The Officer's Club Bar

"It's getting kinda stuffy in here. Mind if I open a window?"

"I like ice cream without chunky bits in it... they get stuck in my tubes." — Bungie's Soul

<steps out of character>
Oooh, Jane and Sundered Angel are back. Once Cicion pops back in I can make my dramatic return.

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

Sundered Angel looks up from where he has been sitting, and suddenly everyone realises he's been there for quite some time... Strange. No one seemed to have noticed. His ready smile dissapears into grimness, however.

I see you've got yourself a uniform. My congratulations. Have you been keeping up with galactic events recently? No, I suppose not. The true details about the latest skirmish, and the formation of our current situation have been kept quiet.

He looks her up and down, and his eyes glint unreadably.

I was hoping you had used your common sense and found a safe haven against what lies ahead. Apparently not. Well, how have you been?

((Jane, you've got a critical plot role in the end of the Ring Wars plugin series. I hope you'll be here in- Maybe a month?- to finish it off))

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

Jane and Sundered Angel talk back and forth making up for lost time as an alarm sounds. The monitors have changed from news to a warning that a ship has uncloaked near the station (usualy a sign of an impending attack). Much to the surprise of the bar patrons, the ship dosen't attack, and instead drops its shields and docks. On the screen, the ship registers as the Absolution.

"What!? What is it?" Jane asked Sundered Angel worriedly."

"It's the former Salrilian flagship." Sundered Angel replied with a pondering look.

"What? But how could a ship that big have a cloaking device?"

"I don't know, but it does. And that certainly isn't a good sign."

"So who is it? Sargatanus?"

"No. This is someone far slimier."

Moments later, a group of strange looking Salrilians enter. They were somewhat larger, more muscular, and strangest of all, they had arms! Behind them was a tall homonid being clad in a regal silver outfit, with a pendant around his neck that was the mark of a Salrilian Auspex. As the being drew nearer to the bar, it was obvious by the three blue eyes that it was a Phylydion.

"Who is that?" Jane asked cautiously.

"Verad." Sundered Angel whispered. "He's one of Sargatanus' advisors. And judging by that little ornament around his neck, he's just recieved a promotion."

"Well," Verad said in a greeting sort of way. "I have to say it's a surprise to find you here." He said as he approached Sundered Angel. "I was hoping to find Cicion, but you should be interesting."

"It's nice to see you too Verad." Angel was trying to hide his disdain. "What do you want?"

"Some refreshments for myself and my troops if that's not too much to ask."

"Fine. Have them order from the droid. What will you have?"

"Phylydion red-eye, please."

Sundered Angel fixed the drink and passed it down. "So what's the word on Sargatanus?"

"The artifact seems to have been working its way to every cell and componant in his body, and has been doing so for about three months now. But it seems to be winding down and we predict that he will active again within the week. He will be most pleased with progres that has been made on the political scene." Verad paused to take a gulp of his drink after which his eyes flash red. "Which reminds me; what is your stance on the recent developments in the galaxy?"

Ex-Taeskor and
Salrilian Auspex

(This message has been edited by Verad (edited 07-22-2000).)

"Yes," Sundered Angel says, "I hear the Gaitori are out for you. They've got a price on your head so large even I am having a hard time keeping my blaster in it's holster." (Cicion glares at a few rough-looking men, and after a few moments of tension they put away their weapons)

"Who...." Verad begins. "I mean, just because I'm an important leader.... like, I'm not that valuable."

"These are desperate times. You're the best leader the Sals have" Sundered Angel watches Verad's smug grin.

An Audemedon 'droid' scuttles up "Here are your drinks, lifeform" it buzzes. Sundered Angel and Verad both take their drinks from the robotic claws. Sundered only catches a glimpse of a portable cannon before the Audemedon leaps into the air, it's scythe-claws reaching for verad and it's cannon glowing with charge.

A laser bolt lances out from Cicion's direction and the burnt-out Audemedon shell smashes on the ground at Verad's feet. Sundered Angel prys out a hidden network node from behind the Audemedon's processing slot. "This is Gaitori technology," he says as he holds up the silvery device. "You need protection. Someone to keep the bugs off."

Sundered glances around the bar and sets his eyes on a Cantharan sitting by himself in the corner. "You, Nothing, I got a job for you..." he says with a shredder pistol pressing against Nothing's Cranium.

Jane watches the men while leaning against the counter, slightly amused at the situation. Soon, it appears as if she's made up her mind about something. She pulls out a computer padd from her vest pocket, and begins to write something out.

Jane heads for the door in a hurry, but not before managing to drop the padd in Sundered Angel's pouch. "I'll check up with you later, Angel. I've got to go."

Verad is temporarily thrown off by her quick appearance. He peered at the unfazed visitor with curiousity as she ran by. Who was she? Well, in any case, there was work to do. Verad signals a slug, and he slimes his way out of the bar. He then crosses his arms across his chest and whispers under his breath "I hope this works..."

No Guts, No Glory.
She had nice legs. Well of course she had nice legs! She had nice Everything!

Toothpaste doesn't realize that Bayle's Piss™ is alcoholic. He finishes off his 5th can and... falls out of his chair. He falls asleep on the floor of the bar and drools messily.

( just so you know, Bayle's Piss is only the name of a potent drink, and should not imply its contents )

"I like ice cream without chunky bits in it... they get stuck in my tubes." — Bungie's Soul

No thing (formerly Nothing) walks out of the Bar reluctantly next to Verad.

No thing pulls out a pistol and vaporizes the giant puddle of Toothpaste's drool. "You could'a slipped on that. There, I saved your life, I guess my job is done."

No thing strolls away humming contently, but Sundered grabs him by the scruff of his neck. "Nice try." He growls.

"Right " Verad trailed off, before his thoughts shifted. Action by the Gaitori? Not likely. They are a diligant member of the DGA. Although it could have been done by the isolationists But they will be dealt with. Eventually. They are not that big of a problem.

Turns his attention back to Sundered Angel

"Now, where were we?"

Ex-Taeskor and
Salrilian Auspex

Sundered Angel seems mostly amused by the diversion. The Gaitori do not have the forces to affect these matters, so the attempt seems nothing less than comical, if a little dangerous.

You were asking me how I stand on current matters. Well, my friend, that is a very good question.

Recently, the Salrilians and their minions have been consolidating their territory. You have thousands of warships now and millions of support personnel. Almost 60% of the Oracular Net's processing time is dedicated to the possibilities involved in a war with the forces arrayed in self-defense.

Then comes an ironic smile.

I am also aware that nearly 8% of its processing time is devoted to me. I suppose I should consider it an honour. But nevermind that.

Your military, Verad, is prepared for war. Your intelligence is dedicated to such a war. Your captains even have orders for such a war. Now, forgive me if I'm being naďve, but in my experience, such a situation leads, inevitably, to a war.

When Sargantanus awakes, as I'm sure he will soon, he will find himself with two choices. Step down his forces, and risk pre-emptive annexation by the Ishiman, or take over the galaxy. I have no doubt which he will choose. The question is, Verad...

Will you support him?

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

-----pause plot---------

Sorry, Sundered, for the annoying questions but I'm just not following you.
Why would the Ishimans annex Sargatanus (it's Sargatanus , not Sarga n tanus) ?

-----return to plot------

"So he would aim to conquer the galaxy, eh?" a smug grin form's on the Cantharan's jaws. "I would like to see what my Superiors think of this."

elavator music MUAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! 🙂

Verad realed back with a grin

"Is this a trick question?" He said with a chickle, and quickly leaned forward againg, this time much more serious. "His eminance has shown that he is nothing less than a messiah. If the prophesy isn't enough for you, look at our current situation: All of the government of the Divine Galactic Axis are experiencing the highest peaks of prosperity they have ever seen. Disdain and crime a virtually non-existant. Even the reactionary traditionalists are rarely objecting. The only offending faction anywhere are the Gaitori Isolationists, who are little more than low class thugs; mediocre terrorists at best."

Sundered Angel stared unphased. "True, crime and disdain are at record low, but it isn't exactly by choice is it? For if it was, you wouldn't need platoons of shock troops patroling the streets, and sections of the Oracular Net looking through personal electronic files to find objectors. Your "peace" is built on fear and oppression."

"Let's not forget dogma." Verad added matter-of-factly. "Most are loyal due to the prophesy. And tell me: Are there any governments out there that don't maintain peace by instilling the fear of retribution into their citizens? I certainly can't think of any. And my former species is particularly nasty about it; the Axis dosen't broadcast executions, or slag a captured planet. Or in a recent case, 131 captured planets."

"So your harbninger of peace, your sword wielding, renegade hiring, backstabing, murdering symbol of enlightenment can't figure out a way to maintain control without violence?" Sundered Angel thought he had argued Verad into a corner.

Verad chuckled. "A while ago, shortly after his promotion to fleet admiral for the Old Order, his eminence wrote in his thesis 'In order to establish control, one must exercise to the fullest extent their viciousness and cruelty. In order to establish relations, one must exercise to the fullest extent their caring and generousity. In order to maintain either, one must be prepared to push all to new limits.' But he has proven himself wrong. After we bring the citizens of the Axis to physical enlightenment there will no longer be any need for force."

"'Physical' enlightenment?"

"You mean he didn't tell you?"

"No." Angel said bluntly. "Enlighten me."

Verad grinned as if to excuse the pun. "After his melding with the Oracular Net, his eminence had a revelation, to which his very being was a catalyst: No matter how advanced a lifeforem evolves, it will still remain flawed, and still be driven by biological urges (personal gain, survival at the cost of others, reproduction, et cetra). So what then? Mechanical? Although a decided improvement, a chunk of metal cannot develop an inherent personality; a 'soul' if you will. Without that, you're still left with just a machine. When it comes to mechanicla personality, the Audemedons are about as advanced as they get. And they run on a central consciousness, which makes for little inovation. To truly advance, you need individualism. Thus you need to combine the two. The plans are already set. Within ten years, every citizen of the Axis will be indeterminable between biological or mechanical."

"So with this 'physical enlightenment' Sargatanus plans to 'wipe out unecessary biological urges,' for instnce, through thought control. By reconfiguring emotional responses in the brain to agree with his will. An 'enlightenment' to which you have become an unwitting victim."

Verad leaned in close to Sundered with a look of venom in his eyes. "What I do, I do by choice. His eminence is the lightbringer. and I will support him until he delivers us to enlightenment, and long after. What he orders me to do is the will of divinity manifested. If he orders me to give, or care, or hurt, or kill, or die, I will follow it without question. I hope that answers yours."

Sundered Angel nodded aprovingly. "Your loyalty is unbridled. Unfortunately it is all for a man whose ambition and madness are also unbridled. If you have a conscience, I suggest you listen to it."

Verad cracked a smile, but retained the venom in his eyes. "Good day, demon. We will meet again." Verad walked briskly out the entrance, followed promptly by his guards.

*Sundered Angel could feel that the seed had been planted. Lying in the deepest recesses of Verad's psyche, beyond the reach of any program or nanoprobe, his conscience was screaming in torment. It wailed for him to listen to Sundered Angel; to become himself again. But there was no part of him that would hear it. At least, not yet *

Ex-Taeskor and
Salrilian Auspex

(This message has been edited by Verad (edited 07-24-2000).)


Originally posted by No thing:
**"So he would aim to conquer the galaxy, eh?" a smug grin form's on the Cantharan's jaws. "I would like to see what my Superiors think of this."

Your "superiors" are part of the newly formed Divine Galactic Axis, and think that conquering the galaxy would be just dandy. (Divine Galactic Axis = Salrilians, Cantharans, Audemedons and Gaitori. The Bazidan and Obain are close allies to it).

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

Toothpaste wakens to the sound of elevator music

"Hey, where's the cream filling?!"

Toothpaste suddenly realizes where he is, and, feeling like a fool, quickly walks out of the bar without paying his tab

"I like ice cream without chunky bits in it... they get stuck in my tubes." — Bungie's Soul

Sundered Angel watches the departing backs of Verad and his guard, and a wry smile plays across his lips.

"Enlighten me, please, Mr. Verad Sir!" Hah!

He sits back down at his bar stool, mixing himself a Devil's Breath and swigging it down. He looks around the near-empty bar, wondering why there's no one around. At times like this it's normally bursting with admirals, fighter aces and mercenaries. But not now...

Demon, hmmmm? It would appear Sargantanus is up to tricks again. I wonder if he really is sleeping off the effects of that Toriserra?

Chuckles to himself.

If only he knew. If only he knew...

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

Suddenly, a rather large, strong hand slapped itself on Sundered Angel's back. Before he could react with deadly force, the rather large man sat down next to Sundered Angel. "How are ya mate?! Think I could get a froth of beer?"

Sundered Angel's wild glance turned into another chuckle. "Good to see you Rawc. Were've have you been?" Angel's grin slid off to the side as he continued "...hear any of the news lately?" He said as nodded in the general direction of slime residue hanging on the walls. Rawc was in the meantime reaching over the counter fixing himself a brandy-or something or other that he thought might be it.

"Ugh, did ya blast a bug?"
"No. Just that one had stood there a minute ago."
"Hmm..." Rawc thought about it for a second before taking a swill of his drink. "I've gotten a'lot of rare chances to know them first hand lately. Sick things." He then turned his head round at Sundered Angel with a deeper tone "Why?"

"Sargatanus is plotting a devious plan to 'enlighten' us."
Rawc giggled at the thought. "Normally that would sound silly, but go on." He took a sip of his drink
"They..." Suddenly, Sundered Angel stopped mid sentence. His keen senses were being blurred out. Something was wrong.
Rawc began to take another sip of his drink, when he jumped at it "Even sick'r! It's got no flavor." And then he was down on the floor.
Sundered Angel looked around looking for anybody else in the bar as he too was beginning to collapse. Unfortunetly, all he found were some of the Salrilians back with gas masks on, ready to carry them away with their new pairs of mechanical arms.

She can be a lil' loopy sometimes, but she doesn't leave my sights-Oh! Darn it! Where'd she go!?

Meanwhile, Jane was busy scuffling around the Absolution. So far, she had managed to go undetected, but she was losing patience. "It's got to be around here somewhe-whoops!" She whispered. Jane nearly scuffled into a pair of gaurds walking down the corridor carrying two body cooling retainers. She pondered what Salrilians might be doing with body retainers, but the matter would have to wait. She turned the corner, and "...finally..".
She was at a subjunction cockpit. Impossibly unimaginable as it might be, however, the door buttons were fried. "Uh-huh..." She unzippered a chest pocket revealing a small leather door break-in set. Jane looked some of the tools over and picked out a small seringed utensil. She pulled of the cap with her mouth and looked back at the burnt out control board. Her eyes closed and crossed for a second. This was impossibly stupid. Dropping the utensil on the floor she grabbed her weapon, pointed it at the board, and blasted it for what might have been the 50th time in its life. The doors promplty jerked open, and Jane smiled a devilish grin.

Verad was standing poised in front of a holographic map of the region. The stars moved about quickly as though some one were scanning them. Several red dots spotted the immediate region, and Verad was happy to elimanate a couple of them. He punched in a couple keystrokes, and two of the red dots soon disappeared. A smirk ran across his face "Yes... I'll enlighten you. Soon enough, I will."
"General, were ready for departure."
"Fine. Take us..." he paused as he pointed out a large yellow star "...there." Immediately the small star lit up and the ship was turning away from the station. The holoimage lit up with a message in front of the rest of the stars "E.T.A. to designated destination: 6 hours, 26 minutes."

No Guts, No Glory.

" She had nice legs. Well of course she had nice legs! She had nice Everything! "
Titan AE

"Sir, It's been several hours now. May I go?" No thing the Cantharan stood a tall five feet.

"Yeh yeh, get out of my sight." Verad said in an irritated tone. No thing started heading towards the fighter bay where his shuttle was stored when he stopped, turned around, and gazed at the starmap through his good eye.

"Uh, if I may inquire," No thing began...

"--NO you may not 'inquire'. I told you to leave, now leave before I have you thrown out the airlocks!" Verad practically spat the words at No thing, making him wince.

No thing walked briskly off, and finally found the Fighter Bay. No thing looked at the trashed cockpit on his ship. "Who could have done this...?" he murmured to himself. "Damn! they've taken my matrix subassembalies! They've stripped down my entire ship! At least I've still got some weapons." No thing pondered. "It's almost as if they don't WANT me to leave....."

Verad's Voice is heard over the commbeep: "Sorry No thing. You just know too much of our operations, now we gotta kill ya. Nothing Personal." Enraged, No thing flips a red switch. The two shredder cannons on No thing's shuttle power up and blast a hole in the fighter bay's doors, depressurizing the entire section of the ship. The shuttle shot out of the bay like a bullet, the aft turrets on Verad's ship power up and start throwing a hail of laser fire towards No thing's shuttle. The engines on the Shuttle glow and it disappears from the sky in a flash.

Meanwhile on the bridge, a security officer wanders up to Verad. "Sorry, sir, he got away."

Hey No thing, if you want in on this story, e-mail me. It's sort of outlined already.

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

When Sundered Angel initially saw the gas, he looked extremely surprised. Then a slow, knowing smile spread, and he fell to the ground, where the Salrilians took him from. Now, aboard the Absolution, he lies in the body pod, supposedly unconcious, as all scanners reveal. However, his eyes are open, glowing red in the darkness of the container. Whispers too low to register pass his lips.

Now, I wonder if this is Verad's plot, or Sargantanus. Verad, I suppose. Sargantanus seems to be aware of the foolishness of any such attempt.

An explosion rocks the pod.

There goes that Cantharan. I wonder what he's up to this time? Well, it does not matter. What matters is whether I should see what happens next, or be accidentally "lost" in the depressurization...

I think I'll stay put for now.

The red glow dies, and Sundered Angel's eyes close.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy