Battle for Sol III - The Saga Continues

Azdara Ace was about to lay down on his wonderfully soft bed when the all too familiar voice of the communications officer came to him. "Sir! Jimbob is requestiing that we make the jump to the Verdica system!" Azdara Ace's answer was short, and tired.

"Okay, we will wait for 2 hour for confirmation from President Skyblade, and if none comes, we will move in. If the situation becomes desperate in Verdica, we will move, confirmation or no confirmation. Please send that message to Jimbob, and if he thinks that it is essential that we reinforce him, we will move out."

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics. the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

Official Dreden Rebellion Encrypted Message:
From: Liutenent Commander Jimbob
To: Rear Admiral Azdara Ace
Message: Our fleet has been battered against the Alien Emperor's fleet, but we have destroyed them. We are very low on ammo, and need help immediatly. Please jump to Verdica ASAP, if President Skyblade approves of it. If he doesn't, my fleet could hold on a little longer, but we would be destroyed very quickly

Message Stop

Cause: Putting a V12 engine on a tricycle.
Effect: A dead 3 year old.
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)

Azdara Ace got around 4 hours of sleep when he was woken up. Captain Alexander had come to his room personally, something that didn't often happen. "Sir, we have just received another message from Jimbob, and he desperately needs our help or his fleet could become history.

Azdara Ace, though he had only slept 4 hours felt much better than before, and instantly headed to the bridge, where he read the message for himself. "Okay, order the fleet to group up, and to stick, very, very close together. We will enter hyperspace in 10 minutes. All ships are fully armed and ready, right?"

"Yes Admiral, they are."

"Very well, put the sensors on full, we need to know exactly where to come out of hyperspace at." The 36th fleet loaded up, and then hypered out to the Verdica system. The fate of the galaxy rested in this critical battle probably, Azdara Ace thought as the stars streaked by.

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.

= = = = = Secure line 3 - urgent = = = = =
Source - 101st Warfleet Division
Destination - 36th Warfleet, Rear Admiral Azdara Ace
Proceed immediately to the Verdica system and assist Commander Jimbob in defeating or halting the alien attack. I'm counting on you to finish the battle and win the Rebellion success. Move out, and be quick! -Commander Skyblade-
= = = = = Secure line 3 - urgent = = = = =

Mod post - Jimbob: You need to post the alien fleet losses at the same time you post your own.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

OOC: Yes, before I mount my attack, I need to know the Alien's current fleet numbers.

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.

Ok, here is what remains of each fleet:
rebel council's fleet:
1 Carrier

Saint + fleet:
2 Carriers
4 Battlecruisers
4 Heavy Cruisers
7 Cruisers
4 Destroyers
16 Interceptors

Cause: Putting a V12 engine on a tricycle.
Effect: A dead 3 year old.
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)

(This message has been edited by Jimbob (edited 12-28-2001).)

The commander of an alien carrier in the Verdica system smiled broadly. He watched another destroyer of the 42nd Dreden warfleet explode as the weapons from his ship pounded it. Although his shielding had dipped to 40%, victory would soon be in his grasp...

...or would it?

"Sir! Another Dreden warfleet has just been detected on radar. It is the 36th lead by Rear Admiral Azdara Ace!"

The alien commander began to curse as he watched the newly arrived fleet warp out right in front of him. Now it was an even battle. No, it got better...

"Another Dreden warfleet exiting hyperspace directly behind us! It's the 101st, and they've brought the Liberty with them." The radar operator had a hard time restraining the fear in his voice. The Imperial fleet was in a trap, surrounded by fresh Dreden reinforcements.

"Take the ship around," the commander ordered. "We'll try condu-"

The commander's words were cut short. The Liberty's trinity cannons ripped through the hull of the carrier, smashing and melting the hull. Gigantic explosians rocked the ship, and emergency lights flashed everywhere. The commander attempted to pick himself off of the wrecked floor, but his ship collapsed before he could.

= = = = =

"Give it to 'em, boys!"

Skyblade couldn't help but allow the excitement to race through his orders. As he watched the large Imperial carrier explode on his viewscreen, he realized the enemy was just where he wanted it: Right between the 36th and the 101st, with the 42nd in the thick of the action.

Following Skyblade's orders, thousands of torpedoes swept forward, wiping out entire fighter squadrons. Capital warships caught from behind didn't have time to turn around, as they were drilled before they could. Confusion was everywhere. Go after the 36th or the 101st? Many Imperial ships paid the price for not making that decision swiftly enough.

= = = Alien losses = = =
-12th fleet of the Alien Empire-

  • 1 Carrier (1 remaining)
  • 2 Battlecruisers (2 remaining)
  • 3 Heavy Cruisers (1 remaining)
  • 4 Cruisers (3 remaining)
  • 2 Destroyers (2 remaining)
  • 6 Interceptors (10 remaining)

-1st fleet of the Alien Empire-

  • No carriers
  • 3 Battlecruisers (1 remaining)
  • 1 Heavy Cruiser (3 remaining)
  • 3 Destroyers (5 remaining)
  • 13 Heavy Fighters (16 remaining)
  • 10 Interceptors (23 remaining)

= = =Dreden losses= = =

101st Warfleet Stats:

  • 2 Thunderclap Destroyers (28 remaining)
  • 3 Hawk Gunships (17 remaining)
  • 4 Lynx Heavy Fighters (22 remaining)
  • 7 Cricket Interceptors (34 remaining)

Jimbob and Azdara can post their own losses according to whatever they think is necessary.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

(This message has been edited by Captain Skyblade (edited 12-28-2001).)

Wait, I made a mistake. I posted what the alien fleets had left. My rather large mistake.

Sorry, Everyone...

So, in other words, rc fleet was destroyed totally, and we are fighting against Saint +'s
Cause: Putting a V12 engine on a tricycle.
Effect: A dead 3 year old.
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)

(This message has been edited by Jimbob (edited 12-28-2001).)


Originally posted by Jimbob:
**Wait, I made a mistake. I posted what the alien fleets had left. My rather large mistake.

Sorry, Everyone...

So, in other words, rc fleet was destroyed totally, and we are fighting against Saint +'s**

Mod post - Looks like we both posted loss stats at the same time. Want to go with mine or yours? I think RC would be a little happier if we went with mine, since I don't believe it's fair to have his entire fleet obliterated before he can respond to our posts...

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

Jimbob's current fleet:
2 Titan battlecruisers, one GT-One flagship, all damaged moderately.
2 Athena Battlegunships, one heavily damaged.
2 Odysseus cruisers, both lightly damaged.
16 Thunderclap Destroyers
15 Hawk gunships
5 Lynx Heavy fighters
8 Cricket Interceptors
Nearly depleted ammo.

Cause: Putting a V12 engine on a tricycle.
Effect: A dead 3 year old.
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)

Alright Captain Skyblade, I agree he'd be pretty pissed off. We'll go with your stats.

Cause: Putting a V12 engine on a tricycle.
Effect: A dead 3 year old.
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)

(This message has been edited by Jimbob (edited 12-28-2001).)

"Get your fleet out of there, Commander," Skyblade ordered over the comm channel. "You won't last if you remain in the thick of the battle. Let the 101st and 36th finish the job."

As the battered remains of the 42nd began to race away from the thick of the battle, the Liberty 's trinity cannons were again ready for business after was seemed like forever. They focused themselves on a battlecruiser of the 1st Imperial warfleet, locked on, and fired. It cracked into large chunks under the violent stress of exploding ammunition. The blast and pieces damaged several nearby fighters.

Meanwhile, Azdara was having his own share of fun...

= = = = = alien losses within this post = = = = =
-12th fleet of the Alien Empire-

  • 1 Battlecruiser (1 remaining)
  • 1 Heavy Cruiser (2 remaining)
  • 1 Cruiser (3 remaining)
  • 2 Interceptors (8 remaining)

-1st fleet of the Alien Empire-

  • 1 Battlecruiser (2 remaining)
  • 1 Destroyers (4 remaining)
  • 3 Heavy Fighters (13 remaining)
  • 3 Interceptors (20 remaining)

= = =Dreden losses= = =

101st Warfleet Stats:

  • 2 Thunderclap Destroyers (26 remaining)
  • 1 Hawk Gunship (16 remaining)
  • 1 Lynx Heavy Fighters (21 remaining)
  • 4 Cricket Interceptors (30 remaining)

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

Jimbob's fleet made it to the edge of the system and watched as the 101st and the 36th ripped apart the alien fleets. It was at this time that a small message was delivered to the remaining men of Jimbob's fleet:

Dear soldiers,
Congratulations on an excellent battle. I know we've lost many men, but we did great. If it hadn't been for the 12th alien fleet, we would have done it on our own. But know lets have fun and watch President Skyblade and Rear Admiral Azdara Ace kick alien ass.

Cause: Putting a V12 engine on a tricycle.
Effect: A dead 3 year old.
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)

spl_cadet's fleet jumped out of Perseus. They then linked up with the 20 Deborahs that Asriel had sent them. Under orders, they replaced the regular warheads on the missiles with outlawed anit-matter warheads combined with biological and chemical agents. Jumping into Sol, the Deborahs sent a cloud of missiles streaming throughout the system, taking out every single ship. Stardock Alpha exploded. The domes on Mars and Luna cracked, killing all aboard. And to top things off, the bioweaponry slammed into Earth killing everyone there. Laughing, spl_cadet took his fleet into hiding.
(Note: If you are going to cheat Mac, I'm going to as well)

Mechanical engineers build weapons. Civil engineers build targets.
"It's up to God to forgive bin Laden. It's up to us to arrange that meeting!"-Marine Corps bumper sticker.
(url="http://"")Coming eventually, spl_cadet shipyards!(/url)

**Priority One Transmission - Code Alpha
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = General Alert = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = __

New Japan must have wondered just what was hitting it. Warning klaxons sounded nearly continuously as wave after wave of Kaptain Karl’s 19th Fleet jumped into the Pollux system.

As Kaptain Karl warned them during their layover in Tiber, the attack on the core world of Pollux was not going to be a quick and easy guerilla action. Nor would it be the (now routine) 3-wing action for the fleet. Success was important, but not at the expense of foolhardy loss of life or ships. “Operation Surf’s Up” would employ the combination of deadly fire with conservation of defensive shields ... and ideal tactic for the speedy and elusive pirate vessels.

Surf’s Up would demand precision flying and constant care to peel off the attack well before one’s shields were gone. “Twenty percent of your ship’s shielding is the only ‘cushion’ you are allowed,” insisted Karl. “No matter how close you are to finishing off the HC defenders, if your shields down to 20%, peel off and let the following waves do the job. I don’t want heroes; I want warriors -- intelligent competent warriors.

“Take advantage of your speed and maneuverability to make them miss with their ballistic weapons. Target one HC ship at a time: acquire, fire ... acquire, fire. ...And let’s ALL make it to the party on New Japan...!”

The “Point” has always been a position of high honor in KK’s actions. That it is the most dangerous is a given -- but it also sets the tone for the rest of the action. And none of KK’s warriors were surprised to see Karl’s small squad take Point on the Pollux mission...

KK’s Drake and four escorting ships jumped into New Japan’s near space. An HC Freedom and two Skyhawks quickly headed right for them.

All five ships in Karl’s squad must have had the same primary target. At least a dozen LRBMs went home on the Freedom in the same several seconds. But even before the Gunstars could bring their swivel cannons into the act, they -- closely followed by the two Corvettes -- were banking away from the fray to allow their shields to recharge. The Scourge’s shielding was not yet in danger.

In the blink of an eye Dirk’s Strafe and a dozen other pirates swarmed into the attack. As Karl’s Scourge was zooming out of the heat of the battle, he could not help but admire the artful juking and jinking of Dirk’s first squad. The HC’s normally disciplined gunnery seemed rattled by the evasive pirate ships.

...The fourth wave was almost in range.

(Just as KK was thinking how perfectly the plan was working, two of Dirk’s Gunstars were disintegrated in a flash of green. Five Lancers also disappeared in rapid blinks. The HC gunners were fast learners....) “Stick to the plan, you lubbers!” yelled Karl. “Keep an eye on your shielding!”

As the sixth wave of pirates spiralled in, the Freedom appeared to ... wobble. Then it lost steerage. Then, almost in slow motion a series of explosions rolled from the center of the ship to both ends. Then the hulk simply went dark -- dead in space. With nearly a dozen HC Tigersharks also killed, the tide was starting to turn ... or was it?

By now New Japan was pouring wave after wave of its own ships into the battle. The only difference seemed to be the HC’s tactics were not the same as KK’s “Surf's Up” plan. The HC defenders just kept coming -- a sort of “Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!” attitude.

Kha Zel, Master Gunner on a Corvette from Commander Kotov’s pirate wing, was reminding his tri-photon turret crews to stick to the basics. “Acquire and fire, people! Acquire and fire! Don’t worry about your mates on the command deck. They’ll get us out of here before the shields fail; you just hit what you can while we’re here and the Kap’n’s plan’ll work.”

Zel keyed up his mate, Balistics Chief Sweek. (Comm protocol in the 19th Fleet is ... less than formal.) “What news, Sweek?”

“We got two kills. Shields 37%! Good, so far.” blurted Sweek. (At almost that same instant, pieces of a pirate ‘Vette just off the starboard beam clattered off their hull. Just like that over thirty of their mates no longer existed.) “Hang on, Zel! Shields are 19%. We’re heading for the rear....”

Karl’s Drake was now part of the eleventh wave of Surf's Up. The momentum was definitely in favor of KK’s fleet, but victory would not be cheap for the pirates. Many warriors’ life stories were concluding at Pollux.

By the time Pollux surrendered -- with more pirate waves stacking up to re-enter the fray -- the defense fleet was down to one Skyhawk, two Destroyer 7s and three Tigersharks. Savvo, the ranking (and only surviving) HC Captain realized -- as the old saying goes, “resistance is futile.” She knew the defenders would keep fighting if she ordered, but additional fighting would be the equivalent of ... sacrifice. It would serve no purpose.

. . . Encoded Message for Lord Asriel of the Pirates . . .

Mercenary KK’s compliments: We give you joy of another victory! Pollux now adds to the glory of the Pirate holdings. The 19th Pirate Fleet prevailed.

Enemy Killed:
1 . . . . . Freedom
1 . . . . . Skyhawk
10 . . . Hammerhead
27 . . . Tigershark
2 . . . . . Destroyer 7
30-45 . assorted Singray/Swordfish/Skate fighters (preliminary count)

Surrendered enemy ships (to be outfitted for Pollux’ Pirate Defense Fleet):
1 . . . . . Skyhawk
2 . . . . . Destroyer 7
3 . . . . . Tigershark

Surf's Up’s tactics were very effective -- but our losses were still too high. The Kaptain believes “zeal for battle” caused too many of our warriors to disregard the crucial monitoring of shield status. Our Fleet Commander colleagues should be encouraged to enregetically reinforce the importance of this element of Surf’s Up, should they employ this tactic.

19th Fleet losses:
12 . . . . . Corvette
8 . . . . . . . Gunstar
18 . . . . . Lancer

** Kaptain Karl also requests reinforcements ASAP. **
- Zaz Geppa, First Officer of the Scourge
. . . End of message . . .

“This is Kaptain Karl. You have fought well, my warriors. I know you need rest ... and you’ll have it. But not yet. You know the routine at this stage of things.... Be ready to pull out in ten hours. Wilk Out.”

Pollux is now controlled by the pirates
KK’s 19th Fleet:
4 . . . . . . . Drakes
10 . . . . .Deborahs
95 . . . . Corvettes . . . (-12)
84 . . . . Gunstars . . . . (-8)
127. . . Lancers . . . . . (-18)

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch

"Sensor contact!"

"Bring up the tactical immediatly!" Azdar Ace's order was swift and loud. The screen flashed above his command chair. "Okay, I want the fleet to exit hyperspace right on top of those two carriers, right there." Azdara Ace pointed to the two Alien Carriers. They were located in a position farther back than most of the other vessels, so when the full weight of the 36th Dreden Warfleet came upon them, they would hopefully go down quickly. "Mr. Alexander, as soon as we enter the system, order all ships to fire all weapons at those two Alien Carriers. They are under the command of Saint+ I believe."

"Okay, Admiral Azdara Ace. 1 minute till hyperspace droppout." Azdara Ace tensed all over, an occasional shiver running down his back. The Dreden Rebellion had to win this battle, they just had to. "Sir, droppout in 3, 2, 1, NOW!" The stars streaked back to normal, and two massive Alien Carriers came into view, very, very, close.

" Red Intruder, Firestorm, and Dragon Tooth , fire all batteries at those Carriers. All other ships, do like wise, overwhelm them from all sides. Fighter squadrons, stick together." Plasma Bolts leapt from thousands of Plasma Cannons, creating a cloud of Plasma energy. The 36th Fleet's greatest worry was friendly fire.....

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.

Centurion Nick was enjoying a peaceful rest in his quarters. He was reading a human novel quietly

Where do they come up with this trash?? We're not the aliens, they are!. How can they call us wierd when they have 4 limbs and only one head???

Centurion Nick tossed the book into the incinerator.

He heard a soft tone, having replaced the previous squaking transmitter only a day before. He go up to read the screen:

"requesting entry: I've brought you lunch"

"Come in" Nick said eagerly. He had not eaten for what seemed like days and was beginning to suspect the ship's cook had forgotten about him.

A young serving man came in and set the dish down on the table in front of him, then quickly left. Nick eagerly ate the meal. He still had a contented grin on his face when the poison killed him instantly, and when a young ensign found him.


"Commander Plute!!" a young man came running in. "the Captain is dead!!"

"WHAT???!!!" Plute said in feigned suprise.

"The ship medical chief said it was from blacksage, the most lethal poison in the universe" The wild-eyed boy stammered.

"FIND THE ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!!!" Plute roared, although he already knew the answer.
He had hated Nick ever since their days in training camp. Nick, who always was best at everything. Nick, who was the most widely aknowledged of all the captains. But the thing he resented the most was his denounciations of others' shortsightedness when he himself was the most hateful of them all when it came to humans.

But no more Plute thought with a smile.

Finally, my plan can continue

He forced himself to maintain a pose of grief.

"Ensign, send a message to Rebel Council and inform him of what has happened here. Stand by for orders from the Empire"

"yes sir!"

59th fleet refueled and awaiting orders

Every time I went to a wedding, my aunts used to poke me and say "you're next!", but they stopped when I started doing it to them at funerals.

Jager looked at the battle stats that where comming in from all over alien territory. They where loosing the war agenst the dreaden rebelion. Only one option remaind for Jager and his fleet. since he was to far from the raging battles that he would give an order to his fleet to jump into the Milky Way galixey and fight there way through the two HC fleets and attempt to take a planet at the end of HC territory and hold it incase the Alien Home world is threatend they can move it to the other galexy and protect it. This is a pritty grim outlook on the future but the way it looks now its going to take a merical to survive a onslot from the dreaden and HC withought alies which means the Pirate's.

Ops move us into range of the portal.
----3 mins later---
Actavate the portal. Bring the fleet to red aleart status. Arm all weapons lanch fighters and intercepters. Move us through the portal and jump to the NGC-4563 system and then jump to the NGC-4652.
---Actavating the portal---
The swerrling blue of the portal looked mistifing on both sides of the two galixes.
The HC fleets where un prepared for what happened next. Several blue collord fighrters left the portal and turned around and opened fire through the portal. The alien fleet opened fire half way through the portsl at the dreaden rebbelion ships uderaly destroying them.
What even suprised the HC fleets more is that the alien fleet came out with so much force several of the intercepters crashed into each other. The HC fleets fired of a few shots destroying a few more intercepters. The alien fleet jumped out of the system.

The HC fleets where totaly amazed on what just happened. They had expected a large fleet engaging them not fighting a other race than jumping away. The truth is that there was a small dreaden fleet aprotching them (Special task force) and after the aliens heard what happened to the other fleets to small fleets they decided not to risk a battle.
------3 mins after the Alien fleet jumped--------
the jumpgate opened up for a second time. Expecting a Alien invasion fleet a small blue fighter exited with some red debrease.
======Alien Command ship. U.N.S. Apolo======
Jager turned to his comm officer. Send a message to the pirate empire. Tell them a alien fleet just jumped into there galixey and is wishing to talk to there leader. News==========
A Alien fleet jumped into our galixey to day brining a new race with them. They are called the dreaden and have vastly supperior technology to us. From what they have told us the alien are being destroyed and the fleet that jumped into our galixey was actualy is here to establish a coloney. HC officials have not told reporters what actions will be brought towards this new race or the aliens. One thing is clear several Pirate fleets have been dected moving in the direction of this alien fleet.
========/ News=============

sorry for any spelling mistakes


Current fleet status: 49th Alien fleet
1 Carrier
U.N.S. Apolo, flagship

  • 4 Battlecruisers
  • 1 Heavy Cruiser
  • 2 Destroyers
  • 49 Heavy Fighters
  • 56 Interceptors
    (dont know if this is with my new ships)

Current position
Milkey Way Galexy

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) | (url="http://"")The Homeschoolers of GR (/url) | (url="http://"") EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"") BSIII Home Page (/url)

Alan Rak was sifting through tactical intelligence when a Marine Captain interupted him. "Sir." He saluted smartly.

"At ease, Captain." Rak replied. "What can I do for you?" Rak asked.

"Well Sir, I have some news for you. Would you prefer the bad or good news first?"

"Start me off with the bad news."

"Well, first, deep space probing has informed us that the Alien Empire is much more powerful than ever imagined. We have detected whole new classes of powerful battlecruisers drilling in the southern territories. We suspect that they may be refitting their heavies with the latest technology in preparation for a frontal assault."

"Oh s***!" Rak exclaimed. "Pass this information up to fleet command and to President Macavenger.

"Done already."

"Good... continue, please."

"The other bad news is that the low-class scumbags (Pirates) have seized control of Pollux. It is predicted that the loss of income due to the capture of such a productive core world will be devastating. Even worse, they are rapidly closing in on Sol... and earth!"

"What is General Veltier and Defense Command doing about these incursions?"

"Absolutely nothing, Sir."

"Those damn procrastinators. They will get it socked to them this time. I want you to lodge a formal complaint against him and charge incompetency. I will contact the General Assembly and see if I can get an investigation going."

"May I continue with the good news, Sir?" the Marine inquired.

"Yes, please. Go ahead." Rak replied while furiously typing on his communications unit.

"Dr. Cartwright has finished up his assignment of collect asteriods and coating them with tungsten glue. What shall I have him do next?"

"Please tell him to carve the asteriods into precise siloutes of our ships, and to leave a hollow space in the center with paths from the center to the skin of the model."

"Yes, Sir. Also, the science branch of your old company, Atinoda Computing, has created the first military AI. The AI is capable of managing you battlegroup and the battle, and all tasks associated with that. Infact, your taskforce is going to get the first one. His name is Waker in tribute to John Waker."

"Very interesting. You are dismis-" Rak wasn't able to finish because a large explosion rocked through the jumpgate. Emergency klaxons began screaming out warnings. Rak glanced down at the status indicator of the facility and noticed that the other airlock and been blown to bits.

"Sir!!!" a Marine Corporal shouted.

"What happened, Corporal?" Rak shouted back as he flew his chair over to the facility command center.

"It's an Alien boarding party! They came in on a cloaked dropship. Alpha team is currently engaging via sniper rifle." The moniter in the front of the screen then exploded into life.

Prepare to succumb to superior strategic intelligence
The Media: (url="http://"")AP Photo of the Day(/url)-(url="http://"")CNN(/url)-(url="http://"")New York Times(/url)-(url="http://"")Washington Post(/url)
Military Technology: (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url)
HC of a major (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance -(url="http://"")IRC(/url) Master!