Boozerama Bar V

(quote)Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
(especially anything with the words "read the books to find out more" from coming near him) (quote)

I know, Lyra's virtually selling them to us...

(quote) **
He then begins the mighty task of attempting to recreate an entire chess game in his head, a task he is illequipped to do.


Just run a simple chess game on your computer (however you do that is up to you) and play the game with 2 players.

Mac - 2. Nc6

CoreyΕ‚ (Cubed)

Zen - I have a 15 move chess game I played recently stored in my head, and can reproduce it on a board at will. it's not that hard. πŸ˜›

Corey - 3.Bc4

Since ZenMastaT seems to be excluded, Mac decides to share the love a bit, and throws some peanuts at him. He then grabs chess board 3, ready to defend himself with it in case ZM has a negative reaction.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

3. Nh6

I am prone to making obvious mistakes. Just a heads-up. πŸ˜›

CoreyΕ‚ (Cubed)

All you chess players, with your crazy chess playign brains, just have to be so good don't you πŸ˜‰ Well, upon recieving the broadside of peanuts from macavenger he bravely returns with a salvo of wooden darts, which stick to the bottom of his chess board, forming nice neat little legs.

Apply When Wet

Corey - odd move, I've never seen that in the Italian before. 4.d3

ZM - thank for the legs. /me throws more peanuts.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Insano walks onto the bar's basketball court (do we have one?). "I'm takin' on all challengers. Get ready to be balled up, foo! Bring an apple, 'cause school's in session!" Insano then continues to do his dope crossovers and sick shots. (This is how I talks whenever I play basketball. Kind of a split personality thing.)

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.


Originally posted by Lyra, AKA CyberDragon:
Posted Image

I must say that is the best (and funniest) animated smiley-related image I've ever seen. Very creative! πŸ˜‰

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

Seeing Insanos mad gyrations on the basketball court, Zen begisn to throw darts at him as well, whilst continually being pelted by peanuts. He patiently waits for Mac to run out or forget so that he can hurl a dart at ultra sonic speed during the middle of the game. In good humor of course.

He sits back armed cocked, and wais for the opportunity to present itself, whilst simultaneously attempting to put on the coolest pair of sunglasses anyone including himself had ever seen.

Apply When Wet

All the smilies I've seen so far were available from that link that (I think Insano) posted or had in his sig.

Apply When Wet

The index of available smileies is (url="http://"")here(/url).

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Okay, evreyone, th long awaited post...

Hey, youve killed me countless times! It's all in fair play! (by the way, as you said, anyone can regenerate themselves at any time)


Many, many, expletives.

No personel feelings, as I didn;t really swear. I IMPLIED that I swore. (Great way to stop me from gettign banned!)

Oh, and if you want to see all the things I want to do to you, then you can go (url="http://"")here.(/url)

Okay, evreyone, th long awaited post...

Hey, youve killed me countless times! It's all in fair play! (by the way, as you said, anyone can regenerate themselves at any time) Oh, and By the way, I can't post on the just games board... Could YOU get his attention?


Go to #%?, you @^&!ing $*`terd!.

No personel feelings, as I didn't really swear. I IMPLIED that I swore. (Great way to stop me from getting banned!)

Oh, and if you want to see all the things I want to do to you, then you can go (url="http://"")here.(/url)

Ok, sorry everybody, I think I posted twice somehow (stupid me Posted Image ).

The funniest thign about your double post, is how they aren't exactly the same. And it may have been more then one person who dissed the, uh, books that you read. But no offense! Its all in good fun! And why don't you register so you can edit your posts?

Zen asks all these thigns while simultaneously using his peanut ammo to pelt Lyra.

Apply When Wet

Posted Image


Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Board(/url)

Is that supposed to be something Luke? All I see is the little icon you get when a picture can't be displayed...

Apply When Wet

Oh yes, and if anyone thinks my "redeemer" image goes to fast, than go into the finder, but in a way so that you can still see Netscape/IE/Earthlink/whatever you're browser is. You'll see the animation in slow-mo.

Mac- In the book, (though obviously you've tired of that phrase) kids DO drink alcholoic bevreages!(hic! hic! Hic! Posted Image )


Lyra, seeing Zen doesn't like her refrence to the book, throws a talking device at him that says:

(read the books to find out more)!
(read the books to find out more)!
(read the books to find out more)!
(read the books to find out more)!
(read the books to find out more)!
(read the books to find out more)!
(read the books to find out more)!
(read the books to find out more)!
(read the books to find out more)!
(read the books to find out more)!
(read the books to find out more)!
(read the books to find out more)!
(read the books to find out more)!
(read the books to find out more)!
(read the books to find out more)!
(read the books to find out more)!
This continues after a while, untill his enclosure finnaly busts open. Upon doing so, Arookee changes to a Dragon and B-B-Q'S him. Evreyone is quite happy, and ready to have a B-B-Q party, when Lyra says "No, lets not kill him. Arookee, how could you be so mean!" and then she spanks Arookee and grabs corey's (??? I think it was yours, mighta been Zen's...) Restora-Duck 9000 and restores Zen to his original shape. He thanks her, and throws a BBQ in her honor (at the fully-functioning BBQ area, with multi-functioning gas grills, dance floor, pool tables, 150 square foot deck, Watermellon-spitting arena, and drink bar). He feels absolutly NO resentment towards Lyra for blowing up his shelter, for Arookee (under Lyra's watchful eyes) buys him a new one equiped with 5 foot thick tritanium walls, blast doors, moat (with accompying crocidiles), voice-recognition/fingerprint detection security system, missle rack, torpedo launcher, Kestral bay, power plant, water tanks, fully functional G4 computer network, restraunt, movie theater, king-sized bed, and of course, an escape pod (as if you'll ever need it with all that crap protecting you!)

Everyone has forgot their past alliances, betrayels, wars, skirmishes, and treaties, evreyone is happily having a good chicken and rib BBQ while taking tours (at a small fee) of Zen's new "capsule". After a reprimend from Lyra, Arookee reluctantly hands over all the new cash he got from the tours to Zen, in further recompence for blowing his head off.

Apparently I don't even have to be here or say anything to have myself a hell of a good time! πŸ˜‰

Oh well, if people want to buy me castles, go ahead and buy them. By the way, thanks for including the best possible combination, that is of course the Mac Computer Network, and a torpedo launcher. Can't go anywhere without one of those! What if I was walking down the street one day and... oh, alright, I'll stop.

Oh yes, and one post battles are bad

Apply When Wet

(This message has been edited by ZenMastaT (edited 08-27-2001).)


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**The index of available smileies is here.


I've never seen that page before... It's got some good ones. (image)

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
Apparently I don't even have to be here or say anything to have myself a hell of a good time!;)