Enter System Crash

Perhaps you've encountered this...

In a plug that I was creating I wanted to make a system not appear until you accept a mission so I had the onAccept field with a bit and made the system appearOn the same bit. When I accept the mission the system appears on the map with an orange triange as it should. When I try to go there, however; I jump and it crashes. There is nothing in the debuglog related to this.

Has anyone had this problem before and if so, how did you fix it?

Out of curiosity it does have a pic for the planet assuming there is one? But other then that I have no idea. Sorry.

Yes, there is one.

I'm guessing it has something to do with one system being linked to the other and perhaps not the other way around, or something similar. Perhaps the system you're jumping from is not set to connect to the new system, but the original, or the new system is not set to connect to the system you're jumping from. Generally, this just allows one way jumps, if there's an error like that, but in the case of a system being replaced by another things could get more complicated.

Just a guess.

Nova's engine assumes reciprocal links, so I'm pretty sure that's not it. I think this plug may just be doomed.

Thanks anyway guys.

This post has been edited by dr neverhood : 31 May 2006 - 08:48 PM

Why don't you go hear what ol' granpa debug log has to say?

A plug is never doomed. Well almost never. I doubt yours is doomed. Particularly sence many people have added and/or changed many systems in other plugins. It is possible that a different plugin is interfearing with the system.

Crashes upon entering a system are usually the result of graphics being incorrectly processed. Does your planet use default graphics, and are you certain you specified the graphics correctly?

@mumbling-psycho, on May 31 2006, 08:51 PM, said in Enter System Crash:

Why don't you go hear what ol' granpa debug log has to say?

@dr-neverhood, on May 31 2006, 04:34 PM, said in Enter System Crash:

There is nothing in the debuglog related to this.

I think it is a graphics problem after all. The connection of the three resources (spob>spin>rleD) may have been wrong.

Ah, good. Mine was just a guess, I never really use that feature.

Oops, my bad. But there should be. <_< Force your computer to speak! :rolleyes: There has to be something.

PS: Forget it, check your graphics if there's absolutely nothing in the logs. Then you might wanna check related bits, system IDs as well as your mission and.. well.. anything related to that system in any way that you changed.

If you are dealing with multiple NCBs, it would be a good idea to make a log of what NCBs every resource uses/requires/etc. This way, you can just look there, it will be faster, and less bugs will occur. If its a big plug, with a bunch of graphics, then you can always keep track of almost everything.

Found the problem; careless mistake in resource connections. No more fretting for you all.

Thankee for all of your responses.

Glad to hear you've solved your problem. For future reference, though, PC Nova 1.0.6 used to have a similar problem, where if the Message Buoy field of a s˙st resource was set to -1 (rather than 0), the game would crash when the player entered the system. I'm pretty sure this problem has been solved in 1.0.9, though.

This post has been edited by Belthazar : 31 May 2006 - 10:31 PM