Battle for Sol III - The Saga Continues

"Welcome to Rhansard, Admiral. At last our fleets meet," Skyblade said across the viewscreen. "Together, we can kick some serious, well... We'll slaughter some aliens," he added with a smile.

"I should have told you this before you arrived, but Jimbob needs some extra ships to even our numbers out," Skyblade went on. "I ask that you send 5 of your Thunderclaps and 20 Slicers to the aid of the 42nd fleet. Hopefully that will cover what Commodore Jimbob has lost. And don't worry... Dreden shipyards are prepared to compensate should your own numbers suffer."

After sharing a few brief statements, Skyblade went back to business.

"If your fleet is prepared for action, it's time to move on. I'll give details once I receive a status report."

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

OOC: Jager; you can build up a new fleet I think. And Kyle, shut up with the whining, because the HC won legally, and you just don't like it.


With the Pax system now under HC control, and the new battlestation in Kaujathat complete, Mark James quickly entered Pax and began work on a second battlestation, while the rest of his fleet was fully repaired, refueled, and rearmed.

The HC had also salvaged the holo-emitters from the battle in Kaujathat, which the Aliens had been unable to recover in time. They were now on the battlestation being analyzed.

However, Mark suddenly thought up an idea. "Scan the Selica system," he ordered, and got the report that there were no alien fleets currently in the system.

Thinking to himself, Mark made the fateful decision. "Engage fleet to Selica!"


"Do it!" he ordered, and the 7th HC Fleet hyperspaced out towards the Selica system...


The HC fleet entered the Selica system, startling the Alien defenders, who had not thought that the HC would attack so quickly. As the defense fleet was sent out in a massive wave, Mark James once again used his favored tactic.

Over half of the availible Devil Rays charged forth, blazing away all their guns in one catastrophic moment. As the fighters turned around and ran, their payload launched, the alien fleet swerved to avoid the incoming missiles, bombs, and torpedoes.

But it was too late for them. Almost half of the defenders were crushed in massive fireball, and the survivors were quickly pounced upon by the highly trained HC pilots and captains of the legendary 7th fleet.

Soon, the battle was over as land forces swarmed the planet and quickly destroyed all resistence. Mark James had won another victory over the Alien Empire.

The Human Confederation now controls the Selica system, captured by Mark James


7th Fleet

1 Enterprise-Class Battlecruiser (light damage)
1 Freedom-Class Cruiser
2 Tigershark Gunships (both light damage)
85 Stingrays (5 destroyed)
55 Swordfish (5 destroyed)
23 Skates (2 destroyed)
55 Devil Rays (2 destroyed)

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: Mac said 6 o'clock PST and I could engage KK again, well it's 8 o'clock so here I go

After making some quick mathematical calculations based on known shield and armor stats for the Pirate battle carrier, Drake class, Vice Admiral ZenMastaT ordered his main line of capital ships to engage the enemy with torpedoes. Glowing orbs blasted away from their motherships at startling speeds and converged on a single hostile warship, with just enough force to destroy it.

The capitals began juking in and out of formation as they fired their long range projectiles and dodged hostile incoming ones. Zen then designated a task force composed of slower Devil Ray bombers, escorted by quicker more agile Skates to begin picking off Corvettes. Groups of this composition would raid Corvette formations which were retreating or advancing in the wave formation, and strike at them, then retreat, with the Skates destroying any pursuing Corvettes.

The Stingrays continued to blast away with their HALO missiles, inflicting heavy losses on the Pirate fighter groups, and a special group of them began searching for stray Deborah Gunboats, with the aid of a few heavy capital ship fired projectiles, their numbers began dwindling as well. Skates continued to escort their quick Stingray charges, and the Swordfish remained with the capitals, engaging any fighters which chose to stray in range.

As wave upon wave of pirate ships fell upon the HC defenders, the above mentioned marauding groups would focus mainly on retreating pirate craft, and the capital ships would begin their own mini circulation, shifting the more wounded to the rear of the formation.

Status of Fleets losses as of this post.
Pirate Fleet
1 Drake (3 Remaining, 1 Badly Damaged)
6 Deborah Gunboats (3 Remaining)
31 Corvette (36 Remaining)
29 Gunstars (24 Remaining)
40 Lancers (45 Remaining)

Human Confederation
1 Enterprise (3 Remaining 1 Moderatly Damged)
2 Destroyer M8s (6 Remaining)
3 Skyblade Frigates (9 Remaining)
1 Destroyer M7 (5 Remaining)
51 Stingrays (198 Remaining
6 Swordfish (44 Remaining)
20 Skates (24 Remaining)
11 Devil Rays (19 Remaing)

Fleet Status Remaining
KKs 19th Pirate Fleet
3 Drake
3 Deborah Gunboats
36 Corvettes
24 Gunstars
45 Lancers

ZenMastaTs 31st HC Fleet
2 Intrepid Cruisers
3 Enterprise Cruisers
2 Freedom Cruisers
9 Skyblade Frigates
4 Skyhawk Carriers
6 Destroyer M8s
5 Destroyer M7s
198 Stingrays
44 Swordfish
24 Skates
19 Devil Rays

(edit)Forgot to post the remaining fleet status and UBB(/edit)

Apply When Wet

(This message has been edited by ZenMastaT (edited 01-02-2002).)

(This message has been edited by ZenMastaT (edited 01-02-2002).)

As there are now no pirate fleets in Perseus and the defense fleet was destroyed previously,
Perseus is now controlled by the Human Confederation

OOC: I meant to post this before Mac posted but AOL signed me off at an inopourtune moment and by the time I could get back on Mac had already posted, regardless im assumeing that my ships are able to make three jumps before Carno's reenforcements can travel all the way from Sol (or the nearest HC shipyard) and go through the jumpgate.

Cetaurian Ipvicus was suprised and excited, about an hour ago a small HC fleet had jumped into the Selica system, destroyed the local defense fleet and taken control of the system. While the swiftness of this move was unanticipated, the size of the HC fleet was what really suprised him. The HC fleet had only two capital ships and a few gunboats, even if it did have excellent fighter support. He also had a pretty good idea of the HC fleets position from the last sensore readings pacages with the distress call he recieved. His mind made up Centaurian Ipvicus immedialy went to the bridge and took control of his fleet. "Red Alert: all hands to battle stations, Helm: bring the fleet about make you course for the Selica system at flank speed."


The Alien fleet droped out of hyperspace almost on top of the hapless HC ships. The ususpecting squadrons of fighters flying CAP near the HC capital ships were almost immedialy destroyed by the needle beams, and detonation cannisters of the Alien Gestroyers and Gunboats, as the Carriers and Cruisers began to launch fighters and lob salvoes of seeker modules at the already damaged Enterprise Class Battlecruiser.

Back on the bridge of his flagship the Imperial Carrier Black Dragon Centaurion Ipvicus allowed himself I thin smile as he gave orders to his crew. "All Interceptors form a screen around the capital ships and destroyers, I dont want any of those HC fighters making bombing runs" then a few seconds later "tell those gunsboats to watch themselves they're about to get jumped by a sqaud of Devil Rays" but it was too late too late as the gunboats tried to get under the protective umbrela of the Interceptors two of them were destroyed by the marauding Devil Ray squad before it too was utterly destroyed by two fights of Interceptors.

Now that all of his ships were in place Ipvicus began to focus on the two capital ships still taking heavey seeker module fire form his massed fleet. "Interceptors and Gunboats keep up the defensive screen, all other ships surround those to Crusiers and annialate them." He ordered all of his Heavy Cruisers and Cruisers, along with the Heavy Fighters and a Carrier to peel off and concentrate on the Freedom class, while he took the Black Draco and the Battlecruisers to attack the Enterprise class, which was now sending out volleys of torpedo fire against his lead Battlecruiser. As the Heavy fighters began strafing runs and launched seeker modules, the Cruisers and Carriers, while continually launching seeker mods, slid into fusion beam range and began to tear into the small ships hull. In one last salvo of missiles, torpedoes and tubolaser fire into one of the attacking Alien Cruisers triggering a massive exposion that not only destroyed the cruiser but consumed the Freedom and to Heavy Fighters as well. While the smaller Cruiser was flaming out of existance the Enterprise cruiser was fairing badly as well. The three Battlecruisers and the Black Dragon had surrounded it and were unmercifly pounding it with Fusion Particle Beam fire. The enterprise cruiser that was already lightly damaged at the begining of the battle could not stand such heavy bombardment for more than a few minutes and like the Freedom was soon destroyed, though not before inflicting damage on two of the attacking Battlecruisers.


5th Alien Warfleet
2 Carriers
(one Black Dragon Ipvicus' Flagship)
3 Battlecruisers (two lightly damaged)
2 Heavy Cruisers
2 Cruisers (one destroyed)
4 Destroyers
5 Gunboats (two destroyed)
5 Heavy Fighters (two destroyed)
28 Interceptors (three destroyed)

7th HC Fleet
2 Tigershark Gunships(both lightly damaged
61 Stingrays(24 destroyed)
39 Swordfish(16 destroyed)
14 Skates (9 destroyed)
31 Devil Rays (24 destroyed)

Out ride the sons of Terra,
Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen,
Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth

OOC: Ipvicus, that is insane. If a fleet of that size jumped into the system, I'd just run. I wouldn't bloody stay around and wait for you to tear me apart so easily. I'll say I escaped with my fleet with some minor losses (and in turn, you didn't suffer nearly as many losses). The HC isn't stupid, and Mark is an excellent tactician.

Mac: Dang! I forgot those outposts costed money!! 🙂


Mark James quickly withdrew his fleet to Pax, and then restocked his fleet there. The Aliens could easily follow him all the way to here, and he wanted to be ready for them. If they did come, they would instantly be pounced on by dozens of Devil Ray bombers which Mark had specifically placed in waves near where the Aliens would come out of hyperspace. As soon as they entered the system and before they could fire, they would find over 50 space bombs and torpedoes racing at them.

Meanwhile, the reinforcements from the HC finally arrived, and Mark quite joyfully watched as they moved into the reef formation along with the other vessels.


7th Fleet

2 Enterprise-Class Battlecruisers (one heavy damage)
1 Freedom-Class Cruiser (heavy damage)
2 Skyhawk-Class Carriers
2 Destroyer M7s
1 Skyblade Frigate
2 Tigershark Gunships (both light damage)
83 Stingrays (2 destroyed)
50 Swordfish (5 destroyed)
20 Skates (3 destroyed)
55 Devil Rays

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: Carn don't give me any of that. What the hell did you do when my huge fleet backed by 3 other fleets that looked quite real jumped into kaujathat? I originally had you retreating, but you didn't even read my post or take anything into consideration so instead, you launched a direct attack on my forces. Insane indeed! So no, you wouldn't retreat because you didn't when my fleet which appeared to be FAR larger attacked you. Respond in discussion if you wish.

Go Red Sox! Down with the Yankees! 😛


Originally posted by Macavenger:
*** 1 Intrepid-Class Battlecruiser
HCS Intrepid, flagship

  • 3 Enterprise-Class Battlecruisers (2 still at Perseus)
  • 1 Freedom-Class Cruiser
  • 2 Interdictor Cruisers
  • 3 Skyhawk Carriers
  • 5 Skyblade Frigates
  • 1 Destroyer M7
  • 3 Destroyer M8s
  • 2 Hammerhead Gunboats
  • 2 Tigershark Gunships
  • 112 Stingrays
  • 24 Skates
  • 24 Devil Rays


spl_cadet thought to himself. Well, better give these HC idiots a welcoming present.
With that the Styx and Deborahs began firing massive amounts of cluster missiles at the HC fighters. Although the HC fighters did attempt some return fire, it was rather hard to do so while dodging several missiles at the same time. 4 Deborahs and 3 Styx fell along with 12 Devil Rays, 45 Stingrays, and 8 Skates. The Ghosts and Deborahs then flung themselves into combat with the HC fighters, suppported by the corvettes. While this was being done, the Pirate fleet moved backwards, preventing the HC fleet from moving in on them and drawing the HC fighters back along with them. Finally, when the tangle of fighters was vastly seperated from the HC fleet, the Styx assault fighters fell in from behind opening up with their neutron beams. The sight of beams coming from behind them unnerved the HC pilots who though that their own fleet had started firing on them. Coupled with the massive amount of fire coming from the improved tri-photon weapons the HC pilots broke fleeing for the saftey of their own fleet. Styx fighters blew away several more before returning to their fleet which was under orders to keep moving away from the HC fleet.
Mac's fleet:

  • 1 Intrepid-Class Battlecruiser
    HCS Intrepid, flagship
  • 3 Enterprise-Class Battlecruisers (2 still at Perseus)
  • 1 Freedom-Class Cruiser
  • 2 Interdictor Cruisers
  • 3 Skyhawk Carriers
  • 5 Skyblade Frigates
  • 1 Destroyer M7
  • 3 Destroyer M8s
  • 2 Hammerhead Gunboats
  • 2 Tigershark Gunships
  • 53 Stingrays
  • 6 Skates
  • 10 Devil Rays
    Combined Pirate fleet:
    Asriel/spl_cadet's fleet (combined)
    1 Halberd
    8 Drakes
    46 Corvettes
    4 Gunstars
    22 Deborahs
    10 Ghosts
    60 Styx
    18 Starscreamers
    Pirate fleet continuing to move backwards as fast as the HC fleet moves forwards. Currently out of range of HC. Fighter patrol is active.

Liberty is indeed precious but human life is infinitely more so.
(url="http://"")Coming eventually, spl_cadet shipyards!(/url)

Mod post: Ok, let's clarify a few things here... Carno, you and your fleet have just taken over the Selica system, and remain there. Vice Admiral Ipvicus decides to counterattack with a fleet nearly twice the size as yours. Now according to rules and a touch of realism, it does seem like the Admiral has the better point. Sure, you are more than welcome to retreat on your command. But since you had no knowledge of the counterattacking alien fleet, he probably would have annihilated a good deal of your ships before you could escape. I believe you certainly could be pulled out of Selica before you lost as many ships as Ipvicus posted, but it was only realistic.

To settle things, let's give Carno back a few of his ships, say the HC has pulled out of Selica, and the alien fleet now occupies the system. Here are new stats. If you guys have something to say about this, feel free to drop a line within the discussion topic.

5th Alien Warfleet
2 Carriers
(one Black Dragon Ipvicus' Flagship)
3 Battlecruisers (one lightly damaged, another moderately)
2 Heavy Cruisers
1 Cruiser
4 Destroyers
5 Gunboats
5 Heavy Fighters
26 Interceptors

**7th HC Fleet
2 Enterprise-Class Battlecruisers (one heavy damage)
1 Freedom-Class Cruiser (heavy damage)
1 Skyhawk-Class Carrier
2 Destroyer M7s
1 Skyblade Frigate
2 Tigershark Gunships (both light damage)
78 Stingrays
48 Swordfish
20 Skates (3 destroyed)
51 Devil Rays

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(b)(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)**

"Your objective is to capture and secure the Stornik system," Skyblade stated to Admiral Azdara Ace. "While the 36th is busy there, I'll lead the 101st to Vork with the same plans."

= = = = = = = = = =

The 101st exited hyperspace to find Vork occupied by a single alien cruiser. It immediately turned on the newly-arrived foe, but began to retreat after firing off a burst of seeker modules. As the two heavy fighters attempted to protect their mothership, they were blasted by a wall of plasma fire.

The Liberty struck the cruiser dead on in engine # 2. The trinity cannon tore through the outer armor and shielding as if it didn't even exist. Explosians began to errupt to the rear of the alien warship, and the command deck was shattered by plasma torpedoes. The entire ship broke apart and exploded, with small pieces of debris floating about.

Soon after, the Imperial defense fleet flew forward. The fifty Crickets which composed the majority of the 101st fighter force stormed out of the Liberty 's bays, their cannons red hot with anger. The two Imperial cruisers came closer at every passing moment, their fate only seconds away.

Following a launch of detonator clusters, the Dreden fighters split and evaded to avoid serious casualties. The particle beams soon followed, aimed at the capital ships of the 101st. They caused little damage, but did manage to bring a few lighter vessels down to space dust.

The Liberty 's first trinity cannon was not yet recharged, but the second was ready. It had yet to be used upon arriving on Vork, and was aimed at the oncoming Imperial cruiser. The second alien cruiser was being pounded violently by Dreden firepower, and its twin began to swing around to assist.

The trinity got 'em first.

The beam ripped through the cruiser's forward neck, completely tearing the ship in half. It exploded in an awesome fireball, but the debri did mangage to damage a few Dreden fighters.

The second cruiser was now disabled. Fighters swarmed the ship's hull, pounding it with rockets and torpedoes. The Dreden assault force soon pulled off as it too blew. Vork was now silent, with the Dreden now dominating the system.

= = = = = = = = = =
Vork is now in Dreden control. 101st refitting and refueling.
= = = = = = = = = =

101st Warfleet

  • 1 Liberty Battlecarrier
  • 2 Athena Battlegunships
  • 18 Thunderclap Destroyers (2 slightly damaged)
  • 12 Hawk Gunships (1 destroyed)
  • 25 Lynx Heavy Fighters
  • 48 Cricket Interceptors (2 destroyed)

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

(This message has been edited by Captain Skyblade (edited 01-03-2002).)

Having read the reports on some of the battles the Dreden had recently won, Plute sent out his request on Dreden Comm Channels to all of the fleet commanders.

"Greetings, this is commander Plute of the 344th Fighter squadron. The other 8 alien officers and I have a request of you. Since we were trained in tactics, not dogfighting, we request that if the opportunity should arise, you capture an alien cruiser or destroyer from one of the planetary defense fleets to serve as our flagship. I think we would all be more comfortable with a more durable ship where it would be easier to issue commands. Thank you for your time. Plute out"

-End Transmission

I love the arcade. There's this one game near the middle where you put in a dollar and win four quarters, and I win every time! They even have games in the bathrom, look! I won a balloon!

= = = = =Comm channel 3 - Line secure = = = = =
Source: 101st Warfleet
Destination: 334th Fighter Brigade
Transmission received, Plute. I will keep your request in mind once we begin additional attacks. Had I been told before the attack on Vork, I could have a captured Imperial Heavy Cruiser at our hands. But it was destroyed immediately upon being disabled. Again, we'll keep your reuqest in mind. -Commander Skyblade-
= = = = =Comm channel 3 - Line secure = = = = =

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

The space around Vorik was deadly quiet, the Dreden fleet had just decamated the local Imperial defense fleet, all that remained was wrekage. Well not only wrekage. As the Dreden fleet cruised through the remains of their vanquished enemies several small objects, only the size of a human basketball and looking like so much space derbis, activated small gas retros and attached to the hulls of several passing Dreden capital ships. Once attached, their color scheme changed from the previously space black to the rebel blue of the Dreden Navy, and they were lost on the vast hulls of the ships they occupied.

Out ride the sons of Terra,
Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen,
Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth

OOC: Skyblade, are you sure it's fair to start capturing defense fleets? After all, it would be so easy to just capture an entire defense fleet and give an attacking fleet gains instead of losses. If it's just a one time thing to give to BariSax that's fine though.

Go Red Sox! Down with the Yankees! 😛

I had a post but I just delited it. Lets just say that I stole a Stingray fighter from the HC. used a jump station to move my fighter to the alien homeworld and destroyed the jump startion after.

Oh ya I'm BACK.... heh


I hate the clear button

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) | (url="http://"")The Homeschoolers of GR (/url) | (url="http://"") EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"") BSIII Home Page (/url)


Originally posted by Vice Admiral Ipvicus:
**The space around Vorik was deadly quiet, the Dreden fleet had just decamated the local Imperial defense fleet, all that remained was wrekage. Well not only wrekage. As the Dreden fleet cruised through the remains of their vanquished enemies several small objects, only the size of a human basketball and looking like so much space derbis, activated small gas retros and attached to the hulls of several passing Dreden capital ships. Once attached, their color scheme changed from the previously space black to the rebel blue of the Dreden Navy, and they were lost on the vast hulls of the ships they occupied.


Just remember we don't declare new weapons legal until you've posted stats on them, and their intended role / effect.

Kender: No, it would not be fair to capture an entire defense fleet. Maybe a single ship every now and then, but certainly not an entire force.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

OOC: Im afraid this dosent apply since these "objects" are neither weapons nor anythin i would consider it new tech as im pretty sure we have stuff like it today.

Out ride the sons of Terra,
Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen,
Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
While this was being done, the Pirate fleet moved backwards, preventing the HC fleet from moving in on them

Wow. Thanks for playing right into my hands. 🙂


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
and drawing the HC fighters back along with them.

Wrong. What part of "screen" do you not understand? Their mission is to defend, not attack. Give them enough credit to be at least that disciplined, or we'll have to triple KK's losses after Pollux due to "Surf's up" failing utterly. 😉 Your loss figures from the first volley are also grossly skewed, as usual. My fighters can return fire just fine, and I think you overestimate the strength of your Missiles slightly. You also ignored my Skyblade Frigates backstopping the screen. Also, you would not have any chance to kill any Skates or Devil Rays, as they're behind the screen amongst the rest of my fleet.

  • 1 Intrepid-Class Battlecruiser
    HCS Intrepid, flagship
  • 3 Enterprise-Class Battlecruisers (2 still at Perseus)
  • 1 Freedom-Class Cruiser
  • 2 Interdictor Cruisers
  • 3 Skyhawk Carriers
  • 5 Skyblade Frigates
  • 1 Destroyer M7
  • 3 Destroyer M8s
  • 2 Hammerhead Gunboats
  • 2 Tigershark Gunships
  • 85 Stingrays
  • 24 Skates
  • 24 Devil Rays
    Combined Pirate fleet:
    Asriel/spl_cadet's fleet (combined)
    1 Halberd
    8 Drakes
    44 Corvettes
    4 Gunstars
    19 Deborahs
    3 Ghosts
    38 Styx
    18 Starscreamers

Far from the battle, Mac's two new Interdictor Cruisers watched. After some time in the system, they'd managed to refine their placement of the gravity cones so that the Pirate fleet was pinned, while the HC fleet body could leave at any time.

The Captain of the Sentinel walked over to the Gravjector operator. "Lieutenant, do you have those coordinates plotted?"

"Yes, sir. I have the cone adjusted so we can drop them in right there, next to the lead Drake," he said.

"Give that to communications. Comm, request confirmation from the President before we call them in."

After a short dley, the Lieutenant responded, "Macavenger says to wait twenty seconds and then call them in, sir."

"Prepare to send them the vectors."

Commodore Decker watched as a group of fighters split off from the main fleet and raced towards the capital fleet. Sensors indicated a group of over 60 Stingrays and 24 Skates. Pirate fighters moved to intercept.

"Calling now," communications reported. All eyes turned to the main viewscreen. After a few long seconds, the two remaining Enterprise cruisers rippled out of hyperspace right next to the lead Drake, dragged back to realspace by the gravity cone from their own forces, and opened fire at point blank range.


Sovereign and Galaxy dropped out right in front of the lead Drake with shields and targeting references still down from the hyperspace jump, firing blind along a vector supplied by _Sentinel _. 160 Turbolaser Turrets and 8 particle Beam Cannons all fired into the Drake, which transformed into a glowing fireball in about half a second. Just before the amazed Pirates were able to respond, the ships hit full action status and began firing.

The two cruisers quickly proved that HC Enterprise-class Cruisers are indeed juggernauts in a close range duel. Each ship immediately engaged two different Drakes (firing from weapons placed on each hull of the ship) While aiming all Torpedoes at the Halberd. Drakes began to return fire with some Tri-Photons, LRBMs and Guided propulsion Mines. The Sentinel had been sure to place them a little out of range of the Halberds HNRs. Within 10 seconds, 5 of the original 8 Drakes were destroyed, along with the Halberd.

Starscreamers began to return to unload their own weapons against the two as the two fighter groups hit each other. The Stingrys had more HALOs left than the enemy had Missiles, so this went fairly well for the HC fighters. After concentrating the first salvo on the fast Styx fighters, the Stingrays again pulled aside just before they got in Tri-Photon range - and the Skates following directly and undetectably behind them roared through, knocking the Pirate ships (turning to try to engage the Stingrays) broadside with a salvo of rockets and cannons, again focusing on the fastest. They did not stop to engage, but kept going, aiming for the Starscreamers which were hitting the (i)Galaxy_ and (i)Sovereign_ with GPMs. The Stingrays then interposed between the Skates and Pirate fighters, fighting a rear-guard action against them to keep them from even trying to catch the Skates, pestering them with HALOs, never quite coming close enough to engage in full.Meanwhile, Mac's Skyblade Frigates began approaching the Pirates from behind, outdistancing the rest of the fleet.

Meanwhile, the two cruisers had pretty well finished the Pirate main fleet. 2 Drakes had survived long enough to flee out of Turbolaser range, though one had quickly been destroyed by a torpedo salvo. The two had also destroyed a few Starscreamers, but several were still active, while both cruisers had heavily damaged shields. However, the rapidly approaching Skates should soon puit an end to that, while the Pirate fighters were closed to being trapped... and the Interdictor Cruisers still prevented Pirate escape into hyperspace.

1 Intrepid-Class Battlecruiser
3 Enterprise-Class Battlecruisers (2 heavily damaged)
1 Freedom-Class Cruiser
2 Interdictor Cruisers (at distance)
3 Skyhawk Carriers
5 Skyblade Frigates
1 Destroyer M7
3 Destroyer M8s
2 Hammerhead Gunboats
2 Tigershark Gunships
69 Stingrays
22 Skates
24 Devil Rays
Combined Pirate fleet:
Asriel/spl_cadet's fleet (combined)
1 Drake
36 Corvettes
4 Gunstars
13 Deborahs
12 Styx
14 Starscreamers

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Vice Admiral Ipvicus:
**OOC: Im afraid this dosent apply since these "objects" are neither weapons nor anythin i would consider it new tech as im pretty sure we have stuff like it today.


Well, I'll have to void your post until you give some additional info on it within the discussion topic. Also, there is no alien ship which carries these "space basketballs" in service.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

The newly appointed Legatus, Aladar Ipvicus, survey the star system around him. He was suprised by such a cowardly withdrawaly of the HC fleet that had just days before faced much greater odds, but it had given rise to a rather gratifying chain of events. Since the withdrawal of the HC fleet the population of Selica had rebeled against the small unsuplied and unsupported garrison left there by Admiral James.

Selica System Liberated from the HC Expiditionary Fleet

Ipvicus' fleet resarmed and refuled

Out ride the sons of Terra,
Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen,
Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth