Reign of Chaos 2 - Chapter II

The first complete BattleCruisers are now being put into service, and the first ones are joining the Galactica Fleet, ready for battle.

The new Battlecruiser outclasses anything Galactica had previously, including the Dreadnaught. They have an improved scattering field, powerful weaponry, in the form of the HI-PM turrets,HI-PM Blasters, and the miniturized Fusion Beam, enhanced shields, powerful engines, and the ability to throw many more missles at a target than anything but a Dreadnaught. Its ability to stop missles is far greater, since it also has a PDS system to stop the missles which manage to get a lock through the scattering field. The only thing hardly changed from previous designs is the material that makes the hull and armour up. While stronger than previous ships hulls, the basic material is the same.
Cruisers in the Galactica fleet are being withdrawn to be refitted with the smaller Fusion Beam reserached by the l'ase. The firepower lost is more than made up by the arrival of the BattleCruisers, and they should be ready for the battle against the Prylak.
-Message to all the forces preparing to battle the Prylak-
Galactica patrols have been annihilated in the northern tip of the crescent, along with millions of its citizens. With the arrival of a new class of ship, Galactica is ready for battle. Delay will allow more ships to be built, but at the expense of our people.

We are ready to fight.
-Message Ends-
The new BattleCruiser has provided several new technologies during its research and construction. It provides much more power than anything else Galactica has, and the lower end of the battlefleet is looking very underpowered.

Research groups are now looking at a replacement for the Frigate, most likely smaller, but with the better firepower and defensive measures. The first aim for the group will be a better armour component, since that is the current lack in Galactica ships, compared to the rest of its technology.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 09-14-2001).)

The Qan fleet jumps into Achlos, and is shocked to see that the Prylak are real.
Even more shocked when the Prylak's weopons charge up.
and the nearly have a stroke when the Prylak move in right as the Adzgari ships hyperspace in.

The commander issues orders quickly as possible.
The warships dump several mines as the fighters dock, and move to get to hyperspace range. Several azdaras collide with the mines, exploding violently, but the Adzgari still close in, helplessly outnumbeing the Qan ships, and the Prylak engage both. The Qan empty several dozen mines, to hold the hostile vessels off, while they use their cloaks for a little more range and to absorb most of the Azdara fire, then they decloak, destroy the closest azdaras, and warp out, going to the galactic south-southwest
Adzgari losses: 5 azdaras
Qan losses: none, but the slow shield recharge means that the damage will be near permanent until they find a decent place to land and repair. the Hera's shields are around 70%, the Zeus's shields are around 85%, the fighters are undamaged.

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

OOC: 2500 Azdgari vessels, about 250 of those are Athenas - that's where the 1000-1500 Azdaras came from, plus Adrenas and more Azdgari. Total ships = 4000, with fighters.

Now, that's about 3000 fighters, which is 9000 swivel phase cannons. Athenas are at about 5 phase turrets, so 1250 phase turrets. 750 or so Adrenas, say 2 phase turrets each, that's 2750 phase turrets total.

9000 swivel phase cannons, 2750 phase turrets, several thousand dispersal rockets.......

...........and you lost NO ships?

Qan Shielding = 101% Totally and Officially Revoked 🙂

Hmm, let's work out something..... You lose two fighters, and take out 15 Azdaras. Fair?

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 09-15-2001).)

All research projects except for an enhanced armour are being put onto the backburner, so that Galactica scientists can have a rest.

Galactica scientists are looking at meterials formed under great pressures and gravities, which can be generated in controled conditions with special grav fields.
Galactica now has 60 BattleCruisers in its fleet, ready for battle. Old Cruisers are slowly being refitted with Fusion Beams.



Originally posted by SilverDragon:
9000 swivel phase cannons, 2750 phase turrets, several thousand dispersal rockets.......
...........and you lost NO ships?
Qan Shielding = 101% Totally and Officially Revoked 🙂

Hmm Ok, I'll agree that the dispy rockets would do damage, but the Radiation cloak would absorb 95% of the energy damage, if you remember what you authorized..
I'll increase the damage to the warships, but the fighters were safely stored in the warships. How about the Hera's are at 40% the Zeus is at 68%, and those shields will be that way until I find a place to repair at?
oh, and instead of moving southwest, they race to the Ji Nebula.

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Oh bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch.
I'm bored.

I despise false modesty.

Lythrawn turned to his helsman. "Follow that Qan fleet! Order the ships in Dewe to intercept the fleet!"

As the Qan fled towards F-25, Lythrawn and his fleet followed close behind. However, as soon as the Qan entered the Hizdriar system, they were met by 2,000 Prylak ships. As they tried to get away from them, the rest of the Prylak fleet jumped in. A total of 8,000 was then pouring weapons fire into the Qan fleet. They were doomed, with all escape routes blockd, and the Prylak closing in to annihilate them....


Carnotaur looked over a military report and turned to Scorcher. "How many Aurora Battleships can you build in just a few days? (1 post)"

Scorcher thought for a moment. "About 3 of them sir if we stop all other ship production completely."

"That should be sufficiant. I do hope that throwing so much of our navy isn't a bad idea."


Title: OmegaCon Project
Subject: Aurora Battleship
Time Till Completion: 1 Post


20 Ravens Built - Total: 360
1 New Planetary Defense Cannon Built for Other Planets
Refit of MA Fleet - 1 post

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 09-15-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 09-15-2001).)

A single BC in the Galactica fleet was slightly different from the rest, in that its power signature was more powerful, and that it had one very important person on board.
Vice Emperor RMA.
The Azdgari had just signalled that their fleet chasing the Qan had finally caught up. Unfortunately, they'd also run into the Prylak. While the situation could have been better, the battle could not be delayed any longer.

-Message to combined fleet-
-From RMA;Galactica-
The Azdgari have engaged the Prylak. The battle can not wait any longer. Galacticass forces are moving to engage. We advise you follow. We also advise staying behind our fleet until we signal. It would be unfortunate if your ships ran into our weapons.
-Message Ends-
Ending the communication with the rest of the galaxies forces, RMA opened a frequency to Galacticas forces.
"All ships, ready missle pods for immediate release and launch when in range of the Prylak. Fighters will be launched one jump away from the Prylak. Ships will ready targeting computers to fire onboard missles along with the missle pods. The fleet is to follow modified deployment orders after missle pod release.
"That is all. Prepare to jump"
The scientists working on an improved armour have been given a break, in order to see how the new technologies fare in the upcoming battle. Automatic tests of materials under high gravities will continue.


(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 09-16-2001).)

The Qan fleet knows that they are outnumbered nearly a thousand to one, but they are determined to go out with honor. The Hera's and Zeus launch their fighters, cycle all their energy back around to their cores, which will make them overload and explode with enough force to rip apart atoms easily... The Heras, fighters, and zeus launch their solid weopons, (radium rockets) in all directions, and the Prylak continue to close in, oblivious to the growing silent threat in the center of the Hera's and Zeus... The fighters start funnelling all their energy through to their shields and radiation cloaks, and brace for the impact. Several Frigates get too close, too soon, and the fighters rush toward them, their Radiation cloaks and shields slipping right through their shields, and cutting through their armor, and setting off a miniature explosion like the one to come, making them immediately explode, and the Prylak barely have time to notice it when the Zeus and Hera's blow.

A powerful energy, that barely even classified as radiation, races through the system, sending energy waves through the galaxy, disintegrating the nearest thousand vessels, and ripping apart another thousand, impacting the rest of the Prylak to the very edges of the system, and impacting several fighters completely into the next few systems. The Impact effects the Qan fighters as well, throwing them across the system, and completely blowing the radiation cloak generator on all but the remaining corsair, and the Pegasus' are forced to completely shut down their own shields to prevent a core overheat. the fighters then race out of the system in different directions, hoping slightly that they'll meet up again...
Prylak Losses: 2000+ ships, many others damaged
Qan Losses: 4 Hera warships; 1 Zeus cruiser; 2 pegasus fighters; 1 corsair fighter-bomber; their element of suprise...

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

"Move to the sides!" Kiarak screamed to his fleet, and as experienced as they were, they did so.

The Azdgari fleet took the flanks as the Galactica fleet took the front.

(I'll allow all other sides to enter battle next post, I think that's fair)

Azdgari vessels swept across Prylak ranks, but little damage was caused. The Prylak fleet was just too good for them, and after losing half a hundred Azdaras, the Azdgari pulled back for a moment to gather their forces again and wait for some cover from Galactica.

Prylak Losses: None
Azdgari Losses: 50 Azdaras

- - -

OOC: I won't BD this battle, I'll leave it fully open.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Seconds away from entering the system where the Azdgari and the Prylak are fighting, Vice Emperor RMA signalled all Galactica ships
"All Fighters and Carriers prepare to release missle pods and fire at the Prylak upon entering the system. Cluster missle launches to be staggered just behind the pursuit missles. All other ships retain pods until new targets or sent, or your ship is about to be defeated. Activate deadman triggers."

With that, the Galactica fleet entered the system. Thousands of small pods floated away from the fighters and carriers. The next instant tens of thousands of missles shot off. 160,260 missles to be precise. Nobody had ever seen anything like it. With that, the carriers got overtaken by the rest of the Galactica fleet, and the rest of the galaxies forces.

The battle was on.


The 8000 Prylak ships in the Achlos system were reduced to 4000, but the situation was far from hopeless. Galactica had used up huge amounts of missiles, and would take weeks refitting all their ships, spending millions.

The Qan were almost decimated, with only fighters left (check your fleet stats, Red).

And 2000 more Prylak ships entered the system.

Not only that, but a full reinforcement force of 5000 Prylak vessels had come from the warpgate. They were now under the command of the Prylak in this galaxy.

OOC: I hope this is all okay, Carnotaur.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

The Battle of Maior
Outside of Reign of Chaos 2, the Prylak had been attacked in the Maior system by a horde of just over fifty thousand Haorn vessels. A hundred thousand of the Prylak, their entire navy, engaged the Haorn in that system.

Of the fifty thousand Haorn ships, there came thirty thousand Haorn Destroyers, almost twenty five thousand Fleet Cruisers, lighter than destroyers, and five hundred Motherships - huge vessels that carried large numbers of destroyers.

The Haorn knew what they were doing from the start. Five hundred Motherships deployed five hundred Sub-Space Emitters, weapons so deadly a single one could level a small fleet.

They swept out into the Prylak ranks, and the emitters suddenly set up. Although they were large devices, no naked eye could see them, and they created no energy for sensors to see. Only the visible opening of the sub-space emitter bay.

They suddenly all turned on, and space itself collapsed in that area.

Thousands of Prylak vessels swirled into nothingness around the emitters, and only moments later the shocked Prylak were met by the Haorn, coming at a different angle.

Prylak were pushed back into the emitters, and were instantly destroyed. Fighters fell to the one metre cut of sub-space beamers, carriers collapsed to Rift Generators, the explosion of their shields exploded them and other nearby ships. Energy Leechs latched on to ships, draining the shields.

The battle ended quickly, with the Prylak turning in flight, sixty thousand ships in their fleet.

Barely any of the Haorn ships had been taken down.

As the Prylak escaped, fresh sub-space emitters were loaded on to the motherships from freighters, and the Haorn continued their rampage.

Sojin veiwed the message with calm, as he had done for years. This was a grave time in which appropritate messures needed to be taken. If there was to be any alliance between the Zacha and the Azdgari, they needed to show support. The commander looked to his first officer and she nodded. With a tap of his command console, Sojin opened a com channel to the rest of his fleet.

“This is Commander Whitehawk to all vessels. Sound Red Stage and have all onboard pilots on standby. Silver Fleet, once we break into Dewe, you are to execute pattern Delta Zeta. Fleet commanders, you’ve command of your patterns while Battlegroup Echo follows my lead. Ragnorak, you know what to do. Hope to see you on the end. Raven out.”

Sojin ordered the Raven to break off and doing so, opened a jump point. Minutes later the Tmidor system was filled with many brillant flashes of light as literly thousands of Zacha ships, the bulk of their fleets, jumped from realspace. The Ragnorak was the last to jump and before she did, Major Boon ordered one last thing; turning towards deep space where no ships were, the Ragnorak released a burst of whitefire beams, all dazling in hue. This was the final salute before entering a battle that would most likely be their first and last. With that, the majestic four mile ship opened a massive jump and she was gone.

Dewe system

The battle was already underway as the Galactica armada had just came in. Suddenly many jump points formed and from them came Zacha Aradas and fighters, weapons firing. They headed through dead on and kept firing at Prylak vessels. The first Zacha wave had come early.

7 Sedran frigates built
5 Falcon crusiers built

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Rima's about to quit, YooOe never posted, Gwydion quit, half a dozen other people never posted, Carnotaur is upset, Redchigh is upset.....

Frig it, I'M upset!

I'm closing this, or rather, I'm leaving. Continue posting if you really want, this webstory isn't mine anymore.

(edit: I'll leave this, but everyone seems to be trying to make me stay. Well, I will, but only if Carnotaur moderates, and everyone else gets more of a say. I don't want to have all this moderating work, it's too hard to keep everyone happy!)

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 09-16-2001).)

Lythrawn looked at the grim situation. "All ships, charge forward. Wait, disregard that. Have 1,000 ships break off from the main fleet and head off to Pozdag. Their mission; annihilate the colony and everything in the system. Meanwhile, have all our ships move slowly forward. I want to pound them with our long range weapons. Then, charge forward, weapons ablaze. Sections 2 and 3, break off and try and flank the enemy. Move!"

The Prylak fleet did as ordered, slowly moving forward as 1,000 ships quietly sneaked off and headed for Pozdag. Then, suddenly, sections 2 and 3 of the Prylak fleet broke off and began to flank the enemy fleet as the rest of the Prylak charged forward, weapons ablaze...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Senator Vaten was speaking. "We need a heavy cruiser. All we have right now is our Frigate, which is not much of a match for most things the Prylak will field. I am requesting permission from the Council to initiate research on a cruiser-class ship, which would be called the Daemon. It would carry flak mines, as well as all other researched weapons, and it will carry the long-awaited LHR."

Councilman P'rek, as usual, spoke up. "Senator, we cannot possibly afford a project like this."

"My dear P'rek, I realize this will require intensive research, but it is not impossible. We must simply reduce construction of other ships, and we will be fine."


The Nedra was making its slow way towards Achlos. It would be there shortly, to join in the fight...


Title: Daemon
Time till completion: 7 posts
Flak mine will be completed two posts after Daemon.
LHR will be completed two posts after flak mine.

Daemon Heavy Cruiser:
5 Proton Turrets
3 Flak Turrets
6 Neutrino Cannons
3 Mine Launchers -- 20 Flak Mines
4 LHR Pods -- 200 LHRs
1 Roc Bay -- 3 Rocs
Gamma Field Inducer
Wormhole Generator

Speed: 200; Acceleration: 200; Turning: 60 deg/sec

OOC: If this ship needs moderation, scream at me. I am not actually researching three things at once. The Daemon will be finished first, then the Flak mines will be picked up on, then finished, then the LHR will be continued on, then finished. Just clarifying. 😄

"Why should I brag? The bards can do it for me -- and with music."
Ertai, wizard adept

High Admiral Voit gripped the armrests on his chair as the G.S.S. Incursion plowed through the wreckage of a disabled Galactica Frigate. The bridge was illuminated by the bright light of an explosion as one of the Incusion's Cruiser escorts was vaporised by Prylak weapons fire. An instant later the bright blue flash of shield layers switching lit up the bridge once again as the Incursion continued to rocket towards the Prylak fleet.

The Galactica Fleet was right in the center of the combined forces against the Prylak, with their engines at full blast as they headed towards the frontlines of the Prylak fleet. It was an imressive sight to behold; several thousand Galactica warships formed an impenetrable wall of shields, armor, and weapons fire.

Not far behind the wall of ships was a force of about 2000 ships, under the personal command of Vice-Emperor RMA. This relatively small force was the most specialized and deadly force that Galactica had. At the heart of the fleet were 50 Galactica BattleCruisers, more powerful even than a Galactica Dreadnought. The rest of the fleet was composed of ships commanded by the most decorated and experienced captains that Galactica had to offer. At the center of this fleet was RMA's personal ship.

The explosion was visible from halfway across the system as the Galactica and Prylak lines met. In an effort to destroy as many ships as possible, Voit and his personal escorts had, at the last moment, overloaded their engines and weapons systems. This propelled them out in front of the rest of the fleet, but made their power cores very, very unstable. When the ships drew near the the Prylak fleet, they fired their turning jets and slammed into the closest enemy ships at breakneck speed. The resulting explosion instantly destroyed many Prylak ships, but thankfully only a few Galactica ships weren't able to fire their reverse thrusters in time. As the explosions cleared, the Galactica ships unleashed a hail of fire upon the Prylak forces.

High Admiral Yar looked on in disbelief from the bridge of his Dreadnought, which was laying down suppressing fire in front of a group of Prylak fighters so that some Azdgari ships could retreat behind the Galactica lines and regroup. He hadn't expected Voit to do such a thing, and he would miss him. "Fleet status report!" he yelled.

"The fleet is taking heavy losses, sir. The Vice-Emperor's fleet has moved into weapons range and is giving the front lines supporting fire with their missile pods. We need backup and the Azdgari forces are really being hit hard."

"Damn. How are the Prylak faring?"

"Voit destroyed a lot of their ships but they just have so many ships... we haven't made much of a dent in their lines."

Just at that moment, a mass of ships dropped from hyperspace into the system, above and to the rear of the Galactica forces. The computer thought for a second and then identified the newcomers as Zachit. Yar looked to his communications officer and said, "Open a channel, now!"

The line was opened, and High Admiral Yar began to speak, "Zacha fleet, this is High Admiral Yar of Galactica. We are taking heavy losses, and we are in need of assistance. Please engage the Prylak fleet immediately."

"But sir, that's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now

The first wave of Zacha ships, only a few hundered aradas and fighters, were quickly decimated, but not without doing some good damage. Many Prylak fighters had been blown apart, but it seemed that for every one fighter destroyed, two Zacha fighters or an arada was blown beyond belief. The Prylak did after all posses more advanced technolgy.

This was going to be one messed up battle...

Sojin recieved the message with some concern. He shook his head and told his first officer to give the order. Opening a channel himself the commander said, "Admiral Yar, we are there."

As the battle was waged, many jump points opened up and the second wave of Zacha ships, all Echo destroyers and what few Sedran frigates there were along with huge fleets of aradas and fighters. The destroyers and frigates unloaded their fighters and they headed off into battle. The capital ships themselves charged in many formations, some of them heading towards the flanking Prylak vessels while others charged head on. Amongst these ships was the Raven, her whitefire emmiters and SADs unloading unholy terror...well for a Sedran ship anyways.

Near the outer range of a few Prylak vessels, five aradas took up place with their backs turned to the enemy vessels. They started doing something odd: they were turning their engines to and fro, as if to moon them. With that three broke off and engaged afterburners to achieve maximum speed. The other two turned about and burst into high speed towards vessels they had been mooning and unloaded their entire payload of pursuit missiles...and four shock mines each. The aradas were of course vaporised by Prylak fire, but the missiles and mines did their work and crashed into the Prylak vessels. There was many a massive firework shows as a few of the Prylak vessels burst into flames.

All along the field, the Zacha vessels employed various tactics, some going as far as to ram enemy vessels. Shock mines were deployed and they hit dead on as the momentum of their launch carried them.

Needless to say, the Battle of the Blockade was a picnic considered to the carnage today...

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Lythrawn turned to his sensor lieutenant. "Locate the command ships for the Galactica fleet. If we can destroy them, then we can throw their fleet into utter chaos."

The lieutenant scanned for a moment and then pointed out a few ships. However, only one ship, a Galactica Dreadnaught, was accessible enough to be attacked. "All ships, charge forward as fast as possible! Squadrons 92, 91, and 82, assault that Galactica Dreadnaught!"

As a murderous hail of weapons fire and ships charged into the fray, a group of about 800 Prylak ships broke off and screamed towards Fleet Admiral Yar, weapons ablaze....


Meanwhile, the rest of the Prylak fleet (1,000 ships) was heading silently towards Pozdag...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).