Which is better, Confeds or Rebels?


Obormot wrote:

**Ok, OctoberFost, let's not resort to name-calling. When I say something, I often know what I'm talking about. Perhaps you don't go to the EV Developer's board. If you don't, it's conceivable that you don't know about this. Kberg is developing a massively multiplayer EVO. As I said, he's already got a conceptual engine. You can get it at www.sfu.ca/~kberg. You can also check out the following topic:http://www.ambrosias...ML/000256.html. See, I'm not a total idiot.

As for Israel being able to beat the U.S. in a war, well, I'm entitled to my opinion. If you disagree, argue ahead. (Frankly, though, I've had enough of that topic. The world should be peaceful.)


Okay, sorry about calling you an idiot. Kberg might have developed an engine, but my personal opinion is that he is not going to suceed many have tried, all have failed. As for the Isreal vs. US thing, I'm sorry for bringing that up. I don't want to argue on it.

"The toilet is over there"

-Stalin at the Yalta confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


Yahoo! Messenger:OctoberFost

(quote)mx big kestrel wrote:



i say you are a stupid idiot. confed cruisers have torps!!! what is the big confusion? have you idiots actually played this game? cruisers have torps!that is that!


Yes they do. But Rebel Crusiers have agility, speed, and about equal firepower. Except for shields, they are equals. In the hands of the AI, the confeds will always win. But the Rebel Crusier can be a much more deadly weapon, in the hands of a good or average pilot, then the confed crusier.

Holy Crap this topic is old. It actaully contains my first post, as well as my last.

"The toilet is over there"

-Stalin at the Yalta confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


Yahoo! Messenger:OctoberFost


OctoberFost wrote:
**Kberg might have developed an engine, but my personal opinion is that he is not going to suceed many have tried, all have failed.

That, of course, I cannot say anything for or against. You may be right. Kberg does, however, seem to have a general scheme worked out pretty well, though. I don't know how far the other who have tried actually got. We'll have to wait and see.

Analysis, Mr. Spock?

AIM: obormot345



Overall the rebels are better. They have a larger fleet (you can tell by going around the galaxy and seeing the different groups of ships). Thier ships are faster, the missions pay more, and they are fighting for a better cause. The Confederation only wants to keep its empire of tyranny going so that it can consolidate more money by taking the resources off of the outer planets.

I am all for the rebels but there is no going off and saying that the rebel cruiser is just as good as the confederate cruiser. The confed cruiser is about 2 times as strong as the rebel cruiser. The good thing for the rebels is, though, the cruiser has not been mass produced and therefore has not been an extreme threat to the Rebellion. There are aprroximatly 2 rebel cruisers for every confederate cruiser. That makes the playing ground equal because the Reb. Destroyer is stronger than the Confed Frigate. And the Confed Gunboat is stronger than the Reb Manta. The Manta has large numbers but the only ships it can beat up alone is the Confed Patrol Ship, the Independant Defender, and the Shuttlecraft

Confed Cruisers are stronger so they are better. Any ship that is in the hand of a human pilot can and should be better than one in an AI's control. You should know that by now

(quote)OctoberFost wrote:
**(QUOTE)mx big kestrel wrote:



i say you are a stupid idiot. confed cruisers have torps!!! what is the big confusion? have you idiots actually played this game? cruisers have torps!that is that!


Yes they do. But Rebel Crusiers have agility, speed, and about equal firepower. Except for shields, they are equals. In the hands of the AI, the confeds will always win. But the Rebel Crusier can be a much more deadly weapon, in the hands of a good or average pilot, then the confed crusier.

Holy Crap this topic is old. It actaully contains my first post, as well as my last.


A ship with a human controller will always be better than a ship with AI. After playing for so long even you should know that. As for the cruiser battle, the better cruiser is the Confed cruiser hands down. The rebels overall are better though.

WTF, why did my post say it was posted by blizzard 2! I never posted as him. DAMM THIS IS BUGGY. BTW, the above post is mine.

"The toilet is over there"

-Stalin at the Yalta confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


Yahoo! Messenger:OctoberFost


Obormot wrote:
**People, people. Read the boards more. EVMP is being made as we speak! Kberg's already got a concept engine. It's not a dream. If you have any programming expertise, offer to help. We'll benefit from this.

You'd think someone who was "with it" would be able to find real programmers, not hunting down for them on the EV boards...

Secondly, that "engine" is unstable and only drew a starfield and lines on my computer, and crashed after 1.5 seconds. And no, I don't have an old POS, I have a iMac. I could write something like that on my old Atari/BASIC computer, with the stars twinkling and everything 😃
It is called "Vaporware", where people have more fun boasting about their project than actually getting it done. He has obviously spent more time talking about it and making a site than programming.

Besides, anyone from the old boards remembers there have been several EVMP attempts. You'd need some enormous talent to pull it off, not some programming newbies and a vapor-writer.

I wouldn't rely on Kberg for EVMP


tear it down

(This message has been edited by Soviet mikee (edited 04-14-2000).)


Tor_of_chaos wrote:
**Now why the hell would I want to cheat. If I wanted to cheat I would set the Sol defense to 1 shuttlecraft, and then shoot it. Oh and having 50 fighters flying around takes soooo much longer. From my experence they keep sending out ships, even if you are maxed out.

About the EVMP, how did you get around all the legal mumbo jumbo? last I heard they wouldn't allow it. IF people do complete it, answer me this, how are you going to get the money to connect 30-40 people onto one server? Everything adds up, and it is expensive running a server, programing the server, etc. I know from experince that just throwing up a server wont work. I ran my own UOX server and, well, there are problems with just THROWING it up. You need money and time, which some people do happen to have.

30-40 people? Why bother with that? Ever play Starcraft online? They have 1000 or more people going at one time, that's the way to do it 😃

tear it down


mx big kestrel wrote:


JuddAS wrote:
**You use EV-Edit. Don't cheat though. It takes the fun out of the game.


how do i do that if i dont have ev edit and i suck at editing games??????


Just get a cheat plug-in.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

(This message has been edited by JuddAS (edited 04-15-2000).)

Remember this, the Rebels rule. It seems that everybody forgot what the original argument was about. It seems that this topic is going out. Everyone should realize that the rebel fleet has strength in speed as well as in numbers.

I believe people are starting to lose interest in this. I say the best side to be with is the rebellion because it pays more. Their ship are superior because of their sheep and numbers. Somebody try and honestly say to me that there are more confed ships then rebels. I am waiting.

I believe people are starting to lose interest in this. I say the best side to be with is the rebellion because it pays more. Their ship are superior because of their sheep and numbers. Somebody try and honestly say to me that there are more confed ships then rebels. I am waiting. 🙂 😄

This is a big topic. I prefer the rebels more than the confeds but the confed ships usually win because most of the battles take place on there territory. You can't say the rebels are weak though. They have more ships and faster ships. That is their way to victory, numbers.

Pure insanity calling. Will you answer?

I like the Rebels better. Why? Just because. I have sympathy for their cause, and that helps with the role-playing that makes this game so much fun. Technical specs never really entered the equation, for me.

There is a fine line between having an attitude problem and thinking clearly.


Originally posted by Neutronic:
**I like the Rebels better. Why? Just because. I have sympathy for their cause, and that helps with the role-playing that makes this game so much fun. Technical specs never really entered the equation, for me.


Oh yeah, you who love the Neutronic Kestrel so much, are talking about lack of care for tech cpecs. 😉

My personal opinion, Rebels are better. More well-balanced ships. But then again, I play mostly EVO or plugs lately, where there's more choice.

Analysis, Mr. Spock?

AIM: obormot345

Obormont, I can't quite grasp why you're being this hostile. I say I don't care about technical specs that the side I play with has (I didn't say that verbatim, but it was certainly implied, was it not?), not the technical specs of the ship I, personally, fly.

There is a fine line between having an attitude problem and thinking clearly.

deep sigh, usually indicating a deep-seated tiredeness of life (but not in this case :p) I'm not being hostile, as the smilie indicates. Sorry if I gave that impression. From now on, I'll talk with the same conveyed expression as Boris Yeltsin. stifles another - no, another ten - witty comments because they could be considered hostile.

Analysis, Mr. Spock?

AIM: obormot345