Which is better, Confeds or Rebels?


Basilisk wrote:
**Bozorg wrote:
**A scattered group of planets(many of them moons)constantly being raided by either pirates or Confeds.

Or are you looking at pirate systems there? Most of them are moons,


Another thing Basilisk. There are only 4 pirate spöbs. 2 are stations(Privateer´s Haven; Pirate´s Cove) and 2 are moons(New Antigua; Evildrome). Who´s the one that must check his facts now Eh? EH?

Always loyal
to the Confederation

Bozorg wrote:
**Another thing Basilisk. There are only 4 pirate spöbs. 2 are stations(Privateer´s Haven; Pirate´s Cove) and 2 are moons(New Antigua; Evildrome). Who´s the one that must check his facts now Eh? EH?

Ah-HA! See! None of the pirate spöbs are planets- and a larger percentage are moons than for any other govt.


"You're doing it again." "Doing what?" "Glowing." "Does it show?"

AIM: EVBasilisk


Bozorg wrote:
**My friend, did you by some bizarre chance (or gross mental retardment) miss the part where I said RAIDED BY PIRATES? Because I have never seen a pirate ship raiding a pirate system.

Of course not. But did you miss the CONFEDS part? They are not technically raided, but they are attacked by the 'Feds. Of course, the way you interpret things, I wouldn't be surprised. 😛


"You're doing it again." "Doing what?" "Glowing." "Does it show?"

AIM: EVBasilisk


Bozorg wrote:
**Well, not exactly Basilisk. The designers cared to put some extra weapons on their ships. This added extra mass, which made the ships slower.

Shade's point is viable here. You can't dodge it just by bringing up cruisers.

But the point- (for the sake of argument I will accept your statements at face value) the 'Fed ships were designed to defend humanity's homeworld. This does not mean they were made slow just because of that, right? So this does not mean the Rebel ships were given their speed just for the purposes of raiding. Would you say that 'Fed ships had weapons only for the purpose of destroying pirates? Obviously not. Eck. Better stop now- I'm beginning to stop making sense.


"You're doing it again." "Doing what?" "Glowing." "Does it show?"

AIM: EVBasilisk


Bozorg wrote:

**Maybe, my Rebel friend, but the fed´s cruiser has more weapons (and shields) than the rebel´s cruiser.


The only reason the Confed Crusier wins against the Rebel Crusier is that the AI is not that bright. I took out 2 confed crusiers with my new/out-of-the-box/unmodified Rebel Crusier and it only took my shields down to 47%. I'm sure that even if they were human-piloted crusers I could still take them out. Why, because the Confd Crusier is SLOW. It can't dodge missiles or run away.

100 bottles of beer on the wall, 100 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it arround, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.....

(quote)OctoberFost wrote:


I took out 2 confed crusiers with my new/out-of-the-box/unmodified Rebel Crusier and it only took my shields down to 47%. I'm sure that even if they were human-piloted crusers I could still take them out. Why, because the Confd Crusier is SLOW. It can't dodge missiles or run away.


I remember my friend Basilisk almost killed some posts ago because I compared human pilot(myself) against AI(the CPU). Now it is my turn:

The only fair way to compare ships is with a fair AI vs. AI battle. Whenever you compare human and AI, the human wil always win, unless:

a) The human is somewhat moronic.
🆒 The human pilot has a massive disadvantege.

Someone posted that he was able to destroy a Confed cruiser with a bare Manta. Why? His piloting skills are far better than the AI´s. So the only way to compare ships is with an Ai vs. AI battle.

Always loyal
to the Confederation


Bozorg wrote:
**I remember my friend Basilisk almost killed some posts ago because I compared human pilot(myself) against AI(the CPU). Now it is my turn:

The only fair way to compare ships is with a fair AI vs. AI battle. Whenever you compare human and AI, the human wil always win, unless:

a) The human is somewhat moronic.
🆒 The human pilot has a massive disadvantege.

Someone posted that he was able to destroy a Confed cruiser with a bare Manta. Why? His piloting skills are far better than the AI´s. So the only way to compare ships is with an Ai vs. AI battle.


It's impossible to kill a cruiser with a manta, whoever said that is a liar.


Whurp wrote:
It's impossible to kill a cruiser with a manta, whoever said that is a liar.

Actually, It's more than possible, Ankh Starrunner Destroyed an Alien Cruiser in a Shuttle, and a Voinian Dreadnought in a Krait.

Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.

(url="http://"http://www.blackrockmac.com/ajm/")My website(/url), (url="http://"http://www.blackrockmac.com/ajm/corusoft/")the Coruscant Software website(/url)


Okay, listen, I love the Rebellion. I actually thought most favored the Rebels, but I was wrong. And I am not following a fad, I hate fads. But here are my comparisons(based on stats, not on which I favor):

Most people thing Mantas stink, but when I play the Manta wins 95% of the time that I see 'em battle.

Every major battle that I see between Rebels and 'Feds, the Rebels win.

Torpedoes are slow but have lots of damage, i'll give you that, and i do prefer them to missiles, but missiles are faster. And they have more than enough damage to get you through. They also fire easier if you have a ship that allows you to fire several missiles/torpedoes at a time.

I think all the Rebel ships are stonger, based on experience of the two battling before. I even thought this when I was considering thinking that the Confeds were better.

A fond nickname I have for the Confederate Frigates: Confederate Refrigerators. I dunno, those two words sound alike to me. And the rebel Destroyer has a teasing name because it's only fair, but not as good: The Rebel Employer.

There ya go. Also, the cloaking device is really cool and comes in handy when you're in a very violent system (like somewhere three times as bad as Darven, you could say, or when you're fighting the surviving aliens.)

I have never become an official Rebel, because at the point when I got to fighting the aliens, you know what I had? A Scoutship. Isn't that funny? Pathetic, but funny. I didn't get a Corvette because I'd be damned broke, and I didn't get anything else because 2M is, to me, hard to earn because i hate missions that are too far away. That's a downside for the Rebellion, because their government sytems are surrounding the Core Worlds.

A good thing for the Rebellion: The HQ of the Rebellion is placed near other Rebel systems. The Confederation HQ is plunked in the middle of Rebel systems. It might be a little less predictable, but once they find out, which the Rebels have, you're pretty much sunk.

And anyone who likes the Confederation more and is sexist, don't use the fact that I am female for my reasoning to be sh*t. 'Kay? 'Cos I ain't helpless.

In short, it's the Rebellion all the way. 😄


Silver wrote:

And anyone who likes the Confederation more and is sexist, don't use the fact that I am female for my reasoning to be sh*t.

Heheh. As many faults as these guys have, they aren't going to trash you 'cause of that. Trust me. 😉


"You're doing it again." "Doing what?" "Glowing." "Does it show?"

AIM: EVBasilisk

alright, you guys sure are taking this far...

in the argument of ships... the confederates win...

manta vs interceptor
interceptor wins because it has more missiles and proton cannons (and don't even say the manta wins because it doesn't, so what if it's faster or something, the interceptor can just launch it's missiles and the manta will either be dead or almost)

nothing vs gunboat
this shows that the confeds have more ships, even thought the gunboat sucks, it still is an extra ship that we, the rebellion, don't have

frigate vs destroyer
they almost ALWAYS tie, i don't know why people are saying the frigate wins, it doesn't, they tie, they knock each other out and i raid their ships, it's as simple as that

cruiser vs cruiser
the confederate wins, it is stronger and has better weapons and just ends up winning no matter what. plus it has four interceptors which eat up the mantas, i'm sorry to say but the confederacy has better ships.

now that we've finished the ship argument, lets move onto more important matters. now if handled correctly, the little bit of difference between the ships is irrelevant, if one was smart enough to attack in groups against one confederate cruiser then the confederate cruiser would be destroyed (and yes i know this works both ways) so it really doesn't matter how little of a difference the specs are of the ships...all that matters is who has a better cause.

it's the rebellion obviously...
here's why: with all the information we're given, we know that the confederation is just a power hungry group that doesn't give a crap about us. they raped the outside worlds, and for that need to be dealt with. and even if you're a confederate, they'll still attack you if you're in a rebellion system with a high rate, even with a semi-high rate.

that is all for now.

Jeremy Woodruff as,

Anyone who has a little self-esteem and has seen the original star wars- trilogy more than once captains a rebel ship ... sorry!

But there's one thing about the feds: the frekin' particle beam! Take a scoutship and burn the fuel on the reds!!

Well, I perfer the Confederates, they are the best, they are evil, and the rebels are to GOOD :). Confeds have better ships. I like the Cruiser the most, nothing can kill me cause I am so good 🙂 :p. Anyways that is just my prefrence.

Evil will always triamph over good... because good is dumb.

(for those that play UO, fill in chaos with evil, and order with good 🙂 )


Tor_of_chaos wrote:

**Well, I perfer the Confederates.....they are evil


The Confeds arn't always that evil. They attack you if you rob freighters in their systems, the rebels don't give a damn.

100 bottles of beer on the wall, 100 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it arround, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.....

Why, oh, why did you have to dig this topic up from a week old grave? I prefer Rebels myself, because their ships are so much more aesthetically pleasing. 🙂

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


ColdFusion wrote:
Why, oh, why did you have to dig this topic up from a week old grave?

Because we like arguing. 😛


"Future Shell Cup matches may be played with an orange instead of a white ball."

AIM: EVBasilisk

imo, the Rebel ships are far better, but the AI is incredibly stupid.
Rebel capital ships will always slug it out toe to toe with their superior shielded adversaries. They have the ability to avoid all secondary weapons but do not.

Properly utilised the Rebel ships would be a lot better.


Jeremy Woodruff wrote:
**alright, you guys sure are taking this far...

in the argument of ships... the confederates win...

manta vs interceptor
interceptor wins because it has more missiles and proton cannons (and don't even say the manta wins because it doesn't, so what if it's faster or something, the interceptor can just launch it's missiles and the manta will either be dead or almost)

nothing vs gunboat
this shows that the confeds have more ships, even thought the gunboat sucks, it still is an extra ship that we, the rebellion, don't have

frigate vs destroyer
they almost ALWAYS tie, i don't know why people are saying the frigate wins, it doesn't, they tie, they knock each other out and i raid their ships, it's as simple as that

cruiser vs cruiser
the confederate wins, it is stronger and has better weapons and just ends up winning no matter what. plus it has four interceptors which eat up the mantas, i'm sorry to say but the confederacy has better ships.

now that we've finished the ship argument, lets move onto more important matters. now if handled correctly, the little bit of difference between the ships is irrelevant, if one was smart enough to attack in groups against one confederate cruiser then the confederate cruiser would be destroyed (and yes i know this works both ways) so it really doesn't matter how little of a difference the specs are of the ships...all that matters is who has a better cause.

it's the rebellion obviously...
here's why: with all the information we're given, we know that the confederation is just a power hungry group that doesn't give a crap about us. they raped the outside worlds, and for that need to be dealt with. and even if you're a confederate, they'll still attack you if you're in a rebellion system with a high rate, even with a semi-high rate.

that is all for now.


Ah Woodruff, long time no see. The gunboat does not suck. i have seen three of those and a frigate blast a Cruiser. I do not care what you have to say about this.

While the Manta may suck alone, it works wonders in groups. I have a Rebel Crusier with 4 mantas. I often fight Confed Crusiers with 4 patrol ships. I always send my mantas after the patrol ships. With no interference from nither me nor the confed crusier, the mantas always win. Yet 1 manta will always die when facing 1 patrol ship. That's strange.

100 bottles of beer on the wall, 100 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it arround, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.....

Mantas fight great in groups. I saw 4 of them take out 2 'Fed fridges


"He's my friend, OK? I don't like him."

AIM: EVBasilisk

(This message has been edited by Basilisk (edited 02-21-2000).)