The Officer's Club Bar

Oh, thanks.

Avatara looks over at Slug snickering in the corner. Suddenly Slug's laugh is cut short as a strange expression appears on his face. He jumps up quickly and looks down at his chair

"But, I just put these on-" Slug stammers as a look of recognization spreads across his face. 😛

(This message has been edited by Avatara (edited 08-29-2000).)

"Strange....." Slug says "I coulda sworn I put these documents on the table." 😛

I do not suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it

-Cantharan Commodore za'Grom
After the capture of Earth

Riven walks into the bar with his mind on one thing, but stops in slow confusion as he sees that Avatara is still here. He closes his hanging mouth as he quickly walks his way over to Avatara's table, and sits down.

"Didn't you hear the klaxon? Any of the tormenting cries for relief? The announment?"
Avatara shoots a look of disbelief at Riven sitting beside him. "You must be joking."
"Really? Maybe the dissapearance of your ship is too."
"My ship?"
"Yes, yours."
"I stole it from some idiot Salrilian. What should I care."
"Oh. Well, he said he knew you and was sending his patrols to cover his station immediately."
Avatara gasps. "His station?!"
"I told you there was a battle here." Riven says as he licks his teeth clean.

Suddenly, a garbled, harsh voice blares over the system wide intercom. "Dras tis yourk kammandeir spekin! Dron't worray. Our okkuppation isd temporarik. So longed asd we kaptured Avat! Justt prosent yourdselfe to me!"

This catches slugs attention. "What in hell's name was that?!" slug says as he draws his blade from his side.
"That..." Riven stops to draw a multi-barreled semi-riflery pistol from under his jacket " our new friend we're saying goodbye to."
Avatara looks around the bar and finds no bartender present. Unstead the small Droid is the only one behind the counter, and he sheepishly shrugs.
Riven leans a bit closer "You wouldn't mind telling me how you happened to get that wound, would you?"
"Who are you?"


"The Salrilian government is here, looking for me!" Slug concludes in a bit of a panic. He flips out his communicator. "Admiral to E.N.S. Starblighter..... come in Starblighter!"

"This is the Starblighter, Admiral, they're ever-ststic-knew we were here. We can hol-static-or a while, but I recommend you get back to the ship an-static, explosion heard in the background-hell outta here!"

"Roger. Prepare to leave dock if I do not arrive."

static "They're in the station too! Be carefu-static"

A trio of armed Salrilians enter the bar, quickly spotting Slug. Slug draws his blade and does a front leap past them. With a flash of steel, the Salrilians fall to the floor, their guts spilling messily.

Moments later, an armed transport, pursued by a pair of fighters, screams out of the system, it's sundered hull blazing.

I do not suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it

-Cantharan Commodore za'Grom
After the capture of Earth

Riven punches on the system intercom. "Control Deck, come in... hey slimefest, are you up there?" Riven waits patiently for an answer. He grins sheepishly at Avatara who is skeptically watching Riven. "Computer, are there any Salrilians left on the station?"
" Negative. "
A look of remarking suprise fills Riven's face.

Just then, Cicion comes out from the storage room. "Ok, I think I finally found another keg of Devil's Breath. Droid, help me out here."
The Droid promptly scuffles under a keg cicion holds in the air and carries it away with ease to its place under the counter. As Cicion puts down the other keg, he sees that Avatara is awake now.
"Ah, Avatara. Hope you don't mind. I sowed up your wound while you were sleeping. You can't believe what kind of stains blood leaves in this bar. Not that any other liquor in this room wouldn't do the same thing."


"Sals? If the Salrilians are after me then im in trouble... As for the "Sal" ship, that was only meant to be temporary while I scrape up enough money to repair my ship."

sighs and looks around cautiously and seeing no one at the moment is hostile turns to Riven

"Oh well. How 'bout a game of chess or sabaac Riven?"

(This message has been edited by Avatara (edited 08-30-2000).)

A little Pil like person walks into the bar followed by the now infamouse EMINEM
Eminem was listing to the conversation and dicided that he and hes Friend Hunter should start to clean house!
He tacks a cyber-glass and hits it over Rivens back
then hunter trips the bartender and tacks the credits in the cash register.
EMINEM knocks over the subic table and puches slug, angel and Sargatanus!
every ones bleeding as the cops show up but by then EMINEM and hunter are in the closit
they pop out and take there guns out and kill the Cops
hunter tauses his scarf"and thats the end of this chapter" he says

ITS HERE ARES WEBBOARD ONE HOTLINE(for more detales go to the topic called its here and read it)!
(if this Sarilian Carriers a-rocken dont come a-knoking)
(1-2-3-the devels after me-4-5-6-hes always throwing sticks-7-8-9-he misses every time)
(Devels Shack)
E |/| I || E |/

I've never said this before: Shut up

I do not suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it

-Cantharan Commodore za'Grom
After the capture of Earth

I agree whole-heartedly with Slug.

"I can ail what cures you."

Is it possible to get romulan ale around here?

In any case, does anybody have a list of all the cheats for Ares?

(another drink please) 🙂


We already gave them all to you!

"I can ail what cures you."

"Can I have that Merenzane Gold now?"

Tosses 25 schintak in front of Cicion who quickly pockets them before anyone can take them

Eminem: Please don't do another post like that again.

Slug: I like your comeback with the documents. 😉


Thanks, I didn't know I had them all yet...
I still want my ale... and put it on the UNS Resistence tab please...

"D*** The torpedoes... FULL SPEED AHEAD!'
Admiral David Glasgow Farragut, Battle of Moblie Bay.

The E.N.S. Starbuck was in the vicinity, our engines are broken down and my crew need eight hundred mugs of Ale.

I do not suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it

-Cantharan Commodore za'Grom
After the capture of Earth

Cicion has either left or is very busy....


screams: Matthew! Where are you? Lassie theme starts playing

I do not suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it

-Cantharan Commodore za'Grom
After the capture of Earth

Riven grimaces at the recent pouring of events. He quickly shakes it off and heads over to Avatara's table, this time with a small flat checkered square in hand. "I'm black..."

Meanwhile, the Droid blankly stares at Slug for a minute. Slowly, he pulls out an electronic tab from under the counter while keeping his face pinned at Slug. The Droid pulls off the cap to a HyperPen and writes out the total as he walks up to slug. His face constantly looking higher at slug as he approaches, the Droid hands him the tab.
"What?! 28,000 Schintak!? Why-" the Droid cuts Slug short by grabbing the pad from Slug and finishing off a couple more calculations. He then hands it back to Slug who begins to grit his teeth. "Fine. Hold on a second."
Slug flips out a communicator and begins to speak in a hushed voice. "Ok guys, you're going to have to pay for your own drinks..." Slug suddenly cringes. He then yells back at his communicator "They wouldn't sew you." He waits a couple more seconds, and suddenly he retorts with a harsh voice "Well they're not me! Now bring up the total to my account." Slug then pulls out a credit chip and looks it over. He grins satisfactionally. He then bends over and hands it to the Droid as politely as possible. The numbers keep climbing and finally level out at around 29,300 schintak.
Several hours later, slug returns complaining his crew has been incapacitated, and the Droid simply points to the slogan above the bar door reading "Expect to get drunk."

Elsewhere in the bar, Avatara moves his Queen over Riven's Bishop. Avatara crosses his arms over his chest in winning pride, while Riven is frantically chewing on his nails.
"Ah ha! You've fallen into my master plan! You will die..."
Avatara sighs "Your last two peices must have one great plan up their sleeve..."


No wonder all the ales gone. I'll just have to go over to slugs ship and take the remaining mugs.

Walks past the gaurds, who are drunk and laughing hysterically

Easy enough... Now, If I were a slug, where would I keep my ale...
Well, I'd better go get my slug defence from the kitchen first...

grabs a salt shaker

Ahhh... Theres the ale...

glug glug glug

"D*** The torpedoes... FULL SPEED AHEAD!'
Admiral David Glasgow Farragut, Battle of Moblie Bay.

Gives Avatara his Merenzane Gold, plus a second and third, no extra charge. There you are, sir.