The Interplanetary Wargame

I was running on the assumption that the HGs were constructed on sight from local resources. People originally got these locations via sleeper ships - a bit like Lost in Space - a sleeper gets sent out to construct the HG on the other end.
I'm afraid that I'm sort of running on a suspension-of-disbelief scenario here, with things as simple as possible.

Neb: Good idea for the system. To keep things simple for the moment, treating all systems as such is a good idea. For future scenarios, it would probably be best to specify that sort of information in the initial instructions, so this isn't a permanent state of affairs.

HHG: Yes, resupply is important. Sorry, I was taking that as read.

Chrome Falcon, on Oct 23 2005, 07:44 AM, said:

I was running on the assumption that the HGs were constructed on sight from local resources. People originally got these locations via sleeper ships - a bit like Lost in Space - a sleeper gets sent out to construct the HG on the other end.
I'm afraid that I'm sort of running on a suspension-of-disbelief scenario here, with things as simple as possible.

That gives the defenders a HUGE advantage. First it's a choke point. Second, if they know an overwhelming force is comming, they destroy or disable or turn off the HG until they're ready for it. Hell, they can coordinate with friendly forces on when to turn on and turn off the HG so friendlies can enter the system but hostiles can't.

Imagine... Stargate SG-1. The gate on Earth is a huge choke point. If the Goa'uld didn't have FTL ships, the only way they could travel would be the gate. Guess what? Earth's sole gate (they had 2, only 1 now) has an iris, or a protective shield that doesn't let anything materialize on their side if they don't want it to. It's also under a mountain in a military base filled with Air Force and Marine personnel. They have M2 turrets, cruise missiles and tons of infantry to guard the gate if anything happens. As a fail safe, they have nuclear warheads for a base self-destruct if need be. The only way a sizable force attacks Earth is through FTL ships, or some tricky use of penetrating the gate, usually with a virus on one of their teams.

Now in our scenario, we don't have FTL ships, we use HGs. HGs that are man-made and can be shut down, disabled or distroyed easilly.

What happens if you enter an HG towards another HG that's shut down? How do HGs work, do they create a "worm hole" between two active HGs for isntantaneous travel? Do they open a hole into another dimension and allow you to cross into it? Do they somehow accelerate you to 50C, but you can only decelerate by using another HG? Those all matter...

And if you think sieging a planet is a valid tactic... it isn't.
Earth has been self-sufficient for 20,000 years. Unless you're sieging a mining planet or something that does not have any life supporting natural resources, a planet will be more than happy to shut down its HG so you can't come in.

There are many more uses of HGs that I won't discuss because they're really tactics that would be very effective, but I've listed some simple ones like turning it off.

Chrome Falcon, on Oct 23 2005, 07:44 AM, said:

I was running on the assumption that the HGs were constructed on sight from local resources. People originally got these locations via sleeper ships - a bit like Lost in Space - a sleeper gets sent out to construct the HG on the other end.View Post

If you're going for sub-light initial travel between systems anyway, why not just require gates to be within a few kilometers to be linked, and send the gates alone? That prevents anyone from shutting their gate down without consequences.

And one more minor question: Exactly where, in relation to the star, primary inhabited planet(s), and other gate(s), is each gate?
Oh, and are the gate openings 3D or 2D, and if the latter, which way are they pointing?


This post has been edited by Edwards : 23 October 2005 - 03:47 PM

Edwards, on Oct 23 2005, 01:30 PM, said:

If you're going for sub-light initial travel between systems anyway, why not just require gates to be within a few kilometers to be linked, and send the gates alone? That prevents anyone from shutting their gate down without consequences.
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Why would they have to be within a few km to be linked?

Koshinn, on Oct 23 2005, 04:09 PM, said:

Why would they have to be within a few km to be linked?View Post

So that you can't link a pair of gates that are in different systems.
But if you want a psuedo-scientific answer: "To set up a wormhole, you must first carefully prepare two gate-structures, such that the seven diunobtainiite crystals on each gate are aligned with their counterparts to within 3*10^-7 seconds of arc. Both gates must have power supplied simultaniously. After they have linked, their alignment with each other will be fixed- impossible to break, no matter the distance between them, until one or the other is destroyed.
If you fail to follow these directions precisely, both gates will explode, and a flaming-eyed black chicken will appear on your head."
How's that? Was the final line too much?


Edwards, on Oct 23 2005, 06:07 PM, said:

So that you can't link a pair of gates that are in different systems.
But if you want a psuedo-scientific answer: "To set up a wormhole, you must first carefully prepare two gate-structures, such that the seven diunobtainiite crystals on each gate are aligned with their counterparts to within 3*10^-7 seconds of arc. Both gates must have power supplied simultaniously. After they have linked, their alignment with each other will be fixed- impossible to break, no matter the distance between them, until one or the other is destroyed.
If you fail to follow these directions precisely, both gates will explode, and a flaming-eyed black chicken will appear on your head."
How's that? Was the final line too much?

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What if they're really hungry?

On a more serious note... you could also turn off the gate.

Koshinn, on Oct 23 2005, 07:21 PM, said:

On a more serious note... you could also turn off the gate.View Post

What do you mean by that?


Edwards, on Oct 23 2005, 11:23 PM, said:

What do you mean by that?

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Linking gates definately rules out destroying them.. that'd be very bad. But turning them off... either disabling by cutting power supply or a key element (I don't know how gates work so I can't be more specific) would work just as well.

Sign me up for which either team has less people ๐Ÿ˜‰ . I like the idea of this, but arn't sure if it can be easily or efficiantly done ๐Ÿ˜ž . Well, anyway the six pages kind of scared me, and nearly killed any reply. You need to start another forum that tells what it is and is ONLY for signing people up.
Good luck.

P.S. Does this have a web page?
P.P.S. If it doesn't it sure needs one.
P.P.P.S. (I just always wanted to write P.P.P.S.)

Koshinn, on Oct 24 2005, 08:13 AM, said:

Linking gates definately rules out destroying them.. that'd be very bad. But turning them off... either disabling by cutting power supply or a key element (I don't know how gates work so I can't be more specific) would work just as well.
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Something tells me that if a wormhole is being created between the two gates you can't just 'turn them off' without destroying this link. They'd have to be either open permanantly or closed permanantly. Once they were light years apart it would require a signal to travel faster than light for them to reconnect and be open simutaniously as the Nova gates seem to operate.

Depending on how big the gate is, you can mine it, and that's almost as good.

rmx256, on Oct 24 2005, 06:44 PM, said:

Something tells me that if a wormhole is being created between the two gates you can't just 'turn them off' without destroying this link. They'd have to be either open permanantly or closed permanantly. Once they were light years apart it would require a signal to travel faster than light for them to reconnect and be open simutaniously as the Nova gates seem to operate.
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Not necessarilly... there are things in this universe that happen instantaneously according to quantum mechanics. Then again, do hypergates only go to one other hypergate?

Is it a wormhole? No one knows... x.x

Koshinn, on Oct 24 2005, 07:47 PM, said:

Not necessarilly... there are things in this universe that happen instantaneously according to quantum mechanics. Then again, do hypergates only go to one other hypergate?View Post

  1. As far as I can tell, it may not even be possible to detect that a message has been sent via quantum entanglement, much less get any information through, without the addition of light-speed communications. However, as a method of killing this whole idea, how's this: "The gravitational forces generated by a collapsing wormhole, which can be caused by loss of power, are more than strong enough to destroy the hypergate structure and any nearby objects."
  2. According to Chrome Falcon, yes, hypergates do have a one-to-one connection.
  3. Does it mean anything when all of the references you use in a post are to previous posts in the thread?


Edwards, on Oct 24 2005, 10:57 PM, said:

  1. As far as I can tell, it may not even be possible to detect that a message has been sent via quantum entanglement, much less get any information through, without the addition of light-speed communications. However, as a method of killing this whole idea, how's this: "The gravitational forces generated by a collapsing wormhole, which can be caused by loss of power, are more than strong enough to destroy the hypergate structure and any nearby objects."
  2. According to Chrome Falcon, yes, hypergates do have a one-to-one connection.
  3. Does it mean anything when all of the references you use in a post are to previous posts in the thread?

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For point 1, why did you assume you even need to communicate with the HG to open it up? Never said anything about communication. But your ad-hoc pseudo-scientific explanation will work in terms of rules.
For point 2, where is Chrome Falcon? Isn't he supposed to be "running" this?

Let's just start this thing already... it should've started this past weekend.

Holy Hand Grenade, on Oct 21 2005, 06:49 PM, said:

Question- Are you factoring in resupply ships/ Resource convoys?

It seems ather important to, you know, FEED your soldiers/marines/crew/ships.

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That should be factored in with the strategy thing, but, you know, if both people ignore it, it just sorta cancels out.

I think our strategic discussion has sort of quieted down. Most of our development is in how our ships work and how we use them, whcih was the focus of this anway. So we can post/email our strat whenever you guys are ready.

Linking gates definately rules out destroying them.. that'd be very bad. But turning them off... either disabling by cutting power supply or a key element (I don't know how gates work so I can't be more specific) would work just as well.
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:mellow: What whould happen if you could kill the power supply and turn off the gate. ^_^ If you could, think of what would of could happen: one gate firing your opponents fleet just as you killed the gate, the literally 'long past' said fleet having nowhere to go ๐Ÿ˜› would be sent far far far far far far far far far far far far away :laugh: , almost out of returning range; thats even saying they find a way to stop. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Or it would still be on course and particallise anything in its way,including your ships, plannets, suns, etc. :mad: , if it was only super accelerated that is ๐Ÿ˜ฎ :huh: ๐Ÿ˜‰ .

This post has been edited by Sylvanus : 25 October 2005 - 08:40 PM

No, the fleet would continue through the gate, they just wouldn't get their wormhole jump in the direction of your system. They would contine in your direction and arrive there decades later, by which time you're ready for them.

And let there be chaos. If there is going to be any game at all before this degenerates into an arguement about five different hypothetical hypergates systems, it needs to start now. Our strategy seems to be pretty much together now, so I should be able to send it off sometime tomorrow.


Edwards, on Oct 25 2005, 10:59 PM, said:

And let there be chaos. If there is going to be any game at all before this degenerates into an arguement about five different hypothetical hypergates systems, it needs to start now. Our strategy seems to be pretty much together now, so I should be able to send it off sometime tomorrow.

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Whenever both sides are ready, post a "ready" here... make sure your entire team agrees. Once both teams (I designate Neb and Ed to post the ready) are ready, PM a copy of your strategies to me and Chrome Falcon. We'll discuss them, put them into a side by side comparison and explain the results in a couple days or so.

Excellent. Our discussion just heated up, so its going to be about a day or so, but we are very close.