Boozerama Bar VI

Two things to say-

1, Insano posted while I did,

2- Please go (url="http://"")here(/url) for an explanation of my new name. Thanx!

Thanks General Rak, I believe you summed that up nicely. Anyways, I originally asked Insano if Arookee being dead affected the race, and he answered my question, I asked it because Shade posted that he had killed the both of you, so that ought take care of that.

Bah! I can't think of anythignfor myself to do, so I will cheer Cheese on in hopes of inspiring him to greater dice rolling feets.

Apply When Wet

No, I answered your question, Insano answered it again, only with the wrong answer.

Calm down everyone!
You are wasting valuable webboard spacee in your pointless bickering!
Thank you.
That will be all for now.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

It already has been settled, so calm down.

OK, seeing as how so many people are saying that me and Arookee are DEAD, then let me clarify, once and for all:

Lyra sent down 2 clones to act as Lyra and Arookee, and watched from her viewscreen to see what they did. Apparently, they worked. Both of the CLONES died, but not us.

First, Lyra goes up to the General and says loudly in his ear, "NO-ONE POST BATTLES!" then, she calmly tells him that he broke a house rule, and that he will now be thrown in the acid pit, and the tritanium cover closed. She does this.

Then, Arookee goes up to shadowcat and offeres her his friendship one last time. Her reaction is ____________________________.

Then,Lyra pulls out a popcorn bag and watches to see what shadow cat does, AK-47 in hand, in case General Rak trys to make a revenge or in case Shadow Cat rejects Arookee again.

GR quantum teleports back to his ship, as his body armour easily resisted the weak acid. GR then takes his prized Rak Industries Long Range Heavy Nail Sniper PlatinumŠ (Acronym- LRNSP Larnesp). He stealthfully piloted his Rapier to the building behind BB6 and let fire an armour piercing bullet which went right through the head of Arooke and then snapped through Lyra's brain stem. As they fell into the acid pit, GR accelerated to escape velocity and docked at the Rak Industries Modified Rebel Destroyer.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).

Lyra, I never took away your 3 feet on my hard copy of the races. That's what I go by. So, you still have your 7 feet. Insano tosses Lyra, uh, er..., something as a peace offering. You decide what the something is. Insano then continues the duck races.

Roll A:
Froederick: 22
Cheese: 21
Arookee: 20
Chuck: 17 Can you believe it? Everyone got 5 except chuck!

Roll B:
Froederick: 26
Cheese: 23
Arookee: 22
Chuck: 23

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Luke wakes up and writes New/Modified Rules:

  • No flaming without good reason

  • Peace offerings may be given to stop arguments; no guarenteed results

  • Failure to comply to the above and fore-mentioned Boozerama rules will result in the offender being thrown into the acid pit by authorized personell(sp)*

Negligence of the law cannot be used as an excuse.

*Macavenger, Captain Skyblade, Luke, and anyone who's been here prior to BB4.
Others may be allowed to perform a Citizen's Arrest if the situation provides that a Citizen's Arrest is necessary.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Website(/url)

Sounds like a great plan, General, except for a couple MAJOR loopholes.

1- The Acid Pit contains quatum-76 Bio-Level 4 disease sulfuric Acid, so it is impossible for you to have survived it. 😄

2- You never said how you got through solid triatanium armor (your little pea-shooter couldn't have gotten through that) 😄

3- Even if you DID manage to get out, I wsa standing guard right outside. I would've killed you easily. 😄

4- Even if you DID get past me, you'd have to get past my personel milita regiment, armed with redeemers and bulletproof armor. 😄

5- Even if you got past all 1296 of them (thats how many there are in a regiment), and EVEN if you survived the acid pit, your pea shooter wouldn't have made it trough all that. 😄

6- Even if your gun HAD survived, it is physically impossible for a nail to be launched at such velocity. It would burn up from the air resistance alone, much less the drag from hitting the solid steel wall of the bar (remember, rich old Lyra donated it). 😄

7- EVEN IF the nail DID get through, by that time it would have been slowed so much that it would fall. 😄

8- EVEN if it didn't fall, it would have hit Lyra's Panserbjorne armor (go back to BB5 and you will see that I bought it to protect agianst idiots such as yourself). You brobably don't know what it is. The armored bears construct it from burning metorites. It is 3 inches thick, and is stronger than the most durable Earthly metal. Here. Let me elaborate. IT KICKS BUTT! NOTHING GETS THROUGH! Once, Iorek Beirinson fell out of a baloon, dropped 50 feet, and it DIDN"T LEAVE A DENT! And his was very old and second-hand. Imagen what Lyra's would do. 😄
So, I don't regret to say, You're dead, theres nothing you can do about it, and life WILL go on. There's just no way you can kill Lyra. Go settle out your frustrations by killing old Insano over there in the corner. 😛

I'm back. Boy, Lyra has been making a big stink while I was gone. I think I'll leave the bar - "she's" getting on my nerves...

Coreył (Cubed)

Zen waves Corey good bye, and seriously considers the pros and cons of such an action himself. Instead he decides to hang around a bit longer to see how the situation resolves itself.

He then eyes Lukes duck suspiciously as it nears the finish line. (Oh and can I make a citizens arrest on anyone? even YOU!?)

Apply When Wet

"No, don't go, corey. Just ignore Lyra." Luke advises.


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**Oh and can I make a citizens arrest on anyone? even YOU!?

Only if they're doing something really bad, and no authorized person is around to do the arrest.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Website(/url)


Originally posted by coreycubed:
**I'm back. Boy, Lyra has been making a big stink while I was gone. I think I'll leave the bar - she's getting on my nerves...

What have I done that has not pleased U, oh lord of nothing and ruler of emptyness?


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
What have I done that has not pleased U, oh lord of nothing and ruler of emptyness?

Well, this, for example...and you can refer to some of your earlier posts for more answers. But I am not one to hold a grudge, as long as I see some change in behaviour...

Corey takes Luke's advice and hangs around for a little while longer.

Coreył (Cubed)

Yes mommy... and CHILL, it was just a joke!

Lyra slaps Corey and says, ITS YOUR MOVE! (in refference to their chess game).

Lyra has an idea. She announces to everyone in the bar-
"everybody! Thing's have been getting pretty dull aroubd here, so I have taken the liberty of starting a JOKE FEST! Post your joke, and I will judge them, 1-10. Note- I will NOT be biased about this, if U want to you can put your name as "???" when you write it. But, you have my word- I WILL be honest, even to corey ;).


Originally posted by coreycubed:
**Well, this, for example...and you can refer to some of your earlier posts for more answers. But I am not one to hold a grudge, as long as I see some change in behaviour...

Corey takes Luke's advice and hangs around for a little while longer.

Hmm, yes corey, you must stick around long enough to finish our chess game... remember, I played 7.d4. Your move.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
**Yes mommy... and CHILL, it was just a joke!

Lyra slaps Corey and says, ITS YOUR MOVE! (in refference to their chess game).

Lyra has an idea. She announces to everyone in the bar-
"everybody! Thing's have been getting pretty dull aroubd here, so I have taken the liberty of starting a JOKE FEST! Post your joke, and I will judge them, 1-10. Note- I will NOT be biased about this, if U want to you can put your name as "???" when you write it. But, you have my word- I WILL be honest, even to corey ;).**

"Ow," says Corey, and moves. "No more chess for me - I'll finish my games but I'm getting a little tired of it." 2. Qd5. Remember, I was on vacation!

"Um, ok. Here's a good one."

"Lyra, I've got bad news and good news." "What's the good news?" says Lyra. "You've only got 24 hours to live." "How can that be good news?!?" "Well, it's good news if you're Insano..." "OK, so there must be bad news, right?" "Yeah, well...I've been trying to tell you since yesterday."

Coreył (Cubed)

Lyra sees all of coreys rude comments and notes the fact that they USED to be partial-friends, and also notes the fact that corey defended him many times, and ALSO notes the fact that Corey said,


Originally posted by coreycubed:
I don't hate you!


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
**Lyra sees all of coreys rude comments and notes the fact that they USED to be partial-friends, and also notes the fact that corey defended him many times, and ALSO notes the fact that Corey said,

Originally posted by coreycubed:
I don't hate you

Lyra also notes te fact that Lyra has also done all of the above for corey. She askscorey what she can do to be his friend again.**

OK, you have proven to me that you deserve a second chance. I hereby revoke anything I have ever said that was detractive, rude or offensive towards Lyra.

One quick question, can you tell me if your character is male or female, or able to change freely between the two? I used to enjoy making a point that you seemed to be switching, but now I'm even more confused than before...

Coreył (Cubed)

(This message has been edited by coreycubed (edited 09-01-2001).)


Originally posted by coreycubed:
**"Lyra, I've got bad news and good news." "What's the good news?" says Lyra. "You've only got 24 hours to live." "How can that be good news?!?" "Well, it's good news if you're Insano..." "OK, so there must be bad news, right?" "Yeah, well...I've been trying to tell you since yesterday."

heh, heh, heh. I've heard it before, but that won't count you off. I like how you edited in Insano and me (no, i don't take any offence to that. in fact, I think its funny the way you did it!)