The Interplanetary Wargame

NebuchadnezzaR, on Nov 4 2005, 09:29 AM, said:

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Having some trouble contacting Chrome Falcon on a way to work this out, he has MSN and I have AiM. I've read both of your plans and I'm working it out myself right now until I can get in contact with CF.

Ok. Again, I say neat. I hope you have fun with this project. Looking forward for your honors ruling.

In the mean time, who else wants to join next round?

Sylvanus? Anyone else?

I might want to become a judge next round. We should also reshuffle our teams. Though ours got along well together and everyone contributed nicely.

As a preliminary report, the battle is going to be one-sided. Heavily one-sided. I'll wait until I confer with my colleague, and I'll wait until I can write about every aspect of both of your plans, but in terms of the outcome, one side won by a long ways.

If it's my team that's losing then I blame Neb for vetoing my best weapon idea and not submitting it... 🆒

Im afraid. Our plan was good, but not THAT good. And it had holes... if the enemy found them it would lead to heavy one siding.

Hehe... and I never actually vetoed your weapon. I just didnt reintroduce it into public discusion.

As far as I know, not much discussion went on between our team... I think Edwards basically posted a plan and a few people made suggestions, then Edwards finalized it. No hard feelings against Edwards, I think it was just a lack of participation on everyone else's part.

It might be a good idea to have the next few rounds on a separate forum. This would make communication a lot easier (each team could have private forums, for example). I'd be willing to set up an invisionfree forum if anyone is interested.

I wonder who could be losing

Mispeled, on Nov 7 2005, 03:54 PM, said:

As far as I know, not much discussion went on between our team... I think Edwards basically posted a plan and a few people made suggestions, then Edwards finalized it. No hard feelings against Edwards, I think it was just a lack of participation on everyone else's part.

It might be a good idea to have the next few rounds on a separate forum. This would make communication a lot easier (each team could have private forums, for example). I'd be willing to set up an invisionfree forum if anyone is interested.
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That'd be nice. As it is now, the boards are laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggy. As in, laaaaaaaaaaaaggy. Much lag. Lag ^ 278526.

Mispeled, on Nov 7 2005, 03:54 PM, said:

As far as I know, not much discussion went on between our team... I think Edwards basically posted a plan and a few people made suggestions, then Edwards finalized it. No hard feelings against Edwards, I think it was just a lack of participation on everyone else's part.View Post

Yeah, that's about what happened. If I stay as a player in the next round, I think I'll change my role to "Devil's Advocate", poking holes in everyone else's plans, rather than creating them myself.

And I'd been expecting at least a little resistance...


Doesn't sound too good, I'm afraid.

Heh we believed in you, Edwards. Though perhaps we should have

I'm in 😄 , but whats been decided for easier contact? I have YIM and don't have time to check it as often as E-mail/Ambrosia due to major lag. Also, to add to what I asked before, if this has a web page and or sight, what is the address?

No webpage. As a sort of moderating thing, edwards just drew up a list of assumptions, and technically posted it on the web, but he could have just as easily posted it here.

My team just all used Gmail and reply-all to sort of hack a forum together. Worked really nicely, I strongly suggest it.

Sorry guys. A thousand apologies for vanishing again.

I just PMed Koshinn, and hopefully we'll come to some sort of conclusion soon.

As a final note, I've come to the conclusion that my continued position as leader of this idea doesn't sit very well with everything else in my life at the moment. Year 11 is finally catching up with me (lots of homework, although I seem to manage to have less than everyone else...), I'm running a clan on Freelancer multiplayer (unless I'm ousted by a bunch of newcomers), and I've developed a new hobby in the form of writing stories on (as Basilisk9466, in case anyone is interested). What I'm saying is that when this round is over, I may be resigning from my position. Organising the intricacies of all the rules was hell, and I've got a nasty feeling that after this round is over it'll all start again. I'd love to stay on as a judge or to join a team, but...

Chrome Falcon, on Nov 10 2005, 11:48 AM, said:

Organising the intricacies of all the rules was hell, and I've got a nasty feeling that after this round is over it'll all start again.View Post

Yes, I'm sorry about my part in that, but I really did need some basic background information. Just remember, judges are allowed to be completely arbitrary.

Anyway, I am looking forward to your final ruling.


I'd be willing to step back into the fray for Chrome Falcon if he chooses to withdraw- I am interested in seeing this continue. I kind of regretted stepping out to begin with.

Provisional, of course, with waits for CF's appproval and the approval of the players.

rmx256, on Nov 11 2005, 04:24 AM, said:

I'd be willing to step back into the fray for Chrome Falcon if he chooses to withdraw- I am interested in seeing this continue. I kind of regretted stepping out to begin with.

Provisional, of course, with waits for CF's appproval and the approval of the players.
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I'll be gone this weekend... but I finished my report already. I don't want to post anything incase CF isn't finsihed reading team A's report (they aparently didn't send it to him) so I don't bias him at all.

Good man, rmx. I'm perfectly happy for you to step into the breach of game controller. Like I said, I probably won't be completely gone - I'll probably stay on as a judge. Just don't rely on me to be always there.

I've looked over Team A's report, and have come to a conclusion. I'm just waiting for Koshinn to reply to my PM and see if our ideas agree...

I'd also like a consensus from the group, or from team leaders. My previous abandonment of the post may disqualify me in the eyes of those who I would be judging, and I'd rather not presume.

rmx, I have no problems with you coming in as a judge this time around.

And I'm interested in seeing the results.