EV Webstory

Um, there aren't any asteroids in the Nexus system.

(Lies are in your head.)
Ia! Ia! (url="http://"http://www.evula.com")EVula(/url) fthagn! | (url="http://"http://users.adelphia.net/~cyberger/Ben/")Mostly-functional link(/url)

(To: Aaron)
(you can have Virgo. But please help me get rid of Den'Zar. I wasnt targeting your civilions (sp), i just wanted to get rid of the Escourt cariers. But Den'Zar cowardly attacked others for military gain. So please help me and get rid of him.)

"Sir, vigo is gone." - Unimportant
"good" - Stardust
"why did you do that?" - Unimportant
"The jadizans are a new superpower, and so are the cydonians. With this treaty neather will attack."- Stardust
"oh" - Unimportant

"Mind Benders, Time to
bend your mind"


Originally posted by Beeblebrox:
(To Unreal)
(What kind of help do you want?


(To: Bebblebrox)
(We need you to helps desigh and make some wepons for it. Heres the pics (See quote). Please help me with them.)


Blaster turret
Posted Image
Heavy blaster
Posted Image
Fighter from docking ports on rear fins
Posted Image

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

(This message has been edited by Unreal Centipede (edited 10-27-2002).)

(To Aaron)
(But you can attack them with our help.)
(Don't call a cease-fire!)

(TO Unreal)
(I'm sorry, we can't help you at the moment.)
(Maybe try with Aaron of the Jadzian Union)

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

(Message to Confeds)
(From Pres. Aaron)
I am calling the cease-fire. The less people I lose the more people will vote for me in the coming elections. I never wanted a war with the rebellion or you. You must note that if you deside to attack me because of this many more systems will turn against you. Just because the Union isn't at war with the rebels doesn't mean we are anti-fed. The Union will be no-one's puppet!
(Message to Rebellion)
(From Pres. Aaron)
We have a large fleet one jump away from Den'Zar's base. It is waiting for more ships and possibly help. I can hold off the attack and simply blockade him but without Confederate and Rebel help i fear he may survive.
After realizing there were no asteroids in the system the equipment is moved to Topaz.
As the partially assembled parts arrive from Nexus they begin to finish construction.
The diplomat asks the Cydonian command if they would be interested in a peace treaty.
New Bavaria
"Sir, the rebellion is vacating Virgo. All their ships and equipment is being moved elsewhere."- unimportant
"I know, that was part of the agreement."- Aaron
"How are things Red?"- Winfield
"Great! The cloaks are finished and are being installed on all our ships within Union space."- Red

Income: 2.5Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 7.95Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 22.5M worth of metel+rock(As of yet N/A)
Surplus: 0M worth of metel+rock
Notes: Built 1 Cruiser and 2 Warbirds for New Bavaria.
Time to complete reconstruction of New Bavaria; 2 posts.
Cloaking Device: Complete and fitting.
Cruiser Refit: 2 posts(increased by 1 post for cloak instalation)

Insanity has its advantages

DeadBeat's ships arrive in New Antigua and wait for their orders.
Flag Ship: Jolly Roger
Income: 500 thousand a round
Bank: 34 million
Fleet: 2 Kestrels
5 Corvettes
7 Argoseys
16 Lightnings

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/deadbeat/") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

(This message has been edited by DeadBeat (edited 10-28-2002).)

(To Aaron)
(We will not attack you, but I hope ou are still attacking Den' Zar.)

The fleet finally jumps into the NGC-1027 system and notices all of DeadBeat's ships as well as Den' Zar's.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

(Message to Confeds)
(From Pres. Aaron)
You need not worry. We will join you as soon as all of our ships arrive.
The 250 Cruisers are refitted with 6 Disrupter turrets, 2 Disrupter beams, 10 Disrupter cannons, 2 extra internal fuel tanks, a RAM scoop, 24 Nuke launchers, 150 Nukes, a Missile Jammer, an afterburner, a cloak, Rapier bay + 2 Confed Rapiers(with Jadzian colors) and 50 decoy flares and launcher.
New Bavaria
"The cruisers are being fitted with our technology and will be combat ready in another week."- Winfield
"The Mechs are on the Kestrel Cs and ready to depart."- Russ
"Have the Kestrels set out a week after the cruisers. I don't want them arriving early."- Aaron
(Message to Rebellion)
(From Pres. Aaron)
We need that invasion force you were building. Send it to Den'Zar's base at New Antigua. I will blockade the jumps out of NGC-1027 so that none will escape. Hurry, time of of the essence.
The Jadzian Fleet stands by at the jump point leading from New Antigua ready to blast anything that comes out.

Income: 2.5Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 8.05Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 22.5M worth of metel+rock(As of yet N/A)
Surplus: 0.1M worth of metel+rock
Notes: Built 1 Cruiser, 2 Warbirds, and 8 Destroyers for New Bavaria. Bought 25 Bulk Freighters(2.8M)
Time to complete reconstruction of New Bavaria; 1 posts.
Cruiser Refit: 1 posts

Insanity has its advantages

Defensive measures continued rapidly, this time consontrating more on defense drones (essentially a generator with a proton turret or a missile launcher stuck to it) or the battlestation the mercenaries had begun constructing.

Another technique the mercenaries had begun was to take light frieghters and attach heavy rocket and torpedo launchers to the sides, enabling it to fire off deadly broadsides of torpedoes and rockets. Many heavy rockets were also just floated out into space and equipped with remote igniters (to allow them to be fired into the enemy without a ship to launch it). Plasma exhaust was also spread around the exit point in extremely high and dense quantities, which would be ignited when the enemy jumped into the system. Whoever jumped into the system would be immediately vaporized.

Heavy mining efforts were also begun in New Antigua, and meanwhile research of the Independence-class Carrier continued. The Nebulon Tricksters also recieved a small payment, and were told to wait a little longer, seeing how Den'Zar wasn't sure when the enemy alliance would attack.


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
8 Kestrels
5 Argosy's
10 Corvettes
10 Rapiers

1st Fleet - New Antigua
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
10 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
1 Firebird
20 Tigersharks
60 Shrikes
40 Devil Ray Fighter-Bombers

Trade with Independent Worlds: +10M
New Vessels: -30M
Mining Operation: +50M
Defenses of New Antigua: -20M
Payment to Deadbeat: -5M
Current Credits: 9M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-29-2002).)

Rak was seated at his desk, going over some musty old documents, when his office door opened. He briefly glanced upwards before resuming his scan of the records.

“What is it Charles?” Rak asked.

“Alan, there is a priority one situation developing in the New Antigua system.” Scalding replied.

Rak dropped his papers, and locked eyes with his closest advisor and friend. “Positive or negative?”

“Let’s just say that the **** will hit the fan in under a week, and I do hope that you have some savings tucked away.” Briskly standing, Rak strode over to Scalding.

As they departed for the war room, Rak spoke softly to Scalding. “Go on, I’m listening.”

“A coalition of planets are assembling a massive assault force to take out the mercenary Den’Zar. Intercepted communications indicate that a cease fire is in the works between the Confederation, Rebellion, Cydonians, and Letheans.”

“WHAT!” Rak shouted, suddenly stopping. “Do you mean our principal customers will soon be out of business?”

“Yes sir. This potential alliance, however, ignores all of the cultural differences found between the groups. Our analysts give the cease-fire under decade, at which point a civil war will fracture the galaxy, paralyzing economic development and sending us into a new dark age.”

“Those goddamn idiots. They don’t know the first thing about politics and diplomacy,” Rak fumed as he walked into the conference room. He sat down and began composing a message to an old friend.

---- ---- ----

_Begin Hyperspace Transmission
To: Undersecretary of Internal Affairs Alex Barker, Confederation
From: Alan Rak
Encryption: One time cipher pad; key as long as message; double encoded

What the hell is going on Alex? A quadlateral peace treaty between four galactic powers, with no provisions for reconciliation or reconstruction. Are they mad? Please tell me that this will never get through Congress, or is the President on another one of his goddamn power trips. This will fracture human society and perhaps even kill us all. See to it that I am informed of all events related to this treaty, and take of yourself. I hear their out to get your head.

End Hyperspace Transmission_

_Begin Hyperspace Transmission
To: Justice Joshua Parker, Supreme Court of the Confederation
From: Alan Rak
Encryption: One time cipher pad; key as long as message; double encoded

As you are probably aware, your President and his co-conspirators are trying to railroad a poorly formed peace treaty though the heart of the Confederation. If he does anything, and I mean ANYTHING, illegal, I profoundly request that you void the entire treaty. It is a death sentence for humanity, one that I wish would not be enacted. More information will follow, stay tuned.

All the best.

End Hyperspace Transmission_

---- ---- ----

Atinoda Fleet:
30 Kestrels C
5 Kestrels
15 Lightnings
10 Rapiers
10 Bulk Freighters

10 Kestrels 😄 30M
15 Integrated Torpedo Banks; 15 Torpedoes per Bank

Liquid Capital:

35M credits (sales of Kestrels, rapid sales of the Kestrel C)
10M credits (mining for ore)

General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"mailto:power64@optonline.net")mailto:power64@optonline.net(/url)power64@optonline.net

(To General Rak)
(From Zaphod Beeblebrox, High-Commander General of the Confederate Navy, (and member of the Confederate Council.)
(General Rak, how the hell you decrypted our messages I
(don't know, but it is illegal, and the Confeds. won't stand for it.)
(I have had reports from both the Hon. Joshua Parker,
(and the Underseceretary of the Confed. Council
(that you have sent them threatening messages.)
(There is no cease fire between the Rebellion
(and the Confederation.)
(I am not a violent man General, but if you keep
(performing these illegal activities,
( I will have your head on a plate.
(I hope we will not have to discuss this again.

Beeblebrox walks away, deciding he needs a drink to calm himself down.

New Antigua
The Confederate fleet starts attacking DeadBeat's ships in the system.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

DeadBeat's Lightnings attack the confed fleet head on taking heavy losses. The Argoseys and Kestrels flank the fleet from the side. The outcome unknown. "Sir the fleet's signal is becoming weak possibly because of interferance caused by localized signals." says the Communications Officer. "Try to bypass them!" DeadBeat yells back. Once the full signal is restored it becomes apparent the battle has become chaotic. Friendly fire is now the lead cause of death on the battlefield. "Try to regroup remaining fighters for another attack." DeadBeat says to his #2.
Flag Ship: Jolly Roger
Income: 500 thousand a round
Bank: 34.5 million
Fleet: 2 Kestrels
5 Corvettes
7 Argoseys
16 Lightnings

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/deadbeat/") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

(Message to Confederation)
(From Pres. Aaron)
Hang on. We will be able to send help soon. Just hang on.
Pel a gon
The Jadzian Cruisers now ready to depart head off towards New Antigua.
(Message to Rebellion)
(From Pres. Aaron)
Your fleet is needed now! Get it to New Antigua ASAP.
New Bavaria
"According to reports from Confederates fighting at New Antigua, friendly fire is the leading cause of loss for DeadBeat and his men. I think i can prevent this from happening to our vessels."- Red
"Do it. You have the whole science budget at your disposal."- Aaron
"I'll get right on it"- Red

Income: 3Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 11.45Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock(As of yet N/A)
Surplus: 0.1M worth of metel+rock
Notes: Built 2 Cruisers, 4 Warbirds for New Bavaria.
New Bavaria is again in top condition.
Cruiser Refit: Complete, cruisers have set out for New Antigua.

Insanity has its advantages

The confusion in New Antigua is an advantage for the Confederation, as they swoop down, attacking each of DeadBeat's and Den'Zar's ships. Several are destroyed, but 2 Frigates and 8 Patrol ships have already gone down.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

DeadBeat's ships regroup and begin to hit the Confed ships head on in an attempt to confuse their ranks. It works the Confed fleet has become spread out from the tight grouping they were in. The Cruisers and other Confed vessals are now easy pickings.
Flag Ship: Jolly Roger
Income: 500 thousand a round
Bank: 34.5 million
Fleet: 2 Kestrels
5 Corvettes
7 Argoseys
16 Lightnings

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/deadbeat/") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

Okay, what the heck is going on here???

Beeblebrox, that has to be THE WORST battle post I have ever seen in my entire life. It essentially acts as if none of my defenses in the system even exist!

If you wish to actually play webstories, you might consider actually paying attention to other people's posts. I will now make my battle post, starting off from the point at which the Confederate fleet entered the system.

I would have noticed this insanity sooner, but I was in a hurry and didn't read Beeblebrox's post (sorry about that), and I'm not very up-to-date on the NGC system numbers anyway.


NGC-1027 - New Antigua

As the Confederate fleet entered the system, they had positively no idea what awaited them.

Instantly dozens of Confederate warships were shredded as they rammed straight into the mercenaries wall of asteroids, derelict hulls, and space bombs. Cruisers and frigates were sliced in two as gunboats and patrol ships were chopped to bits by the millions of tons of debris and asteroids that were now chaotically floating about the exit point. The utter devastation as more and more space bombs went off, sending even more debris into the Confeds.

Massive chunks of vessels smashed into other ships. The more ships that blew up, the more debris there was for the Confeds to slam into. Suddenly, a large portion of the plasma exhaust, which covered the exit point like a nebula, ignited, taking with it even more ships. Then the suicide frieghters screamed in, exploded violently as they rammed themselves into enemy cruisers.

Den'Zar watched silently as millions of explosions cascaded around the exit point, engulfing what was previously the biggest fleet in Confederate history. Giving the order to his vessels, his Shrikes began to unload their enormous missile payloads into the enemy while the numerous armed asteroids floating about began firing off their own missiles and torpedoes. The Confederates that survived the first holocaust were now torn to pieces by Den'Zars and Deadbeat's forces. Dozens of remotely-activated heavy rockets were sent spinning into the enemy while the unholy fusillade of missiles and torpedoes continued. The primitive and crude defense drones began opening fire with what firepower they had. Even as the battle raged, light frieghters were launched from the planet, laden with missiles and torpedoes. These were under orders to begin resupplying the shrikes, defense drones, asteroids, and other ships with more ammunition.

When the mighty volley of weaponry was over, 90% of the Confederate fleet had been destroyed, and those that remained were damaged, and would not pose much of a threat for much longer.

Carnotaur then sent a message to Deadbeat.

Deadbeat - You may attack the remaining Confederate vessels at will. I will provide support fire. I am not going to commit my entire force to the battle just yet; I'm waiting for the Jadzians.

Meanwhile, more remotely-activated heavy rockets were positioned, and dozens more asteroids were pushed into the exit point, along with many more space bombs. The Light Frieghters which had been armed with broadsides of heavy rockets were kept in reserve while a few more defense drones and armed asteroids were deployed. The Shrikes were now fully restocked, and had ceased firing, instead relying on the Tigersharks to provide the support fire for Deadbeat. The thousands of tons of debris from the Confederate fleet would also provide an excellent tactical advantage, for it would shred any enemy vessel that arrived to back-up the Confeds.


OOC: In defense of my actions, every single defensive measure I have employed is perfectly logical and reasonable, as is every single one of my defensive strategies.


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
8 Kestrels
5 Argosy's
10 Corvettes
10 Rapiers

1st Fleet - New Antigua
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
10 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
1 Firebird
25 Tigersharks
60 Shrikes
60 Devil Ray Fighter-Bombers

Trade with Independent Worlds: +10M
Independence Carrier Research: -2M
New Vessels: -20M
Mining Operation: +40M
Defenses of New Antigua: -20M
Payment to Deadbeat: -5M
Current Credits: 12M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-29-2002).)

Sorry i was out. Grounded.
Stardust sends his 'Polaris' Fleet to new antiqua. 16 Reb Cruisers 50 Mantas (not includeing the ones in the bays), and 20 Distroyers make their way to new Antiqua.

(To Unreal)
(I have seen you have been comunicateing with the confeds but that is all i could decypher. May i lend you some help with anything?)

"Mind Benders, Time to
bend your mind"

DeadBeat's ships create a circle around remaining confed ships and close in for the kill.

(15 min later)
"All confed ships are destroyed or have fled the system." DeadBeat's #2 reports. "Excellent!" DeadBeat replies back. At this point DeadBeat's ships begin reporting in and according to a lead vessel 1 cruiser and 2 patrol ships lay disabled.

To: Captain Carnotaur
From: DeadBeat
Subject: Disabled Vessels
I would like your permission to board 3 disabled confed vessels and do what I want with them.

Flag Ship: Jolly Roger
Income: 500 thousand a round
Bank: 34.5 million
Fleet: 2 Kestrels
5 Corvettes
7 Argoseys
16 Lightnings
Note: The number of vessels destroyed in the recent battles is unknown.

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/deadbeat/") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

(Transmission to Deadbeat)
(Permission granted. Board and capture at will.)
(End Message)

OOC: More to come later...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

Beeblebrox sends a code to all disabled Confed ships that deletes all important information, worried that DeadBeat or Den'Zar may board the ships.

He sends out the cache of 45 Confederate Mk III Cruisers, as well as 35 Frigates to New Antigua, for a surprise attack.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

(This message has been edited by Beeblebrox (edited 11-01-2002).)