The Officer's Club Bar

Hi. Uh oh. Avatara ducks as Deathval fires his blaster at Avatara


Hi. Uh oh. Avatara ducks as Deathval fires his blaster at Avatara


That's great, Darthval. 😉

"You can get much further with kind words and a loaded gun than you can with kind words alone."
- Al Capone

(This message has been edited by Mag Steelglass (edited 10-11-2000).)

"I'll have some Orakh, please"
Cicion gives him the drink
He downs it in one go, walks unsteadily to his ship and passes out

'Light a man a fire and he'll be warm for one night. Set him on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.' Terry Pratchett

goes into the bar and wonders how he got out in the first place with a silly expression on his face like this: :frown:
goes up to the bar and orders a dehydrated water
Piemur1: "Just add water please"
Cicion: "That will be 40 scintak more"
Piemur1: "For the water?"
Cicion: "Yep..."
Piemur1: "Then I'll just have the dehydrated water"
Cicion: hands piemur1 an empty glass
Piemur1: :drinks: it down
Piemur1: "now that was kinda strong! i feel wuuuuzzy! wook pwink ewefants!"
Piemur1: faints

Damnit! I wiped out ANOTHER race! Oh, well, nobody cared about THEM anyway...stupid tribbles...

(This message has been edited by Piemur1 (edited 10-12-2000).)

Talon Karrde wakes up, and finding Piemur1 asleep in the bar, he drugs him so heavily that Piemur1 is very unlikely to wake up in the next 1000 years
he orders another drink, drinks it and passes out

'Light a man a fire and he'll be warm for one night. Set him on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.' Terry Pratchett

gets up...
sleep walks to Talon...
puts a tribble in the empty glass...
walks out of the bar...
second-in-command applies a stimulant to wake Piemur1 up
Second-in-command: "Sir, I think you did it again...Talon is gonna be very unhappy when he wakes up again"
Piemur1: "What? What are you talking about?"
Second-in-command: "You put the last tribble in the universe in his glass...its not going to be the last one for very long..."
Piemur1: "...who would have guessed that the last one got in my pocket and activated the stasis field on itself... hehehe "
Second-in-command: sigh
Piemur1: (to himself) " now that's the way to keep enemies at bay, after taking out their engines, have one tribble in stasis and "ahem" drop it on their ship, deactivate the stasis field, and run away...hehehehehe...better change my signature..."

Damnit! I wiped out ANOTHER race! Oh, well, nobody cared about THEM anyway...stupid tribbles...

(This message has been edited by Piemur1 (edited 10-12-2000).)

walks back into the bar
sees that the table where Talon Karrde is getting crowded
" hehehe... "
takes one tribble, puts it in stasis, and puts it in his pocket
goes up to another person (at the other side of the room) and offers him some bounty on gerbils...

Races to wipe out:
() All Tribbles but one... {X}
) Gerbils { }
() The infamous Blabblytes of Bla{X}
) Nasty Things that Sting { }

(This message has been edited by Piemur1 (edited 10-12-2000).)

pissed at his bad aim he summons his SS men
"SS men get in here"
40 white clad SS men charge into the room barreling mag stellgas and avatarian over, and beats em over the head over and over again
"Ha take that"
walks over to that P-guy
"so you want me to take out some gerbils"
"itll be 20,000,000 scintak"
P-guy agrees
Deathval is so happy that he jsut got that much money that he forgets to call off his SS men

I'm the scourge of the
New Republic, care to
join me?

pissed at his bad aim he summons his SS men
"SS men get in here"
40 white clad SS men charge into the room barreling mag stellgas and avatarian over, and beats em over the head over and over again
"Ha take that"
walks over to that P-guy
"so you want me to take out some gerbils"
"itll be 20,000,000 scintak"
P-guy agrees
Deathval is so happy that he jsut got that much money that he forgets to call off his SS men

I'm the scourge of the
New Republic, care to
join me?

Avatara cuts down the men beating him up with a document he "borrowed" from Slug. The paper cuts cause all the SS men to bleed to death.


Avatara cuts down the men beating him up with a document he "borrowed" from Slug. The paper cuts cause all the SS men to bleed to death.


Avatara cuts down the men beating him up with a document he "borrowed" from Slug. The paper cuts cause all the SS men to bleed to death.


Wow, I didn't mean to post that three times.... Must be because the topic is so big...


"oh i got an idea"speaks while shooting off avatars fingers" why dont we start a new topic still labeled The Officer"s club Bar but itll be all new so we dont have to wait so long to post or read what poeple says, is that a good idea or waht?*finishes shooting off avatars fingers hopinhg that will make him stop paper cutting all my SS men nad paying him back for calling me my wrong nmae

I'm the scourge of the
New Republic, care to
join me?

If you do that, then this topic will go to waste. Right now, it is the largest one on the boards and we are proud of that. More importantly, it lets the old people remember memories of what the boards once were.


Heh. This bar tended to be my least favorite topic...

"You can get much further with kind words and a loaded gun than you can with kind words alone."
- Al Capone

"But the posting time......its sooooooooooooooooooooo long."

I'm the scourge of the
New Republic, care to
join me?

Actualy, it really isn't. Just hit stop and back a few times and then reload.

Me: You ******* IDIOTS!! That planet was INHABITED!!!
Them: Ooops
Me: Let's resume this disscussion at the admiralty court near airlock 13.
(immediatly following the first disrupter missle test)

Piemur1: "Oh, you are paying me 20 million scintak? thank you so much, actually, what i was thinking was you get half of the bounty of killing the gerbils...think about it...whole planets giving thanks to you and giving you medals and stuff and the glory and the righteous shall prevail...uhh...well...they will thank you for it at least...and maybe some money...and we will split it 30/70, you 70, alright? 😉 and doing ENOUGH planets will make us rich enough to buy a new ship! and this is the best dont pay so much in the way of weaponry...just a simple small creature scanner...and a couple of jars of poison...the cheapest in the galaxy for a profit!!!

Races to wipe out:
() All Tribbles but one... {X}
) Gerbils { }
() The infamous Blabblytes of Bla{X}
) Nasty Things that Sting { }