The Officer's Club Bar

Piemur1: "Problem is that the competition for the Nasty Things that Sting is already high in the market...and harder to get rid of...and you have to worry about personal injuries...the bug spray alone costs 30 scintak or more!"

Races to wipe out:
() All Tribbles but one... {X}
) Gerbils { }
() The infamous Blabblytes of Bla{X}
) Nasty Things that Sting { }

(This message has been edited by Piemur1 (edited 10-13-2000).)

unknown to Piemur1, talon karrde has tribble repellant. He sprays himself, and after the last tribble has croaked, He looks at Piemur1 with a menacing look on his face
takes out hand-held tractor beam, and pushes the button
the last tribble falls out of Piemur1's pocket
Talon Karrde blasts the last tribble into oblivion

'Light a man a fire and he'll be warm for one night. Set him on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.' Terry Pratchett

(This message has been edited by Talon Karrde (edited 10-13-2000).)

what talon karrde does not know is that on some secret deserted planet, piemur1 had already dropped a tribble on it and let them multiply to the point where the tribbles were cannibalizing each other at the same rate of multiplication and was completely self-sufficient and far enough away from everyone to find it except for piemur1 and that he put it there just in the case someone would do that sort of thing to him...a private vault of useless things...

Races to wipe out:
() All Tribbles but one... {X}
) Gerbils { }
() The infamous Blabblytes of Bla{X}
) Nasty Things that Sting { }

That's the last straw. This is my bar, and there will be order. Until things get back to the good old way they used to be, this bar is under Martial Law. Presses a button on his com unit and 2 platoons of Taeskor Commandos enter and take up positions all around the bar. They try to remain inconspicuous. Cicion starts pouring drinks and talking to the respectable patrons and a jazz band and singer enter and start up some swinging music.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."
-Han Solo

"trust me teaskor does guys dont work, look at my SS men back tehre they all have paper cuts and are bleeding to death moaning in back ground so trust me those commandos wont do a thing"
gets his arm blasted off
"ok, i stand corrested"
start regenerating a new arm
"this might be nasty"

I'm the scourge of the
New Republic, care to
join me?

How're things, Avatara? Care for a drink?

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."
-Han Solo


Originally posted by Taeskor Cicion:
**How're things, Avatara? Care for a drink?

Actually, somewhere in the spam Talon Karrde ad Piemur1 have done, I think I ordered one...

Piemur1: If they are cannibalizing at the same rate of multiplication, then you only have one.


  • StormBreaker docks at the bar. Darkk enters humming happily.*

*shows Cicion the (url="http://"") Official Posting (/url)

" Given that I'm in a good mood today, and 5% of all captures made by the NIN during my tenure as Fleet Admiral went to me, and that I've spent next to none of it, EVERYTHING'S ON ME UNTIL I LEAVE!!! Oh, I'm staying here until my office takes effect, so I'll be here TWO DAYS!!

riotous cheering from many

Give me a Dr. Pepper just like old times, Cicion.

Me: You ******* IDIOTS!! That planet was INHABITED!!!
Them: Ooops
Me: Let's resume this disscussion at the admiralty court near airlock 13.
(immediatly following the first disrupter missle test)

(This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 10-13-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 10-13-2000).)

cheeres when finsihed with regenerating his arm
"Hey Bartender, i never had anything to drink so ill start now, give me the lightest you got, but not water, and no carbonatoin. thanks."

I'm the scourge of the
New Republic, care to
join me?

Donkeypiss it is....

Unless I'm off, 670!! (I was, need more sleep.)
I think this is the biggest topic on any Ares Web Board, Cicion. Congrats.

Me: You ******* IDIOTS!! That planet was INHABITED!!!
Them: Ooops
Me: Let's resume this disscussion at the admiralty court near airlock 13.
(immediatly following the first disrupter missle test)

(This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 10-14-2000).)

Thanks ever so much, Admiral. And by the way, most of the Nijayias pirates we've been having trouble with were pirates to begin with. The actual Nijayias left in Nijayias space were the ones we protected. Hands him a big beer mug of Dr. Pepper.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."
-Han Solo


Originally posted by Taeskor Cicion:
**Thanks ever so much, Admiral. And by the way, most of the Nijayias pirates we've been having trouble with were pirates to begin with. The actual Nijayias left in Nijayias space were the ones we protected. Hands him a big beer mug of Dr. Pepper.

Somehow, the words "destroying the villiage to save the villiage" and "Vietnam" keep flashing through my head. Oh well, not your fault. I think you are mistaken about it being commited pirates. According to YOUR navy office, 98% of all known Nijayas pirate vessles were navy up to the time of the Nijayas Civil War (our term for it). Even true pirates won't resist the "calling," offers of blanket pardons, AND the chance to help rebuild the Empire (which could get them tons of cash).

*looks at his tab so far

Mmm. C'mon, I've got more money than that! Seriously, until my post becomes official Monday, it's all on me!

*looks for a Sabacc game to wast money on, but realizes he'd be cheating automaticaly under Phylydian rules, which ban enhanced psychic powers

Cicion, another Dr. Pepper please.

Me: You ******* IDIOTS!! That planet was INHABITED!!!
Them: Ooops
Me: Let's resume this disscussion at the admiralty court near airlock 13.
(immediatly following the first disrupter missle test)

Oh, Cicion, you wouldn't believe this weird power sources I found on the Arliacian homeworld. Their power outputs on STANDBY was 10 times that of the Phylydia on MAX OUTPUT!

Heard vauge rumors of something similar. Something about the "Verasi". Also heard you might be interested.

Me: You ******* IDIOTS!! That planet was INHABITED!!!
Them: Ooops
Me: Let's resume this disscussion at the admiralty court near airlock 13.
(immediatly following the first disrupter missle test)

Given Phylydion sense tendrils, we'd be about evenly matched in poker. Hands Darkk a rare collector's edition 4 liter bottle of Dr. Pepper.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."
-Han Solo

Given Phylydion sense tendrils, we'd be about evenly matched in poker. And about the war, as you know, the people we fought were either Phylydion rebels or Nijayias syndicate members. They destroyed the empire from the inside, and our fleets managed to preserve some of the fringe worlds. Hands Darkk a rare collector's edition 4 liter bottle of Dr. Pepper. By the way, did you read my Taeskor definition in "Hey, Darkk"?

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."
-Han Solo


Originally posted by Taeskor Cicion:
**Given Phylydion sense tendrils, we'd be about evenly matched in poker. And about the war, as you know, the people we fought were either Phylydion rebels or Nijayias syndicate members. They destroyed the empire from the inside, and our fleets managed to preserve some of the fringe worlds. Hands Darkk a rare collector's edition 4 liter bottle of Dr. Pepper. By the way, did you read my Taeskor definition in "Hey, Darkk"?

Maybe. But Sabacc uses electronics, and being merged with StormBreaker gives me quantokenesis , the ability to mover particles smaller than atoms. Many Nijayas can do an atom or 2, some can do very specific things in parallel (the no oxygen/food/water trick), but only I can do things like this. *A point of orange light appears on Darkk's hand. Suddenly it extends into an LRPK beam and vaporizes a fly annoying some patrons. The guards jump but then relax

I can also work simple electonics. *a Sabacc card appears in his hand.
Watch this, please. *It suddenly begins cycling through all possible cards.
Not that I would do that, but that I COULD, which is why I'm banned. Some Duploi can do it with cybernetic aids, which is the origin of the rule.

Thanks for the special edition. I'll scan in its molecular structure so I can make them on long, thirsty trips. Oh, and I did read the explanation. No more confusion here!

Me: You ******* IDIOTS!! That planet was INHABITED!!!
Them: Ooops
Me: Let's resume this disscussion at the admiralty court near airlock 13.
(immediatly following the first disrupter missle test)

Cicion suddenly switched his attention back to an earliere statement in the conversation. "Did you say Verasi?"

"Yes. Appearently this artifact on Arliac is similar to some 'Verasi' style. Isn't that a Phylydion system?"

Cicion's face became somewhat worried. "Yes. Well, it was until the Nijayias Civil War. The blasted beaurocrats annexed it to the Sals. But I digress. What exactly were you getting in power readings?"

Darkk shook his head as if he still didn't believe it. "Increadible. The technology is along the same lines of StormBreaker but radically more advanced. This thing was in an idle state and was registering with a power output ten times greater than the Phylydia! Good thing these Arliacians keep it locked up so tight; someone could do some serious damage with power like that."

Cicion grew pale in a fixed stare at Darkk.

"What?" Darkk asked ponderingly.

"Sargatanus has one. In him."

Darkk's jaw dropped, before replying pensively "Please tell me you're joking, because this isn't funny if you are."

"Not one bit." Cicion said while shaking his head.

Darkk slumped in his seat. "Why does everything have to happen while I'm gone?"

Cicion kept the subject: "Wait a minute. You said this technology is similar to your ship's?"

"Along the same guidlines yes, but far more advanced."

"Would it be possible to use your ship as a walk-through for cracking this technology?"

Darkk reeled back in a slight shock. "Well first off, that would require my letting you touch my ship, which is unlikely. And second, even if I let you, it would take decades or even centuries to work it out. Yes the technologies are on the same lines, but what you're talking about would be like trying to figure out a quantum computer by studying an ancient vacuum tube!"

Cicion was starting to get frustrated, then the aprenhension came back to him. "What if the Sals got ahold of this new artifact? Could they reproduce it?"

Darkk pondered. "Well, if whatever Sargatanus has is on the same level, than they would have a technological refference. So it would be possible."

Cicion choked down the thought and got up. "I have to inform the High Octicon at once. Care to join me?"

"Absolutely." Darkk replied as the two walked off.

In all the hurry, neither of them had noticed the Salrilian who had been listening intently on their conversation, and was now messing around with a communicator. It said nothing. Instead, it sent a recording of the message directly through subspace to the Ring.

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

-Sorry about the spamming,this is the last one, promise- :redface:
Ill just have some saalian brandy, cicion.
-Pays cicion and gets his drink-
-He downs it-
-Lights a cigarette-
-Realises he is the only person in the bar who smokes-
-doesnt notice the pool of romulan ale next to his leg-
"Oh, ---- this."
-Tosses cigarette on the floor-
-the ale catches fire, setting his trouser leg alight-
-He runs out (hissing noise)-
-he comes back in-
"Alright, thats it! im stopping!"

'Light a man a fire and he'll be warm for one night. Set him on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.' Terry Pratchett


Originally posted by Fleet Admiral Darkk:
**Mmm. C'mon, I've got more money than that! Seriously, until my post becomes official Monday, it's all on me!

If you insist. :evil:

Cicion, I'll take 6,574,783,921 pangalactic gargleblasters (hey, Darkk's paying so why not?) send them to Slug and his soldiers as a "gift". 😄

Oh, and give me the most expensive item you have...

(Darn, you two walked off-I was going to join that poker game, even though I probably would have lost)
