The Officer's Club Bar

Cleans off the bar. Jon Hendricks walks offstage, and Frank Sinatra himself walks on. A full jazz band appears behind him, and he starts to sing.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

In a rather unexpected move, Sanatra begins singing "700 bottles of bear on the wall" and the crowd turns around to see Cicion letting out a full round of champange, on the house. Everyone is elated and joins in on the celebration, and start singing with Sanatra.

Cicion hops over the counter and stands up on a table with a glass of bubbly white, and with a spoon, he taps the glass to announce a toast.

"Today is a great day for us all. We now have more posts... er... patrons than any other in this system! A new Record!"

In agreement, the crowd downs the drinks, russian style. And return to their business, still chit chatting about the whole event.

Sanatra sits down and William Shatner takes the mic.


sees William Shanter from Star Trek Singing
pulls out a snowball with a rock inside
pegs Willy right in the middle of his head
relizes he should b buying an expansive drink
"uhh bartender, mix me your top ten most expansive drinks, and make sure they come in eaisly moved containers of atleast 50 tons.
estimates thats enough money to buy 4 more starfleets
relizes he needs 5 to topple over the Sallrilains
"never mind, make them into 100 ton contianers"
pulls out mike
"send a scoutship and wipe out those lemmings, or put a stop guy on every place that they could live, and build lots of steps"

I'm the scourge of the
New Republic, care to
join me?

Actually, Sinatra stays onstage and continues to sing.(This is MY bar, mac. I control the music.)

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

After several off key tunes, Shatner is booed off stage, and Sanatra takes the mic. Shatner then plods over to the bar in front of Cicion and plops himself down.

"You... do... not know... how... long... I needed...... that."

Cicion eyeballs the guy with one buldging eye. Slowly he sets his cleaning down.

"Would you mind not doing the dramatic bit. It's giving me a headache." Cicion asks perturbed. Shatner slowly twists his head from side, looking for anybody he might recognize. A fellow patron begins to sit down next to him but quickly winces and walks away as he realizes Shatner is sweating profusely.

Shatner flips out a small handheld device and speaks into it.
"Scotty... beam me up."


*Cicion gets angry and throws a knife at Kirk, but the sponge appeared to have worked and he was already beaming away. Cicion retrieves his knife and goes back to work.

Avatara is waiting for his drink still*

(Is Riven Macintosh Man? you said Mac)


(No, no, "mac" the addressing name, like "Bub" or "Pal".)

Sinatra(With an "i" walks offstage as a huge round of applause rolls up. Mel Torme takes the stage.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

Avatara is still waiting for that drink he ordered a week ago


absolute silence

Good laws are produced by extremely bad manners.
-Alduran Pirate Captain Macrobius

relizes he still has not gotten what he has order
"Hey bartender mind hurrying it up, i got an empire to overthrow, and make sure tehre in Aud containers. Thanks."

I'm the scourge of the
New Republic, care to
join me?

opens his wallet and 10 moths fly out
" i think i'd better wipe out moths instead...keep eating people's money...hey wait a minute! "
realizes he has no money...quietly sulks away out of the bar and into his ship...warps away to as far from the bar as possible on his fuel supply...which is just enough to get to the next system...which happens to be uninhabited...

Races to wipe out:
() Gerbils { }
) The infamous Blabblytes of Bla { } (a few were discovered on a planet on the other side of the universe)
() Lemmings {X} (the sun finally went nova)
) Moths { }

(This message has been edited by Piemur1 (edited 10-23-2000).)

Talon Karrde rushes after Piemur1
Reaches his ship, fires up the engines and warms up his Hyperdrive
The ‘Wild Karrde’ enters the system that Piemur1 is stuck in, and docks with his ship
Karrde jumps aboard
He runs to the bridge
Karrde: “hey, you forgot to pay everybodies drink!”
Piemur1: “please don’t hurt me, methinks me has no money”
Karrde: “Well, we’ll just have to see whats in that cargo hold of yours, won’t we”
The expression on Piemur1Â’s face changes to an expression of absolute horror
Piemur1: “Oh, you don’t want to go in there.”
Karrde: “Oh, but I do”
walks over to the door
opens it...
they both run to his ship, chased by around 10000 tribbles
they jump aboard, and Karrde fires up the engines
just as the Wild Karrde declamps itself from the hull of Piemur1Â’s ship, the ships hull bursts, and millions of tribbles find their doom...
Karrde: “I think you owe me a couple of Million scintak for exterminating THAT many...”
Piemur1:”OOOOOHHHHH, YOU .....!

'Never ask for directions in wales baldric, you'll be washing spit out of your beard for months'

Talon Karrde rushes after Piemur1
Reaches his ship, fires up the engines and warms up his Hyperdrive
The ‘Wild Karrde’ enters the system that Piemur1 is stuck in, and docks with his ship
Karrde jumps aboard
He runs to the bridge
Karrde: “hey, you forgot to pay everybodies drink!”
Piemur1: “please don’t hurt me, methinks me has no money”
Karrde: “Well, we’ll just have to see whats in that cargo hold of yours, won’t we”
The expression on Piemur1Â’s face changes to an expression of absolute horror
Piemur1: “Oh, you don’t want to go in there.”
Karrde: “Oh, but I do”
walks over to the door
opens it...
they both run to his ship, chased by around 10000 tribbles
they jump aboard, and Karrde fires up the engines
just as the Wild Karrde declamps itself from the hull of Piemur1Â’s ship, the ships hull bursts, and millions of tribbles find their doom...
Karrde: “I think you owe me a couple of Million scintak for exterminating THAT many...”
Piemur1:”OOOOOHHHHH, YOU .....!

'Never ask for directions in wales baldric, you'll be washing spit out of your beard for months'

Hands Avatara that drink. Sorry for the delay. You know, I think I can withdraw the martial law order. Snaps his fingers and the Taeskor Commandos file out into an armed transport which flies away under escort. Tell me, Avatara, what improvements do you think might be made to the bar?

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

"Well, maybe a no-spam device, something that perma-bans spammers who aren't posting "logical" posts about the bar and..." snaps back to reality

"Oh, uh...well... if those commandos did something besides stand there... Maybe the doorway could be decorated a bit more, at least cleaned. Its all greasy and grimy. On the other hand, this is a bar, not a luxury hotel. Also, the dust on those tables over there points to a corner of the bar is causing some people to have allergy problems. Also, that incinerated table could use some repairs..."


"Well, maybe a no-spam device, something that perma-bans spammers who aren't posting "logical" posts about the bar and..." snaps back to reality

"Oh, uh...well... if those commandos did something besides stand there... Maybe the doorway could be decorated a bit more, at least cleaned. Its all greasy and grimy. On the other hand, this is a bar, not a luxury hotel. Also, the dust on those tables over there points to a corner of the bar is causing some people to have allergy problems. Also, that incinerated table could use some repairs..."


Piemur1 disembarks the 'Wild Karrde' and walks unsteadily into the bar
"hiy yo geiz! i tink teh lhmiings er ded dontchano? so sinse nobodyones kilt none of dem...i dont tink i well pay fer dem...yo geiz gotta pay fer dem yerselfs.."
walks back to the 'Wild Karrde'
falls down beside the docking doors and Karrde's men haul him inside the ship...

Races to wipe out:
() All Tribbles but one... {X}
) Gerbils { }
(*) The infamous Blabblytes of Bla {X}

Avatara, how long have you been a moderator? I didn't notice the label near your name until just now. An engineering crew walks in and cleans up the bar. Cicion helps, mumbling "All these newer guys becoming moderators..."

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

(Is that a tinge of jealousy or dislike?)



(Neither. Just a little surprise at the newcomers getting the power. I've been here longer than any Ares board moderator I know of. Of course, I do have plenty of power since I control the Officer's Club Bar thread.)

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

(This message has been edited by Taeskor Cicion (edited 10-25-2000).)