Which is better, Confeds or Rebels?

What can I say, Rebels rule 😉 Why? Because their cruiser can take out everything else. Gotta love it.

100th post! Whee!




The great and powerful God of EV, Captain Scurvy backs me up, that settles it!

I was right, lalalalalalalalala........

UE Crusader

P.S. I was joking about the God of EV part, but not the rest of it. 😄


damn...such a long chain of posts...i say we just vote it out...who likes rebels who likes feds?

i've got vote #1 REBELS!!!

gotta love those rebels 😉

Jeremy Woodruff as,

Very well, Jeremy.

Vote #2 Confeds.

In the end, the Confederation will win, for the moronic AI helps their superiorly shielded ships.


Jeremy Woodruff wrote:

**damn...such a long chain of posts...i say we just vote it out...who likes rebels who likes feds?

i've got vote #1 REBELS!!!

gotta love those rebels 😉


Vote #3, Rebels

"You all look like happy campers to me. In fact, you are happy campers. You always have been happy campers. As far as I'm concerned, you'll always be happy campers."

-Dan Quayle on a state trip to Samolia

Vote #4: Rebels.


Vote #5: Confeds!

-- The Raptor

Why I like the Rebels: I felt sick doing the Confed missions. I almost puked when I opened fire on a rebel ship. It felt unhuman, uncarbon-based lifeform to work for a bunch of oppressors.


Vote #6 Confeds


Vote #7 Rebels, lol


Vote #8 Rebels- hope people know this is happening.


"He's my friend, OK? I don't like him."

AIM: EVBasilisk

As of today, at about 2000 h., the votes are:

Rebels: 5
Confeds: 3

In the end, the Confederation will win, for the moronic AI helps their superiorly shielded ships.

I will not allow this string of messages to end!!! Not without a resolution at least. Let's keep this debate alive!

The Confederates are a bunch of asses. If you are working for them and are caught in rebel territory with a friendly record towards the rebels you are automatically fired upon... and then... if you decide to fight back, and end up destroying or harming a confederate ship... then your status goes down. And it goes down very dramatically if you end up destroying it.

Yes, the Confederate ships are overall better, that's in an AI vs AI battle... but since you and I are not robots that is not a good argument. Since EV only allows people to play against the loser AI it really doesn't matter what ship you are in. You could be in a destroyer and win against a fed cruiser. It all just depends on the pilots skills. With the little difference between both sides ships, it really doesn't matter.

Now onto the topic of which side has a better reason for fighting... the answer is the rebellion... the reason is because the game only allows information pointing towards the rebellion as the good guys. Even the startup screen is a picture of a fleet of rebellion ships. (There really isn't an argument on this topic, we all know the rebellion has a better cause no matter what you say).

I also remember you guys talking about which planet you'd like to live on, rebellion or confederation... what kind of jack ass question is that? it's just a game, not a reality :. (Although I must admit I would rather live on a Confederate planet if the scenario was that of EV's).

Hmmmm, I think that's it for right now, feel free to remind me if I didn't cover any topics.

Jeremy Woodruff as,

In my personal opinion, independant fighters can beat the snot out of either the confed fighters or the rebel fighters. If you want a speedy fighter, go with the lightning :). The rebels are better by far because you see them in groups more often than you see Confed ships in groups. The rebels are better than the confederation but Pirates rule them all!!!

Vote #9 is for the Rebels

go with the rebels despite their disadvantages they are the best better ships and for me better planets think about it confeds have good planets but basically none of them carry the illegal upgrades that give you the exrta edge whats with that. the particle beam huh a pethetic try at a beam weapon combine its lousy aiming ability with the fuel guzzeling function and you get a heavy aqward and incredibly stupid hunk of junk



Confeds will always win every combat.

There seem to be some advantages of Rebel ships over their Confed counterparts that people seem to be missing.

First, in addition to being faster and more maneuverable, Rebel ships' (at least their capital ships) shields have a faster recharge rate. This can sometimes make a lot of difference.

Secondly, weapon combinations on Rebel ships (once again I'm talking about the capital ships - I for one hate the Manta) tend to be more efficient. Take this comparison:

Confed Cruiser has: Patrol ships, proton turrets, missiles and neutron blasters. Notice the conspicuous lack of torpedoes or heavy rockets. The neutron blaster is effectively useless, and the point is that at medium-to-long range, the Cruiser cannot do much damage to another capital ship; at close range, its only viable weapons are turrets.

Rebel Cruiser has: Mantas, proton turrets, missiles, heavy rockets. Weapons adapted for long, medium, and short range.

What does anyone have to say about this?

We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill...


Bozorg wrote:
**When anyone replies to this, he would b wise to justify his choice.Ex: "Confeds are the best, they have more powerful ships, more advanced planets, more ships, etc."


CONFEDS!! I luv the confeds...I dont really know why...I guess its because of the fact that the confeds have the cruiser 🆒, they have more ships AND they have safer space.

P.S. Ive NEVER seen a confed cruiser lose to any rebel ship. 🙂 But both have their advantages and disadvantages (obviously :rolleyes: )

Crazy Galaxy, Why am I
always caught in the
middle of all the Death,
Destruction, And Boom?
-Vice Admiral Jon


Vice Admiral Jon wrote:
P.S. Ive NEVER seen a confed cruiser lose to any rebel ship. 🙂 But both have their advantages and disadvantages (obviously :rolleyes: )

Well, how many such observations have you made?

I'm sure you will eventually discover the amazing strength of a fleet of Mantas- I have seen 5 or 6 of 'em take out a 'Fed cruiser- and 4 take out a pair of fridges.


"I don't think Reuben can talk right now. He's too busy pouring banana fludge down his throat."

AIM: EVBasilisk