EV Webstory

A lieutenant walked into the bridge of the newly completed Independence Carrier. Seeing Carnotaur, who was looking over his new ship, the lieutenant walked over and handed him a datapad. "Sir, a light freighter carrying colonists was destroyed by the Jadzians while trying to get here. Only two or three people managed to get to the escape pods."

Carnotaur said nothing for a moment. "Did they have any affiliation with our group?"

"No, sir, they were completely innocent."

He was silent for another few minutes. "The Jadzians will pay for this.


(Message to All Governments)
(No Encryption)
(The Jadzians, Confederates, Cydonians, and Rebels all claim to be on a quest to rid the galaxy of me; a killer of innocents. They claim that I have slaughtered millions purposefully and ruthlessly. I have been painted as a renegade and a murderer, and have had my system blockaded, and even attacked by these people, and continually labelled as an evil wretch.

This is not the truth. You have all been blinded by their foolish greed and quest for revenge. I have never and will never purposefully target innocent civillians. Any deaths were accidental, and caused by stray weapons or inaccurate targetting. Were millions really killed? Nay! A mere few hundred were killed, all of these accidental. I greive for these people and their families, and I wish I could somehow bring them back, but I can't. I have done everything in my power to comfort their families. Am I really a ruthless murderer?

And yet these bloodthirsty hawks continue to spew propoganda and lies, and meanwhile these hypocrites do exactly what they blame me of doing; the purposeful slaughtering of innocents!

Yes, this is true! For just today, Jadzian Destroyers destroyed a defenseless and non-hostile light freighter attempting to reach my base. Was it carrying weapons? No! Was it carrying troops? No! It was carrying several thousand civillians! Innocents killed by these oppressors! It was not even told to lower its shields to be scanned; they simply attacked and destroyed it. This event is tragic, but it proves that I am not the true murderer; the Jadzians and their allies are!

Ah yes, but now you ask; why did you attack the Jadzians and Cydonians in the first place? Why did I do this? For a great cause! I was attempting merely to aid my former allies, the Rebels! I wished only to serve them and help them defeat their enemies. And yet what happens? The Rebels turn on me! They have been blinded by their greed for power and the propoganda and complete and utter lies the Confederates and Jadzians have put out.

I ask you now; what will you do about it?

I know you are all listening; I have broadcasted this message to everyone in this galaxy, from the very poorest civillians to the most rich and powerful Pirate Warlords, from the mere Rebel soldier to the Confederate president.

If you wish to hunt down murderers, you may look towards the Jadzians, not me. I am not the evil one; they, the Cydonains, and the Confederates are!

I ask you again; what will you do?

-Den’Zar Carnotaur)
(End Message)
(Delete Message Trail)


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
8 Kestrels
5 Argosy's
10 Corvettes
10 Rapiers

1st Fleet - New Antigua
1 Independence-class Carrier
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
10 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
4 Hornet Heavy Cruisers
2 Firebirds
6 Sovereign Light Cruisers
8 Destroyer Mk.IIs
35 Tigersharks
100 Shrikes
70 Devil Ray Fighter-Bombers

New Vessels: -25M
Mining Operation: +40M (morale boosted by victory against Rebels and construction of the Independence Carrier Independence )
Defenses of New Antigua: -5M
Construction of Mercenary Battlestation: -5M
Current Credits: 12M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-05-2002).)

(Message to Den'Zar)
(From Pres. Aaron)
What have the Cydonians to do with this? They have yet to take action against you.

Insanity has its advantages

(To Union)
(Highest encryption possiable with 10 way encrypted password)
(Sorry i was fixed on working on my new ship. can you re send the messages i deleted them, sorry.)

OOC: Im grounded so i will only be on for a few minutes/ Seconds.

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

DeadBeat's ships start heading for Jinx.

Flag Ship: Jolly Roger
Income: 500 thousand a round
Bank: 35.5 million
Fleet: 2 Kestrels
2 Corvettes
2 Argoseys
7 Lightnings
2 Cruisers
6 Frigates

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/deadbeat/") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

(To Aaron)
(You know Aaron, Tritanium doesn't grow on trees.)
(I can send you enough for 20 ships. No more.)
(I cannot send you shield generators, our
(engineers have too limited a supply.)

(To Den'Zar)
(Re: Open letter)
(Hmmm, gathering support for your rotten cause I see?)
(Oh well, you will be dead soon so it won't be much help.)

The Rapiers have their thrust increased by a third. They are also fitted to carry a turret.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

(Messsage to Confederation)
(From Work Team )
(med. encryption)
20,000 tons will be plenty to finish the station. Very generous of you. I dont see why you cant send us shield generaters. Just build some. It cant possibly take that long.
"Wow, 20 Confederate Cruisers worth of tritanium... This station may well last for a milenia."- Head of work team
New Bavaria: Union R &D;
The Steller Shield project was no secret among the people of the Union. Things were not going too well. With several generaters, holes could be made. With single large generaters, the shield was too weak. The single generater theory would work if only there was a strong enough power source...
As the mining continued, several freighters found crystals in the asteroids. They ignored them mostly, but one captain wanted to bring in a load of them in place of the tritanium.

Income: 3Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 13.3Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Surplus: 0.0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus: 69.5M worth of Tritanium alloy
Notes: Built 2 Cruisers, 4 Warbirds
Steller Shield; 10 posts
Joint Battle Station; Half complete. Working on other half; 3 posts

Insanity has its advantages

(Message to Cydonians)
(From Pres. Aaron)
I send this message in repete of several others.
Would you be interested in a peace treaty and possibly an alliance between our two peoples?

Insanity has its advantages

(To aaron)
(High encryption)
(Password content: High)
(Sure. Ill do it)
(One thing: Are you sided with the rebbelion? If you are please dont reply)
(If not Then reply)

In a stop in Levo the crew picks up a few asteroidsand puts it in a contaner on one of the Escourt Freighters.

Then they get to specia andcover them with Space bombs and put an ouer shell of asteroid that will disquise the "Bomb Rock".

"Sir, we should send a message ahead i heard thet there is a fleet waiting to ambush ships"
"I know, aaron is there i sent a peace treaty reply to him." - Unreal
"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

(This message has been edited by Unreal Centipede (edited 11-06-2002).)

(Message to Cydonians)
(From Pres. Aaron)
(Heavy Encryption)
The Jadzian Union is neither sided with the Rebellion or the Confederation. It is true however that there is a peace treaty with the rebellion. As you no doubt know, we have all made a temperary alliance untill we rid the universe of Den'Zar.

I also had sent a message requesting control of the Sirgil system. May i have a response on this subject please?
Construction on the station was going well. With the tritanium sent by the confederates a very thick shell was placed on the station. Even with it's shields down, it would be near impossible to destroy such a structure.
The strange crystals were being anallized by the station's small science team. They were unable to figure out why the crystals gave off so much energy(for crystals). 250 tons were sent to Union R&D; while the rest was refined...
New Bavaria
Tests, research, and speculation was made conserning the new ship's capablities. It would be slower than any other union vessel, but many times more effective.
An order came in for 10 Cruiser shield generaters, so all spare personel were put to work on that order. Once they were done they were sent to Spica in a shiny new Warbird.

Income: 3Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 16.7Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Surplus: 0.0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus: 100.0M worth of Tritanium alloy
Notes: Built 2 Cruisers, 4 Warbirds
Steller Shield; 9 posts
Joint Battle Station; Half complete. Working on other half; 2 posts

Insanity has its advantages

(To Aaron)
(I'm glad to help with the station.)

(To Unreal)
(We would appreciate any help possible to rid the galaxy of

The R&D; team add extra manoeverability and an extra fuel tank to the Rapiers, and they're finally done.
They are christened 'Confederate Fighters'.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

New Bavaria
"Have you heard of the crystals?"- Red
"Yes, i hear that they give off much more energy than they should as far as crystals are conserned."- Winfield
"They may be just what we need to make the steller shield project successful. Crystals are commonly used to channel energy. That's just what our problem is with the steller shield. We have tried the highest quality crystals in Union space, but they have all shattered under the immense energy that needs to be channeled."- Red
"According to the report of that station in NGC-9846 only half their supply was sent here. They reported that they were going to refine the rest study the reaction."- Winfield
"They have no idea what they posses..."- Aaron
The station's science team conducted some tests on the crystals and find nothing special other than the energy output. They burn all their samples up.
New Bavaria
"Try one of those crystals in the shield generater. Send 5 tons worth over to the refinery here and have them refined. Then try them in the shield.
(Message to Confederation)
(From Pres. Aaron)
(Please send me the statistics for New Melbourn(or however you spell it). Remember to send them under the highest encryption.
(Repeteing Message to Unreal)
(From Pres. Aaron)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key 2 times as long as message)
I ask for control of the Sirgil system.

Income: 3Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 20.1Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Surplus: 0.0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus: 135M worth of Tritanium alloy
Notes: Built 2 Cruisers, 4 Warbirds
Steller Shield; 8 posts
Joint Battle Station; Half complete. Working on other half; 1 posts

Insanity has its advantages

(To Aaron)
(Highest encryption with 10 10-way encrypted pass)
(You have controll of the Sirgil system except Sirgil Starports Shipbuliding area.)
The fleet enters the system and imeaditly drps the spacebomb covered asteroids into orpit and the Freighters dump raw fuel in the system. They wait for anyone to come in.
(To aaron)
(Highest encryption with 10 10-way encrypted pass)
(Dont hit the fuel bags. i have raw fuel in them. i am useing them to blockade the jumplinks.)

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

(To Aaron)
(Encryption:Really, really high, 28 extra passwords)
(The stats for New Melbourne(named after the city in southern Australia))
(It has an armour of 12000
(It's shielding is twice a Confederate Cruiser Mk IIIs
(It can jump between systems at one system per 4 days.)
(It has 9000 independent Photon and Laser turrets,
(as well as 100 Neutron Cannons.)
(It has 500 Rapiers stored in it's bays.
(and it cost 5000M credits to build.)
(Is that what you want?)
(It is now situated in the Levo system.)

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!

(Messaage to Confederation)
(From Pres. Aaron)
Thank you.
A Union troop/colonization ship enters and colonizes Sirgil III and Sirgil Starport. Shipyard rights have been given to the Cydonians to use as they wish.
The Cruiser shield generaters arrive and are placed in the top 10 most important areas of the station(bridge, engineering, primary/secondary/backup power supplies, fuel hold, personel quarters). Weapons are placed on the entire surface, the fuel tanks are full, shipyards and outfitter in top condition. It slowly moves to safe hyperspace range and jumps into NGC-5465.
New Bavaria: Union R &D;
The raw crystals are tried in the shield with little success. When the refined crystals are placed in the shield generater a shield is generated more powerful than previous attempts, but still not enough to be worth using. (haha, don't you love my writing?)
(Message to Unreal)
(From Pres. Aaron)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key 2 times as long as message)
For what purpose have you blockaded them? I have 2 bulk freighters filled and covered with space bombs stationed at the exit port. It is not a claimed system so you can do as you wish, just inform me of your plans please. Hypermail is best for such information.

Income: 4Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 24.5Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Surplus: 0.0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus: 170M worth of Tritanium alloy
Notes: Built 2 Cruisers, 4 Warbirds
Steller Shield; 7 posts
Joint Battle Station; Complete. Stats will be posted in OOC topic as soon as i have them.

Insanity has its advantages

(To Aaron)
(Our latest development is the Confederate Fighter.)
(I am sending 50 of those to the 'blockaded system'
(to help with the defense.)

The fighters head off right away.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!

(Message to Confederation)
(From Pres. Aaron)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key 2 times as long as message)
Very well. Remember to encrypt your messages at all times unless you intend for everyone to see them!!
The Warstation moves to it's designated position in the system.
New Bavaria: Union R &D;
"Why dont they work better? They seem to be better than the other crystals in every way..."- Red
"Well, maybe that's the problem right there. Shield generaters were made for use with imperfect crystals. If you go back to -i cant remember his name's- theories, you'll find that his were based on having the perfect crystal. When they didnt work we redisigned them to work with imperfect crystals."- Fresh outta the University of Jadzia Guy
"Not a bad peice of reasoning. Get me that guy's designs ASAP."- Red
Union Council
"I may have found a way to make the Steller Shield work. Time will tell."- Red
"Good. Reguarding the Warstation in NGC-5465, it had shipyards, but no metels of it's own to draw on. I suggest a mining team there."- Winfield
"Good point. I'll get to that tomarrow"- Aaron
"Troops are good, but we should have Mechs on that station to prevent capture. As many as possible!"- Russ
"Ok, I'll send the Kestrel Cs to fill the station."- Aaron
The 2 Kestrel Cs head out for NGC-5465 along with 70 BFs.

Income: 4Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 20.9Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Surplus: 0.0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus: 170M worth of Tritanium alloy
Notes: Built 2 Cruisers, 4 Warbirds. Bought 70 BFs.
Steller Shield; 6 posts

Insanity has its advantages

The Confederate engineers, brilliant as they are, start developing a new energy weapon known as the Heavy Blaster turret. It should be ready in two weeks.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!

(Rebel command)
(To all remaing troops)
At palshife we have 5,000 tons of, shall we say some help?
to all those that can pick these up it may just decimate some
unwanted fugitives In a small accident.


Originally posted by Speaker for the dead:
(Rebel command)
(To all remaing troops)
At palshife we have 5,000 tons of, shall we say some help?
to all those that can pick these up it may just decimate some
unwanted fugitives In a small accident.

Who the hell do you think you are posting for me!! If you want t join please tell us in the OOC.

"Mind Benders, Time to
bend your mind"

Out of the dark a new player arises...
Ships spread over the galaxy raiding convoys attempting to survive.
They are the assasains. Their paranoid leader refuses to group the ships in fleets and has no home base.

Suddenly a communication floods all sub-microwave frequencys...
"The assasains are coming out of the dark and we request a public backer we will aid you with our small but highly trained group of pilots, if you grant us complete control of any inhabited system. If that requirement is met I sell to the highest bidder.

Income: 300,000 from raiding
Bank: 3Million
Fleet: 18 Rapiers
35 Lightnings
3 Argosys
2 Armored Light Freighters
2 Kestrels (Outfitted with modified Space Bombs)
Flagship: Doomsday
Included outfits: 5 Proton cannons, 2 Proton turrets, 2 Shield boosters, 4 Shield Battery, 1 Space Bomb launcher, 90 modified Space Bombs
All ships are equipped with cloaking device.
All pilots are trained for infiltration, and Industrial sabatoge.
Weapon modifications: Space bombs: equipped with cloaking device, ramscoop, and remote detonation.

(If this is in anyway unfair, inform me.)

"Paranoia is Life"