Boozerama Bar VI


Originally posted by Shade:
Lyra,you can't kill Insano in an "Aurora", because you are currently drifting about in the sewers as a torn and bleeding mass of flesh.

No, sorry, you see, I had already exited the back door when you posted your killing post. Please refer to above for example.

Lyra inquires why everyone seems to be mad at her lately, and asks "Can anyone who can answer this question politely, withOUT giving me something that resembles a moth-eaten flame?"


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
I must now answer everyones posts.

Cool! Send me those jokes!

Ok, me and Rak will stop. Truce, General?

I know I'm a newbie. If one moron calls another a moron moron, that isn't bad. HEY! I GOT A SIGNATURE IDEA!

"If one moron calls another moron a moron, then what do you have, 1 moron and one really big moron... or the Presidential Debates?"

Pretty funny, huh?


That joke beats mine any day...just you wait until my next one comes.

Coreyล‚ (Cubed)


Originally posted by coreycubed:

That joke beats mine any day...just you wait until my next one comes.

I didn't get that off of bushisms or something, I just made it up. Serious! I think I WILL use it for my Sig, unless I go into my HUGE archive of funny quotes. Seeing as how I'm majoring in writing and english, I know a lot of good ones.


Lyra-due toi the fact that you did not post your "exiting the back door" thing at the end of your post,before I flushed you,you remain in the sewers as a 5h@t covwered pile of ash.
Tell me when you post a sensible reincarnation post and get out of there,and I'll happily blast you away again as is my right as a citizen of the Boozerama Bars.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

First, I choose not to acknowledge that Lyra killed me, because reflective armor doesn't work. Too bad. Also, Lyra, there are no invincible protections , as you seem to think yours is. Get off it, it won't work.

Since Lyra, appears to be using a ship from her plugin, /me temporarily brings in his Rebel Supercruiser R.S.S. Annihilator from BFS I.

Lyra sees the Rebel Cruiser decloak behind her and figures it won't be too much trouble, since she just killed Insano. However, before she can react, the Rebel Cruiser drives 3 turreted Heavy Fusion beams through her ship. Returning fire with primaries, she is able to get the shields of the Supercruiser down to 98% (due to their tremendous power and better regeneration speed) before being destroyed by the horrendous firepower of the triple fusion beams.

/me now notes to Lyra that having ships from plugs is illegal, and I would not have used mine from BFS I except that you already broke the rule once. Too bad that your Aurora is dead now, and you with it.

Corey - how about if I repost the whole game?
1.e4 e5
2.Nf3 Nc6
3.Bc4 Nh6
4.d3 Df6
5.Nc3 Bd6
6.Nd5 Qd8

Lyra - could you please stop making 5 posts in a row? That was particularly annoying when responding to Rak's post, you should definitely have done that all in one. Very poor form.

Insano - If Chuck doesn't do better next time, well, you'll be late. Think Slartibartfast from HHGTTG. ๐Ÿ˜‰ He's a master.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
EVEN if it didn't fall, it would have hit Lyra's Panserbjorne armor (go back to BB5 and you will see that I bought it to protect agianst idiots such as yourself). You probably don't know what it is. The armored bears construct it from burning metorites. It is 3 inches thick, and is stronger than the most durable Earthly metal. Here. Let me elaborate. IT KICKS BUTT! NOTHING GETS THROUGH! Once, Iorek Byrnison fell out of a balloon, dropped 50 feet, and it DIDN"T LEAVE A DENT! And his was very old and second-hand. Imagine what Lyra's would do.

Heh. You're using sky iron, are ye? Just nitpicking, but it's Panserbjล™rne, with the accented "ล™". And Iorek's armor wasn't second-hand, it was just that the townspeople left it in a dump.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

Whiz Bang Whoop Ding

The above is the sum of my comic genius ๐Ÿ˜‰

And what does a brick hitting someone in the head have to do with a volcano, although I guess a flying brick would be quite the hazard, especially if one came about every time you tried to take a step forward.

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**And what does a brick hitting someone in the head have to do with a volcano, although I guess a flying brick would be quite the hazard, especially if one came about every time you tried to take a step forward.

Don't you know that a volcanic eruption produces massive showers of perfectly formed bricks? It's where all the world's construction people who use bricks get their supplies. St. Helen's 1980 made construction workers very happy, what with a big chunk of the mountain caving in and throwing bricks and all. The government likes to cover this type of thing up, and make us all think it comes from our great industries, so we don't see that the giant smokestacks of factories are just polluting the world for the hell of it. All the footage you've seen on most volcanic eruptions has been doctored such that all the bricks look like part of a random debris cloud.

So, what's my score on that? ๐Ÿ˜‰

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


(This message has been edited by rebel council (edited 09-02-2001).)


Originally posted by Shade:
**Macavenger,what's a hrung?

I meant to answer this a while back, but it looks like I forgot.

About all I can say is, read the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams. You'd understand some of the subtleties of that method of killing Insano if you'd read it. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Great book too.

(edit) I just saw a sports ticker, and couldn't resist. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Macavenger walks up to Luke, and slaps him across the face with a fish 5 times in celebration of the Marlins 5-1 victory over the Mets tonight. ๐Ÿ˜›

I don't like the Marlins much either, but they're several rungs above the Mets. ๐Ÿ˜›

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
**Start up the engine, Igor...

Lyra, I'm watching you...LIKE A HAWK.


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
Insano, who is waiting, hovering above the bar in a RC, (speaking of the letters "RC", has anyone seen him lately?) starts to get a bit bored.

Oh my god I've been missed!

"You know what I say, trying is the first step to failure" Homer Simpson

If anyone needs help creating a web site with HTML or needs help with HTML please E-mail me at

Hows that feel? Real people actually care about you! Impossible isn't it! Ah well, I wonder if Mac has a special reason for hating the Mets, is there a problem with NY here? Oh, and I read the HHGTTG long ago, and I can't remember what a damn Hrung is, so could someone please refresh my memory. (Id read'em again, but I can't find my copy of the book(s))

And are bricks really made in factories? If so, count me in for a future brick factory managerial position, that would be cool.

Apply When Wet

Originally posted by Macavenger:


About all I can say is, read the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams. You'd understand some of the subtleties of that method of killing Insano if you'd read it. Great book too.


I read it once,but my copy was very old and fell apart as I read it.
Please tell me what a hrung is.

Originally posted by ZenMastaT:


And are bricks really made in factories? If so, count me in for a future brick factory managerial position, that would be cool.

Zen,weren't you listening?
Bricks are actually made in Volcanos.
And to get to a managerial position,you have to work your way up from lowly brick-harvester peon on 25 cents NZ(1 NZ dollar=0.44 Greenbacks)an hour.

BTW:LOL that's funny Macavenger!

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

Ah yes, one of those random bricks must have hit me, though I now fail to see how one "manages" a volcano.

Apply When Wet

You put a bathplug in the top.
By changing the size and density of the plug,you can change when it's going to blow.
BTW:for no apparent reason,Insano suddenly suffers a total existence failure.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21


Originally posted by Shade:
Lyra-due toi the fact that you did not post your "exiting the back door" thing at the end of your post,before I flushed you,you remain in the sewers as a 5h@t covwered pile of ash.

I had a big long post on this, but I left in on my screen overnight, and this hunk of metal called a G3 froze, and I lost the whole thing. Anyway, put shortly, How do you know I didn't teleport to my ship? or get beamed up, like Star trek or something?

Lyra comes down, cloaked and invisible, and snatches shadowcat from shade. She brings her to her ship (which isn't blown up, I'll have you know), and subsequently starts to talk to her. Soon, ShadowCat starts to stop hissing and spitting, and ShadowCat, Lyra, and Arookee become good friends. Lyra then beams Shade up, and they all start talking about football. Soon they are all friends, and they forget their past differences. However, Shade and Shadow Cat must leave, and they plan to meet again in a coffe shop on New France.

(seriously, shade, this wuz the best I could do to try and make up with you. Please accept it, and maybe we can forget about you killing me without reason.


Originally posted by Macavenger:
First, I choose not to acknowledge that Lyra killed me, because reflective armor doesn't work. Too bad. Also, Lyra, there are no invincible protections , as you seem to think yours is. Get off it, it won't work.

BTW, mac, sorry my links didn't work. I meant to put them in once I was done, but I forgot to. I'll try here:

First of all, I wouldn't use primaries, I would use a (url="http://";=Fireball 1.1.sea.hqx")fireball(/url) to anhilinate you in a matter of seconds.

You know, my ship is equipped with things from (url="http://";=Supershield.sit")this.(/url) There's no way you could pull my shields down with (url="http://";=Supershield.sit")that(/url) on board!

OK, hope they work this time...

OK,glad we're friends again Lyra.
But remember:ShadowKat is male!
If Lyra can have her Aurora,then I can have my Custom-built Striker-Class Corvette from a plug of mine which never got off the ground.
I posted pics of it a few days ago on the Gallery,but stupid geocities didn't like it.
Basically,it's armed with a lot of salvo missiles and ionic phase weaponry,and it's really fast and has a good regeneration speed.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

(quote)Originally posted by Shade:
**OK,glad we're friends again Lyra.
(QUOTE)Originally posted by Shade:
But remember:ShadowKat is male! (/quote)
Oooooooops... did I say she? Sorry.

(quote)Originally posted by Shade:
(b)If Lyra can have her Aurora,then I can have my Custom-built Striker-Class Corvette from a plug of mine which never got off the ground.**(/quote)
The Aurora isn't in a plug, it's in a chronicle. It might be ina plug later, but I'll keep it for myself. I wouldn't let everybody have a kickbutt ship like that!