Which is better, Confeds or Rebels?

Here's my two cents. I much prefer the rebels for several reasons.

The first is the heavy cruiser comparison. I'll give you this for the confederate cruiser, it's huge and can take a lot of punishment and once it's customized (ie. dump the ridiculous neutron blaster, 35 tons for one of those things and it's a secondary weapon no less.) it can deal out plenty of damage. But it is slooooooooooooooooow. Painfully so, even after the upgrades. The turn rate has the same problems. Compared to the Confed Cruiser the Rebel Cruiser is positively zippy.

Second, The Particle beam is 100%, certifiably, useless. It is only a forward weapon so you must be pointing directly at your target and it causes anything you use it on to go shooting off out of range of energy weapons, completely ineffective if you're trying to actually destroy a ship or render it disabled. It can be defensive by waving your ship back in forth while you travel in any particular direction to knock ships out of the way to get you out of a gravity well for hyperspace but half the time you'll run out of fuel before you get the chance. The Tractor beam on the other hand is the single most useful secondary I've ever used. It keeps ships from turning allowing you to avoid unguided weapons like heavy rockets, neutron blasters, forward cannons, etc. meaning all you really have to deal with is turrets since torpedoes and missles turn much too slowly to get to you at that close radius. And you get all of this without using any fuel. It's also helpful incase you want to drag a disabled ship somewhere away from battle so you can board it.

Third, the escort ships. Mantas in groups put patrol ships to shame. And since I can get all of my Mantas out before the cruiser has a chance to get it's third. I can almost always take out a cruisers entire fleet of escorts without losing a single manta. Once that's done it's actually a pretty simple task of destroying a cruiser since all you have to do is sit just outside of the cruisers range and turn with it so it can't launch any rockets at you. If it does start drifting close to you it's a pretty simple task to escape the cruiser since it's slower than dirt.

Lastly, in my most humble opinion, The Rebel Cruiser is the greatest looking ship in the game. Sleek and Stylish, this machine looks like it was meant to tear through confed hulls as if it were tissue paper. The Confed Cruiser on the other hand just looks bloated, like flying a huge dead whale through space.

To pinch a line from Dennis Miller "Of course this is just my opinion and I could be wrong"

All things are possible
except skiing through a
revolving door

Kudos to htjyang and Begemotike for that exchange at the end in Dsalk's string. I laughed out loud, as they say.


if you lived here, you'd be home by now

(QUOTE)Originally posted by Anon:
**Here's my two cents. I much prefer the rebels for several reasons.

The first is the heavy cruiser comparison. I'll give you this for the confederate cruiser, it's huge and can take a lot of punishment and once it's customized (ie. dump the ridiculous neutron blaster, 35 tons for one of those things and it's a secondary weapon no less.)



**it can deal out plenty of damage. But it is slooooooooooooooooow. Painfully so, even after the upgrades. The turn rate has the same problems. Compared to the Confed Cruiser the Rebel Cruiser is positively zippy.


Slower speed and maneuverability also translates into easier handling.

**Second, The Particle beam is 100%, certifiably, useless.


Such an opinion can only be expressed by someone who

a) never used particle beam before,
🆒 uses particle beam VERY infrequently,
c) has an admitted bias towards the rebellion therefore tends to trash whatever the Confederation comes up with,
d) never asked anyone how to use the weapon effectively, or
e) never figured out how to use the weapon effectively on his own.

Please check the trait(s) that best match(es) your profile. Feel free to select more than one option.

**It is only a forward weapon so you must be pointing directly at your target


The same thing can be said for every single gun in the game. Are you about to tell me you don't use guns at all?

**and it causes anything you use it on to go shooting off out of range of energy weapons, completely ineffective if you're trying to actually destroy a ship or render it disabled.


Remember to check off d) and e).

The AI fires rockets at you when you are close. By firing the beam briefly, you push the AI ship just far out enough so that it won't fire its rockets but it will still stay within the range of your primary weapons. This tactic is especially useful if you have a large and comparatively unmaneuverable ship (a.k.a. Confed cruiser).

**It can be defensive by waving your ship back in forth while you travel in any particular direction to knock ships out of the way to get you out of a gravity well for hyperspace but half the time you'll run out of fuel before you get the chance.


Remember to place at least 2 checks besides d) and e).

Using the weapon strategically means you don't press down the button and look for an enemy. It means firing the weapon whenever the best opportunity presents itself. Using the weapon strategically can save you a lot of fuel. If you do have a problem with fuel, I suggest that you do what I do: get a Confed cruiser, disable rebel ships, and use them to re-supply your fuel tanks.

**The Tractor beam on the other hand is the single most useful secondary I've ever used. It keeps ships from turning allowing you to avoid unguided weapons like heavy rockets, neutron blasters, forward cannons, etc. meaning all you really have to deal with is turrets since torpedoes and missles turn much too slowly to get to you at that close radius. And you get all of this without using any fuel. It's also helpful incase you want to drag a disabled ship somewhere away from battle so you can board it.


It is interesting how you neglected to mention how to use the particle beam strategically but points out the merits of the tractor beam provided that it is used strategically. If your tractor beam locks onto the enemy when they are facing you, then the first benefit you described will disappear instantly. To use this weapon effectively, you must know how to use it effectively. It is my contention that the particle beam, when used properly, is just as good if not a better weapon. (After all, you also failed to mention that the particle beam is not like a repulsor beam in EVO. Unlike the tractor beam, it actually does damage.) As for dragging disabled ships, I believe even you have to recognize that it is at best a convenience and I would contend that it is a small convenience at that.

**Third, the escort ships. Mantas in groups put patrol ships to shame. And since I can get all of my Mantas out before the cruiser has a chance to get it's third. I can almost always take out a cruisers entire fleet of escorts without losing a single manta. Once that's done it's actually a pretty simple task of destroying a cruiser since all you have to do is sit just outside of the cruisers range and turn with it so it can't launch any rockets at you. If it does start drifting close to you it's a pretty simple task to escape the cruiser since it's slower than dirt.


I believe you have made the error of comparing a human player with AI. As I noted in several earlier posts, that is blatantly unfair. I can also say the same thing. My Confed cruiser can take out a rebel cruiser without using any escorts at all. The only fair comparison is a 1 v. 1 between the Confed and rebel cruisers each piloted by AI. In that contest, the latter wins every time.

**Lastly, in my most humble opinion, The Rebel Cruiser is the greatest looking ship in the game. Sleek and Stylish, this machine looks like it was meant to tear through confed hulls as if it were tissue paper. The Confed Cruiser on the other hand just looks bloated, like flying a huge dead whale through space.

To pinch a line from Dennis Miller "Of course this is just my opinion and I could be wrong"


In my even humbler opinion, you are mistaken. Although the rebel ships does look relatively sleek in comparison I am afraid that your characterization may have been colored by your bias. Personally, I believe that Confed ships are designed to look like the walls that willl stem the rebel tide.

I would like to conclude by repeating something that I quote fairly frequently lately: As the Greeks say, personal taste is not subject to debate.

Rebels lead all the way. I have knocked out every ship in the Confederation arsenal with a Rebel Cruiser (even without manta support or missiles) and they reward the player slightly more with cash and ship upgrades (tractor beam, cloaking device and repulsor beam). And they fight for a better cause than the Confed who only struggle for total domination. Ive done EV like
(lets see.............uh........oh yeah) 67 times, all with the rebels except 2 times when I didnt have anything better to do.

From MarVin...

The Confeds are oppressive bitchs! Anyone who would want to live under the oppressive thumb of a tryanical government should make tracks for the nerest faciest government and see how they like it then.

As for the ships deal, you can take out just about anything in a decked out ship that is beter than a Corvet.

If you didn't bother to read things, you wouldn't have read this stupid quote. - Fat Will Hanson

(QUOTE)Originally posted by MarVin:
**Rebels lead all the way. I have knocked out every ship in the Confederation arsenal with a Rebel Cruiser (even without manta support or missiles)


I can say the same for my Confed cruiser. I used it to demolish every kind of rebel resistance that came my way.

**and they reward the player slightly more with cash and ship upgrades (tractor beam, cloaking device and repulsor beam).


I do not believe that the rebels give out a repulsor beam. I believe that term is only used by EVO. Maybe it also appears in an EV plug-in that I am not aware of. However, I do believe that the original EV do not have a repulsor beam.

**And they fight for a better cause than the Confed


I advise you to go back, start reading from page 6 my first response and my exchanges with other rebel sympathizers particularly Begemotike.

**who only struggle for total domination.


Are you suggesting that you never played games like Master of Orion and Civilization where the goal IS total domination?

**Ive done EV like
(lets see.............uh........oh yeah) 67 times, all with the rebels except 2 times when I didnt have anything better to do.


Which explains your bias. Try out the Confeds a couple of times. You might learn to like them. I tried out both sides before arriving at my conclusions. Denying yourself the opportunity for playing the other side is wasting half the money you spent on the game.

(QUOTE)Originally posted by FatWill:
**The Confeds are oppressive bitchs!


I never denied this point.

**Anyone who would want to live under the oppressive thumb of a tryanical government should make tracks for the nerest faciest government and see how they like it then.


Please give me the name of the country that you believe is being ruled under a Fascist system. Before you reply, I would like to remind you that there are diferences between an oligarchy and a dictatorship and a totalitarian regime. A dictatorship may not necessarily be Fascist. The diferences might be slight, but they're there. Be aware of these differences when you provide me with an example.

**As for the ships deal, you can take out just about anything in a decked out ship that is beter than a Corvet.


Agreed. Which is why I suggested several times that the only fair comparison is one made between 2 AIs. In that contest, the Confed cruiser trounces the rebel cruiser and the Confed gunboats dispatches the rebel Manta easily.

Oh my and I thought Escape Velocity was a game guess I was mistaken.

You're unique, just like everybody else.

Those things, those things! They're all around, they hide in the corners until they see light...

I just had another thought. The Rebels provide you with two cruisers as escorts when you take on the Alien mission, whearas the Confeds provide only one. With only one, it can only engage one of the two fighters, and the other is free to harass you no end. And they can make life MUCH more difficult by knocking you all over the place....

We do not live to work, rather, we work to live.

I think the Rebels are better because their ships are faster, heavier armed and look way cooler. Also Rebel planets sell more special items such as sheild boosters (my favorite item), shield capacitators, and tritanium. Also Matas are better than Confed Patrol Ships.

Have the lambs stopped screaming yet?

I'm not sure how much harder my life was when I sided with the Confeds and used a kestrel to take down the alien cruiser. The alien fighters were gadflies, nothing more.

To SmasherOfPumpkins: Please go back and read my rebuttals to technical points such as the one you raised starting with page 7. The rebel destroyer may be more heavily armed than the Confed frigate but the Rebel cruiser is NOT more heavily armed than its Confed counterpart. As for specialty items, I still get to purchase them even when I side with the Confeds. Besides, if they don't let me land, I'll just use my upgraded Confed cruiser to dominate their planets. Mantas may be better than Confed patrol ships. Then again, Confed gunboats are better than Mantas.


Originally posted by CaptainCarrot:
**I'm just on the next stage of this mission myself, trying to destroy the Alien Cruiser. I'm wondering if I hadn't been killing enough confeds, because I've not been given the opportunity to buy any Rebellion ships and I'm trying to do this in a Corvette. I may have to abort it, but I suspect this mission doesn't come back if you do. Are space bombs called for here?

Anyway, to answer your question, the scout ships are sufficient. If you've scanned one, just head back to Palshife.


I already spotted the alien scoutships and returned to Palshife. They have given me the mission to destroy the alien fleet. One problem: i can't find it. If you do abort the mission,(which I have done), it does come back.(Just go back to the Palshife bar) I also have a corvette (a nicely upgraded one), which I have blasted many 'Fed ships with, and I have not been given the chance to buy a Rebel Ship either. I believe I could defeat the aliens, but only if I find them. I have never seen the alien fleet. Anyway, how do all these people fly Rebel or 'Fed ships?

Hey, htjyang, has someone been using your name? I was just wondering, since you added that 'nottheimposter' bit. If so, why don't you register??

We do not live to work, rather, we work to live.


Originally posted by Begemotike:
**Hey, htjyang, has someone been using your name? I was just wondering, since you added that 'nottheimposter' bit. If so, why don't you register??


Someone registered my name probably to spite me. That's why I am using this new name to put anyone who sees someone using my name on alert. As for your advice, personally, I dislike registering for anything and I do my best to avoid any kind of registration unless it's absolutely necessary.

The rebels kicks ass...

"Terrorists are here to terrorise"!
-Quote from Vladmimir Ilich Ulianov alias Lenin-

Feds are stupid, slow traders. They suck. Their ships are crappy. Very crappy. Especially the fed cruiser, which is a big marshmallow with wings.

That "big marshmallow with wings" has trounced so many of its Rebel opponents that to insult it becomes the best way to insult Rebel ships.

It is sad to see that after I have disarmed or neutralized all pro-Rebel arguments that Rebel-sympathizers have degenerated to this level of intelligence. Perfect example of why the Confederation will eventually overwhelm the Rebellion: The former have brains and the latter only have them temporarily.


Originally posted by htjyang: not the imposter:
**That "big marshmallow with wings" has trounced so many of its Rebel opponents that to insult it becomes the best way to insult Rebel ships.

It is sad to see that after I have disarmed or neutralized all pro-Rebel arguments that Rebel-sympathizers have degenerated to this level of intelligence. Perfect example of why the Confederation will eventually overwhelm the Rebellion: The former have brains and the latter only have them temporarily.**

'Disarmed' or 'nutralized'? Since when? Ha! How typical of the Confederation to resort to lies and misinformation for it's sadistic ends......

We do not live to work, rather, we work to live.

In page 7, you and I came to the understanding that due to insufficient data, it is difficult to say whether the Rebellion is morally better than the Confeds. That agreement effectively neutralized what was insisted upon by many pervious Rebel sympathizers, namely that the rebellion is on a higher moral plane. I successfully cast doubt on that assertion.

In page 7, we agreed to change our focus to more technical issues. Although I conceded that the rebel destroyer is better than the Confed frigate and the rebel manta is better than the Confed patrol ship, I see no objections to my claim that the Confed gunboat is better than the manta and the specs I listed clearly indicated the superiority of the Confed cruiser over its rebel counterpart.

Moreover, some rebel sympathizers in the past tried to use some sort of geographic argument to support their assertions. I dealt with that argument back in page 6 with my first post. No one has ever raised that issue again.

The conclusion we came to was that the nature of the Rebbelion was a matter of, basically, personal outlook. With that being the case, all Rebel sympathizers are vindicated in their belief, because personal perception is at the bottom of every one of their posts. Since that is the deciding factor, nothing changes.....

We do not live to work, rather, we work to live.