Which is better, Confeds or Rebels?

I don't know much about the game, seeing as I have only played for a couple days. I do know that you guys are doing it wrong though. Comparing AI to AI is not the best way. Thin. If you choose a side, you drive the ship. Thererfore, to test which is better between cruisers, this is what you have to do: Buy a 'fed Cruiser. Find a system with one Rebel Cruiser, and see how much trouble it is to take it down. Do this a few times, and then switch sides. Repeat with different equivalents (Frigate vs. Destroyer, etc.). This is the way to decide which gov. is better.


Sorry. It's think, not thin.


The Rebels Will beat the confeds


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!What's wrong with you guys and your 322 posts!I thought this game was for fun!This topic is what made me go on this webboard!I have barely ever noticed someone who plays ev for fun.Neither is truly better it's all a matter of personal opinion!Why would someone rather argue about their fav game than play it!!!


I used to be a diehard rebel fanatic, but I began to notice a disturbing trend of Rebel ships flying into Confed systems and mercilessly slaughtering innocent Confed couriers, shuttlecraft, and light freighters. Yeah guys, real noble cause ya got there.

Of course, the only reason the Confeds don't do the same thing is because the Rebels don't get their own cargo ships.

mother earth came to greet me and i shook her

I just read the rest of this topic. My brian hurts.

mother earth came to greet me and i shook her

Long live the Rebellion!! It is my personal belief that the rebel ships are better because they are faster. Earlier it was proven that the destroyer is better than the frigate. This is just proof that the rebels are better.

Why is there yogurt in this cap?
-It used to be milk but time makes fools of us all.

"Neither is truly better it's all a matter of personal opinion!"

---what are you trying to say, taht everything is based off of perspective? perhaps, but there still is a reality! one or the other is better, or tied even, but there is a result, and it is possible to calculate it!

all you have to do is take EVERY possible factor to the game, grab a supercomputer, and think damnit, think!

it's very possible...

and this argument, is for the people that don't believe that there is a "reality", that everything is based off of perspective, and nothing else. well, if you're looking at an object, what color is it?

well, one fool might say, i believe it to be blue, and then argue that that's just his perspective, well, think about it, it does have a color! one color! not many based off of everyone's perspective, there is one true real color. if that didn't make sense, too bad, but if it did, good.

btw, confeds suck, rebels own! word to my rebel homies lockdown 😛

Jeremy Woodruff as,

Why does everyone start this topic, it will never end unless the moderators close the thread. Stop asking which government is best, which ship is best, etc. because it ends up being another nine page discussion!

Joshua Jackson
AKA: Jak205
AIM: Jak205
E-mail: Jak205@Excite.com

stop trying to stop it 😛

Jeremy Woodruff as,

This particular topic was started when I started on the webboards. It had about 75 posts when I started as my first alias. Nice to see it has withstood the test of time

Why is there yogurt in this cap?
-It used to be milk but time makes fools of us all.

(QUOTE)Originally posted by Jeremy Woodruff:
(B)"Neither is truly better it's all a matter of personal opinion!"

---what are you trying to say, taht everything is based off of perspective? perhaps, but there still is a reality! one or the other is better, or tied even, but there is a result, and it is possible to calculate it!

Nope. "Better" is a subjetive term. Better at what, first of all? Better ships per credit, better ships overall, better mission, etc. Better overall would be impossible for a set absolute to exist, because of the differing ways of interpreting things, i.e. "Rebels suck because once you get the tractor beam the game gets way too easy". Your example, the color blue, isn't subjective (assuming there is an absolute reality). Blue means that the material reflects mainly the blue part of the color spectrum. "Better" is based on opinion, no amount of thinking could make one better than the other.


your logic is horribly flawed! sure everyone's opinion is different, ie your easy game with tractor beam, but you can still determine one answer... and by many different ways...one for example, being take everyone's vote on it who's had any, or no experience witht eh game at all.

the system is screwed, and since it is kinda late, the message i typed could be completely screwed up (logic wise) so i might come back tomorrow to fix it...g'night all!

Jeremy Woodruff as,


Originally posted by Jeremy Woodruff:
**your logic is horribly flawed! sure everyone's opinion is different, ie your easy game with tractor beam, but you can still determine one answer... and by many different ways...one for example, being take everyone's vote on it who's had any, or no experience witht eh game at all. <

That would determine one answer. So would throwing darts at a dart board. There are many ways to determine one answer, but there is still no RIGHT answer.

the system is screwed, and since it is kinda late, the message i typed could be completely screwed up (logic wise) so i might come back tomorrow to fix it...g'night all!<



Rebels are better.
Heres why:

A.)The three best combat ships in the game are:
_1.) Corvette
_2.) Rebel Cruiser
_3.) Rapier

B.) Rebels have the Cloaking Device and Tractor beam, which are much better than a wimpy confed Particle Beam. Hell, 5 proton cannons do as much damage a particle beam, but the particle beam will use up all your fuel in 8 seconds.

C.) Rebels are cooler.

The only time I prefer confeds is if I'm playing Pale.


Hey Jeremy Woodruff:

You might be able to prove a ship is statistically superior in combat, but whether a ship is "better" is totally a matter of opinion. Better at what? You could say the bulk freighter is the best because it holds the most cargo, of the defender is best because it's the fastest, or the corvette is best because it kicks ass in combat. Any attempt at proving whether something is "better" is futile, because it's completely a matter of opinion. Even if there was a general concensus and everyone on the planet believed that rebel cruisers were the "best", it would still be just an opinion, nothing more. Nothing has intrinsic value, only perceived intrinsic value because of it's extrinsic value.


That's the best statement in this thread.


Damn, I'm evil.

mother earth came to greet me and i shook her

well, there's one way to look at it, here's another...

let's take the kestrel for example, i personally, believe it is teh best, and so in my reality, it is the best, but joe bloe over here, could believe it isnt', and so in his reality, it isn't the best. that's what you guys are saying...which is right...to a certain point...

cause i return to my original argument, there is a best! because even though we're masked to beleive that everything is based on perpective, opinions, and sex (heheh), that cna't be. there has to be one solid answer. i return to what i said about the colors, one person sais it's blue, one sais it's red, then what color is it? there has to be a color!

i say the kestrel is the best, joe sais the fed cruiser is, which ship is the best? after taking in every FACT, not opinion, every STATISTIC, not guess, there is a way to find out. i thank everyone for their patience and humor!

and that's the end of that chapter

Jeremy Woodruff as,


Originally posted by Jeremy Woodruff:
**well, there's one way to look at it, here's another...

let's take the kestrel for example, i personally, believe it is teh best, and so in my reality, it is the best, but joe bloe over here, could believe it isnt', and so in his reality, it isn't the best. that's what you guys are saying...which is right...to a certain point...

No, only in your mind is it the "best". Believing in something doesn't change the nature of reality.


cause i return to my original argument, there is a best! because even though we're masked to beleive that everything is based on perpective, opinions, and sex (heheh), that cna't be. there has to be one solid answer. i return to what i said about the colors, one person sais it's blue, one sais it's red, then what color is it? there has to be a color!**

try to remember back to fifth grade...when we were given assignments to determine fact, and opinion...saying, "i think that rebels are better", is an opinion yes. saying "the rebels are better", can be a fact! all you have to do is have supporting evidence, and every damn statistic, idea, and concept that pertains to them. simple.

Jeremy Woodruff as,