Reign of Chaos 2 - Chapter II

Tek had suddenly noticed multiple Q'an fighters bearing down on his squadron. Two of the Phantoms were already destroyed, having no armor. The other three used their superior speed to race out of range of the Q'an and fire their Gamma Field Inducers. The pursuing Q'an suddenly found their primary weaponry temporarily offline. The Phantoms, cloaks running, then started charging their wormhole generators, hoping they could survive for ten minutes. If they could, they could escape...

Suddenly, a small Adzgari patrol jumped into Elder. Shocked by what they saw, they left to report to Adzgari Command, but not before one of their ships was destroyed by a stray mine...

Eight minutes had passed. The Phantoms had been fine so far. They had, however, gotten cocky, and wandered into the mines laid down by the Q'an ships. Using their reflexes to the utmost, two Phantoms got through, but one hit a couple mines and was destroyed...

Two minutes later, the wormhole generators were ready. The Phantoms got far enough ahead of the Q'an ships, and fired the generators...The Q'an ships saw a sight that they had seen far too often: a wormhole opening, and I'ase ships escaping. The lead Phantom left a message to the lead Q'an ship.

-From the bridge of Phantom Ten-
-To Q'an Flagship-

You will never destroy us. You may be more numerous, more advanced...but we have the advantage of being nomads, now. You will see what we mean, shortly.
For now, I suggest that we fight the Prylak. Together. You have not seen their might. We have.
The wormhole closed behind the Phantoms, leaving a dejected Q'an fleet behind.


Their was a huge celebration taking place on Tokiy. The Nedra was ready! It was about to be launched, with over four thousand ships, and 150,000 colonists on board. The remaining I'ase had vowed to defend the remains of their homeland with their lives, and were in tears as the monstrous ship set out on its journey. It would enter the Milky Way at the system of Gadzair, and go from their to Galactica Prime. On the way, it would be refitted with an oversized Fusion Beam, the plans having been received from Galactica. Carriers would also be fitted with a fusion beam.
Research was being initiated on a new anti-starfighter weapon, the LHR (Light Homing Rocket). It was a very fast, guided rocket. Up to fifteen launchers could be put on a ship, and they fired simultaneously. It would be ready soon after the Nedra arrived at Galactica Prime.

Title: Light Homing Rocket
Time till completion: 5 posts

Fusion Beam refit: 3 posts

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

The Galactica fleet flowed throughout Tmidor, creating an image of how powerful the might of the Empire was. Many ships came in with every passing hour; fighters, cruisers, frigates, carriers, and even some dreadnaughts. They were assembled for one purpose, to strike at the Prylak threat. Yet the threat was powerful with technology more advanced then what Galactica or the Azdgari and Zacha had.

Onboard the flagship of the massive armada, a sensor officer picked up the readings of something big in hyperspace. There was much movement, but as he turned to adress the admiral, he was to late.

Several brillant bursts of light flared a minute's travel from the edge of the fleet. The bursts formed into many jump points that opened up to reveal the swirling chaos of colors that was hyperspace. From these points, several ships appeared; shinning silver destroyers, gleaming blue aradas and a sleak black ship who's design had only been seen once at the Battle of the Blockade. All had weapons charged, but not firing. As the points closed, the Zacha ships sped towards the vast Galactica fleet. They stopped a few seconds away from them and stayed there, as if issuing a challenge to start a fight.

Onboard the Sedran crusier Raven, flagship of the Zacha fleets, a human sat in his command chair. He ws young, perhaps no more then 27 years old and yet his eyes gleamed with an intelligence and cunnining that spoke far beyond his years. He wore the uniform of a Zacha commander with a white vest with the sleaves threaded with golden material. At his hips was holstered a blast staff in rod form and a blaze pistol, a relic long since gone. Should his sleave be rolled up, another odd thing would be found, a weapon that ran down from his forearm to just above his wrist. He was Commander Sojin Whitehawk, a vetran of three campaigns against the remmants of the Renegade fleets; it was said that he had flown every type of fighter known, from a lowly krait to an azdara with effeincent ease. He had been born on Zachit Station and had seen many battles at the age of eighteen alone. By the age of twenty-one he had aquired a Combat Rating of beyond Ultiamte, though this meant little to him.

Sojin tapped his command console and opened a link to the Incursion and spoke. "Admiral Voit, this is Commander Sojin of the Silve Fleet. We're here as requested by your emperor BattleDoctor to aid in the assault on the Prylak. We just have a few things to work out first. One is the return of the Hawk Kael, and the other is more serious. Sirabor and Stror are Haven provinces; if we get word that any of Galactica ship, even if it's just a fighter, firing on any of the ships in our space and we will leave. The same goes if you try to assault the Ragnorak, and you can rest assured that we are very picky about that. Other then that, we'll get along just fine. Raven out."

With that the link went dead, and the Zacha ships stood their ground, still taunting the fleet before them with the silent challange.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

High Admiral Voit pondered the Zachit's message. Damn , he thought, these people are really beginning to annoy me. So confrontational. They think we're out to get them... they don't seem to understand that they declared war on us, not the other way around. He looked over to his right and said to High Admiral Yar, "Hey Yar, how do you suppose we go about returning Hawk to the Zachit? BattleDoctor didn't really say anything about how he wanted it done."

"Well, I would just shove him in an escape pod and launch him at the Zachit fleet. I wouldn't even wake him up."

"I... don't think that would please the Emperor, or the Zachit. I value my life."

"Well, either way I don't want to send any of my men over to the Zachit, even just to drop off some criminal. We could put him in an unarmed shuttle, wake him up, and launch him at the Zachit fleet."

"Sounds good to me, Yar."


A troop of guards dropped the forcefield on Hawk's cell and grabbed him by the arms. He was roughly dragged down to the Incursion's shuttlecraft bay, acquiring quite a few bruises along the way. The lead guard slapped a patch onto him, containing a chemical which would wake him up in a few minutes.

2 of the guards hefted Hawk into a small unarmed shuttlecraft, buckled him in, powered up engines and life support, and set the autolaunch counter to 30 seconds. They quickly filed out of the bay and walked up to the window in the docking control center. They watched as the shuttle's engines engaged. The engines gradually powered up and then the computer punched the afterburner as the docking clamps disengaged and the shuttle rocketed off in the direction of the Zachit fleet.

"But sir, that's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now

The Q'an ships celebrate slightly, and only faintly ponder the message left by the I'ase. Obviously a trick, the Qan will never help an inferior race! What did the human traders call it.... Darwinism! thats it. Oh well, before the wormhole closed, the capitol ship was able to figure it's destination, on the other side of the galaxy.
They set off to the west.

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

-From Galactica High Command:Vice-Emperor RMA:Standard encryption-
-To l'ase Command-
Reports have been coming in of a new race calling themselves the Q'an. Azdgari ships have met this race, and seen them in battle with scouts of yours. is this the same race that has thrown you from your own galaxy? If it is, perhaps we can lead them to the Prylak. The Q'ans actions so far indicate they do not want your race to live much longer. If you can draw them to the Prylak, they would meet in battle for sure. The Prylak do not have allies, or any use for them. A battle between the Q'an and the Prylak would decimate the Q'an, and damage the Prylak. A good outcome for both of us.
-Message Ends-
Research into the improved Cruiser is going well. A modified Fusion beam has bene constructed that should be able to work with the updated power systems of the Cruiser, and now awaits only the completion of a prototype cruiser for full testing. This will take some time.

Scientists looking into the Gamma Field Inducer have been intergrating its effects with the sensor disruption effect of the scattering field. Work is going well, and scientists are also looking into improving the multi-dynamic shields to protect ships better against similar system disrupting technologies.

The proton weaponry technology has been recieved from the MA, and is being looke dinto. While it is better against shields, and has a longer range than the Heavy Inferno Cannon, it is generally lacking in other areas. Scientists are looking into the Proton wepaonry to see what enhancements may be gained from it.


-From the bridge of the Nedra, I'ase High Command-
-To RMA, Galactica Vice-Emperor-

Yes, the Q'an are the race that chased us from our galaxy. They are the reason we had to build the Nedra, which they do not actually know about yet. I will dispatch some fighters to travel towards Dewe, leading the Q'an fleet there.


A huge jump-point opened in the Gadzair system. It grew until the massive bulk of the Nedra was in the system. Just as quickly, it left, heading toward Galactica Prime...


Title: Light Homing Rocket
Time till completion: 4 posts

Fusion Beam refit: 2 posts

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

A massive disturbance in hyperspace was detected near Galactica Prime, seconds later smashing into normal space, in the form of a massive ship. The Nedra.

Comm signal::Originator:Galactica Prima: :Directed to:Nedra
Please enter orbit, and we will dispatch our technicians to help speed up outfitting of the Fusion Beam. We have a request for a working copy of your wormhole generator so that we can study it
:Message End:
Tests of the Gamma Field Inducer have proved successful, and only minor tuning was needed to make it more effective in conjunction with the scattering field.

Scientists looking at Proton Weaponry have found advances over Inferno Weaponry, mainly due to using far more expensive components, and a novel method of generating the Protons. The generation chamber of the Proton Weaponry is far more advanced than anything Galactica had looked into, since it had been believed that nothing better than Inferno weaponry would be needed. It looks to be a simple addon to the current Heavy inferno Weaponry, even saving some space, since the weapon will now be more accurate without heavy compensation, as well as part of the pre-fire chamber being replaced with the proton generator. The updated weapon will still send out normal inferno bolts, but they will now be 'orbited' by protons, increasing stability, accuracy, and damage. Work on intergrating and testing will take a while, but it will be ready for the improved Cruiser.


(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 09-05-2001).)

Kiarok leaned back on the seat of his Azdara as the Azdgari fleet of almost two and a half thousand ships leapt into the system of Tmidor. The Galactica and Zachit forces there were impressive, but the Azdgari ships were the only single coloured vessels there. The sea of green, in a huge reef, was an amazing sight.

Kiarok scanned through the Zacha forces, and he was shocked. They had sent only a few hundred ships, when reports showed they had thousands. Pondering the situation, Kiarok decided to send a message to the Ragnarok's location.

-From the Azdgari-
-To the Ragnarok, Zacha-

This will be a battle like the Zacha have never seen before. You have never worked on such a scale. I advise you send more ships straight away, including the Ragnarok. Understand, Zacha, that your training does not include such confrontations, and ours is not so much better.

Let Galactica take the frontal. I'd suggest your forces move around the sides of the Prylak fleet - when we come across it. My Azdgari ships will be taking the main flanks. We'll blast out the defence lines, and then your Zacha can move into the close range fighting.

I never saw a Zacha take a defence line out. It's a lot different to your melee fighting.

-End Message-

He kept communications silence with Galactica for now, simply preparing his fleet, and waiting on Galactica's next move.


Azdgari Research
Heavy Azdara:
ECM: 6 posts
Frame: 6 posts


The decoding of the Garland's technologies was finally complete, and a whole horde of options were open to the Terran Colony. Lance didn't respond to Rima's message, realising there was little to say, and instead looked through the plans.

One was to make a new fighter style, to be called the Thunderhawk. Integration and duplication of various prototype technologies would take some time, but the end result...

The most impressive technology now available was the Scan Disperal Unit, or SDU. When a ship with an SDU kept within the edges of a system, and remained still, it would be almost impossible to detect. Only a ship coming with half a kilometre of that vessel would detect it. While the vessel was mobile, it could be detected, depending on the speeds, from a much greater range. Still, deep scans were impossible. All that would show up would be an energy source.

Work on the first Thunderhawk had started.


Thunderhawk Heavy Strike Fighter: 5 posts


OOC: Asriel, the location of your ships is known by you ONLY. Even I don't have a clue... And Red, there were no traps - just a request. Have a nice time fending off several thousand Azdgari when they hear about it in post.

By the way, Gwydion is now out of Reign of Chaos 2. I may have to stop the webstory soon until a replacement can be found.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

As the shuttle carrying the unconscious Hawk, an unarmed arada converged on the ship. Hawk was slowly returning to reality when the arada docked with the ship. As the Kisani started to awaken, a very potent sleeping gas filetered into the shuttle’s cockpit and knocked him back to sleep. As two shadowy people came in and hefted him off the floor, one hit the console and inserted an auto-course back to the Galactica side. In a few minutes the arada disengaged from the shuttle and headed away from both fleets to open a jump point. In seconds it was gone and the shuttle went harmlessly back to the Galactica side. And all the while, the Zacha fleet stood facing the Galactica armada with its silent challaenge

The message that the Azdgari had sent to the Ragnorak was redirected to the Raven. As Sojin viewed it silently, he thought on how to respond. Sojin was a vetran of many offenses and had come to be known as one to keep his calm in any situation. In that matter, he had been directed to make what choices were deemed fit, and right now his mind was made up.

With a casual movement, he tapped his command console and opened a channel to the Azdgari command ship. His manner was calm and collect and showed no hint of emotion beyond an officer’s duties.

“Azdgari commander, this is Commander Sojin Whitehawk of the Raven. For now I speak on behalf of the Zacha Council, so any problems will be directed to me. As to your ‘requests’ that more ships and even the Ragnorak be brought to the battle, they are noted and refused. The reason for this is because I will not allow three hundered thousand innocent civillains to lose their home. The Ragnorak is a city ship, not a warship meant to come into battle. The reason for denial of more ships is because many stand guard over four colonies of the Haven systems; we may have more ships arriving but until then my fleet will be all that goes into battle. Your help in the tactics, however is commendable, and we will do as we can.” He was about to cut the link, but as an after thought, said something else.

“We give you the same warning we gave Galactica. Relay this to your Emperor that the systems of Stror and Sirabor will welcome diplomats and any who wish to settle. Rest assure however that we will not tolerate any hostile action onworld or in space. Any Azdgari ship that so much to dare take a shot at any ship in Haven space will be fired upon, disabled, and boarded, then towed back to your space with a warning. Simply put, Haven government will not tolerate any agression. Hopefully you can understand this. Commander Sojin out.” With that the link went dead.

Project Name: FalconOmega
Project Class: Ship
Time til completion: 1 post

6 Sedran crusiers built
6 Echo destroyers built
Two townships built on Stror colonies
Colonization of De’van (planet of Stror) inniated

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
OOC: Asriel, the location of your ships is known by you ONLY. Even I don't have a clue...

Heh. All I can say is that they are heading to Galactica Prime, to dock with the Nedra...


Admiral Tasina received RMA's message, and moved the Nedra into orbit. A transport docked with the ship, and technicians poured on board. As an afterthought, Tasina sent a message to RMA.

-From the bridge of the Nedra, I'ase High Command-
-To RMA, Galactica Vice-Emperor-

We will gladly give give one of your technicians a copy of the wormhole generator. They can also study the Nedra's generator, if they like. In return, we ask for your miniturization technology, that we can fit a Fusion Beam onto our frigates.

-End Message-


Title: Light Homing Rocket
Time till completion: 3 posts

Fusion Beam refit: 1 post

OOC: School starts tomorrow, so I'll only be able to post at night. :frown:

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

-From Galactica Command:Vice-Emperor RMA-
-To Azdgari Fleet-
-High level encryption, delivered by courier boat from RMAs Dreadnaught-
The Zachit appear to be getting ready to let the rest of the galaxies forces take the flak against the Prylak, leaving them the only force with an undamaged fleet. Who else is going to attack them now, after all, apart from the Prylak? They seem to forget several Galactica systems are in thr Prylaks way if they want to attack the Zachit. The cowardly way the Zachit are acting, it might be favourable if the Prylak actually got through. They might realise other people do die in battle.

While hostilities would have gone on between us until you where crushed, or Galactica crumbled from within, both outcomes look unlikely now. Galactica will neither have the force, nor the will, to destroy all your forces if Prylak are defeated. Galactica will most likely not survive as it is now, and even if it does, we will have to deal with the other races, including you, in this galaxy, on a more equal base. We do however, want to deal with those who at least treat us with courtesy, and do not constantly taunt us like children. The Zachit have shown, and are showing, that they think they should be in charge. If Galactica has to deal with other races, better it be the Azdgari than the Zachit.

For the upcoming battle, Galactica has developed a new missle delivery system, which should seriously cripple the Prylaks fighter capability, or their carriers. Either way, it will take time to get target locks on the right ships, and ensure no missles are wasted. The Azdgari are the best melee fighters in the Galaxy, so your support to disrupt the Prylak shortly would help. Although, when the missles are fired, it would be best that you got out of the way. A new cruiser design will then be doing its best to cause as much havoc among the Prylak as possible, allowing the rest of our forces to unload their firepower. Of course, without support, we would be crushed easily. We hope the Azdgari will find it easier to work with us than with the Zachit.
-Message Terminates-
-From Galactica Command:Vice Emperor RMA-
-To l'ase:Nedra-
Our Fusion beam is massively bulky, and power hungry, and we are only able to fit one onto our new cruiser because of its improved power systems, and more intergrated components. If you can help to reduce the size and power requirments of the Fusion beam though, we will gladly help install it on your ships
-Message Ends-
OOC:Asriel, are you ever on AIM, or do you have it set so you cant be contacted if you dont have that persons AIM SN as well?
Proton generation matrixes have been added to testbed Heavy Inferno Cannons and Turrets. Tests have proved they work in the labs, but until the improved Cruiser is complete, battle testing can not be carried out. It appears the power requirements will need the improved power systems already designed for the fusion beam, since the proton matrix is prone to power fluctuations, which could blow a ship up form the inside if not tuned properly.

The Grav field design from the work done on the missle pods has given a very welcome side effect. While engine power has been increased over the old cruiser using the normal advances given over time, the Grav field has shown a way to improve the ships maneuverability massively. By projecting a Grav field around the ship, the ship can be propelled along by forces acting from outside the ship. Turning is massively improved, since inertia has been reduced by several factors, and accelleration is much better, as is the top speed. The new Cruiser will be able to run rings around the old Cruiser, as well as blowing it to pieces easily.


OOC: Sorry, I just haven't been on AIM in a really long time. I'm on now.


Work was being suspended on the LHR in order to minaturize the Fusion Beam. While Mats was unhappy about this, Tasina "convinced" him that it was more important than the LHR. The Nedra and all I'ase Carriers were now fitted with the Fusion Beam.

Points of light opened in the Galactica system, coalescing into the I'ase warfleet. The ships proceeded to dock with the Nedra, meaning that all the I'ase ships in the Milky Way were now aboard the Nedra.


Fusion beam minaturization: 4 posts
LHR: 3 posts (work suspended)

OOC: SilverDragon, do I actually have to suspend the LHR, or can I do both at once?

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

After a few days, the Q'an fleet reaches Galactica space, and hails a border patrol, with a short and to-the-point message:
"What do you know about the I'ase? "

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

The Galactica ships sat silently opposite the Q'an ship. However, after 10 minutes had passed, wormholes opened up, swallowing up several l'ase Phantoms.

The Galactica fleet finally replied:
"We have no interest in your conflict. The l'ase attacked us, but they are too small to worry us. However, leave this space now, or you will be destroyed. We can afford no conflicts like yours now."

On the bridge of the local command ship, a display showed an incoming fleet of Azdgari ships, which had been following the Q'an. They would arrive very soon.
OOC:The said phantoms are the ones assigned to lead the Q'an fleet towards the Prylak.
-From Galactica Command:Vice-Emperor RMA-
-To l'ase Command:Nedra-
The Q'an fleet has appeared in one of our systems. Your Phantoms are leading them towards the Prylak fleet now.

We await your results on the Fusion beam eagerly.
-Message Ends-
The projected Grav Field has shown another way it can be used. When used in conjunction with normal ecms, the grav field can provide a push to missles to knock them off course at close range. While it wont be able to effect many missles while the ship is moving at high speed, when the ship is stationery, missles will be flicked off at high speed. Too many fluctuations in the field however, will cause it to fail, reducing engine power massively.

The grav field used in the new missle pods can also be used on a smaller scale. A new missle launcher using the same principles could not only fire many types of missles, it would also allow for easy refitting and maintanence.

The new Cruiser will also most likely have a wormhole generator fitted to allow it to get to battles quickly.


OOC: Asriel, you still haven't responded to Captain Firebird after he replied that the MA would appreciate you giving them the Wormhole tech.


Carnotaur looked over the massive battlefleet that had been assembled in Emalghion. Over 1,000 vessels, including 230 Ravens, had been assembled. To help get the battlefleet ready in time, all the fleet refit efforts had been mainly focused on the fleet. Now that the refit for them had been completed, the rest of the MA navy could be refitted with the new technology brought back to them by the UE.

Carnotaur turned around and looked at Admiral Yakuza. "How soon till the fleet is ready?"

"A few more days (2 posts). It's taking longer than we expected due to the fact that we need at least a few Aurora Battleships to be in it. Without them, we don't have any really big capitol ships for us to use."

Carnotaur looked back out towards the fleet. "How many battleships can we build once the research is completed?"

"We can have five of them ready rather quickly. Though we'll be pushing it, and we won't be able to build very many Ravens."

Carnotaur nodded. "Send a message to the Azdgari and Galactica. Tell them that we will send our fleet to Tmidor in one week (three posts)."


Title: OmegaCon Project
Subject: Aurora Battleship
Time Till Completion: 2 Posts


30 Ravens Built - Total: 330
1 New Planetary Defense Cannon Built for Other Planets
All stations refitted
Refit of MA Fleet - 2 posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).


Sera Boon looked out the large veiw port of the Ragnorak’s most popular bar. The lights were dim and no one other then her was in the place. The only other light was the swirling chaos of hyperspace that haunted her face. She wacthed as the last of the frieghters disappered from sight, heading away from the Ragnorak; their cargo was the last of the civillians of Ragnorak.

The Council had come to one last decision, and despite everything that Boon and even a returned Hawk Kael had put forth, they had been overruled. It was decided that 300000 people would be shiped to the Haven colonies to start a new life if the massive city-ship was destroyed in battle. Sera took a sip of her still warm tea and gave a silent salute. She would miss the people who had left for she had many good friends amongst them.

The room lit up slightly as the main door opened to let in light. After a second the door closed as someone walked in. Sera didn’t turn around as there was a small amount of noise and the pouring of liquid. The aging major had thought that the person would leave, but she was wrong. The person came up to stand besides her. A quick glance revealed it to be Hawk Kael, a bit bruised but healthy from his stay in Saalia. He just stood there and wacthed the swirls of hyperspace and sipped his own drink, which from the smell was der’rix cider, a rarity which was not seen on the ship very often. For a while the two Zacha stood side by side looking out the window in silence, until Hawk spoke.

“They will be missed by all Major. This place has been their home for more then a decade, and in less then a week she may be gone; funny how things are. It makes me think on my choice in becoming a Zacha. Tell me old friend, do you ever regret walking down this path and becoming Zacha?”

Sera looked at Hawk and smiled faintly. She had known the Kisani for fifteen years, ever since he joined the cause to fight renegades. Then she had been a pilot with more then enough scores to mark her as elite. At their first meeting, he vibrantly objected over Hawk’s joining, even if he had aided in hunting down many deadly renegades beforehand. After that they began to grow a budding friendship. She replied quietly and in calm tone, “In all my time that I’ve been Zacha, no one has ever asked me that. The answer to your querry, half-terran, is yes. I’ve seen many close friends die and buried in battles, and it has aged me far beyond what I appear to be. But if I could do it all over again, I would do it again and acept. I’ve come to make many more friends in the civillian and Zacha populations then I would’ve as a mere fighter pilot. What of you, old friend; did you ever regret the choices you made?”

Hawk smiled faintly in turn. This had often been a game between them, but the question of regret had never come up. The Kisani was silent a moment before answering. “The one thing in a being a renegade is the fact when change must come. I’ve lived nearly two hundered years as you know, a secret I’ve told very few, and in that time I’ve been many things. I’ve told you how my father was an explorer and how he encountered Earth and took back with him a human wife to the Crescent. Human and Kisani blood run through these veins and it made me restless. I’ve been an honor guard aboard a Kisani ship, a priest of the Fate Kian, and for much of my years a renegade who wished no harm to innocents. It is true that I lack the focus to lead now because my two sides are clashing again, but I come to realize something: my life had no goal in my years before the Zacha. Tell me that I would lead them more then three decades ago and I would scoff and turn away. Two years before I joined, I realized my longing for a path to follow.”

Hawk held up his right arm to show the aser he wore. “A year before I joined, I made this and placed it upon my arm. I knew that I could never take it off again for long periods because I would weaken and die. This aser is more then some weapon but a part of me; it symbolizes the greatest sacrafise one can make in not following the path of a renegade. The first time I used it it was bound to my very being and the scarafise was made. Very few people could ever hope to live up to the oath and they often become killed by others. Not many dare bind with one because they fear something in them will go elsewhere. No race, be they Terran, Miranu, Kisani, or even Voinian can hope to do so, save for those few. Yet my final attempt to leave behind my past was when I became Zacha. They have become my friends, family, and home. We can be shattered, yes, but also we can be reforged. It is in our training to think so. So in a short answer, Sera, no I don’t regret my choice.”

For another long silence they stood looking out the window. Sera was the one to break the silence this time. “We’re getting too damn old for this, Hawk. But I’ll be damned if I go down without a fight.”

Hawk grinned and replied, “I’ll drink to both, Sera. I wish I could go with you on this, but thanks to our good dear Dr. Jackson I’m on leave for Vuna. It will be a shame, but Sisay chose right in giving role of command to Commander Sojin. If any can pull of a victory for the Zacha, it can be him. We’ve also got the bonus edge of the ol gal to show up.” He downed the last of his cider and looked at his old friend. “Take care of yourself, old friend, and take care of the Ragnorak as well. May your God see you through this in one piece. Teach those Prylak that this is our galaxy and only her inhabbitants have the right to kick each other’s asses, not some outside force.” He hugged Sera and left.

Sera stood in the galley for a bit longer when she saw a single blue fighter launch away from the Ragnorak and with thrusers burning headed away at great speed. Soon it was gone. With a silent salute, the Major gave a final salute and finished her tea. She left the galley and headed down the corridors and lifts to a certain deck. As she entered the old room, a place long forgotten, she saw it alive and bustiling. It was the origanl command center, from where the ship was to be commanded during times of combat. With a quick nod to Voan, who was sitting at the helm where he was meant to be, Sera took the command chair. With a quick command, the massive Ragnorak moved towards the goal it was built for: Combat.

After all, the four mile long ship had been built as a war-ship...

Sojin sat quietly in his office, listening to an old music from Earth. It came from the highlands of Scotland, and it seemed to draw the human back into the past of Earth, before it had been reduced to a mere dead rock by the Azdgari. The music was interuppted by a beeping nosie and the commander was thrown into reality. He saw the desk monitor beeping and he hit panel to activate it. The image of his first office came on board and her face bore shock and surprise. “Sorry to bother you sir, but sensors picked up something big in hyperspace. By big, I mean massive. The information is being rerouted to your office now.”

Sojin sat up, his intrest peaking. “Thank you, Commander Erin. If I have need of anything I will call you.” With that he turned off the screen. After a moment, the screen came back on with a image of the data. The commander let out an old Azdgari oath and grabbed his vest. He had seen this coming, but was still surprised. He strapped on his weapons belt and stepped out of his office and onto the bridge.

“Get the main screen on location 125 by 345, mark 3. We seem to have company.” The screen was put on to veiw nothing but empty space and stars. For a few moments, that was all to be seen and as Erin started to say something, he held up his hand to silence her. A few seconds more and something flared up...

Sojin hit his wrist link and opened a channel to the Azdgari and Galactica fleets. “Admirals, we seem to have some unexpected company from the Zacha. It seems we’re bringing in heavy firepower...”

Some short distance from the three fleets, several flashes of light appeared and jump points opened up. From these points emerged many, many ships. Streams of silver flasehd as destroyers came to real space; following was a deep and brillant sea of blue as Zacha aradas and fighters came zooming past the destroyers. Sleek black ships followed, marking them as Sedran cruisers, although there were few of them. They came to merge with the Zacha fleet and when all joined, it seemed that was the last of them.

Then a massive flash of light, as if a new star had been formed, came into being. A massive jump point opened up, one seen so few times by any but the Zacha. From it emerged a huge gleaming ship, larger then any other ship in the Tmidor system. It spaned four miles in length and a half-mile wide; in this massive ship sported more then five hundered decks and such. On the hull, no turrets seemed to grace her hull, but she was far from being defenselss. She had at her call nearly three hundered whitefire beam emiters and held many a launcher for pursuit missiles and even a few SAD launchers as well. This was the Ragnorak, a ship that could and had eluded many people looking for her. She was the last great gift given to the Zacha by the Miranu government before Galactica had engulfed them.

A hail came in from the Raven to the Azdgari and Galactica fleets. Sojin spoke with a calm and cool voice. “Galactica and Azdgari forces, I present to you the heart of the Zacha Council, the Ragnorak and her fleets...”

Project Name: FalconOmega
Project Class: Ship
Time til completion: Complete

5 Sedran crusiers
5 Echo Destroyers
12 Aradas
Two townships built on Vuna and Kuna

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

The new style missle launcher is proving easy to construct, since it is a simplified version of the missle pod, albiet on a smaller scale. Even with the smaller missles though, it will only be able to launch one missle per launcher, since the grav field balance would be upset, causing 2 missles to impact each other if launch was attempted. The result would either be an explosion inside the ship, or a mass of debris being ejected.

The shield system has already been upgraded with the Scattering Field ECM, and Gamma Field Inducer resistance, but the overall power has not gone up much. The best approach seems to be to increase the amount of layers generated, and improve the regeneration system so each layer can get back to full strength quicker.


The I'ase emissary, after thinking hard, answered Firebird. "We will be willing to give you our wormhole generator. In exchange, we ask that you share your proton weaponry with us."

-From I'ase High Command, Nedra-
To Galactica High Command-

We offer our thanks for not giving any information to the Q'an. They should have a problem dealing with the Prylak forces. The fusion beam if proving to be extremely effective, and we should have it minaturized for our frigates in a couple weeks.

-Message ends-

Fusion beam minaturization: 3 posts
LHR: 3 posts (work suspended)

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

OOC: Asriel, I already sent you the Proton Weaponry. 🙂

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Kiarok heard of the news that the Qan had assualted some Azdgari forces, and instantly a message was sent to Galactica. The man who came on was neither RMA nor Battledoctor, but he had obviously been told to be friendly with the Azdgari (either Galactica leaders, tell me if this is incorrect).

-From the Devilstar, Azdgari-
-To the Galactica Lead Ship-

The Zacha have moved the Ragnarok into place, and thus it will not be necessary to take action against them.

On another note, would you please send on your information as to the location of the Qan. We have some business.

-End message-

The information was sent over quickly (this really needs to be done in post, as would occur naturally, once again, tell me if you would disagree, RMA/Battledoctor) and the Azdgari fleet, commanded by Kiarok, instantly converged on the Qan ship's location.

OOC: I don't know where this is, exactly, as Red did not mention the system. Please, everyone, state the location of your forces when possible. I have 2500 Azdgari ships leaving Tmidor, and 500 around Azdgari space defending.

IC Notes: The Azdgari force heading towards the Qan location, and it is much too big for the Qan to even TRY to fight.


Azdgari Research

Heavy Azdara:
Frame: 5 posts
ECM: 5 posts

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon