EV Webstory

(To Aaron)
(Encrypted: Drob Bear Carcass)
(3 million innocents!)
(The Rebels will die.
(We will destroy rebel worlds, we will kill innocents.)
(No one will escape our wrath!)
(Tell us where to go, and we will follow)

-Zaphod Beeblebrox - President of the Universe
All hail El Presidente Beeblebrox

At the base of New cydonia, Unreal was quickly designing a new ship, The Escape fighter. A knock on the door anonced the arival of Unreals Cheef Staffs(wo)man, Tara.
"Sir, the leathes are massing" - Tara
"Then we need to start work on this" - Unreal
Tara looked at the plans. "A modyfyed Lightning? Are you crazy!" - Tara
"Well, yes" - Unreal

(To: Atinoda Corporation)
(Subject: Upgraded Lightnings)
(I would like to sell you the plans for my new upgraded lightning. I am willing to strike a deal with you, the plans for 2 Kestrel Cs. If you want it reply)

"ooh ooh new wepon!!" - Unreal

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

One BF accounted for.

One missing...

In a flash of white light, the second Bulk Freighter hypers into the Nexus system, it's engines from a scrapped Argosy (see previous posts) glowing bright yellow and ticking oer quite nicely.

Again, 700,000 gallons of slush fuel deuterium.
Again, 1 timed detonation device.
Again, 1 New Bavarian Station

One crew module, abandoned but piloted by a computerized guidance system.

Again, ph34r.

(Lies are in your head.)
Ia! Ia! (url="http://"http://www.evula.com")EVula(/url) fthagn! | (url="http://"http://users.adelphia.net/~cyberger/Ben/")Mostly-functional link(/url)

Astex is dead.

The corporate system immediately collapsed when the company was found to have ties with attempted attacks on nonhostile systems by its shareholders. The Confederacy reclaimed the Antares system.

Before Confederate ships arrived in the system, Antares Station was burning away into space, its guns silenced forever, and New Providence had been plundered, its granaries looted and its warehouses emptied. The pilots of th rebelling ships, frigheters and frigates, fighters and shuttlecraft, had made their peace and the newly formed Antares Pact began its exodus to the NGC-1776.

Liberty Station surrendered without a fight once it learned of the demise of Astex, and the new government had a system and a base. What it did'nt have was an economy, any form of organisation, allies, or a source for food and other neccesities.


(Lies are in your head.)
Ia! Ia! (url="http://"http://www.evula.com")EVula(/url) fthagn! | (url="http://"http://users.adelphia.net/~cyberger/Ben/")Mostly-functional link(/url)

Government: Antares Pact
Allies: None
Enemies: None defined
Treasury: 30 million credits
Position: Chaotic, newly formed alliance of spaceship crews and station personelle.
Flag ship: APS Vengeance, Type: Confed Frigate, Stationed: Liberty Station
Systems: NGC-1776
Stellars: Liberty Starport (Harvest: 3000 tons metal/ round)
10 BFs: total cargo 50,000 tons.
20 Confed Patrol ships
2 Scoutships: At Antares Station
3 Confed Frigates
Income: None (no trading partners.)

I agree with Carnotaur, a galactic map would be VERY handy.

(Lies are in your head.)
Ia! Ia! (url="http://"http://www.evula.com")EVula(/url) fthagn! | (url="http://"http://users.adelphia.net/~cyberger/Ben/")Mostly-functional link(/url)

OOC: Is anyone in charge of Lethe?


Construction continue on a very capeable fleet of Escape fighters.

First test commencing.

New Cydonia marked a bulk freighter as 'Marked to distroy' so not to piss any one off. The fleet of Escape fighters named 'Republic fleet' enters a near by uninhabited system. they see the bulk freighter. a quick sensor sweep concludes that it has upgraded sheilds and armor. the Reppublic fleet closes in. Laser shots fire from the bridge of the Escapes, ripping the bulk Freighter to bits.

Second test.

The fleet moves into Lethe. a group of Lethe warships are waiting for them. They do their sensor sweep and then procede to rip the warships to scrap metal. A few lazer shots rip 3 Agrosys engen section to bits blowing up the rest. 2 corvetts close in and get shredded. They then head back to base.

"good exilant (sp). Very good, they are going to turn the tide of the war." - Unreal
"I hope they reply soon" -Tara
"we all do those will aid us in the war. and our Escape fighters fit in all lightning and manta bays. I dont know about PT Ship bays," - Unreal

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

(To Head of Antares Pact)
(Hello from the Confederation!)
(I am Commander-General Beeblebrox, and I propose
(a trade pact with you.
(We have many valuable things to trade with you.)
(As a gift, I have sent a Bulk Freighter full of your luxury goods for
(you and your people.)
(And rememeber, do not have contact with Rebel scum,
(for the Confederation does not smile upon allies
(of the Rebellion.

-Zaphod Beeblebrox - President of the Universe
All hail El Presidente Beeblebrox

(To Confederation head)
(Subject: new fighter testing)
(Greetings, i have a new fighter that i want to try out and i was wondering if i could use a scrapped, but opperationable Cruiser. I will use it to see it if your bays would support my fighters, and use it as target practace. i look forward for your reply)

(To Head of Antares Pact)
(Hello from New Cydonia)
(I propose a alliance to weed out all pirates from our systems. I feel it will benifit us both. Do not have any contact with the Rebels. They denied us water rights.)
Allys: none yet
Enemys: Rebelion

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

(To New Cydonian head)
(We are sending an out-of-service cruiser to your system.)
(We have loaded it with extra water for your people.)
(Just remember, if we need a favour done,
(you must do it.)

-Zaphod Beeblebrox - President of the Universe
All hail El Presidente Beeblebrox

"Sir the Confeds have sent a Cruiser it will be here in next post' - Tara

Combat test 3

The fleet trys ot the omega pattern. they fly together so it looks like a bigger ship. he sends out a corvette to look at them in radar. he reports back that they look like a Confed cruiser. they head to Lethe to try to get tribute.

The fleet aided by a nther fleet of only corvettes. at the sight of them the planet sent out their defence fleet. 4 corvetes come out and imedatly get turned into scrap. another wave comeout and get bombarded by the corvettes. after a few minutes the Lethe defence is gone, as well as a few Escapes. Lethe surenders and the remaining ships bombard the foot solders.

Allys: Confed (kinda)
Enemys: Rebelion
Captured planets: Lethe Prime

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

(To Aaron)
(Encrypted: Kitty Carcass)
(There is a planet called Hikeeba in the Gymkata system.)
(I want it.
(Would you be able to help me conquer the system, if you do this
(we will build a station for you in the system.)
(We have a trade pact now with New Cydonia, which also controls Lethe Prime.)
(Any attack made by you on New Cydonian ships will be
(counted as an attack against the Confederation, and you will
(be readily destroyed.)
(This is not a threat, but a warning.)

Beeblebrox hears from his post on First Centauri that the Levo technicians have made a new breakthrough on Levo.

Beeblebrox climbs in a cruiser upgraded with stolen Rebel outfits, and heads witha fleet of 12 Cruisers, and 6 Frigates and 4 Gunboats to the Levo system, on the way to Gymkata.

-Zaphod Beeblebrox - President of the Universe
All hail El Presidente Beeblebrox

(This message has been edited by Beeblebrox (edited 10-20-2002).)

Unreal starts massing a fleet for attack on scorpio.

The new fleet ehters the system and imeaditly distroys all non-confederation/non-confed allied ships then demands tribute. they send out 10 distryers and they are imeaditly diastoyed by the sheer power of the Escape fighters. the next wave comes out and gets distroyed but not before takeing down 6 Escape fighters. a nother fleet of Escape fighters enters the system and starts bombarding the defence docks. Yet a nother fleet enters the system.

Cydonian fleet:
90 Escape fighters
40 Corvettes

Defence fleet
15 gone
((Need Stardust to follow up))

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

OOC: Errrr... Beeblebrox; stolen Voinian armor???


(Message to Atinoda Corporation)
(From Den'Zar Carnotaur, Mercenary)
(We are interested in purchasing some of your new Kestrel Cs, though payment may be slightly delayed pending credit income. Please include the stats for the new vessel and the price.)
(End Message)


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
6 Kestrels
2 Argosy's
8 Corvettes
10 Rapiers

1st Fleet - Yemuro
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II )
3 Dragons
1 Firebird
10 Tigersharks
12 Shrikes

ESG Research Cost: -2M
Trade with Independent Worlds: +8M
Current Credits: 8M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(Message to Confederation)
(From Pres. Aaron)
I'm sorry but i will not take Gymkata. I have no quarrel with them what-so-ever. I will not attack innocent people of the galaxy. I would rather i die off with some honor remaining than lose it all in attacking helpless independants. I'm afraid you'll have to wipe me out.

Insanity has its advantages


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**OOC: Errrr... Beeblebrox; stolen Voinian armor???

OOC: It's fixed.

(To Aaron)
(That's sad that you won't participate in the capture.)
(Oh well, I won't destroy you we might need you.)
(But don't expect any special favours Aaron.)

Beeblebrox and his fleet pick up 8merenaries in Rapiers and jump into Vulcan.

-Zaphod Beeblebrox - President of the Universe
All hail El Presidente Beeblebrox

Begin Hyperspace Transmission
To: Unreal
From: Executive Vice President Harry Clark, Atinoda Corporation
Encryption: 1024 bit Encryption

We’re sorry, but we’re not interested in trading two Kestrel C heavy frigates for the designs for your modified lightning fighter. The corporation has reviewed their combat performance and technical abilities, have determined that they lack sufficient firepower to serve as a general support fighter or in BARCAP patrols.

However, if you wish to purchase the Kestrel Cs, you may do so for one million off each of their stock prices (because you placed the first order), thus you could buy a pair for merely fourteen million.

End Hyperspace Transmission

Begin Hyperspace Transmission
To: Den'Zar Carnotaur
From: Executive Vice President Harry Clark, Atinoda Corporation
Encryption: One time cipher pad; key as long as message; double encoded

Mr. Carnotaur:

As we have done business with mercenaries before, we understand your system of honor in repaying us. We are very interesting in your business, and are willing to offer you deferred payment (until page seven). The payment is sixteen million credits, eight million per star ship.

As for the stats of the ship, they are enclosed. I should note that they are somewhat improved from the prototype, due to modifications of the ship, and new technology integrated.

Kestrel C Heavy Assault Frigate
Production Model
Speed: 270 auph
Accel: 210
Turn: 100 degrees per second
Shields: 260u
Recharge: 0.6 ups
Armor: 80u
Cargo: 40 tons
Fuel: 700u
Length: 80m
Mass: 260 tons
Crew: 120
Price: 8,000,000 credits
Weaponry: 4 Torpedo Launchers + 20 Torpedoes
2 Missile Racks + 16 Missiles
2 Heavy Rocket Launchers + 8 Heavy Rockets
4 Proton Turrets
1 Lightning Bay + 2 Lightnings
Features: Exceptional integrated C^4 functions, top-notch sensor suite, thick fortified armor, dynamic engines, dynamic shielding with projection ability, all weapons enhanced by Atinoda engineers; designed specifically to work with the Kestrel C and to have improved firepower, range, and maneverability.

End Hyperspace Transmission

---- ---- ----

Atinoda Fleet:
2 Kestrels C
5 Kestrels
15 Lightnings

1 Kestrel C at base price (6M)

Liquid Capital:
6M credits

5M credits per post (due to rapid sales of the Kestrel C)

General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"mailto:power64@optonline.net")mailto:power64@optonline.net(/url)power64@optonline.net

The remainig 20 distroyers undock and get heavly damaged by the corvetes. they return fire in vain, the Escape fighters utterly distroy the remaining distroyers but loseing 5 of their own in the mass explosions. The rebelion has lost scorpio.

"sir we lost scorpio"
"shi*! Who was it?"
"new cydonia."
"they sall pay!"

-Rebel income 10M
-Tribute income 100,000
Bank: 10,100,000 CR
Personal Fleet:
5 Firebirds
3 Cruisers
Important news for rebbelion (sp):
Matar is ours for a short time then regil is, dont head to regil untill noted.
We lost Scorpio in a curagous battle by the defence fleet. Dont head to scorpio.

"Mind Benders, Time to
bend your mind"

Scorpio is ours!!
The battle won and the planet taken the fleets land and get some well deserved R&R.;
After that the fleet heads for Sirgil. Tryvin ---> Regulus ---> Pelegon. when the get to the Pelegon system they restock their ammo and refuel. The fleet comander talks plans for the fleet.

(To: Atinoda Corporation
(Encryption: 1024 bit Encryption)
(Put a order for a pair of them in for me. when their done send them to Opal. I will be waiting there for them.)

The cruiser enters the system and imeaditly lands on New Cydonia. The dock hands start seeing if the fighters will fit and they do. then they send it up with no one piloiting and the remaining fighters start attacking it and rip it to shreds in .05 seconds.
"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

(This message has been edited by Unreal Centipede (edited 10-20-2002).)

(Hyperspatial Tranmission)
(New Sparta, Cydonia)
(Origin: Liberty Starport)
(Encryption Level: Puce Hamster)

We will join you in the fight against the Pirates and Letheans. Your ships are free to dock at Liberty Starport at any time. If we conquer Lethe, we can share in its harvest.

(End Transmission)


...Message Sent.

BTW, If there is no response soon, I will consider Nexus Starport destroyed.

(Lies are in your head.)
Ia! Ia! (url="http://"http://www.evula.com")EVula(/url) fthagn! | (url="http://"http://users.adelphia.net/~cyberger/Ben/")Mostly-functional link(/url)

After a quick stop the fleet enters the Sirgil system and trys to take the defence fleet on. they send out all their defence fleet. A 10 distroyers get a hole through their bridge. the other 40 get utterly distroyed but not before takeing down 8 Escape fighters. one fleet starts bombarding the other distroyers with hit and run attacks. one group flys right above and below them fireing then they pull away and a nother comes from the vapor trail of the others. by doing this after an hour they lose 20 but the defence loses 700 distroyers. its 300 distroyers aganst 50 Escape fighters. the fighters start attacking the distroyers. While they are doing that yet another fleet pops in and helps in the mayhem.

((need stardust followup))

P.S. How long will my kestrel Cs come in?
"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

(This message has been edited by Unreal Centipede (edited 10-20-2002).)