EV Webstory

The Jadzian Fleet follows the Confederation fleet into Yemuro and refuel once again.
(Message to Confederation)
(From Jadzian Union)
We have detected a large station under construction in the Centari system. If we may ask, we want to know it's purpose. Must hold off assults untill civilian transport can be provided for colonists of Palshife. Colonists needed to mulch up debrie. (Check email to understand this.)
New Bavaria R &D;
Red struggles with a small problem.
"Not good, i can make thinks disapear but not reapear... Definatly not a good thing..."- Red

income: 2M cr./post
outside income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Mining in Zebetrious; 4554.15M/post
Treasury: 4558.4Mcr
Cloaking Device: 3 posts

Insanity has its advantages

The Confederate fleet refuels and waits for civilians.

(To Aaron)
(Encryption:Really darn strong)
(I'm waiting for (i)civilians(/i).)
(The station in Centauri is a military base that can actually
(hyperspace jump between systems.)

The station's hyper drives are installed and preliminary lasers and photons are installed as well as the framework being complete.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

(This message has been edited by Beeblebrox (edited 10-22-2002).)

OOC: sorry, but i never gave you disrupter technology. You're stuck with proton, laser, and partical beams. sorry to delay it but the faster things go the better.

(Message to Atinoda)
(From Pres. Aaron)
I need those Kestrels fast! please hurry up with the order. If they are done by Saterday(2pm 10-22-02) there's an extra 50M in it for you.
(Message to New Cydonia)
(From Pres. Aaron)
I ask you for the Sirgil system. I had planned to take it but you beat me to it. I am willing to throw in 100M to sweeten the deal.
Luna: Confed R &D;
The Jadzian engineers wait to see what the confederates are going to add next(hint hint)

Luna: Confed R &D;
The Confederate engineers install a new armament made from an organic component found while mining asteroids in NGC-9517. It gives you almost twice the protection of Tritanium armour. This can be installed with little extra weight added to the ship.

The station's internal framework is complete and external armament of Tritanium is nearing completion. Docking bays for thousands of ships have been added.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

Luna: Confed R &D;
Patrolships quickly becoming obsolete(sp?) this new warship will have to have better support craft. Work begins on adapting the patrolship bay to rapiers.
All Jadzian ships are consistantly scanning the system as well as those around it.
New Bavaria
Aaron goes to his quarters and hits the sack.

(This message has been edited by U.E. Admiral (edited 10-22-2002).)

Luna: Confed R &D;
The Rapiers have been altered form-wise to make them look more 'Confederate'. Their shields have also been increased slightly.
The warship has two new fuel-tanks installed as well as three Ram-Scoops. They also have room for more missile launchers.

Exactly 1500 laser turrets have been installed on the station as well as 500 Photon cannons.
Hundreds of Rapiers and Gunboats have been placed inside the station.

The station is now complete. All it needs it President Aaron to christen it.

(To Aaron)
(Your station in Nemesis is complete.)

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

Another batch of four Kestrels C was completed the day after the first. Two were sold on spot to mercenary clients, and two were send immediately to New Bavaria. They would arrive in two hours.

(ooc: gotta go - sorry I couldn't write more)

General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"mailto:power64@optonline.net")mailto:power64@optonline.net(/url)power64@optonline.net

"Send out the fleet to bring in the destroyer"
A few Escape fighters circle around the Destroyer and escourt it to land. Unreal greets the captin and crew and ask "what do you want"
Aaron replys

Zebetrious --- >Barnard --->SOL
The kestrels, the alpha fleet make their way to SOL to meet with The high-commander. thy get there and ask to speak with the High commander,

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

(This message has been edited by Unreal Centipede (edited 10-22-2002).)

OOC: Unreal, it's speak and Destroyer.

The Confederate fleet is scanning the system.

More work on the station is done. Residential areas of the station have been built and the trade center is installed.
It will be finished in approximately two weeks.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

DeadBeat orders his crew to start heading for they're new base of operations, now renamed "Jinx".
The terraformers call in to say they're work is complete. "Excellent!" DeadBeat thinks to himself as they head into hyperspace.

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/deadbeat/") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

The station is almost complete. The hyperdrive is being tested as well as it's abilities to map out new systems before it reaches them.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

OOC: Who here thinks that "4554.15M/post" is WAY too much income from just mining a single system? UE Admiral, I would prefer if you didn't get THAT much. It's just silly.

I might also note that, in general, the Jadzians and Cydonians have been constructing ludicrous amounts of ships per post. The Jadzians, in one post, built something like 120 Destroyers. That's insane and has no possible excuse, especially for such a small nation.


New Antigua

Life was good for the mercenaries. Their colony had been greatly expanded both militarily and industrially. Many colonists had arrived and trade with nearby independent worlds was expanding each day. Money once used for the research of the ESG was then diverted to the construction of three new Dragons, for the 1st Fleet, and another Kestrel, for the defense fleet, which even furthur boosted the strength of the mercenaries.



Three Kestrel escort frigates glided silently through the system, the sun gleaming off their black holes. A pair of Pirate corvettes eyed them from behind an asteroid, when suddenly a wave of Lightnings pounced on the unsuspecting Corvettes, disabling them quickly as boarding crews were shuttled over.

Checking for any other enemy vessels in the system, the captain of the lead Kestrel opened a comm channel with the New Antigua colony. "All Pirates in system have been subdued. Proceeding towards station."

The Kestrels then continued on towards their destination; Listening Post 95. The lead Kestrel moved ahead and docked with the station, the airlock opening loudly after not having been used for months.

The station was in perfect condition, seemingly untouched by time. The computer was still functioning, constantly sending reports back to Confederate space. This was deactivated, and soon engineering crews began analyzing the situation of the station. Though used as a mere listening post, it was still fully equipped to support civillians, and thus the engineers set to work making only a few small preparations for the arrival of colonists, shipyard workers, and other personel. These would all be part of a large-scale mining operation in that sector. Large amounts of funds were being put into it (including a sizable amount of cash plundered from none other than Lars Magna), but the rewards were incredible, and already credits began pouring in, which helped pay for several new Tigersharks and Shrikes.


Mercenary Research & Development

The current lack of any real capable fighter in the Mercenaries armada was soon being realized by the commanders at New Antigua and Den'Zar himself. The Rapier was underpowered, the Lightning underarmoured, and the Hawk undergunned. A new design was then proposed; the Devil Ray Fighter-Bomber. It would not be as nimble as the Defender, of course, but it could deliver a sizable payload and would serve as an excellent addition to the fleet. Research was expected to be completed shortly.


(Message to Jadzians)
(We are on our way to you now.)
(End Message)


The mercenary fleet entered the Jadzia system, silently moving towards the planet. Soon, they moved into a low orbit, still having not said anything.

The Jadzians then hailed the mercenaries, but got a very different response from what they had expected.

Suddenly, the patrolling Jadzian vessels were torn apart by a hail of torpedoes and nuclear warheads. As other vessels in the system turned to see what was happening, they too were torn apart. The Kestrel Cs began chasing down and destroying fleeing Jadzian vessels, preventing them from warning others.

Immediately the Jadzian military went into a state of panic and desperately called for reinforcements; however, the Mercenaries were jamming their transmissions. The Shrikes, which had not taken part in the annihilation of the patrolling vessels, began firing off huge fusillades of missiles into the planet.

The fusillades were not, however, targetted at civillians. They were instead targetted against military and industrial installations, as well as any shipyards on the surface. The defense fleet, which began to rise through the atmosphere to combat the mercenaries, found itself shredded by endless barrages of torpedoes from the tigersharks and missiles from the Shrikes. One group was annihilated by a nuclear warhead from the Firebird.

Soon, almost nothing remained of the Jadzian military in the system, and the Mercenaries quickly headed off towards the Rebel colony of Spica, and during their trip through Jadzian space they tore apart a few other vessels as well.

When they reached Zebetrious, the Mercenaries attacked the almost completely defenseless heavy frieghters and the under-defended station. Severe damage was done to the station, and over a third of the bulk frieghters were destroyed, and the rest disabled or heavily damaged.

Capella also found itself in the path of the seemingly unstoppable Mercenaries. They had been warned and put up a stronger defense, but it was not organized quick enough or very well in the first place, and a barrage of nuclear weapons turned most of the Confederate fleet to molten slag.

Soon, the Mercenaries arrived at Spica, where they rearmed and awaited an expected counter-attack.

But their point had been made; the mercenaries were now loyal to the Rebellion. They had also caused an immense amount of damage, which the Jadzians would find hard to recover from.


New Cydonia

All was normal at the largest spaceport on the planet, now bustling with traders and military craft. No one noticed two bulk frieghters, positioned at different areas of the spaceport, had been abandoned and had not moved or been boarded for some time. Another thing that was odd was that they had been placed in an area which was used only for military use. This had gone unnoticed because both had Cydonian military symbols painted on them, though these had been secretly added.

Inside them, several hundred tons of liquid deuterium sloshed around, and within that, lay a few dozen pounds of explosives, attached to an electronic detonator.

Suddenly, on the precise moment, both frieghters exploded. The enormous fireball enveloped dozens of Cydonian military craft, and shot molten debris at super-sonic speeds into the surrounding areas. When the smoke cleared enough to see, all that was left of the two military areas was thousands of tons of blackened and twisted debris, and two very large craters.

Similar explosions took place on several other Cydonian bases, including two on Scorpio, all of which presumably orchestrated by the same group. The damage to the Cydonain military was bad, but not as devastating as the sneak attack on Jadzia.


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
7 Kestrels
2 Argosy's
8 Corvettes
10 Rapiers

1st Fleet - Yemuro
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
6 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
1 Firebird
12 Tigersharks
14 Shrikes

Mining Fleet
5 Bulk Frieghters

Trade with Independent Worlds: +10M
Payment for Kestrel Cs: -16M
New Vessels: -10M
Payment for Bulk Frieghters: -10M
Credits Collected from Lars Magna: +15M
Upgrades to Mining Outpost: -5M
Mining Operation: +5M
Devil Ray Research: -1M
Current Credits: 2M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

Beeblebrox heard of the merc attack on Jadzia. Luckily, there were only a couple of ships in Capella since it is only a trading system.

The Centauri station is complete. Beeblebrox flies to the christening of the remarkable war-machine, where he names it, 'New Melbourne' the first artificial station that can rival a planet in terms of area and power.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

The old fashioned offices of Atinoda were busy at all times of the day. A seemingly incomprehensible maze of hallways and offices were scattered about the area, conducting transactions in excess of a billion credits every day. As Rak walked down the main aisle, his fellow employees greeted him. Directly ahead of him was a hinged oak door with a frosted glass window in it. A rarity in modern offices, Rak enjoyed working in the comfortable, classy environment. He opened the door, causing the occupants of the room to look up at him. As he walked in and closed the door behind him, he took in the appearance of the conference room.

Books and papers lay haphazardly around the room, tacked to walls and shoved chaotically into the bookshelves around the perimeter of the area. Strategic assessments, financial reports, and other papers lined bulletin boards across the walkway around the main table. The table itself was made of mahogany, custom crafted by one of the finest furniture artists of the time. Each seat around the table had a moveable digital display attached to it, and was equipped with a luxurious leather reclining chair. Rak was shocked by the disorder of the room. One of the executives, reclined back in his chair, spoke to Rak: “Welcome to the war-room. Coffee’s over-” he pointed his thumb towards an intimating coffee machine in the rear of the room, “there, and the coat jacket’s by the door. That’s all you need to know.” Sitting up straight, he smiled.

---- ---- ----

Once everyone was seated, Rak at the head of the table, the President of Atinoda, sitting on the other end of the table, rose and addressed the board. The room fell silent. “This meeting of the board of corporate directors is hereby convened. Alan Rak presiding.” Bauch nodded is head to Alan, and then took his seat. The Chairman rose, getting up completely from his seat, and strolled over to the empty space behind his chair.

“Before I begin, I would like to offer a few words on my appreciation for being selected to succeed Justice Parker as CEO and Chairman. Gentleman, when I was asked by the Honorable Justice Joshua Parker to become the next Chief Executive of Atinoda, following his appointment to the Supreme Court of the Confederation, I was skeptical. I found myself reluctant to accept the offer, for many reasons. However, I finally decided to try my hand with this firm. I knew it would different from my time spent both as the managing director of a law firm, and my time spent as the President and COO of a major financial institution, but I did not realize how different it would be. I take this time to thank you for giving me the opportunity to bring Atinoda into the next century.

“Before I discuss our financial results for this quarter, I would like to discuss a few major changes in corporate hierarchy and asset allocation. Following the recent expansion of our fleet, I feel it is prudent to appoint someone to manage the fleet, and coordinate defense of the station. After discussing several ideas with my advisors, I have come to the conclusion that it would be in our best interested to appoint former Admiral Michael Waller as supreme commander of Atinoda naval forces, and as the director of the newly formed department of defense. I have already hired him, and Mr. Scalding is almost complete establishing the department of defense.

“Further, I have convened a permanent blue ribbon panel to first conduct a top level review of the company, and then to oversee daily of operations of the institution. The panel composition is confidential; all I will disclose is that I will chair the panel, and it will be composed of five select persons, all sworn to secrecy.” Many of the executives had blanched, some looked like they had soiled their pants. Rak grinned inwardly, knowing full well that the controlling interest he had been given as a gift from Justice Parker gave him carte blanch authority.

---- ---- ----

Atinoda Fleet:
20 Kestrels C
5 Kestrels
15 Lightnings
10 Rapiers
10 Bulk Freighters

11 Kestrels C at base price (66M)
10 Rapiers (12M)
10 Bulk Freighters (12M)

Liquid Capital:
12M credits

35M credits (sales of Kestrels, rapid sales of the Kestrel C)
16M credits (Carno)

General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"mailto:power64@optonline.net")mailto:power64@optonline.net(/url)power64@optonline.net

After being delt a devistateing blow, the New Cydonia re-hazard teams pick up what is left of the Bulk freighters. They pick up the black box and the IFF scanner, as well as others. "Sir we know who did those attacks!" - Re-hazard person "Who?" "Well we think it was the mercs" - Re-hazard person "what prof have you?" "Well we have the black box and the pepole use the words 'Mercinary job' and 'hit them hard'. We also have the IFF scanner and it is merc signal." - Re-hazard person "Sounds good to me."-unreal.

(To: anyone except Mercs)
(From: High commander Unreal of New Cydonia)
(Subject: Help)
(We have just lost a few million civelions(sp) in a cowardly attack by Mercinaries. They blew 2 Bulk freighters on each of my space ports. I am offering 3M if someone can bring me back the head of their lead Merc.)

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

OOC: I won't argue with the black box thing because it really doesn't matter (though I would normally remove them, but I'll let that pass in fairness). However , the bulk freighters exploded in a purely military area of the spaceports, and as such civillian casualties were low.

And, of course, you do not know which mercenaries. There are many out there, Den'Zar just controls a large group.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

ooc: it is to elaminate all!

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

As DeadBeat exits his ship and steps onto his new planet he's amazed. The planet is completely transformed from a wasteland into a jungle full of living creatures. "How did you do it?" he asks the terraformers. "Our techniques and machines allow us to speed up the aging of the planet so it becomes mature faster."

DeadBeat then calls up a reliable construction company to begin building a base. Shortly afterwards various ships begin to pour in.

Ship: Jolly Roger
Income: 500 thousand a round
Bank: 52 million
Fleet: 2 Kestrels
5 Corvettes
7 Argoseys
16 Lightnings

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/deadbeat/") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

Den'Zar was puzzled by the fact that neither the Cydonians or the Jadzians had made a major assault against him due to his attacks against them. Now that no attack had come, the mercenaries relaxed slightly, and celebrated at news that the mining operation was at full effeciency, and with that came increased trade, and with that came credits to build more warships. Immediately six new Shrike Missile Boats and two new Tigershark Assault Frigates were constructed and sent to Spica.

The design of the Devil Ray had also been finalized, but research would still continue for a time. One of the major issues in the design was the aggrovating problem of miniaturization. The Mercenaries were, after all, squeezing a lot into a little fighter. Scientists, however, soon found that many systems could be miniaturized simply be re-arranging them or removing useless components not important to the Devil Ray. One concession was made in the area of fuel and hyperdrives; the Devil Ray had none. It was concluded that a special carrier would have to be built to accomodate the Devil Rays, which would be researched later.

The Devil Ray's stats were as follows:

Devil Ray Fighter-Bomber
Shields: 45
Armor: 15
Shield Recharge: 15
Speed: 500
Manvr.: 6
Accel.: 600
5 Laser Cannons
2 Javelin Rocket Launchers + 90 Javelin Rockets
1 Space Bomb Launcher + 4 Space Bombs


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
7 Kestrels
2 Argosy's
8 Corvettes
10 Rapiers

1st Fleet - Yemuro
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
6 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
1 Firebird
14 Tigersharks
20 Shrikes

Mining Fleet
10 Bulk Frieghters

Trade with Independent Worlds: +12M
New Vessels: -14M
Payment for Bulk Frieghters: -10M
Mining Operation: +15M
Devil Ray Research: -1M
Current Credits: 4M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

Beeblebrox gathers up a fleet of every ship available as well as many more. He ends up with 80 Cruisers, 65 Frigates and 120 Patrol ships.
They head straight for New Antigua.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum