Reign of Chaos 2 - Chapter II

Jordan looked out the window of his office, veiwing hyperspace in its primal glory. He smiled at the sight of reaching realspace soon. Then he would be glad to see his mission over with. The human was dressed in the uniform of a Zacha officer, of which he was proud of. They had made one last stop for fuel and supplies a few days ago and were almost to their destination. Within a short time they would hit realspace and into Azdgari space.

Jordan smiled at the thought of returning to that space. Two years ago, he had spent three months shore leave on one of the three moons, and he had enjoyed his stay there. Yet the young captain was also grim, for he had veiwed the broadcast of GNN on the Zacha’s declaration of war. If he was right, then the Nade, a modified Zidara captured from renegades, would be a prime target.

Jordan was disturbed by a beeping sound and he turned to see his com console blinking. With a sigh he said, “Yes, what is it?” The image of his first officer appeared on the screen, and her face was filled with news. A nod from Jordan and she started talking.

“Captai, we just recieved a transmission from the Ragnorak via the Five World Array. Sir, we’ve just lost Hawk Kael. He was captured in battle, apparently after leveling an entire Galactica Voinian soldier compliment of at least twenty. The details were a little scracthy because his fighter’s sensors went haywire. A Galactica vessel claimed to have had him and Paladin of the UE. That ship’s last location was Saalia.”

Jordan let out an oath and shook his head. “That damn Kisani always took risks. Damn well, he’s always said he’d go down fighting the emperor himself then in his sleep as well. Put a message out to every Zacha ship in this area on this, but stay on course. This mission was classified as of the utmost importance. Thanks, Commander, for this news.” The XO nodded and the screen went blank.

Jordan sighed and rubbed his face. The Nade would be breaking to realspace in an hour, so he was needed on the bridge. Grabbing his weapons, an old style phase blaster and a blast-staff, he holstered them and headed out onto the bridge. The lights dimmed as he left.

Azdgari System

A jump point opened some ways from the Azdgari moons and world, and from it jumped a Zidara. The lustourus lavendar and gold stripped ship was gleaming in the light of the sun, and for all a look she seemed a relic from a past that was long gone. Her shield grid was offline and no apparent weaponry save a pursuit missile launcher graced her hull. Yet she was armed, armed with two whitefire emitters ready to come online should the need arise. Her IFF code read as a Zacha signature, and it could not be a fake for it was much to current.

Jordan sat in his command chair, ordering to keep the ship still. With a quick tap to his command console, he opened a channel to the moons.

“This is Captain Jordan of the Zacha ship Nade. We come on an errand to make an offering to your leaders. If we have wasted our time, we shall be on our way. We await your response.”


Project Name: FalconOmega
Project Class: Ship
Time til completion: 4 posts


8 Echo destroyers built
15 Zacha Aradas built
One Civillian shipyard each built on Kuna and Vuna

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

"Has the evacuation begun yet, Voit?" queried High Admiral Yar.

"Yeah, the first transports are already on their way to western Galactica space." responded Voit, "The Emperor has ordered that temporary space stations be built, and that a good bit of our merchant freighters be converted to living quarters."

"Good, good. I've been informed by the Emperor that his office has received no replies to his call for help as of yet. I've already sent the 3 Fleets from Operation Crushing Blow to Tmidor. I'm not waiting on those MA and Azdgari fools while our citizens are being killed. The Fleets will use that area as a staging point until more forces arrive and a counterattack can be made."

"Sounds good, Yar. Should anything else occur, please tell me immediately."

"But sir, that's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now

:meanwhile, on the Q'ar Homeworld....:
"Sir, Our raids against the I'ase have been prosperous, and we've just finished outfitting several of our ships with the intergalactic wormhole generators using stolen information from the I'ase. "
"Thats good chipich, now get out of here."
"Yes, sir"

The Q'ar leader sends a message to his commanding officer to send a small fleet of 3 hera's and 5 corsairs into the galaxy the I'ase call "the milky way", and determine if we need to send a bigger fleet after the I'ase, and basically just gather all the information they can.

A few days later a blinding light engulfs the kade system and five fighters and three destroyers appear, weopons charged and scattering fields in effect....
(Scattering fields are a simple technology that uses magnetic fields to scramble long range sensors, a ship within about 400 yards will easily pick it up.)

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 08-28-2001).)

OOC: Redchigh, post revoked until we can find out where the I'ase are - I'm not even sure they are in this galaxy at the moment, and there's no way that fleet could move so far in so little time. We can talk about it on AIM later. The scattering field is legal, just let me contact Lord Asriel for I'ase information.


(Message, Sigma-2 encrypted)
To: Mercenary Alliance and Azdgari
From: BattleDoctor, Galactica

As you may already know, a strange alien force known only as the Prylak has been attacking Galactica systems in the North Tip over the last few days. Their numbers are in the thousands, and they possess great firepower... the Prylak destroyed the enitre defense fleet of Dewe without losing more than a few fighters. Though at the moment it may seem as if this is a good thing for you, soon enough it will be your problem to. If they are allowed to progress any further, it will be but a matter of time until they reach Azdgari and MA space, where they will lay waste to your fleets and planets. Therefore I, Emperor BattleDoctor of the Galactica Empire, am asking you to help us in our hour of need. Please respond.

(End message)

Yoo Oe read the message several times over, and pondered it. He then sent a message to Kiarok, who was in the Devilstar several light years away:

"Call off the assualt, we have new information. Move every Azdgari vessel into Terapin, but do not open fire. Threaten that you will unless you are granted audience with their Emperor. Do not involve me. We shall show them just how important we are, that I would not even greet Battledoctor's leader. So you know, they have requested an alliance against aliens called the Prylak."

Yoo Oe then leaned back on his chair, wondering how the "diplomatic relations" would go, when he received another message from a Zacha Zidara piloted by a man named Jordan.

Yoo Oe's reply was annoyed:

"You are nothing to me. If you are serious about contacting the Azdgari, get out of this system within an hour, or we will destroy you. Go to Terapin, and contact a man named Kiarok. Now leave."


Azdgari Research Programs
Project Name: Heavy Azdara (Framework+sensors)
Est. Time: Framework Approx. 14, Sensor 4


Kiarok received the message, and instantly three thousand Azdgari ships poured into the Terapin system. Galactica ships moved to defend, but the Azdgari formed up lines and remained stationery.

The Devilstar swept forward, and Galactica couldn't open fire, lest the rest of the fleet destroy them. Kiarok's message came out:

"We wish to meet Emperor Battledoctor in light of his message, and we wish to meet him here. Arrange it."


The Terran Colony was becoming ever more established, and the decoding was still continuing - and starting to be successful. A few more days and all would be ready to start utilising the new available technologies. They were still weak, and could be easily crushed, but the people there could but hope.

They had picked up signals of a huge Prylak presence in NGC-8789, and quite worried, Lance messaged Galactica.

-From F-25-
-To Emperor Battledoctor of Galactica-

The Prylak are here. We alone have information about them, and we offer our aid. We are the Terran Colony, not the UE, and for now we do not wish to harm you. Send a lone cruiser to us and we will discuss terms.

-End message-


Terran Colony Workforce
Decoding the Garland's Technologies: 4 posts


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-28-2001).)

"'Terran Colony', eh?" puzzled BattleDoctor. "Who are these people?"

"Humans, sir. Not to be trusted. Until the message arrived, I had no idea that this existed. Shall I order the colony to be exterminated?" replied the aide, obviously not happy about these Humans.

"No. I don't like it either, but they may have valuable information about the Prylak. Send a Cruiser to F-25"

The aide left the room, and soon after BattleDoctor received a priority message fro his forces in Terapin. Immediately he opened the channel, hoping it was nothing bad.

An Igadzra appeared on BattleDoctor's wallscreen and saluted BattleDoctor. "Emperor, Sir!" The Igadzra said, "The Azdgari have a huge force in Terapin, and they are threatening to attack if you don't make a personal appearance there to negotiate with them!"

"What kind of numbers do the Azdgari have?" asked BattleDoctor.

"About 3,000 ships, sir. We have no more than 100 in the system. Please, sir, accept their request for an audience. I don't want to die."

"Alright then. Don't worry, tell the Azdgari that I'm on my way"

BattleDoctor then called his aide in to his office. "Have you ordered a cruiser to F-25?"

"Yes, sir."

"Power up my ship, the G.S.S. Deimos. I want it ready to depart in 20 minutes. Go!"

"Yes, sir." The aide scampered off in the direction of the docking section of the station.


The Igadzra captain opened a channel to the Azdgari fleet. "The Emperor is on his way. He will be here shortly." He received no response, and closed the channel.


Soon after, a lone cruiser jumped into the F-25 system. "This is the G.S.S. Effective, calling the Terran Colony. Please respond, we are willing to begin talks."

"But sir, that's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now

Jordan listened to the message sent by the Azdgari Emperor and frowned grimly. If that’s the way they want to play, then so be it. Punching the keys into his console he opened a channel to Vuna and the image of Sisay appeared on the small screen of his command console. The young captain briefed his current leader, and Sisay pondered it for a moment.

“Captain Jordan, you’ve done a good job considering the events at hand. Since I’m swamped with paperwork and the like here in New Haven, I’m assigning you to be our voice at Terapin. The choice is yours in this effect, but if the Azdgari do accept an alliance, you are ordered to say yes. Is that clear?” Jordan nodded and Sisay bid him good day. The small screen went black.

Jordan had a bad feeling about what was to come, but until then he would do as ordered. “Helm, set course for Terapin, maximum speed.” The helmswoman nodded and the course was plotted. The Zidara, perhaps more then ten years old, turned about and formed a jump point. Within seconds, she was gone into hyperspace.

Stror System

The system of Stror was silent as always. There were few merchant ships passing through, having run low on hyperfuel and forcing to jump to realspace to wait while their ‘scoops filled them up again. As these ships prepared to jump, there was several flares of light as jump points opened up. From these points came nearly a dozen Miranu heavy freigherd, five Zacha aradas, two Lazrias, and three Echo destroyers. These ships headed off towards the two moons orbiting F-6572, called Draxin by local pilots. The two moons of Draxin, S-1872 and S-7984 which were called Feao and Vean by local pilots, were uninhabbited but were primary canidates for colony sights. In all purposes, they were very much inhabbitable and could be settled right away.

The lead Echo destroyer headed off towards Feao with half the frieghters and a Lazria trailing her. The other two destroyers veered off and headed for Vean, intent on colonizing the world before long. A charter had been claimed on this system and their planets, meant for peaceful things and wishing no war actions or such. By the end of two solar days, a few bases were set up. Stror was now a province of the New Hope Program.

Sisay was awaken from his sleep onboard the Mira, his own destroyer. The old commander gripped about too many things waking him up, but he was used to it. He had been a leading member of the Zacha for more then seven years, so he was responisble for much. He had done much in the past weeks, including the building of two more Sedran light crusiers. Rubbing his face, the old human stood up and walked to his desk where his handlink lay. Picking it up, Sisay punched in a command, placed it on his wrist and said, “What is it? If this is another damn reporter from GNN, throw him in the brig for the night. I need...” The captain was interupted by the voice of his first officer.

“Sorry to wake you, sir, but we just got a hail from the Ragnorak. One of her fighters on scouting picked up this footage from Dewe. I think you should look at it. We’re rerouting it to your quarters now. Good night sir.” The link went dead, and Sisay found his deskcomp beeping. With a command, the screen went on and Sisay went pale at what he saw. By its finish, he was like a ghost and was shaking. A vetran of three campaigns against the renegades, Sisay had seen much, but nothing like that. Dewe had been completely swept clean of all her inhabbitants. This force must be stopped, for this galaxy had seen enough disaster since the coming of the Odine.

He tapped his wristlink and said solemly, “Mira, get me Galactica on the com. Tell them I want to speak to Emperor BattleDoctor immediately. Tell them that Captain Sisay wants to talk with him....”

Project Name: FalconOmega
Project Class: Ship
Time till completion: 4 posts

Four Echo destroryers built
Six Zacha aradas bulit
One Sedran-class crusier built
Two Colonies established in Stror

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

BattleDoctor was in the Captain's Quarters of his personal ship, the G.S.S. Deimos. The Deimos was a modified Dreadnought, sporting extra weapons and stronger shields. They were currently heading for Terapin, along with an escort of quite a few frigates. The ship's second in command quietly entered the room and said, "Sir? We have an incoming message from a Captain Sisay, of the Zacha. Shall I put it through to your wallscreen?"

BattleDoctor rolled his eyes and whined, "Not the Zachit again... tell him I've got an important meeting with the Azdgari and can't be bothered with the likes of him."

The second in command returned to the bridge, but after only a minute had passed he returned, and said, "This Sisay person says it's very important. Apparently it's about something that happened in Dewe, but I-"

BattleDoctor interrupted and exclaimed, "Why didn't you tell me it was about Dewe? Route the call to my wallscreen immediately!"

"Uh.. okay, sir," said the officer as he began to run for the bridge.

Soon enough the wallscreen sprang to life, with the image of Zacha Sisay on it. "What do you want?" asked BattleDoctor.

"But sir, that's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now

The point defense weapon is almost ready to be fitted to ships, but the targeting and power software needs to be redone, since it currently causes the targeting mechanism to aim inside the power generator, causing it to explode.(1 post)
RMA read Battledoctors orders going out, to send a cruiser to this new Terran Colony. Wanting to see what this new Colony was about, RMA sent an order for the cruiser to halt, and transfered to one of his cruiser escorts. The rest of his fleet would follow, but wait in another system. The cruiser went off full speed, faster than any normal cruiser could manage, but that was a perk of being an escort of the second ranking Galactica leader.


Carnotaur thought for a moment and considered the proposal from the Galactica. True, the Prylak were a major threat. But Carnotaur hated the prospect of having to ally with such an evil and oppressive government. But, unfortunately, the MA would stand no chance against the Prylak.

(Yes, I will accept your offer. However, I cannot move my forces at the moment. You'll have to wait. Tell me where to send my forces and I'll do it as soon as I can. Carnotaur out.)


Title: OmegaCon Project
Subject: Aurora Battleship
Time Till Completion: 5 Posts


Title: Sub-Space Inhibitor
Time Till Completion: 1 Post


20 Ravens Built - Total: 260
3 New Planetary Defense Cannons Built for Other Planets
2 New Shipyards built on Kelmoan
2/5 of all stations refitted

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

BattleDoctor finished reading Carnotaur's message, and began to compose a response

(Message, Omega-10 encrypted)
To: Carnotaur, MA
From: BattleDoctor, Galactica

I can't thank you enough for your help. We must neutralize the Prylak threat. When you are able, send your forces to Tmidor, which is being used as a staging area at the moment.. Two of my most trusted Admirals are currently commanding a large fleet there.

(End message)


"Yar," said High Admiral Voit, "The evacuation of the North Tip is complete. We lost 12 freighters during a Prylak raid, but almost all of the Galactica citizens in the area have been evacuated."

High Admiral Yar looked up from the report he was reading and said, "Good. Three more Fleet Admirals and their forces arrived in Tmidor today. We now number 6,321 ships."

"That's nowhere near enough, Yar. I've arranged for another 1,250 ships from Voinia and Svass to come here as soon as Carnotaur sends his forces. Same deal with just under 1000 ships, from the Azdgari border."

"Good. Keep at it, though. We need all the firepower we can get."

"But sir, that's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 08-28-2001).)

Sisay looked at the Emperor with look that could curdle milk. He hated this unholy emporer more then anything else in the galaxy, and there were a lot of things that he hated. He composed himself and spoke, “Emperor, I have no doubt that you know of the attack on Dewe by an previouly unknown alien force. One of our advannced scouts picked up the battle and reported back to our Council; eight hundered thousand people lost their lives because of them. The Zacha Council has decided to call a ceasefire on Galactica military ships and order that all Zacha ships afield to go on full alert until we have a chance to strike.

The Zacha will not stand by and wacth innocents be killed; unlike you Emperor, we have the common sense to protect life and not see it destroyed, like the destruction of Kitrak colony some years prior. We sent an diplomat on to Terapin to meet with the Azdgari. I have contacted you to make a trade of sorts; we have recently lost a leader to you and I want Hawk Kael to be transported to the Hreka system to be picked up by one of our own. In return, I offer you not only the plans to our most powerful warship, but also one of the warships itself. It’ll be fully armed and inserted with our current technology. The ship is a powerful one, more then able to take out your frigate class starship. Consider this with great thought, BattleDoctor. Sisay out. This offer will be valid for twenty-four hours.” The screen went blank as Sisay cut the link.

Now fully awake, Sisay got dressed and headed to the hacthway of his ship. He had much work to do.

All was silent on New Haven, the world known as Vuna to many others. The main settlement was quiet as night grew later. Many people had shown up on the two new colonies in the past few days alone. Miranu, Zidagar, humans, and even some Kisani. There was much building of homes and buildings and already there was a market place. A small shipyard had just been completed, and there were a few ships for sale; not many but ships nonetheless. It was the perfect peaceful night...until a roar filled the night time. The sound of a ship taking off woke many people and as they looked skywards, they saw a sleek black ship roaring towards space to reach escape velocity. The ship soon disappered into the night sky, and the only sign afterwards was the bright pinprick of light that was a jump point appearing. Soon after that it was gone.

The ship was the second Sedran, christened the Raven after the since-dead spiecies of bird from Earth. She was a later version of the Sedran, modified to be a bit better then the orginal model. Other then that, she was like her sister ship. Her mission was unknown to all but her captain and crew, and would remain so. There were other ships of her type just recently finished, but the Raven was unique; she was the new flagship of the Zacha Council.

The Nade jumped from hyperspace into Terapin, her engines hot from maximum burn. The old Zidara had been pushed to her limits and beyond. She could still preform, but not very well. However when Jordan saw the massive dreadnaught come from hyperspace, his one word was, "Damn it." Punching his command console, he opened a link to it and said, "Galactica vessel, this is Captain Jordan of the Nade. What brings the mighty emperor so far from his pampered lifestyle and palace? If we weren't here on ceasefire, I would have no problem in blowing your ship from the sky, dreadnaught or no. But as we seem to be temporary 'neutral', greetings from the Zacha Council."


Two Sedran crusiers built
Five Zacha Aradas built
Echo destroyer construction temporarily put off
One city completed on Vuna

Project Name: FalconOmega
Project Class: Ship
Time til completion: 3 posts

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Meanwhile, An Adzgari patrol fleet is passing by Kade, when an Alien fleet is picked up by the sensors on an Arada. The Ships are a deep, deep, pearl purple, and the crew of the adzgari fleet was in awe, of the alien ships, obviously powerful for their size. They snap out of their trance and the lead officer curses.. "This galaxy is getting too confusing... Open a Ha-" he's interrupted when they recieve a hail.

To: "Adzgari" Patrol fleet
From: Q'ar fleet (Inter-system message)
We are the Q'ar, arch enemies of the I'ase. Tell us what you know, or be decimated on the spot. We have our weopons powered, and await your answer...
end hail

The Adzgari Officer is quite afraid, knowing that they dont have a clue where the I'ase are, but they try to come up with a plan anyway...

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

BattleDoctor sat in his cushy captain's chair on the bridge of the Deimos, now in the Terapin system. BattleDoctor would soon have to talk to the Azdgari, but for the moment he was thinking very hard about Sisay's words. Giving Hawk back to the Zachit was something BattleDoctor really did not want to do. The man was dangerous, a criminal, and brilliant. Letting him go could be a disaster. However, a Zachit warship could be quite useful, quite useful indeed. It was a difficult decision.

After a few minutes of thinking, BattleDoctor opened a channel to Sisay's ship and said, "Zacha Sisay, I find your offer unacceptable. Though one of your warships would be very valuable to us, I am afraid it would be insufficient compensation for releasing Zacha Hawk from custody. At the moment, I need to stop the Prylak from advancing too far into our galaxy. If you would be willing to give us aid in destroying the Prylak, Galactica would be glad to release Hawk to you. Please respond in a timely manner."

As BattleDoctor cut the commlink, his display showed that there was a message from a Zachit Zidara. BattleDoctor played it through once, then cursed the fact that he could not order a few frigates to go destroy this ship. He had no time for this disrespectful fool.

Then BattleDoctor turned his thoughts toward the Azdgari. He leaned down next to his Communications officer and said, "Open a channel to the Azdgari command ship." The officer punched a few keys on his console, and the image of an Azdgari popped onto the bridge's viewscreen.

"This is Emperor BattleDoctor of Galactica. Your request for an audience has been granted. What is it you want to speak about?"

"But sir, that's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now

Carnotaur looked over the latest fleet stats. So far, many Ravens had been built, but they would be no match for the Prylak. They needed more money and more shipyards. The MA were a small government, they would never be much help to the Galactica.

Suddenly, Scorcher entered, followed by Admiral Yakuza. "Good news, Carnotaur; the sub-space inhibitor tech is finally completed. We'll have enough of the inhibitor devices ready to deploy them in the jumplink leading to F-25 in a few days (1 post). We've also begun work on analyzing all the technology that the UE sent back to us in those Dragons and Wyverns. To update all our ships with the new technology should take around 2 weeks (4 posts)."

Admiral Yakuza then stepped forward. "Carnotaur, I must be entirely honest with you. I do not see how our navy can be much help to the Galactica Empire. Even if we upgrade our ships with the technology brought back to us by the UE, we still won't be big enough to do much of anything. I suggest that you ask BattleDoctor for more shipyards and credits. If he doesn't, then we just don't send us our ships."

Carnotaur thought for a moment. "I'll consider it."


(My ships are being readied to be sent to you, however, my admirals fear that we will be too small to help you any even with advanced technology. All I ask for is plenty of credits to help support our shipyards and research projects.)


Title: OmegaCon Project
Subject: Aurora Battleship
Time Till Completion: 4 Posts


Title: Sub-Space Inhibitor
Time Till Completion: COMPLETED


20 Ravens Built - Total: 280
1 New Planetary Defense Cannon Built for Other Planets
3/5 of all stations refitted
Refit of MA Fleet - 4 posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The Devilstar swept forward towards the Deimos, and then halted within half a kilometre.
Kiarok opened hail.

"We are the Azdgari. We will accept your proposal, if you supply us with three hundred million credits. For that, we will supply our aid in combat only with the Galactica forces around these systems, so we are safe. Five hundred of our ships will remain behind."

"We know that three hundred million isn't much to you, as you're government has treasuries in the billions, but that is not quite all we ask. We understand your lack of trust here, so we will ask this only after we prove ourselves in the battlefield - a single Galactica Dreadnought of our own."

"We await your response."

Kiarok leaned back on the specially comfortable seat, and waited for the response. Galactica may struggle with answering, but otherwise they'd get no help whatsoever. Kiarok didn't return to his fleet, he simply waited.


The system of F-25 was suddenly very busy, as a Galactica Cruiser leapt into orbit of F-25. Several Dragons and Wyverns moved to intercept it, but with no hostile intent.

Ariq Lance and the other colonists were all busy at the time, working on decoding the Garland's technologies, but Lance instantly boarded his personal Wyvern and took to the stars to meet the Galactica Cruiser.

-From a Wyvern, Terran Colony Leader-
-To the Galactica Cruiser-

We have much to tell you. Land on F-25, and you may take any sensor sweeps you want. You will not be able to scan any of our technological work, I'm afraid, so don't even bother.

We can tell you about the Prylak - all we know - and even some information about the Leech Races, such as the Haorn, the last remaining competitor to the Prylak themselves.

Do not cross us. We can blast you out of the sky within mere seconds.

-End message-

And thus Lance waited as the cruiser's captain made his decision.


The Azdgari ships in the system took a single view of the strange, alien vessels and instantly sent word of this to Emperor Yoo Oe, who passed it quickly on the Kiarok.

The small patrol fleet sent a message to the alien ships, working their best to make it sound true, after quickly receiving orders.

-From the Azdgari Patrol Fleet-
-To the alien vessels-

The I'ase are in the Terapin system, currently fighting with our Azdgari vessels over ground. The considerable energy readings there are due to the combat taking place, and it may hide I'ase readings totally. We'll guide you there.

-End message-

The patrol fleet then went into hyperspace towards Terapin, hoping both that the aliens would and would not follow...


Terran Colony Workforce
Decoding the Garland's technologies: 3 posts

Azdgari Research
Heavy Azdara: Frame approx. 13 posts, sensors 3 posts

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

The Qan ships are suspicous, but their hate for the I'ase overrides their suspicousness, so they follow.... weopons and cloaks fully charged, ready to blow the adzgari out of the sky if they're lying.

(On Qan homeworld)
A pilot goes to Chipich's Office..
"Sir, Our energy mines are nearly useless against fast targets, their pull is too weak to accomplish anything, and even their blast range is quite small. "
"Hmmmm so do you want us to enhance the mines?"
"No, I want a new seeker weopon!"
"Hmmm.... ok..."
Research Project Inititiated
Type: Seeking Weapon
Fast speed and turning, decent power, slightly stronger than a pursuit missile.

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Near orbit of F-25:
-From Galactica Cruiser-
-To originating Wyvern, Terran Colony Leader-
Vice-Emperor RMA appeared on the viewscreen
"While I'm quite sure you could blast this single cruiser away quite easily, we both know what would happen soon after.
"I havent come to exchange threats though, but find out more on the Prylak. The armour their ships have is extremely hard to breakup, so I want to find out more on that, and how to get through it. Whatever you consider relevant would also be good.
"I look forward to meeting and seeing some of your new 'Terran' Colony.
-Message Terminates-

Reserach and construction of a working point defence system has now finished, and it is being installed on all Galactica ships bigger than a Frigate.

It works by projecting a ball of energy into space, similar in properties to a shield, so anything weapon impacting it is neutralised. While guided weapons with enhanced sensors may be able to tell the difference between actual shields and the ball of energy, they will still impact since the ball appears right infront of the projectile. They may well survive, but repeated impacts will mean they dont. If a scattering field is in operation nearby, overpowered sensors on guided weapons would just see a shield grid in operation, especially since they arent up to par with ship sensors.
Before landing on F-25, Vice-Emperor RMA had been monitoring the events on the other side of the galaxy. A message went out, under heavy encryption, telling Battledoctor that he should remind Sisay of the Zachit that Galactica forces have already died against the Prylak, and that the civilians have been evacuated.

On the Azdgari, a dreadnaught could be prepared, but with all weapon and shield system stripped away, as well as any enhancements over the normal. The Azdgari could easily outfit it with their own technology. Also to ask what the Azdgari can do that would help the rest of the galaxy, not just themselves.
Research is begun on a new missle delivery system, the missle pod. Due to the massive technological advantage of the Prylak, a system to deliver masses of fire, very quickly, is needed. Pods will be grappled to a ships exterior, and released when in range. Almost any missle will be able to be launched from the pods, since they will use a grav field to expel the missles. How many missles can be launched will depend on the size and mass of a missle. They will be reusable, but it will not be possible to reload them during battle.

Research will take 7 posts

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 08-31-2001).)

As the Galactica Cruiser landed, and second-in-command of Galactica RMA stepped out, he was greeted by Lance and two guards. RMA walked down, and faced Lance.

Ariq Lance smiled. "There's a lot I must tell you..."

"The Prylak are a Leech Race, from the alien galaxy we have now secured to be called Ross 154. Ross 154 would be in complete anarchy, as all the races hate each other, and would fight to the death. To them, all life _is/(i) war. The Leech Races exist and prosper out of using other races as slaves. The Odine and Prylak were, and are, Leech Races. There were once nine, only two - the Prylak and the Haorn - remain."

"The Haorn are the Prylak's last competitor in Ross 154. Most of their attention is probably on them, that's the only reason we managed so much raiding back then..."

"The Prylak use photon weaponry, moderate damage and good range, not incredible in any aspect. They also use some form of plasma weaponry, but we haven't seen much of it, I don't think most of their ships use it - we just salvaged a wrecked one a while back. Their standard missile isn't too dangerous. They have unguided rockets, which are deadly, often used by fighters."

"They also have a fission weapon, charges up then causes extreme damage. We don't know which ships used it, it was something else we looked through."

"They use fighters, frigates and carriers. Best thing with them is to spread fire across the fighters. They fall easily, and when each fighter falls they lose battle fleet power. Just take them out with missiles, a couple at a time."

"Prylak ships are high on armour, as if it mattered."

"They will keep on fighting, but probably won't send the rest of their forces through, no with the Haorn still around out there - I think they still are... I suggest you mass against them in one long fight."

Lance was already turning away. "Fighter's aren't very good with long fights, usually..."


Terran Colony Workforce
Decoding the Garland's technologies: 2 posts

(i)That's all very nice, but where are the guns?_
- SilverDragon

Sisay thought on this event for much of the night. The Zacha needed Hawk back in the role of leadership, that much was obvious. He checked the time on his clock and sighed. It would be a long time in coming, this confrontation between Galactica and the Zacha fleets, but for now they needed one another. With a tap of his link, he connected it with the Mira’s communications array and sent a message to Jordan. With his thoughts still a jumbled, he headed for deck eight on his ship. He needed a refresher in holo-combat.

Jordan sat fidgiting in his chair. On the screen in front of him was the dreadnaught of the Emperor of Galacitca, and he could do nothing about it. He was about to open a com channel to the Azdgari fleet when his command console beeped. Curious he tapped it, and saw a encrypted message from Sisay. Activating it, he heard the prerecorded message of his leader and his face went grim. He would do what the old captain had ordered, though he was much against it.

With another tap of his command console, he opened a signal to BattleDoctor. When the emperor’s face appeared on the screen, Jordan spoke with a disciplined manner of a soldier. “Emperor BattleDoctor, the Zacha council has come to a descision on your counte-request. As of this minute, we of the Zacha will fight side by side with your forces in turning back the Prylak threat. In return we expect that Hawk Kael be released and returned to us unharmed or uninjured. Elsewise, there will be no other deals. You have less then a solar day to respond. Captain Jordan out.”

When the link went dead, Jordan mumbled something under his breath. Only his first officer heard and she grinned. She had a strong desire to blow the Emperor’s ship out of space as well.

Dewe system

A jump point opened up some distance from the nearest Prylak ship. From it emerged a single Zacha fighter armed to the very teeth. It dropped a becon and with anstonishing speed, raced towards the nearest Prylak ship and fired. The fighter of course didn’t stand a mere second. The becon however seemed to be very intresting. It emitted signal to the Prylak ships of a location on something...the Ragnorak. It said that the massive city ship was in the Hrekka system, somewhere in the outer system. The beacon then went dead.

Project Name; FalconOmega
Project Class: Ship
Time til completion: 3 posts

4 Sedran class ships built
4 Zacha aradas built
2 townships on Vuna and Kuna
Small Civillian shipyard built in Stror

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Talking to the leader of the new Terran Colony, the second-in-command of Galactica, RMA, responded:
"Galactica has some new developments that may help in combating the Prylak, but they are mere refinements of current technology, nothing really new. Our current weapons are almost inneffective against them. Although they do not use them much, any info on their missles guidance systems would be helpful, so we can make our ecms more effective.
"Will you be coming to the battle? Your ships, while few, could provide an advantage. Some of our new technology will take time to use in a battle, so we'd need a distraction first. We've already lost thousands of ships to the Prylak protecting our space. Our losses beforehand did not help. If you have stolen from them, it seems they would come after you should they find you are here. Ridding our galaxy of them quickly would stop that."

Large scale grav drivers are being looked into to propel missles out of the missle pods. Materials for the pods are being looked into, primarily to be cheap, and for easy refurbishment after a battle. Since initial use may well involve withdrawing soon after, initial materials will be of a lower quality than will be normal.(6 posts)
BD, check your email before posting

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 08-31-2001).)