The Officer's Club Bar

(Sorry, people, but -I- start the festivities. Here we go...)In a flash, the Phylydia II arrives in-system, and it slowly makes its way to the bar. A squadron of fighters pour from its docking bay and execute a series of impressive and dangerous maneuvers before coming to land in the bar's docking bay. Twelve pilots walk in. Ladies and Gentlemen, the finest pilots in the Imperium: The legendary Jackal Squadron! The Jackals take stools at the bar and have drinks on the house. These fellows serve on the Phylydia, but they'll be with the Phylydia II for the next month or so. A small shuttle arrives, and Drion Nerec himself walks in, flanked by Taeskor Commandos and with a Pure Taeskor at his side, blade drawn.* The Military Octicate, head of all military operations and forces in our Imperium. Half-bows. Welcome to the party, Nerec. The Phylydia II hangs outside the station, and through the viewports it is easy to see that there is a party going on inside it as well.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

Ships start arriving very frequently and the Rogue and Repellant fly in and dock together. Several smaller ships outside engage in mock-dogfights, and a crowd forms at the window to watch. A bunch of battle-weary crew members and pilots from the UNS the Phylydion Imperium, and the NIN all walk in the door. Cicion and his new droid have their hands full serving all of the patrons, and soon several restaurants nearby are called to help. The various admirals and such begin reading off battle reports and awards, and many cheers go up. Then some of the most popular Phylydion music begins to play. Sabacc games are going on all through the bar, and everybody starts to have a great time...

"Oi, oi, oi, me got a hurt n here
Oi, oi, oi, me smell a ting is near
Me gonna bosh and me gonna nosh
An da hurt'll dissapear"

Darkk watches the mock war games with interest. He has a Francium firecracker, and breathes heavily for the next few minutes (Francium is the most reactive stable alkali metal).

He offers Nerec a game of poker, and asks about Nerec's preferences in music.

8 Lightnings says, "Look. I don't care about a party, but tell me how much high-precision astrominers cost."

He then joins in the festivities.

8 Lightnings
Fleet: Lightning 1, Surge, Eagle, Endurance, Voltare, Alecto, Magaera, Tisiphone
"CRUISER DESTROYED. 91 remaining" -Ares, chapter 9, Hand Over Fist

Across the bar, Pharris pulls out his TMP, and levels it at the back of Nerec's head. As he squeezes the trigger, a TaeBlade lodges itself in the barrel of the gun, jamming the mechanism, causeing the energy cell to cook off, making a rather loud crack as Pharris tosses the gun to the ground, clutching his burned hand.

"Holy crap! they're just blanks! Just wanted to test out your reflexes man, lighten up!"

Absenmindedly, he soaks his napkin in his drink and puts it on his hand. His eyes widen and he screams. He looks down at the Devil's Breath he was drinking.

"That's some powerful ****"

He then notices the second TaeBlade sticking out of his chest. He tears his flightsuit open around it, revealing his bodyarmour. He stares at it for a moment, then over at Cicion, who is behind the Bar, laughing to himself. He breathes out, slowly.

"Only at this place does the Bartender take bodyarmour for granted..."


Piemur1 walks in seeing to the administrative tasks of his seemingly spotless budget bar
"whoa! a party! kick it!"
saunters over to Cicion
" you think maybe we could join enterprises? you have an authentic Boba Fett sabaac Table and I have an authentic Giant Spider sabaac have a lotta drinks i dont have, and i have a limitless supply of Pangalactic Gargleblasters...we split the profits 50/50, eh? "
without waiting for an answer, Piemur1 goes to the party and does the "Robot" dance...

Umm, is Iced Tea supposed to glow like that? Last day of school near locker #173

A large group of people stand up and run out of the bar as fast as they can. The music stops and everyone looks at Piemur1 who is still doing the robot dance oblivious to all the staring eyes and angry expressions. Finally, he notices the glares directed at him and he sits down. The party continues.

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

Cicion has his Keutae in a ceremonial belt sheath rather than in his sleeve for decoration. He indicates the weapon. A Pure Taeskor's blade is the most important piece of personal decoration that he or she carries during a festivity. That's one reason why the uniform is so plain. He draws his Keutae and it makes a wonderful sandpapery scraping-sliding sound followed by a small ring as its tip clears the sheath. The symmetrical blade gleams and the edges are razor-sharp and cleanly ground. The handle is an almost flat piece of elliptical black metal with grip notches and an engraving of an octagon with a bead at each point, the symbol of the Imperium. Cicion moves it around for a few seconds before sheathing it again with the same satisfying sound. Now, any more drink orders before I go aboard the Phylydia II for minute to see her inner workings?

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

orders a Dr. Pepper

Hands Darkk his drink. There you are. On the house, pal.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

"Id also like a Dr Pepper"

After devouring the doctor, Slime Monster paid and left the bar.

The Fury docks at the bar, and The Fury comes inside. He watches the party, and sits down. Eventually, he walks up to the bartender and enquires as to where he might find Sundered Angel...

The Fury

"If I had a rocket launcher, I'd make somebody pay. And my fighter has a rocket launcher."

*The bartender points to heaven, then realizes The Fury is asking for Sundered Angel." 😉

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

Strolls over to the docking control terminal while Cicion isn't looking, presses a few things, and walks away, whistling. Suddenly there is a shout from one of the people watching the mock dogfights. It doesn't take too long for the entire contents of the bar to be watching out the window as the Phylydia II slowly drifts away.

"Si hanc sententiam legere potes, tum es
et optime educatus et non habitus vitam."

(This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 12-16-2000).)

Igadzra is walking away, laughing to himself, when a Keutae imbeds itself in the wall an inch in front of his nose with a satisfying "brrnnnnnnngggg!" Cicion walks over as the Phylydia II reattaches itself. Cicion has a look of graveness on his face as he retrieves and sheaths his blade. Cicion raises his fist, and Igadzra prepares to defend himself. Cicion, rather than delivering a blow, slaps him on the shoulder and bursts out laughing. That was great, old pal!! Make sure to pull something like this every party we have! Continues to laugh as he walks away, shaking his head and smiling.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

Feel thankful that his facial expression (which would be something along the lines of 😕 ) isn't visible through the helmet.

"Si hanc sententiam legere potes, tum es
et optime educatus et non habitus vitam."

(This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 12-17-2000).)

*Walks away, still laughing, to the bar to set up things. He activates his bartender droid and sets it up on the bar, putting all necessary drinks and materials to make drinks within its reach. Activating a repulsor field around the bar only deactivatible by the droid, Cicion walks into a shuttle and is taken aboard Phylydia II.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

Heh heh... Chinese smilie 😕

If our military is so much better than theirs, then why don't we ever use it?

(Ahh! The Bar's Sinking! I'll blow the ballast...)

The party is wrapping up. A few people lay sprawled over their tables or the counter with drinks still clutched in their glasses. The Phylydia II is pulling away, and the Jackals pull on their flight suits and helmets and run to the docking bay to launch. Cicion walks around, sweeping. Several patrons are still in the bar. Anyone for another round?

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

What does the bar do now in the new RPG? Is is still owned by a Taeskor, or does he have a new character?

Faris eck Vaenar Maletena-Wizr, Trey'ish of the Ishiman reestablishment comittee.