Boozerama Bar VI

Walks in, refills his back pack with Dr. Pepper, and leaves the bar to let everyone else talk about their silly matters ๐Ÿ˜‰

Don't you all remember the good 'ol days of the soda wars? ๐Ÿ˜‰

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Azdgari Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

NO! There's no-one here! The LAST day before colledge starts tommorow, I could be hanging out with my friends, my room-mate and I were going to see a movie. I said I wanted to chill in the dorm, but loook what THATS got me! No-one... all alone...

Anyway, corey still holds the lead in the jokes. Not many people have given it much thought. However... A NEW contest arises! SHOOT THE SHAKEN SODA CAN!!!

You must "shoot" a soda can. Various points are given for different "shots". Extra points are given if the can falls off the ledge and hits one of the various targets. If it does, you either get extra points or get to dunk Cap'n Skyblade in a tank of DP.


    1. Each contestant chooses a soda.
    1. On every turn, I will roll the die for each player, signifying the players "shot".
    1. Each number has a signifigant meaning-


Lyra, the duck races are yours. Here's the Record again for your convenience.

Froederick: 1-1-0-1
Zen Masta Duck (retired): 1-1-0-0
Arookee: 1-0-2-0
Chuck: 0-1-1-0
Cheese: 0-0-0-1

My what happens when you don't check the boards for half a day! Insano, again, reincarnates himself and chooses DP for his soda in the soda can shootout. Must kill DP! And, Lyra, put you'll have to pull out Arookee from the duck races, can have your own duck racing... And, can you put Samuel in as my duck?

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.


Any way, I will start everything up once I make a microsoft wor doc so I can sort all of these things out.

Apparently so... You say your starting college?

And if everyone keeps using these crazy plug-in ships, I'm going to have to pull out my highly maneuverable escape pod with crazy death ray device that I invented one bored afternoon. No weapons can hit the ship for no discernable reason, and its canon can take out any ship instantaneously. So says I.

Along with some judicious modification of certain defense forces, it becomes a handy tool for dominating the galaxy in an hour. I wonder if I'm allowed to have two ducks in a race? Zen Masta Duck seems to be more gifted, and there goes crazy Skyblade and his non-drinking Dr.Pepper again, maybe he's allergic.

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
Apparently so... You say your starting college?

BTW, will you be in the Shaken' Sodas Competition?


origginaly posted by you: **
Zen Masta Duck (retired): 1-1-0-0**

Duck: ------------Owner:-------- Current:--------Record: (whatever it means)
ZenmastaDuckย™:----ZenMasta (duh!)-N/A-----------------1-1-0-0--------------
Samuel:----------Insano------------N/A----------------0-0-0-0 (I think)----

Luke shoots Mac in the heart ten times to celebrate the 10-7 weird 'n wacky Marvelous Mets victory against the Friggin' Phillies this afternoon. ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜›

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Website(/url)

Hmmm. You sure 'bout the Zen thing? Cause I wasn't sure if he sold it to someone. Anyway, what do those #'s mean?

Duck: ------------Owner:-------- Current:--------Record: (whatever it means)
ZenmastaDuckย™:----Zen Masta T-------------N/A-----------------1-1-0-0--------------
Cheese:-----------Zen Masta T-------------N/A-----------------0-0-0-1--------------
Samuel:---------Insano------------N/A-----------------0-0-0-0 (I think)----

Zenmasta Duck will not be competing until Zen Masta T pulls him out of retirement. And, if he does, then Cheese will be disqualified. The record means how many 1st, 2nd, 3, and 4th places that duck has. You'll probably have to add more numbers as more participants come in. For example, Froederick has 1 1st place, 1 2nd place, 0 3rd places, and 1 4th place.

Insano then takes out a modern day nuclear missle and launches it at Lyra's ship just to see what will happen.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Seeing as how neclear missles can not be fired in space... It misses.

Oh, and BTW, is cheese owned by ZenMasta too? Because You'll have to use one or the other, so please tell me which one you want so we can start the race. Also, Only Insano has signed up for Shakin'Sodas. I put long, hard, minutes of work into that, so I hope it spices up. Probably cause school starts now, (:mad ๐Ÿ™‚ and many people on the boards are in high-school and college, I doubt there will be a lot of posting going on during the day.

Oh, here's that joke... Hope yer not Irish!* ๐Ÿ˜‰

An American has been in Ireland on a business trip for a while, and he doesn't really know anyone. Then one day, in the local pub, a big, hairy Irish man walks up to the American (Bob) and asks him if he wants to go to a party tonight.
"Well, OK, I haven't been to a party in a while, thanks," says Bob.
"There'll be drinking, me lad, heavy drinkin'," says the Irish man.
"Well, that'll be okay, I can sober up on my drive home," says Bob.
"And there'll be dancing, dirty dancing," says the Irish man.
"Well, uh, I guess that should be okay," says Bob.
"And there'll be sex," says the Irish man, "Great Irish sex."
"Well, I could use some of that," says Bob. "By the way, what should I wear?"
"Oh, nothing special," says the Irish man, "it'll be just the two of us."

*Actually, I think my great-grandmother was Irish, but I still love this joke!

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Website(/url)

Ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh- DIRTY! That's just preturbed. Actually, it's nothing to some of the ones I've heard...

OK, first, Lyra and her ship. First, after reviewing Fireball and Supershield, I have determined that my Rebel Supercruiser did in fact hash Lyra's ship. The Fireball would be impotent, as I have ECM, and the shield modifications would not make enough difference on any known ship. (Note: A Rebel Supercruiser's shields are better than what could be done to a stock Rebel Cruiser by adding all of your upgrades. Further, I can destroy one with 3 Heavy Fusion Turrets. Therefore, your ship is dead. Side note, I detect serious newbieism on your part looking at the resources of those plugs. You did make Supershield as well as Fireball, right?)
Anyway, Lyra's ship is destroyed, an can't be bought back, due to the following restrictions on ships.

These are legal:
Ships that come from the game and could be obtained without plugs.
These aren't:
Ships from plugs
Ships from chronicals
Ships from thin air
Ships from your imagination
Any other type of ship you can think of that doesn't fit into the legal category.

I also retire my Rebel Supercruiser, at it was brought in specifically to counter a rules violation, did so, and is now a rules violation itself. So, it's gone.

Duck race: Cheese is owned by ZenMasta, yes. Any race master who runs a race in which Chuck does poorly has a death threat outstanding, remember that. ๐Ÿ˜›

Luke: The shots don't kill me, because I also celebrate that victory. The spirit in which they were fired causes them to bounce off me and hit other Mets haters. Did you forget that the Phillies are even lower on my list than the Mets? In fact, there isn't anyone lower than the Phillies. Mac gives Luke 10 high fives to celebrate with him.

Also, Lyra, about your "My armor isn't invincible," it doesn't matter, because you act like it. You have an answer for everything. Just quit it.

For the people to lazy to find and read HHGTTG: I am unable to satisfactorily explain what a hrung is. Perhaps Luke can help you a bit, since I'm pretty sure he's also read and knows. (I have to stay with the book on this, Luke. Call me Ix if you like. ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

BTW, My "Mega Mula ideas" topic has really died out... Could anyone go (url="http://"")there(/url) and help me out?

Ahhhhh... Now THAT answers my big question that I asked a while ago (with no corresponding answer)! I said, "Why does every body seem to hate me?" I guess it is because anything u throw at me, I answered back. OK, i'll try to stop that.

And just to say-Lyra goes back in time so that battle in which Mac died ( ๐Ÿ˜› ) and makes it so it didn't happen. Anyway, why can't we have ships? I thought that we were allowed to have FUN! No ships? You're not letting us express ourselves. PLEASE let us have our own ships in here. Hey, I got an idea, if we don't use them for killing each other, THEn can we bring them in?

One more thing- What's the prob. with my plugs?

Lyra, flasing Insano her badge, throws Insano into the acid pit for breathing too loudly. (J/K)

Oh yes, I forgot to mention- "Whats ESM?"


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
**One more thing- What's the prob. with my plugs?

Well, something as simple as Fireball probably shouldn't have taken a version 1.1 to get it right, and it still has a bug, looks like - that balnk pict of ID# 128 should cause some problems with the UI. Also, your shield Capcitors in Supershield only add 12.5 shields - you have to multiply your values by 10 for the ResEdit scale. Also, I have a personal dislike for cheater plugs, and those don't really do a whol lot, which by itself isn't so bad, I guess, but I like to see a bit more depth.

Oh, and for the ships - feel free to fully customize any EV ship all you want, using in game outfits. As long as you could make it in the game, no plugs, any ship is legal.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")