Boozerama Bar VI

Ah, well. Just to tell you, MAc- I DO have a very good way of avoiding that I will use it, but observe what ELSE I do-

Lyra's Armor stops all the neutron bullet scoming toward her. However, they rebound back and kill Mac πŸ˜›

Lyra sees what she has done and immediatly commits suicide. πŸ˜‰

After reincarnating herself and Mac, Lyra yells out to hector, "BRING ME MY DART SET!" He does, and Lyra thanks him and takes out the UltraShooter-MachineGunStyleSniperDartRifle and begins to fill Shade's picture with darts and aprox. 500 darts per second.

Oh, and BTW, did anyone notice my heavy refernce to Romeo and Juliet in my last post?

No,I don't see the R&J; thing.
BTW:my picture never worked,so you can't fire darts into it.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21


Originally posted by Shade:
No,I don't see the R &J; thing.

Sees one person dead, commits suicide? Get it?


Originally posted by Shade:
BTW:my picture never worked, so you can't fire darts into it.

Oh, but it did. U see, u hold down controll, then click on it. Then, chose "Save this Image as..." and chose where to save it to and as what. I saved it as "me.jpg" and opened it up with Graphics Converter. I briefly saw a young man in his twentys with a distorted face before I got an alert that said:

---------------------------------------!Danger!--------------------------------------------Unknown ugliness is displayed in this picture! Please give more memory to GraphicsConverter

It said more, but I couldn't read it because my computer crashed. to much evilness on the Hard Drive. πŸ˜›

NOte: I am not really sure that that is what was in the picture, it started wobbling around and little demons appeared aroun the edge, bowing to it and saying something about the Antichrist. πŸ˜› πŸ˜›


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
1- The Acid Pit contains quatum-76 Bio-Level 4 disease sulfuric Acid, so it is impossible for you to have survived it.:D

1- Sorry for replying so late, but I was away yesterday.
2- What is "Quatum" acid. Do you mean quantum acid? If so, then you are really messed up. Quantum Physics is a theory of the behavior of subatomic bodies and events. Therefore, subatomic acid would be too small to do any major damage. As for your bio-level four conditions, my armour doubles as a bio suit.


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
2- You never said how you got through solid triatanium armor (your little pea-shooter couldn't have gotten through that)

Did you forget my "little pea shooter" was an armour penetrating advanced sniper round. Those types of projectiles can penetrate even depleted uranium tank armour.


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
3- Even if you DID manage to get out, I wsa standing guard right outside. I would've killed you easily.

Quantum teleportation is where you teleport to any place of existance in any dimension. The byproduct is the destruction of a body exactly like yours. Therefore, because no one ever observed my depart, I was NEVER even in the pit.


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
Even if you DID get past me, you'd have to get past my personel milita regiment, armed with redeemers and bulletproof armor.

Answered by above post.


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
5- Even if you got past all 1296 of them (thats how many there are in a regiment), and EVEN if you survived the acid pit, your pea shooter wouldn't have made it trough all that.

Did you forget I have a massive, cutting edge armoury onboard my ship?


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
Even if your gun HAD survived, it is physically impossible for a nail to be launched at such velocity. It would burn up from the air resistance alone, much less the drag from hitting the solid steel wall of the bar (remember, rich old Lyra donated it)

1- Any speeds lower than the speed of light can be physically retained. πŸ˜›
2- Even with a liquid nitrogen core + delepled uranium armour with heat absorbtion coatings?
3- Solid steel wall? Piece of cake for two projectiles, launched in succession.


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
7- EVEN IF the nail DID get through, by that time it would have been slowed so much that it would fall.

Hence the second nail, launched in tandem


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
EVEN if it didn't fall, it would have hit Lyra's Panserbjorne armor (go back to BB5 and you will see that I bought it to protect agianst idiots such as yourself). You brobably don't know what it is. The armored bears construct it from burning metorites. It is 3 inches thick, and is stronger than the most durable Earthly metal. Here. Let me elaborate. IT KICKS BUTT! NOTHING GETS THROUGH! Once, Iorek Beirinson fell out of a baloon, dropped 50 feet, and it DIDN"T LEAVE A DENT! And his was very old and second-hand. Imagen what Lyra's would do.

Unfortunately, such an armour does not exist. Meteoric rock is composed of weak, brittle rock, held together by the immense force and speed.


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
So, I don't regret to say, You're dead, theres nothing you can do about it, and life WILL go on. There's just no way you can kill Lyra. Go settle out your frustrations by killing old Insano over there in the corner.

So I can safely assume you don't read Scientific American?

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).

Luke grumbles and gives Zen the 50 credits he owes him. Now Froedrick is lawfully mine! Ha! Posted Image

Fine, Lyra, I would prefer a longer version, but you are now officialy Authorized. However, all other Authorized personell can revoke your decisions to execute/arrest someone, if need be. πŸ˜‰

Oh, BTW, I have a joke or two. I'll post 'em tomorrow... πŸ†’

Luke gives everyone a can of Dr. Pepper to celebrate the amazing Mets victory last night! πŸ˜„

Well, see you tomorrow, I'm off to a rural area near Trenton (NJ capitol city) for the night! Don't ask why! πŸ˜›

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Website(/url)


What did he ever do to deserve such treatment? Is he the antichrist, or just the best human punching bag to be found 'round these here parts?

Well, in BB2, or 3, I engaged in the epic soda wars with Skyblade and Mac. Ever since that they've still been punishing me. Everyone else is just copying them. Sorry, no duck races this post. Next one probably. And, I think I figured out how to do the volcano.

Insano reincarnates himself then jumps into his rebel cruiser. He waits for Lyra to come outside, then open fires on her. I mean, torps, turrets, fighters, everything. Lyra, admit it, you be dead.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Please note: this is too long to be done in one post, so IΒ’m doing it in segments.

One for the money, two for the show, three to get set and away you go!


Originally Posted by Rak:
1- Sorry for replying so late, but I was away yesterday.

Start up the engine, Igor...


Originally Posted by Rak:
Did you forget my "little pea shooter" was an armour penetrating advanced sniper round. Those types of projectiles can penetrate even depleted uranium tank armour.

Ok Starting where I left off


Originally Posted by Rak:
Did you forget I have a massive, cutting edge armoury onboard my ship?

Ok, starting again...


Originally Posted by Rak:
Meteoric rock is composed of weak, brittle rock...

OK, last one, I promise!

Before you go running to tattle to Mac that I flamed again, let me say this:

"These posts are just battles of knowledge, wit, and ego between me and Rak. they are NOT flames, feel free to go ahead and read about Rak becoming more embarresed then he ever has in his life, but always remember the rule: "You talk smack, I talk smack back:p ") Thank you."

Good. I hope that is now cleared up. And one last thing: If you are Rak, and you are reading this when I specificaly said not to, then a large blaster rifle comes out of this post, points at your head, and, before you can even blink, much less react, it fires about 10 times, piercing your helmet and (amazingly) your incredibally thick skull. However, upon arriving in the space where your brain should be, it only finds some old cobwebbs and a wad of chewing gum. So it keeps on going, and going, till it reaches the other side.

When Lyra sees that Rak now has a hole in both sides of his head, she uses telekinesis to bind him to a post, and then puts a sign up that says,

"Look through one side of his head to see stuff on the other side! Only 500,000,000 credits!"

People start arriving by the hundreds, and soon she has enough money as she needs. However, she "forgets" to untie him or give him his share, and Shadow cat begins to putt her favorite nachos just inches out of his reach, and then she eats them, one by one, enjoying Rak's shrieks of pain.

(And if anyone is thinking about trying to untie him, you wouldn't get any where. He's bound by telekinesis. There's nothing to cut or untie. :p)

So what do you say to that, General Moro- I mean Rak?

πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜›

Lyra, your last killing of Rak didn't work. I killed you with my Rebel Cruiser and you didn't reincarnate yourself! Rak, btw, do you want to form an alliance to kill Lyra?

Back to duck racing. Here's how i planned to implement an obstacle. On roll b of every post, I'll roll the die again. Froederick will get 1, Cheese 2, Arookee 3, and Chuck 4. If the die lands on any of those numbers, the duck gets hit by a large brick and gets knocked back 3 feet. Of course, if 5 or 6 are rolled, no brick hits a duck. Sound good?

Roll A:
Froederick: 6
Cheese: 3
Arookee: 1
Chuck: 2

Roll B:
Froederick: 10
Cheese: 7
Arookee: 7
Chuck: 4

Brick time! And the number rolled is: 1 Froederick now has 7 feet.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Umm... Just a question... Why'd you put a smily after every sentance?


Originally posted by Luke:
Fine, Lyra, I would prefer a longer version, but you are now officialy Authorized. However, all other Authorized personell can revoke your decisions to execute/arrest someone, if need be.

Lyra gives Luke an A+W to show him, in ancient aztec/indian sign language, that Lyra's mature and will not go around throwing anything and everything into the acid pit (A+W = Peace, understanding, and "a quelling of fears" in Indian Sign Language ;))


Originally posted by Luke:
Oh, BTW, I have a joke or two. I'll post 'em tomorrow...

Posted Image Cool! So far, Corey holds the lead by far, cuz on a scale from 1-10, Insano's got a -10,000. πŸ˜‰


Originally posted by Luke:
Luke gives everyone a can of Dr. Pepper to celebrate the amazing Mets victory last night!

Lyra accepts the Dr. Pepper with pleasure, and says, "Well, this stuff is my second favorite, but... A+W RULES! ROCK ON! 80's MUSIC WILL NEVER DIE! Dur, DUR!, dur-dur-dur-dur-dur-dur, Dur, DUR! dur-dur-dur-dur-dur-dur ROCK!


Originally posted by Luke:
Well, see you tomorrow, I'm off to a rural area near Trenton (NJ capitol city) for the night! Don't ask why!

Why? πŸ˜›


Originally posted by Insano:
Lyra, your last killing of Rak didn't work. I killed you with my Rebel Cruiser and you didn't reincarnate yourself!

NO. You never killed me. You said I you were waiting for me to come out of the bar, and when and IF I came out, you would kill me. I am still inside, enjoying an A+W adter writing that big long post. However, I will soon come outside for a bit of fresh air, and you will see what happens.


Originally posted by Insano:
**Rak, btw, do you want to form an alliance to kill Lyra?

You're in no postition to talk. Everyone already kills you whenever possible. It's even been made a house rule!!! So, uh, before you start making any alliances, try making buddies, first. πŸ˜‰

Lyra, get an email address. There are dozens of e-mail providers out there other than AOL, and they're mostly free. That way you can continue your little "chat" with Rak in private. And please don't complain about his grammar when you can't even control your own.

No hard feelings, then...

That joke was just a holdover while I think up my best one ever.

Mac - can you post your latest move for me? I must've been away while you made it.

CoreyΕ‚ (Cubed)

Lyra,stop clogging up our bar with trash.
How dare you use that newbie smiley thing?
You are one!
Shade pulls out his triple-barreled flak rifle again,and blasts Lyra into a crumpled heap of shredded flesh.
ShadowKat walks over to Lyra's remains,eats her,5h@ts her out into the toilet I flushed Insano down a while ago,and pulls the lever.
Lyra is flushed into the sewers,where she is rigt at home.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

Insano, who is waiting, hovering above the bar in a RC, (speaking of the letters "RC", has anyone seen him lately?) starts to get a bit bored. He turns around in his pilot's chair and notices a strange wavering in the air of space around the outside. Then, the Aurora turned off it's cloak. (If this was a novel, I could go into the desc, about how it had the huge silver command dome, the enormous fighter bays, the assorted weapondry beneath the massive wings, but it isn't so I won't). The puny deystroyer was dwarfed by it's massive size. Insano was amazed- he had never seen a ship so huge, so glamerous. HE had no time to think, however, because a (url="http://";=Fireball 1.1.sea.hqx")Fireball(/url) was launched from the hull and he was immediatly incenerated. πŸ˜›

Lyra,you can't kill Insano in an "Aurora",whatever that is,because you are currently drifting about in the sewers as a torn and bleeding mass of flesh.
For good measure,Shade flushes Nitric Oxide through the sewers to freeze Lyra,then poutrs nitroglycerine down the toilet to burn her to even more death.
Finally,she is a soggy,5h@t covered lump of ashes sitting forlornly at the bottom of the sewer.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

I must now answer everyones posts.

Cool! Send me those jokes!

Ok, me and Rak will stop. Truce, General?

Just for clarification, Lyra went out the back door when she went to her flagship.

Just for more clarification, U R dead now. πŸ˜›

I have a Duck Racing idea. You know that molten lava hitting people on the head thing? What if the 5 meant "Someone's square dropped off and they fell into the pit of lava below the track' If you got a five, then you would roll the die again to see which person it was, and then, once you got that, roll it again to find out how many spaces they move.

I know I'm a newbie. If one moron calls another a moron moron, that isn't bad. HEY! I GOT A SIGNATURE IDEA!

"If one moron calls another moron a moron, then what do you have, 1 moron and one really big moron... or the Presidential Debates?"

Pretty funny, huh?

PLease note the fact that I am outside with the most powerful ship in existance, U are not.

Remember, you flushing me down the toilet, or me decimating ShadowCat with an extra large torpedo doesn't mean we aren't still friends, right?