Escape Velocity: Collision

Well you said you where using evo graphics and the only evil aliens that fit the bill are the voinians and no I'm not looking for that as I already have it and access to a registered copy of evo.

@starbridge21, on Sep 3 2007, 11:50 AM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:

(i.e., if one race uses Miranu-style ships, it will need new graphics for warships, as pretty much all the Miranu have are freighters.)

Aren't you forgetting the Miranu Gunship?

@cosmic_nusiance, on Sep 3 2007, 01:48 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:

I never played EVO, so using the same graphics won't make it old hat for me.

Oh, by the way, I "met" the "nameles" aliens, and they're really "nice". They "told" me to tell you to "tell us more". :laugh:

EDIT: YEAH BABY! 600th post!!!!!

Aw, you never played EVO?! It's one of the best games ever made!
Heh, nice try, and congrats on post #600.

@egroeg, on Sep 3 2007, 01:56 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:

Well you said you where using evo graphics and the only evil aliens that fit the bill are the voinians and no I'm not looking for that as I already have it and access to a registered copy of evo.

Well, yeah, I'm using EVO graphics for a lot of new governments because I lack the imagination necessary to think up my own new graphics. It's also kind of a shoutout to EVO, which was awesome. Sorry I kinda overreacted before, I'm not used to debunking theories. I'm really bad at it. I probably shouldn't debunk theories at all.

So, yeah, sure, why not? The Aliens can be the Voinians if you want them to be -- at least until Collision 's released and you see who they really are/aren't. It's just that the Voinians are sort of the polar opposites of the Aliens:

1: The Aliens use advanced biotechnology. The Voinians use almost primitive 'brute force' mechanical technology.
2: The Aliens are geniuses. The Voinians are a wet match in a dark cave.
3: Voinians vs. Aurorans = boring. Both have the same kind of "Who needs shields? Give me lots of guns and armor" philosophy.
4: The Voinians are too weak to take over the galaxy. They can barely hold their own against the Emalgha in EVO, for Pete's sake. How do you expect them to take on the Polaris? Hm...Polaris vs. Voinians...I'd pay to see that. Then again, it would be over so fast, the Voinians wouldn't know what hit them. It was a multitorp, by the way. But they'll never know.

The list goes on and on. But -- other than what I've told you about them -- there's nothing stopping the Aliens from being the Voinians...I guess.

@joshtigerheart, on Sep 3 2007, 02:27 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:

Aren't you forgetting the Miranu Gunship?

Hey, I said "pretty much." Give me a break, the "Miranu"-esque race needs more than one combat-capable vessel. They're not like the Emalgha.

This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 03 September 2007 - 01:36 PM

Don't forget the Zacha ships. They're a bit like the combat arm of the Miranu. Granted, I don't think they have an actual warship (just a fighter and an Arada varient), but throw a blue paint job on a Crescent Warship and it will fit right in.

Hm, been a while, hasn't it? Yeah, Real LifeΒ™ and all that -- you know.

Anywho, things are okay, I haven't forgotten this, I've just barely got enough time to come on the boards and see what's up, but I've got time to think. Everyone has time to think. ("Everyone who has ever taken a shower has an idea"). Some guy. Sure. (Edit: I found where I saw that. It's some guy named Nolan Bushnell. Never heard of him.)

What's with all the TC hype recently? There are more TCs in early development than there are experienced developers (mine included, though in my defense, I started basic story development in April, months before all these other hotshot up-and-comers showed up).

So...yeah. Until next time. I'll be back when I've got something to say, and not a minute sooner or later.

And it's the 'Zachit', not the 'Zacha'. Though there should be a 'Zacha', in commemoration of our own.

This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 08 October 2007 - 03:48 PM

I don't know where they came from, but it's a good thing we got people who are dedicated... or at least putting on a good show of being dedicated (directed towards nobody). I wonder if Colosseum reaching beta might be responsible, but I'm pretty doubtful. I am more prepared to blame coincidence.

It's definitely coincidence with me. I'd known it was possible to make plug-ins, but before I knew their limitations or had even heard of any of the prominent TCs, I was excited about Collision. So I really am starting from scratch. It'll be interesting to see how that turns out, I think.

Sorry updates are so few and far between, guys. As is progress.

I completely forgot to mention that my birthday was a week and a half ago. Not that it matters, I doubt anyone cares. Anyway, I'm 17 now.

Aahh...still doing what I can. This is priority #3 at the moment. I don't think it'll ever get any higher than that, but I don't think it'll get any lower, either, at least not in a long-term sense.

My brain's working overtime recently. I wake up at 6 and go to school. During study hall I do work or think about EV. When I get home I do homework and/or think about EV. I think about EV in the shower. I do homework after my shower. I do homework and/or think about EV in the car. Half of my dreams have something or other to do with EV. The rest are about me not being able to finish all of my homework and being really bummed out. And in trouble.


Just do what I do when I have to much homework; drop it. I go all, "Yeah, this is too much! I'm not a beast of burden! Do I look like a donkey, llama, or camel to you? No!" You have no idea how much free time this creates and how much it reduces stress. Though I still do homework, don't get me wrong. I'm doing homework right now while perusing the boards. Talk about multitasking πŸ†’

Eeeh? This topic somewhat reminds me of when I joined the boards. Anyways...

About the homework thing, haha, don't know if it's a good thing or not, wether this is viable in other countries or not, or even if I'm making a dumb ass of myself or not, but I quit doing homeworks during my second year of high school. Given, I have a good audio memory and listened during classes, and thus got by by scoring good marks on exams. And I did do some homeworks, when they counted toward semester marks.

Anyways, good luck to you, but don't make a fuss over it. Consider how high a priority you're giving to an old game. It's just a game. Just that and all that. Just making sure you know and remember it.

@joshtigerheart, on Sep 26 2007, 07:24 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:

I don't know where they came from, but it's a good thing we got people who are dedicated... or at least putting on a good show of being dedicated (directed towards nobody). I wonder if Colosseum reaching beta might be responsible, but I'm pretty doubtful. I am more prepared to blame coincidence.

My opinion is that that got things started, and then that got 2 people fired up, and then each of them got 2 more people fired up ad nauseam. When I seriously set in on Anathema the forums were really bare, and suddenly after Colosseum is announced as in beta, everybody's making a TC.

And somehow, they're all Fed storyline TCs... πŸ˜›

@archon, on Oct 3 2007, 02:24 AM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:

And somehow, they're all Fed storyline TCs... πŸ˜›

Oxymoron alert!

...? Didn't quite catch the oxymoron there, sorry Nusiance. Anyway, this is neither a true 'TC' nor a Fed-storyline based plug. So there. πŸ˜›

I don't know where you guys are from, but here in the US of A, homework affects your marks. Not a lot, but enough that you better do all of your homework if you want an A. Which is too bad, 'cuz teachers sure like to give homework. LOTS of homework. Or mine do. <_<

And I like EV, it's not bothersome to think about, it's a relief from all the work. πŸ˜‰

And, of course, I forgot to mention priority,, well, it's up there with school work. That takes up some time, too. :rolleyes:

@starbridge21, on Oct 3 2007, 09:28 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:

...? Didn't quite catch the oxymoron there, sorry Nusiance.

If it's THE Fed Storyline, then it can't be a TC, since it still has some aspect of Nova. Since it is "just" a Fed Storyline plug, that implies that instead of changing every aspect of the universe, it merely changes the Fed storyline. I rest my case.

Ugh...too much thinking. Fed storyline quasi -TCs. There, satisfied?

In my ahem..." spare time " -- little though it may be -- I've been updating the Collision section on my EV wiki page. I originally intended for it to be a summary of what is already known; somehow, I've gotten into writing more detailed info there than I have here, though it's not finished yet, so it only covers a little bit. It is very informative, though, and expanding all the time. I'm trying to keep it brief. Not working out so well.

Collision on the EVN wiki

Sorry to go back a bit, but... MUMBLING PSYCHO, ARE YOU COMPLETELY INSANE?! Just a game?! What the beep are you talking about. This "game" has formed the core of my being for the past month and a half, since I got it registered! Where ever I am, if I think of something that I should make, I write it down on a little sticky note in dashboard. Mumbling Psycho, you completely deserve the second half of your name. Just a game... Jeez, what a thing to post in a place that complete fanatics hang out, on the website of the people who made it... You need help, my friend.

Mumbling is right. EVN is just a game. A really really really dang good game, one of the best in my opinion, but it is still a game. Don't let it dominate you; you can't afford the tribute.

I agree with Josh and Mumbling

I am confused. The vets on this site are saying that EV doesn't matter? I have had my life turned on it's head. I must now go and meditate for three days on this predicament. (Sets clock to October 13) Okay, done, um, still think that EV is pretty darn important to me.