Boozerama Bar VI


Originally posted by coreycubed:
OK, you have proven to me that you deserve a second chance. I hereby revoke anything I have ever said that was detractive, rude or offensive towards Lyra.

Good. Thank you.


Originally posted by coreycubed:
One quick question, can you tell me if your character is male or female, or able to change freely between the two?

Sure. In fact, I'm glad you asked. I've been wanting to clarify this for a while, and I was going to put a post over in the Webstory topic, but then I saw this.

For one and for all-
My CHARACTER is female, I am male.

Ok, Luke? I had a long post describing why I was eligible for an "authority" standing, but somehow it got deleted. Most unfortunatly, it ws all lost. So I will sumerize it in brief:

I wanted to see what Mac liked when I first "met" him and I lloked on the EV board and saw that he had "last posted" in BB2 (i think it was BB2, mighta been 3 or 1). I watched it, and then one day, I decided to start posting too.

Now, my full explanation ws much longer, therefore much more convincing, but I REALLY don't want to do it again. I hope you find this application acceptable.

My best regards,

Glad to clear that up. I wouldn't have asked but I thought I saw you refer to your character as "he". Nice of you to do that for us though.

CoreyΕ‚ (Cubed)

Here's a joke. If you don't give it a negative number then I don't understand.

A guy walks into a hat store, then he buys a hat.

Roll A:
Froderick: 30
Cheese: 26
Arookee: 27
Chuck: 27

Uh-oh, sudden death for second place. 10 foot race, go! I separated the rolls with commas.

Arookee: 2, 7, 13
Chuck: 3, 9, 15 Chuck wins because he finished with a higher number.

Froederick: 1-1-0-1
Arookee: 1-0-2-0
Chuck: 0-1-1-0
Cheese: 0-0-0-1

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Lyra,remember your grammar!
ShadowKat's name is ShadowKat,not shaow cat.
ShadowKat is male.
As to Arookee offering ShadowKat his hand in marriage or whatever it was,ShadowKat is disgusted.
Taking off his halo,he twists it into a pretzel shape and forces it down Arookee's throat,choking him to death.
Due to her daemon's failure of existence,Lyra dies also.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21


Originally posted by Shade:
**Due to her daemon's failure of existence,Lyra dies also.

Ah, yes, finally Lyra is killed, and will have to admit it this time, looks like... Welcome to the stiffs club, Lyra! I think we're all members, it's nothing to be worried about around here. I like the way you phrased that too, Shade. I get to borrow it a bit, yes?

For reasons I cannot adequately explain, a miniature hrung collapses on Insano, causing him to suffer a total existence failure. Insano is once again dead. πŸ™‚

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Hmm we're back to the totally hilarious game of killing Insano.
Macavenger,what's a hrung?
I want to drop a large salty chilli-flavoured italian cheese on Insano,but I have to wait until he's alive again. πŸ™‚

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

Well, duck racing is all well and good, but I think it needs a little more spice thrown into it. Would anyone object to some sort of volcano object? I'm not sure how you would institute that using only dice however...

Zen then offers Luke the peices of his used clay pigeon he had bet on the race, seeing as how Froedrick is his rightful property.

PS: Shade, whats with the salty chili-flavored Italian cheeses? Is this yet another sinister plot?

(edit) Italian Cheese (/edit)

Apply When Wet

(This message has been edited by ZenMastaT (edited 09-01-2001).)

(This message has been edited by ZenMastaT (edited 09-01-2001).)

No,the Salty Chilli Flavoured Italian Cheese was something I found in a store recently.
It tastes so nice drool.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

Pray tell, what type of store is it that sells the salty chili-flavored Italian cheese?
This may just be worthy of investigation....

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by Shade:
**Taking off his halo,he twists it into a pretzel shape and forces it down Arookee's throat,choking him to death.
Due to her daemon's failure of existence,Lyra dies also.


Anyway, as shade is laughing after "killing" Arookee, his laughter suddenly stops because Arookee, who was faking, coughs up the halo in ShadowKats face. It hits him dead on, causing internal bleeding. Shortly after this, she is dead. πŸ˜›

Mac- Before you stick a knife in my back for killing a cat, please note this: ShadowKat was NOT a real cat. ShadowKat is a mechanical representation of a real cat. Cat's are nice, calm, gentle creatures. ShadowKat is a murderous, evil, phsycoistic, and mentally derranged maniac. πŸ˜›

Its a small delicatessen in Christchurch.
It's not franchised,so you'll probably never see that cheese in America.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

Blast and bebother, why do you people in New Zealand get all the cool stuff? Like... strange cheese, and sheep and stuff.

Apply When Wet

Sheep aren't cool,sheep are evil and good only for eating.
I hate our NZ sheep,all 12 million of tem individually and by eartag ID number,since they don't have names.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:

Anyway, as shade is laughing after "killing" Arookee, his laughter suddenly stops because Arookee, who was faking, coughs up the halo in ShadowKats face. It hits him dead on, causing internal bleeding. Shortly after this, she is dead. πŸ˜›

Mac- Before you stick a knife in my back for killing a cat, please note this: ShadowKat was NOT a real cat. ShadowKat is a mechanical representation of a real cat. Cat's are nice, calm, gentle creatures. ShadowKat is a murderous, evil, phsycoistic, and mentally derranged maniac. :p**

Macavenger realized just before Arooke through the halo back that he was faking and quickly through a Pawn through it's path, causing the halo to be nicely deflected into Shade's hand. Shadowkat untwists it and puts it back on his head. He decides against doing something evil to Lyra or Arooke with it for the simple fact that Mac has already grabbed a pair of Neutron Rifles from hector and is calmly blasting both Lyra and Arooke through the head several times, killing them both instantly. πŸ˜› πŸ˜›

(Note: Lyra, if you try to work you're way out of this one, I'll probably have to k-line you from the bar. Everyone dies eventually, there is no such thing as invulnerability around here, and this time, you caught the stick by the wrong end.)

hector, good bot
thanks macavenger πŸ™‚
hector, cherry

      • hector hands macavenger a 450 ox. Cherry Coke

Macavenger sits back at the chess boards, sipping his Coke, and wonders if he should get one of the backpacks like Skyblade has.

Corey, are you going to play out our game too?

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Lyra-ShadowKat is a real cat,just what you get once a kitten has been given superpowers and a cool halo.
Darnit,I wanted to use my triple-barreled flak rifle!
Ah well,there's always Insano. πŸ™‚

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21


Originally posted by Shade:
Ah well,there's always Insano.:)


What did he ever do to deserve such treatment? Is he the antichrist, or just the best human punching bag to be found 'round these here parts? πŸ˜‰

Apply When Wet

Noone knows.
he's just so fun to kill!

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

The door suddenly opens, and Starkiller walks in. Unnoticed, he slides over to the counter and orders a drink. He spies Captain Skyblade, and walks over to talk with him.

The most dangerous people are the followers in positions of power.
(url="http://"")EV Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url)(url="http://"")Don't Hate Me(/url) | (url="http://"")The Spaceport Bar(/url)

ShadowKat walks over to Starkiller and sits on his feet.

Ok,for the general edification of the public,I am posting this:
Posted Image

It's me!
Unfortunately,as this photograph was scanned poorly,converted to JPEG,mailed to me from my Dad's work,and put up on my Geocities webspace,the quality is pretty poor.
Still,that's me.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

Hangon,I don't think it's working.Grrr

(This message has been edited by Shade (edited 09-02-2001).)