense Cannon , or PDC for short. This device mounts on capital ships and fires electrical signals designed to prematurely detonate warheads of oncomming torpedoes and bombs. If used properly, a pair of these cannons on each ship could destroy up to 30% of an enemy barrage of an equally sized enemy fleet. I believe this might help our struggle against the human race. That is all."

End Transmission

Edit 2: Pics can be seen at (url="http://"")http://www.freewebz....nickg14/PDC.gif(/url) (copy and paste into address bar)

Every time I went to a wedding, my aunts used to poke me and say "you're next!", but they stopped when I started doing it to them at funerals.

(This message has been edited by BariSaxGuy5 (edited 12-28-2001).)

(This message has been edited by BariSaxGuy5 (edited 12-28-2001).)


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
Pirates: None due to massive barrage.
73 Stingrays lost
22 Devil Rays lost
12 Swordfish lost

Mod post - Your battle sequence actually sounded quite realistic, but that is just plain absurd in terms of losses. These HC fighters weren't drinking coffee during your assault, were they? I'm sure ZenMasta will only accept those stats if you dock up a few on your own side... These are fresh HC space vessels, so they can inflict just as much as the pirates can. Each side has its fair share of guided weapons and firepower, and I'm sure they intend on using it at the same time. 😉

Some more realistic losses would be:
9 Ghosts
15 Deborahs
54 Stingrays lost
18 Devil Rays lost
12 Swordfish lost

Now, that is still being rather one-sided... You can't expect the HC ships to be doing nothing while your bombarding them. They are delievering the same stuff back, and in some cases, HC firepower is better that that of the pirates. Take the corrected stats, or I'll have to void that last post of yours...

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

(This message has been edited by Captain Skyblade (edited 12-28-2001).)

The battle was going excellently. One of Saint's Carriers was destroyed, the other down to half shields. The losses on the 36th Fleet were fairly low, and Skyblade was severely routing RC's Alien fleet. Saint's other ships, finally realizing the trap they were in, went into a state of panic and chaos, making a mad attack on Azdara Ace's Titan Battle Cruisers. Half of Azdara Ace's force pulled around to counter the threat, the rest still pounding the remaining carrier. While the Battlegunships, Battlecruisers, and Cruisers continued to attack the Carrier, all of the rest of Azdara Ace's ships broke off to attack the remainder of Saint+'s fleet. Azdara Ace had to admit, the Aliens went down in a blaze of glory. They amazingly made it through the initial fighter wave, making a break for the Red Intruder and her counterparts. That was their crucial mistake. They probably would have destoyed many of Azdara Ace's fighters, however, they only destroyed a few on their pass. The 3 Titans swiveled their Plasma Turrets to fire at the oncoming Alien ships. 150 Plasma Cannons at once reminded Azdara Ace of the firworks he used to set off as a child. The Alien vessels, realizing their mistake, went after the Odysseus Cruisers, taking out 3 of them before the fighters and destroyers caught up, destroying all but a destroyer, that, realizing its coming doom, ran like the wind.

The 36th Fleet now focused all of its attention to the remaining Carrier.

Azdara Ace's Fleet Numbers:
3 Titan Battlecruiser(1 with moderate damage)
4 Athena Battlegunships(1 severely damaged)
4 Odysseus Cruisers
14 Thunderclap Destroyers
8 Hawk Gunships
18 Lynx Heavy Fighters
30 Slicer Medium Fighters
35 Cricket Interceptors

Saint+'s Fleet Numbers:
1 Carrier(heavy damage)
1 Destroyer


OOC: That was a realistic post, right?

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.


Originally posted by Azdara Ace:
OOC: That was a realistic post, right?

Mod post - When fleet numbers are taken into account, you were right on the mark. I also believe RC lost yet another vital chance to withdraw his fleet... I know he's going to be angry, but that's his own mistake for not taking the chance when he could.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

This post has been voided, due to the fact that apparently, Spl_Cadet never arrived.

(This message has been edited by ZenMastaT (edited 12-29-2001).)


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
Some more realistic losses would be:

/me notes notes that spl_cadet claimed he went to Pollux after that void post about Sol. Thus, his fleet should have been in Darven before going to Pollux, which it obviously can't reach from there. Thus, spl_cadet has never been at Pollux, and his entire post is void. QED.

Disregard all posts made in response to spl's "attack." In fact, I'd prefer they be edited out.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**/me notes notes that spl_cadet claimed he went to Pollux after that void post about Sol. Thus, his fleet should have been in Darven before going to Pollux, which it obviously can't reach from there. Thus, spl_cadet has never been at Pollux, and his entire post is void. QED.


Probably all the better, for realism's sake. Disregard my previous posts conerning the issue.

Private Seth Parker of HCSF peered through the scope of his .50 caliber sniper rifle. Parker was one of the premiere snipers in the HC, selected to be on the elite team that guarded Fleet Admiral Alan Rak. His aim was impeccable, he was able to shoot within one milimeter of a designated target, with the right weaponry.

What he saw through his scope horrified him and the commanders viewing it through three live feeds. His scope camera was linked to the command center of Kaujathin, the bridge of the HCS Cloak & Dagger, and the headquarters of defense command on Earth. His scope was pointed at a collection of cloaked troops. They were the Alien's best commandos, the FNS. The troops were armed with heavy assualt rifles, grenades, and back-up plasma swords. For the first time in his life, Parker feared.

Suddenly his earpiece crackled on. His commander, Captain Francois Cheroq, with his thick French accent, ordered Parker and the other three snipers to open fire on the most powerful Aliens. The three other snipers were set up with opposing angles. Parker targeted one of the tall commanders, who was ordering assault party to knock out a pressure door. Parker depressed his trigger, unleashing a deadly cone of lead. The bullet went supersonic with a loud crack and then punctured the cranial of the Alien soldier. The Alien's head exploded. Almost instantly, three other Aliens were knocked out.

One of the Aliens yelled out a string of strange words. The translator in the command center said the words meant: Hit the deck and take out the Humans. One of the Aliens tossed a homing grenade at the pressure door. When the grenade exploded, it caused a chain reaction with the exlosives already placed at the door. The pressure door buckled under the intense strain, and finally exploded outward in a show of force. Several unlucky Aliens were caught in its blast radius and instantly exploded.

Two plasma turrets opened fire on the Alien force. While they didn't kill any Aliens, they suppressed them with the intense fire. A team of Human troops armed with assault rifles ran behind the turrets and provided cover fire. Their commander signalled for the fire to cease, and the two turretters dismounted. Parker trained his sniper rifle on the troops, and watched the massacre unfold.

A huge explosion rocked the deck. A large mine has exploded right under the assault team's feet, killing them all in a bloody mess. Parker watched as the Alien commandos stormed out of their fox hole. Four went down instantly as he and his team of snipers unleashed a barrage.

Unfortunatey, one of the smaller Aliens, armed with a rocket launcher, discovered Parker's location. He launched his rocket, and Parker dove. However, the rocket was full of napalm. Parker was torn to shreds, and then ignited on fire. However, his sniper rifle was still pointed at the battlescene.

Three more shots echoed through the air, three more Aliens dead. The Alien commando team was now reduced to 7 - two commanders, four regulars, and one rocketeer. The Aliens started nervously glancing around... three more shots; three aliens dead. The remaining commander and three regulars started running towards the plasma turrets. Bad move. Beta team was covering them with heavy machine gun mounts. Three more sniper shots rang out along with heavy machine-gun fire. All but the commander died.

The commander made a valant race into the next corridor. He dove into another hallway, got up, and ran around a corner... right into the gun of an angry Marine.


As Rak rewatched the carnage he recieved a status report from Cartwright. He had finished carving out the ships. Rak replied saying to insert electronic emitters that mimicced electric signals released by that ship class.


The stealth insertion craft never stood a chance. As soon as it was spotted unloading troops it was all over. The HCS Cloak & Dagger activated her penetrating depth scans, and found the stealth ship within minutes. A few torpedoes knocked out the craft, and it was salvaged for research purposes.

Prepare to succumb to superior strategic intelligence
The Media: (url="http://"")AP Photo of the Day(/url)-(url="http://"")CNN(/url)-(url="http://"")New York Times(/url)-(url="http://"")Washington Post(/url)
Military Technology: (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url)
HC of a major (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance -(url="http://"")IRC(/url) Master!

Rak, after having been assaulted with bad news and unspeakable horror, unwinds in his quarters with a book on the Human Confederation.

*Note: Use this guide to help with interacting with the HC and to fill in the backstory. (KK - The HC doesn't draft or force people into service, they come to fight scum like you:p )


Divided into three main branches

Western Branch
Commander in Chief: President Macavenger
Southern Commander: Vice-Admiral ZenMastaT
Northern Commander: President Macavenger

Covers as with organized renegades and other western military foes. Has control ONLY over the western theatre and relating issues.

Eastern Branch
Commander in Chief: Fleet Admiral Alan Rak
Defense Commander: Fleet Admiral Alan Rak
Offense Commander: Admiral Mark Curtis James

Covers all fights with the Aliens and other eastern military foes. Has control ONLY over the eastern theatre and relating issues.

Internal Branch

Defense Command
Supreme Commander: Vice-President Jacques Veltier

Covers defense of the confederation and coordinates defensive battleplans.

Fleet Intelligence
Chairman: Fleet Admiral Alan Rak

Covers intelligence gathering.

Special Operations Command
Supervisor: General Joe Hague

Covers special ops.



Divided into four branches.


General Assembly

Passes laws and determines taxing and spending. Also has the power to instigate an internal review or investigation.

Ratifies Assembly's laws and declares war.


Court system.



Investigates citizens and events.

Military, Political, and Judicial

Investigates those forementioned divisions. Also has the power to remove officials from office.


Executes the laws, controls the military, and leads the Confederacy.

Prepare to succumb to superior strategic intelligence
The Media: (url="http://"")AP Photo of the Day(/url)-(url="http://"")CNN(/url)-(url="http://"")New York Times(/url)-(url="http://"")Washington Post(/url)
Military Technology: (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url)
HC of a major (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance -(url="http://"")IRC(/url) Master!

(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 12-29-2001).)

While the 101st was busy shredding red Imperial fighters using the deadly plasma fire from the Liberty , Skyblade watched Azdara form a defense perimeter around his capital ships and carry out an assault on the Emperor's own carrier. The carrier was fighting back fiercely, focusing its particle beams on individual fighters. But its immense shielding wouldn't last forever...

The Liberty was ready. It was only two more minutes before the trinity cannons would be ready for business once again. While Azdara's fleet continued to pound the outer hull of the large warship, the Liberty was preparing to deliever the final blow.

"90 seconds until neutron recharge complete," the weapons operator aboard the Liberty announced.

"Stand by," Skyblade responded. "Target the engine structure and command deck. Prepare to fire on my order."

"Yes sir."

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

Kyle read the statistics with a growing fury and worry. "Tell commander Jager to hold his position at all costs, tell him to set up defenses that allow NO human penetration. He must make sure that no human vessels come through that jumpgate alive. Meanwhile, I am returning to the Dreden front. Our empire needs to be defended. Set orders to move at once. Pax, Selica, Urven, Irrakis, Xerxes, Brex. Fleet position in Brex and refuelling. Jager, hold your damn position and defend it. Compact the gate if possible.

Go Red Sox! Down with the Yankees! 😛

"Sir." a Marine said as he approached Alan. He saluted smartly.

"At ease, Marine." Rak replied.

"Yes, Sir. Dr. Cartwright told me to relay a message to you. Shall I begin?"

"Go ahead."

"He said that the roids were fully decked out with electric jammers and noise devices. He also asked what his orders are."

"Tell him that he is to clad the asteriods in metal casing, and to paint them to look like real ships. Once he completes that, tell him to load them all into rocket propulsion launchers."

"Yes, Sir." The Marine saluted as he vacated the bridge.

Prepare to succumb to superior strategic intelligence
The Media: (url="http://"")AP Photo of the Day(/url)-(url="http://"")CNN(/url)-(url="http://"")New York Times(/url)-(url="http://"")Washington Post(/url)
Military Technology: (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url)
HC of a major (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance -(url="http://"")IRC(/url) Master!

Admiral Mark James walked through the hallways and onto the command deck of the H.C.S. Red October, with his usual turbolaser blaster pistol in his belt. "Report?" he said in a loud and commanding voice.

"We are at Deafcon1 status, sir. Holding position at OmegaAlpha Formation Five 1,500 kilometers away from the jumpgate, sir," reported Commander Scorcher, Mark's best friend and most trusted officer. Scorcher had once been a notorious Pirate, but then he became an assassin, working for mercenaries and then the Rebels. Now he was an HC commander.

Scorcher continued, his usual blank look on his face, no matter what the news was. However, through all that suspiciousness, paranoia, and ex-assassin attitude, Scorcher was really quite a friendly guy. "We've also recieved news from the Pirate front. It seems that there have been several major battles recently, and the HC aren't faring too well. They're drawing rather close to Earth, and Palshife. The HC are gonna have to do something to out-do the Pirates, or we're gonna be in trouble."

Mark nodded slowly, thinking. "We may have to be redeployed back to the home front, but I do hope that it doesn't come to that. The aliens are just as big a threat as the Pirates, as far as we can tell," he said, half to himself. He paused for a moment, contemplating his decision. "Change formation, hail all vessels. Move into Reef Formation, now."

"Aye aye, sir," said the helsman.

The massive HC fleet immediately began to reassemble into a reef formation. It looked essentially just like a simple line, but it was curved somewhat into the shape of a semicircle, allowing the formation great power in a large fleet battle. Mark had already used this formation of his successfully against the Pirates and Confeds, in the Great Civil War, years ago.

The fleet was like a school of fish, moving in a complex pattern which you only saw when they were finally all in place. The ships moved quickly, and easily, for Mark had made sure that they all were ace pilots and helmsmen.

"All ships in formation, requesting orders sir," said the helsman as Mark nodded.

"Tell them to all keep their positions, but stay alert for any alien ships. Com, send a message to..."

Suddenly, a marine walked onto the bridge and saluted hastily. "Sir!!! Bad news sir; the aliens somehow managed to get a commando team onto the jumpgate," he said, breathing heavily, for he had run a great distance. "Over 20 men are dead, and many more are probably wounded. All the aliens were killed, however, before they could do any damage to the jumpgate. They could have easily destroyed the jumpgate if they got much farther."

Mark slammed his fist on a railing, enraged at even the relatively small loss. "Dangit!!! Marine; send over two platoons of soldiers to help guard the place, and Scorcher; get over there yourself. I want you to personally make that station as well guarded as possible. I don't really trust Rak with it much anymore now that the aliens have already gotten through."

Scorcher nodded, and he and the marine walked out while Mark turned back to the viewscreen. He stood there for a long while, completely silent. People knew that he was thinking up something, but what they could never tell. Thoughts of new plans and designs raced through Marks head as he thought over the whole current situation. He was a very careful thinker, which sometimes made him look rather mad. Though he was, as some might say, mad, he wasn't mad to the point at which he was thinking up ways to rule the universe every few seconds.

Finally, he spoke. "Com, send a message to Admiral Rak. Ask for our next orders and mission, and make sure the comlink is secure. Understood?"

The com officer nodded as she sent the message to Rak. Then, Mark gave her a datapad with an encrypted message. "That's for my family. Send it to Palshife immediately."

She nodded, and began work on that message as well, while Mark slumped back in his command chair, giving a cold gaze out to the depths of space. Thoughts once again swirled in his head. "...Where do we strike the aliens... what of the alien commandoes... what of the pirates..and earth... palshife may be in danger... what will happen? nobody knows, but I do know that I will win this war. One way or another, I'll win it, no matter what I must do...."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-29-2001).)

A captured Dreden Destroyer was the first testing subject, complete with its full compliment of 10 plasma torpedoes. An alien cruiser had been refitted to carry 2 prototype point defense cannons.

"Prepare the point defense cannons...Fire Plasma Torpedoes" Commanded the test coordinator said over the transmitter. In short order, 10 plasma torpedoes were speeding toward the alien cruiser.

"Fire the Point defense cannons!" The energy began to glow at the tip of the pdcs, and soon the energy sparks were created. Then the beams shot out at the torpedoes. Both of the first shots missed their targets, but they were recharged very soon and fired again. A total of 4 of the torpedoes were detonated before they hit the ship, and the others were absorbed by the shielding.

"We have a report: 20 shots fired, 4 hit and 16 missed"

"Excellent, we'll have these availabele in no time, now on to testing portion B..."

The Dreden destroyer was quickly vacated as the cruiser closed in.

"Fire 2 of the drill bombs!"

The drill bombs deployed and lumbered toward their target. Then they hit the hull. They emitted a grinding screech of a noise as they burrowed deep into the destroyer. One of them malfunctioned and didn't explode, but the other one clearly did its work. The hull contracted, then suddenly exploded as beams of energy and fire shot out of the destroyer, destroying the full aft half of it.

"That went perfectly! Too bad they can't be sped up somewhat, or they would explode on contact. These won't be too hard to avoid by the destroyers and cruisers, but the really big ships...." The coordinator grinned evily.

"Duct Tape is like the force, it has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together"

I'm making this post assuming that RC has retreated from the battle. If he decides otherwise, forget this. He's visited the forums today already, and still didn't post...

= = = = = = = = =

Skyblade breathed a sigh of relef. The Battle of Verdica had at last come to end. What had started as certain defeat ended up as a decisive victory. The few remaining Imperial ships retreated in all directions, and the Emperor's own carrier barely escaped in time to avoid destruction from the trinity cannons. The system was at last quiet... Debri floated about, and fighter patrols made sensor sweeps to ensure everything was safe.

"Well done, members of the Dreden Navy," Deckerd said across the fleet comm channel. "The loss of this battle would have certainly meant Rebel defeat. We've proven to the Emperor our stubborn will to fight, and will continue to do so until we gain our rights of freedom."

Cheers rang over the comm as Deckerd closed the channel. Morale had boosted following the retreat of the aliens.

"Deckerd, put Lieutenant Commander Jimbob on the comm. I've yet to speak to him."

"Right away sir," he responded. Moments later, the channel was open.

"Jimbob, I can't say how proud I am of your performance today. Had you not held up the enemy long enough, Verdica would have been lost, as well as your very own fleet. You delayed the attackers long enough to allow the 101st and 36th to come in for the kill. In short, you made the victory possible. And for that, I promote you to the rank of Commodore. A job well done, commander. Well done."

= = = = = = = = = =

Azdara Ace is promoted to Vice Admiral.

= = = = = = = = = =

Fleet Numbers following the Battle of Verdica:

2 Athena
2 Odysseus
3 Hawk


1 Liberty
23 Thunderclap
17 Hawk
22 Lynx
26 Cricket

Azdara Ace:

3 Titan Battlecruisers
4 Athena Battlegunships
7 Odysseus Cruisers
15 Thunderclap Destroyers
8 Hawk Gunships
19 Lynx Heavy Fighters
33 Slicer Medium Fighters
38 Cricket Interceptors

= = = = = = = = = =

"Alright, listen up," Skyblade said across the comm to Azdara and Jimbob. "All of our fleets have taken a good beating, especially yours, Jimbob. Therefore, we're going to attempt to even things out a bit by swapping out ships and giving them to whoever needs them. In addition, we will soon be able to purchase additional ships, so that will help our situation."

= = = = = = = = = =

Current Fleet Numbers
Jimbob: 42nd

1 Titan Battlecruiser
3 Odysseus Cruisers
3 Athena Battlegunships
7 Thunderclap Destroyers
2 Odysseus
6 Lynx Heavy Fighters
10 Hawk Gunships
10 Cricket Interceptors

Skyblade: 101st

1 Liberty Battlecarrier
15 Thunderclap Destroyers
10 Hawk Gunships
20 Lynx Gunships
34 Cricket Interceptors

Azdara Ace: 36th

2 Titan Battlecruisers
3 Athena Battlegunships
4 Odysseus Cruisers
15 Thunderclap Destroyers
8 Hawk Gunships
15 Lynx Heavy Fighters
33 Slicer Medium Fighters
20 Cricket Interceptors

= = = = = = = = = =

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)