Battle for Sol III - The Saga Continues

"Commander Plute, bad news. We have reports that almost half of our fleet still loyal to the emperor has escaped during the past night. 2 of the heavy cruisers, 5 destroyers, and 12 heavy fighters are currently heading back towards alien space to join Kylethekender's fleet."

"It was to be expected, I suppose, hold here until Skyblade gives us further orders.

59th Fleet deserters to be added to Kylethekender's fleet
2 Heavy Cruisers
5 Destroyers
12 Heavy Fighters

"Duct Tape is like the force, it has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together"

-Message buoy: Dreden Navy Commanders-
Unless you have yet to complete your last mission objectives, all fleets are to stand by at their current locations. Reinforcements will soon be joining. Hold positions until they arrive. That is all. -Commander Skyblade

Dreden income: 237,000,000 credits (I think that's correct, taking into account the 2,000,000 we didn't spend first page, as well as the newly-captured systems).

Ships purchased:
75 Crickets: 45,000,000
20 Lynx: 18,000,000
10 Slicers: 8,000,000
20 Hawks: 50,000,000
13 Thunderclaps: 78,000,000
2 Athenas: 40,000,000 credits

Credits remaining: 0

= = = = = = = = = =

59th Fleet Status:
1 carrier
1 battlecruiser
2 heavy cruisers
3 destroyers
19 Heavy Fighters
6 Interceptors
25 Cricket Interceptors
4 Hawk Gunships
25 Crickets, 4 Gunships added to fleet

= = = = = = = = = =

36th Fleet Status:
2 Titan Battlecruisers
3 Athena Battlegunships
4 Odysseus Cruisers
20 Thunderclap Destroyers
10 Hawk Gunships
25 Lynx Heavy Fighters
43 Slicer Medium Fighters
30 Cricket Interceptors
10 Crickets, 10 Lynx, 10 Slicers, 2 Hawks, 5 Thunderclaps added to fleet

= = = = = = = = = =

42nd Fleet Status:
2 Titan Battlecruisers
3 Athena Battlegunships
4 Odysseus Cruisers
20 Thunderclap Destroyers
12 Hawk Gunships
20 Lynx Heavy Fighters
33 Slicer Medium Fighters
38 Cricket Interceptors
25 Crickets, 5 Lynx, 11 Hawks, 5 Thunderclaps added to fleet

= = = = = = = = = =

101st Warfleet
1 Liberty Battlecarrier
2 Athena Battlegunships
18 Thunderclap Destroyers
13 Hawk Gunships
25 Lynx Heavy Fighters
50 Cricket Interceptors
15 Crickets, 5 Lynx, 3 Hawks, 3 Thunderclaps, 2 Athenas added to fleet

= = = = = = = = = =

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

(This message has been edited by Captain Skyblade (edited 12-30-2001).)

Azdara Ace woke up at a jolt of the ship. It was a familiar jolt, yet he never quite expected it when it happened. It was most definately the exiting of hyperspace. He looked at his clock, he had slept for 12 whole hours. He got up and walked over to hi map, the fleet was now in the Seecord system. This fact was proven by the presence of Jimbob's fleet. Azdara Ace quickly got dressed, and headed for the bridge.

Captain Alexander was, as always, waiting. "Greetings, Admiral Azdara Ace. As you can see we just arrived in the Seecord system, and are ready to make the jump to the Pollis system. What formation would you like the fleet to hold?"

"Well, I imagine that after the battle of Verdica, most Aliens will be running for the core systems, so we can hold a pretty loose formation. Capital ships in the center, fighters on the edges, gunships right behind the fighters. However, if we encounter trouble, I want the destroyers in the front."

"Also Admiral, I asked President Skyblade about mounting a Trinity Cannon on the Dragon Tooth , but he said that the current models of the Titan couldn't hold it. You designed that ship, didn't you? Do you know of any way to mount it?"

"Yes, I did design the Titan. Well, it is possible to mount one, but only after heavy modification. If we were to put a Trinity Cannon on a Titan, we would have to remove all other weapon systems, and override the reactor. There isn't enough power in a stock Titan to handle the addition of a Trinity Cannon. The huge Dreden Carrier used in President Skyblade's fleet has a much larger reactor, so it can handle even two Trinity Cannons. Perhaps in the future we can design a Titan built specifically to hold the Trinity Cannon. Now, back to business, order the fleet to make the jump."

"Okay, thanks for the info, Admiral." Captain Alexander walked over to the fleet com system and gave the order for the fleet to make the jump to Pollis. The Red Intruder rumbled, and then blasted into space, making the stars seem like shooting stars that never dissappeared.


They had arrived. As Azdara Ace had suspected, the system was empty, completely empty. There wasn't a trace of civilization anywhere. Only the cold dark space, and the burning ball of plasma, Pollis. "Okay, let's move in." As the last words exited Azdara Ace's mouth, 6 Alien Gunboats shot up and out of the planet below. "All ships, watch out for those Alien Seeker modules! Captain Alexander, order all capital ships to fire torpedos at the Gunboats, NOW!" Captain Alexander hit a switch and streams of torpedos headed straight for the gunboats, and right towards the cloud of Dreden fighters charging the Gunboats.

"Sir, the torpedos are headed straight at the fighters."

"I know, that's why, when I tell you, you are going to order the fighters to split, breaking to the side. But, only, when I tell you. Not before, not after. Azdara Ace watched on the tactical, the torpedos would hit the fighters in about ten seconds, and the Gunboats would reach the fighters in about twenty. Five seconds, 4 seconds, NOW!" Captain Alexander was waiting, and quickly gave the order. The fighters split at almost the last second. The gunboats plowed on for about 5 seconds, confused, when the torpedo hit them. 4 of the gunboats exploded immediately. The other two, farther back in the group, took the path of one of the fighter groups, launching Seeker Modules and shooting Needle Beams angrilly. 2 Crickets went down, then a Gunship, and finally 3 Slicers. The Gunboats were then destroyed however, by the other fighter group that had swung around, coming directly on to the Gunboats's tails.

"Excellent work, 36th. We have orders to restock and refuel here, awaiting reinforcements. Congratualtions on another victory."

The fleet is as follows:

2 Titan Battlecruisers(The Red Intruder and the Dragon Tooth )
3 Athena Battlegunships
4 Odysseus Cruisers
15 Thunderclap Destroyers
7 Hawk Gunships
15 Lynx Heavy Fighters
30 Slicer Medium Fighters
18 Cricket Interceptors

The Pollis system is under the control of the Dreden Rebellion.

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.

(This message has been edited by Azdara Ace (edited 12-30-2001).)

Fleet Admiral Alan Rak, from the Cloak & Dagger in the Kaujathat jumpgate system, issued an emergency override order. He instantly took control of Mark James' fleet. He engaged the Aliens by firing a barrage of 100 torpedoes off the Carriers bow with the Cloak & Dagger. That was met by a barrage of seeker drone fire. The remaining Alien Interceptors and Heavy Fighters edged up on the asteriod field... just as James' fleet exited the jumpgate.

Immediately, James' capital ships began unleashing torpedo after torpedo upon the Carrier. Meanwhile, all of his fighters began spreading out in a spherical formation. The Alien fighters, at this time, had reached James' fleet. Vying to defend their Carrier, they launched an all-out assault upon one of James' Carriers. They relinquished all of their seeker modules in five waves. Each wave impacted the Carrier with significant force. The carrier was down to 10% shields. By that time, the fighters had detected the human fighters who had at that time flanked them. The Interceptors disengaged to combat the new threat, while the Heavy Fighters made a run of the carrier.

30 Fusion Beams strike the carrier in unison, knocking the behemoth's armor status down to 30%, critical. The few lagging Alien fighters unleash a deadly surprise. As they are firing their fusion beams, the don't divert course. They bear straight down on the carrier. When they were within 10 meters of the massive ship, they exploded in a firestorm, disabling the carrier. The first wave of heavy fighters, by this time, had been destroyed down to 4 fighters. These valiant fighters made a final approach to the carrier, eliminating it in one swift strike. These are the only heavy fighters that make it back to the fleet.

As the interceptors began engaging the fast approaching stingrays, they were caught in a nasty surprise. Behind them, 16 destroyers had sealed off their exit, and were dispensing heavy munitions VERY liberally. The interceptors docked their speed, and began engaging the 'rays with needle beams and whatever else they could through at them. When the two sides met, the battle ended in the explosion of the interceptors. Every single one was destroyed, at the cost of many brave stingray pilots.


The large cloaked ship pulled up to the docking bay of Kaujathat. The bay's doors were sealed shut, so the ship began launching barrages of Piercer rockets at the door. Despite the massive amount of punishment being inflicted upon it, the magnetically sealed pressure door held. The pilot of the powerful Ghost Insertion Craft radioed in for support. Soon afterward, four Gandolf fusion torpedoes were streaming towards the door. The door was torn apart on impact, the pressure released by the hull breach ripped through the docking bay. Tools scattered; metal shelves were ripped off of the wall. Inside were five Alien destroyers and an Alien gunboat. Before the Ghost could react the fleet rocketed out of the bay and into space.

The Ghost, before landing in the bay, planted a tactical nuclear weapon inside. They zoomed away from the gate, and hit behind a piece of space debris. The commander of the Ghost activated the remote detonation sequence. Five seconds later, a huge explosion tore through the lower section of the jumpgate like scissors through paper. Flames errupted throughout the gate's thick armor. The Ghost then moved into the destroyed wreckage, and planted the elite assault team at the entrance to the control sector.


Fleet Stats:

7th BattleGroup
1 Republic-Class Carrier
2 Enterprise-Class Battlecruisers
2 Freedom-Class Cruisers
2 Scimitars
4 Destroyer M7s
3 Destroyer M8s
2 Tigershark Gunships
75 Stingrays
90 Swordfish
47 Skates
118 Devil Rays

16th BattleGroup
16th BattleGroup
1 Republic Carrier
1 Intrepid Battlecruiser
1 Enterprise Battlecruiser (Heavily Damaged)
4 Freedom Cruisers
15 Destroyer M8s
4 Tigershark Gunships
1 Swordfish
23 Skates
206 Stingrays

49th BattleGroup
1 Carrier (Moderately Damaged)
1 BattleCruiser (Lightly Damaged)
4 Heavy Fighters (Lightly Damaged)

Kaujathat Defense Force
5 Destroyers
1 Gunboat

(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 12-31-2001).)

Commander Kyle, 2 heavy cruisers, 5 destroyers, and 12 heavy fighters are approaching. They are hailing us.

The hail came through clear as the sky with a voice of urgency and direness.
"Tribune Kyle? I have to bring to your ears the dreadful seriousness of the situation. That commander you hailed the other day? He has been assassinated and the bloody traitors defected to the dreden rebellion."

Expletives flew out of Kyle's mouth as he put all the recent events together within his head. Rebel council, the emperor, had supposedly been assassinated as well. Human forces were jumping through the jumpgate in a furious flurry of forces, while Jager's fleet was being pummelled.

Comm officer ben, send a relay to the forces remaining in the Kaujathat system. "This is your new emperor, Kyle. I understand that a human fleet is penetrating the jumpgate. Here are your final orders, you are to fight for the security of the empire. ALL forces concentrate and release all ammunition and fire directly on the jump gate core. Destroy it at ALL costs. I repeat, the jumpgate must be utterly destroyed."

In the Kaujathat system, the remaining carrier and battlecruiser with the 80 combined fighters listened to the broadcast with deathly silence. The commander of the Carrier, Jager, at once instructed all of his forces to follow the procedure given by the emperor. Fire at will! Aim for the core! Meanwhile, Jager boarded a lone heavy fighter and took 12 interceptors with him, warping out of the kaujathat system immediately. His usefulness was still intact and the emperor needed commanders desperately. Taking heavy fire from confederation fighters, notably the huge number of stingrays, the shields of the alien crafts would not hold for long. However, seeker modules and drones were released at a furious rate, pounding into the core of the jumpgate, coupled with the interceptors and heavy fighters unloading all firepower in the form of fusion beams and drones. Soon, all the shields and armor of the jumpgate that the alien empire had labored so hard over many years to build were eliminated, and the warp core was openly displayed.

General Rak was staring at the insanity of the Alien tactics with a horrid look on his face. Pull all forces back! If we are stranded in this galaxy we will never make it back alive! Repeat, retreat through the jumpgate, all forces retreat! All fighters and destroyers with their able maneuverability were able to make it back through the collapsing jumpgate, but the slower capital ships were not so lucky. One intrepid battlecruiser was able to surpass the collapsing timbers of steel of the enormous gate before it gave and exploded with a shockwave that devastated the entire system.

On the other side of the jumpgate, Admiral Mark James knew perfectly well what was going on. "Shields up and prepare for impact!" As the glowing blue shockwave impacted his ships, none were lost but many greatly shaken. "Damn them, just damn those aliens."

Human status:

Rak's fleet:

(1 republic carrier lost)
(1 enterprise battlecruiser lost)
1 intrepid battlecruiser
4 freedom cruisers
15 destroyer M8s
3 tigershark gunships (1 lost)
1 swordfish
23 skates
196 stingrays (10 lost)

Alien status:

Jager's fleet:

(1 carrier lost)
(1 battlecruiser lost)
(19 heavy fighers lost)
(48 interceptors lost)

1 heavy fighter
12 interceptors
Pax system.

(this has been voided)

(This message has been edited by Kylethekender545 (edited 12-30-2001).)

voided goddamnit 🙂

(This message has been edited by Kylethekender545 (edited 12-30-2001).)


Originally posted by Kylethekender545:
(OCCAnd as for rebel council and saint's fleets I have no idea what's going on so mac or skyblade help me out here)

Mod post - Hehe, well... Those fleets no longer exist. They were completely wiped out at Verdica, since RC failed to command them in the thick of the action. We gave him another chance, but Azdara finished things off afterwards. Also, the 59th is now back in your command, so long as BariSax accepts the offer I made at the discussion topic. If he agrees to the terms, we'll place the 59th in the Masada system to avoid immediate conflicts.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

Jimbob had his restocked fleet reload ammo and refuel. A few minutes later, the Private from before walked up to him and say, "Sir, Commander Skyblade gives praise for taking this system so quickly, and also, Azdara Ace's fleet, which came through a little while ago, has taken Pollis"

Jimbob turned to him and said this is excellent news Private...err, what his your name, soldier?"

"Private Anderson, sir" The young man replied.'

"Alright then. Anytime something happens in battle or within the fleet, or when a message is sent, tell me the news has you have been doing."

"Yes sir!" The private walked back to his quarters.

42nd fleet is restocked and refulled, rested.

Cause: Putting a V12 engine on a tricycle.
Effect: A dead 3 year old.
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)

Dreden Military Message Buoy
_59th Dreden Fighter Brigade: Proceed to the Vork system and take up defensive actions. Stand by upon arrival (note: This applies to only the Dreden ships that previously composed the 59th defected alien warfleet).

36th Warfleet: Proceed to Sten and take up defensive actions. Report any alien movement in surrounding systems.

42nd Warfleet: Make way for the Pollis system, and take up defensive measures. Stand by for further orders upon arrival.

_= = = = = = = = = =

101st remains stationary in the Rhansard system, restocking ammo, receiving reinforcements, and refueling.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

Private Anderson walked in to Jimbob's office and reported a message from Commander Skyblade stating that the fleet dhould go to Pollis and take a Defensive stance, and await more orders. "Alright then, Anderson, tell all ships to prepare for hyperspace." Jimbob replied.

"Yes Sir!

The fleet arrived in the system, and Jimbob ordered Yellow alert on all ships and had them remain alert at all times. Jimbob was sure the 42nd was ready for anything.

Cause: Putting a V12 engine on a tricycle.
Effect: A dead 3 year old.
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)

The door opened to Plute's quarters unheralded.

"Commander Plute, we have some more bad news." said a young man. "the rest of the fleet, including this crew appears to grow homesick. They all plan to return to Kylethekender's fleet and say it was at your command that they attacked the 1st fleet."

Plute swore. "meet me in the fighter bays in 5 hours, and bring anyone still loyal to me with you."

This is all going wrong. I expected a few losses, but not the whole damned fleet. Plute smashed his fist against the table and swore again. Later that day when the crew was all in their regeneration pods, Plute and the handfull of 8 officers still loyal to him fled the fleet in 9 of the heavy fighters from the Euphoria II's bays.

"We must flee into dreden space, all fighters follow me." The Dreden ships comissioned to Plute by Skyblade and his 9 fighters fled to the Verdicasystem.

Dreden 344th Fighter Squad positioned in Verdica
All alien ships except 9 heavy fighters return to imperial control

edit: Macavenger! Update your map so I know which system I'm in! 😛
"Duct Tape is like the force, it has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together"

(This message has been edited by BariSaxGuy5 (edited 12-30-2001).)

Azdara Ace happened to be watching out of his room's window when Jimbob arrived. Azdara Ace had got the message to move to Sten earlier in the day, and he now was making the final preparations to leave. Azdara Ace headed over to the bridge, he wanted to give Jimbob a warm welcome. "Communications officer, please open up the channel to Jimbob's flagship."

"Yes, Admiral, the channel is now open." Azdara Ace turned to face the communications screen.

"Greetings, Jimbob."

"Hello Azdara Ace, good day to you."

"The governor on this planet is a little shady, so be careful around him." Azdara Ace warned.

"Okay, thanks for the warning. Anything else I'd like to know about the planet?"

"Ummm...Not that I can think of at the moment. I'm going to be leaving in about an hour for Sten, sorry to make you have to wait to use the shipyard facilities."

"No problem. An hour isn't a big deal, I'll just sit out here and wait."


1 hout later, as planned, Azdara Ace and the Dreden 36th Warfleet Division left for Sten.


Later, the 36th Fleet arrived at Sten, and quickly fortified the system. "Captain Alexander, I would like you to bring the governor of Sten to me. We need to learn how best to set up a defense here.

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.

Mod post - BariSax - Good post over all, but you still have 25 Dreden Interceptors and 4 Gunships at your command. I very much doubt Dreden pilots are going to wish for Imperial command instead. 😛 Add those mentioned numbers to your 9 heavy fighters. A much more formidable fighter squad...

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

All alien ships except 9 heavy fighters return to imperial control

"Duct Tape is like the force, it has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together"


Originally posted by BariSaxGuy5:
**All alien ships except 9 heavy fighters return to imperial control


Just make your fleet a little more clear next time. From what I read, I got the impression that all you had left was nine fighters. This is why I constantly ask participants to post their fleet numbers at the end of their messages. Any replies to this post, make them in the discussion topic.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

OOC: I'm going to assume that the last alien post about killing the jumpgate was voided/revoked.

And now, I hate to say this, but the war against the aliens is rather unfair. I say they get another player, because even with another fleet and good technology, they're getting whooped. Just my 2˘.

I would also ask that Dreden players stop posting so much.

"Reopen A comm channel with Skyblade" Plute said, before he remebered that he was in a 1-man fighter. He laughed and opened the comm channel.

"Greetings, president Skyblade"

"Hello, Commander Plute, what is it?"

"Well sir, this is regarding some information you should be aware of. I don't know all of the details, as I was not a high-ranking government official in the empire, but..."

"Go on"

"Skyblade, the imperial reports about wiping out all of the milky way galaxy was a lie. A total lie. I don't know many of the details, but appearantly the humans defeated the imperial fleets there by forming a massive confederation that spanned the whole galaxy. A jump gate to the milky way system still exists deep in alien territory."

There was silence for a long time over the comm channel.

"I see.." Skyblade said in a voice lost in thought. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention....was that all?" The last part was spoken as though he had just snapped out of a daydream.

"Yes sir, Plute out"

"Duct Tape is like the force, it has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together"

Mod post: Carno: I'd recommend you reading through the discussion topic before posting your questions next time. 😉 Aliens are now four fleets strong, and they've got a new commander... Our little defector invented some fine tech for the aliens anyway, which they did get their hands on.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

Official Dreden Laser Mail Service
To: Commander Skyblade
From: Commodore Jimbob
Message: Commander Skyblade, how will you like me to fortify Pollis? I am totally at your command, all my ships are refullled a restocked. Anything you say will be done.

Message End

Cause: Putting a V12 engine on a tricycle.
Effect: A dead 3 year old.
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)

deleted; waiting for kyle to tell me where to go.

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 12-31-2001).)