Battle for Sol III - The Saga Continues

Skyblade walked slowly off the bridge of the Liberty , still in a state of shock. He didn't even notice the dozens of officers who saluted him as he passed their positions. He didn't know how he was going to break this news to the crew; the Milky Way still lived on, and the human race with it.

Skyblade walked into his quarters and locked the door behind him. He sat down in his bed and pondered over Plute's word. He can't be lying, Skyblade thought to himself. It all makes sense now.

He heard a knock at his door. "Deckerd here, sir."

"Be right there," Skyblade responded as he walked over to unlock the door.

"May I come in?"


Deckerd took a seat, and looked at Skyblade for a few moments. "Something bothering you? Just about every member aboard the bridge noticed you weren't yourself as soon as you got that last comm message."

Skyblade made a large grin. "Well," he replied, "You wouldn't be yourself if you heard what I heard, either."

"Care to go on? Is it military matters we're dealing with?"

"Well certainly, but it isn't exactly a military matter. It's even better. Remember our old defector friend?"

"Why yes," Deckerd said. "The entire Dreden Navy has heard of Plute by now."

"He shared some quite... shocking news. Since he was formerly fighting for the Imperial cause, he had good answers for many of our questions. And finally, one of my biggest questions has been solved. Our intellegence hs constantly reported of large scale alien activity along the eastern sections of Sentarus. We've all assumed that the aliens are simply preparing to conquer yet another galaxy, but that's not the case."

"Oh?" Deckerd said with curiosity in his voice.

"They are fighting a defensive war with the humans. The same humans our fathers left centuries ago."

Deckerd about fell out of his chair. He didn't say anything for a long period of time, looking at Skyblade as he attempted to pick himself up.

"How can that be," Deckerd finally managed to say in a stammer. "We didn't survive the alien onslaught, and we were all but sure the aliens destroyed the Milky Way. Our ancestors knew they were returning to finish them off. And they are alive? I can fully understood you not being yourself..."

"Yes Deckerd. But better yet, our human friends in the Milky Way are fighting together, just like we are, to bring the Empire to its knees. The very reason the jumpgate has been so active is due to fleet attacks from the Milky Way. The humans there obviously never forgot their stubborn will to fight."

"Quite true," Deckerd said with a smile. "And now that we find we have help in this war, it will come as an amazing boost of morale to our fighting boys. I can't say how pleased I am with this news..."

"And nor can I," Skyblade added. "We're going to fight all the harder now, and end Imperial madness once and for all. Go tell the fleet if you care."

Deckerd jumped up from his seat and spilled a cup of coffee sitting on the table as he raced by. "Don't worry sir. I'll let them know immediately!" Deckerd proceeded to the door, and hit his head on the side of the wall as excitement took the better of him. Before running out, he turned. "Oh, and I'll have someone clean that mess up as soon as possible." He then slammed the door and his steps could be heard as he ran down the hall.

"That guy is going to get himself killed," Skyblade said to himself with a laugh.

Skyblade hopped onto his computer and began sending out messages regarding the discovery of the humans.

_334th Fight Squadron: Plute, I've just shared with the fleet the news. Proceed to let your Dreden fighter pilots know... They might find this all quite a shocker.

36th and 42nd Warfleet: I am pleased to inform you that the humans of the Milky Way live on. At this very moment, they are launching attacks against a common enemy. We're not alone in this war, and I share any excitement you guys hold regarding the issue.

42nd: Mine the area, Jimbob. Just be on alert for enemy mobility, and report it as soon as possible should it happen. That is all.

-Your happy commander of a President, Skyblade-_

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

When the news reached Azdara Ace, he was silent for about a minute, and then, finally, broke into a huge smile. It was just too good to be true. The news spread throughout the fleet like wildfire. Azdara Ace didn't even have to make a general broadcast, the crew did it for him. Now, possibly, he could trace his families roots, way back to the very area on Earth that his family originated from.

But, for now, he needed to set up defenses. He needed to know something about the Trinity Cannon first though. He knew what he wanted to do would work, he just wasn't sure that he'd be able to get one. He sent the following message to President Skyblade:

President Skyblade,

To best protect this planet, I would like permission to build a ground-based Trinity Cannon. Also, I think that it would be to our advantage to place a Dreden outpost in Sten, as it is a key point in defending the Rebellion from Imperial attack. Pollis is secure, do you wish me to take control of Bernside, a neighboring system? I can attack and take it over quickly, and this way, the Empire couldn't use the planet as a thorn from behind, attacking us from within our borders.

sincerely, Vice Admiral Azdara Ace_

The Dreden 36th Warfleet Division is fully restocked and refuelled.

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.

The assault team inserted by the Ghost had one and only one goal: to capture what remained of Kaujathat. If they couldn't complete that goal, they were to completely destroy the jumpgate's infrastructure. It was led by the war hero Commodore Peter Seagle. It was very rare that a commodore actually went out in the field with his troops.

The assault team was composed the following way:

Commander in Chief: Commodore Peter Seagle

Team One: Storms the right branch of the command center and storms the command room
Commander: Captain Jean de Troutes
30 Assault Troopers
10 Sharpshooters
2 Armored Personel Carriers (APC)

Team Two: Storms the left branch of the command center and covers team one when they storm the command room.
Commander: Captain Yamato Sordpheesh
12 Assault Troopers
3 Sharpshooters
5 Rocketeers
10 Snipers
10 Gunners
4 Mobile Projectile Turrets (MPT)

Profile: Assualt Trooper
Weapon One: Medium Assualt-Rifle
Weapon Two: Three Fragmentation Grenades
Armor: Medium Armor

Profile: Sharpshooter
Weapon One: Long Range Pistol
Weapon Two: Scoped Heavy Pistol
Armor: Light Armor

Profile: APC
Weapon One: Quad-turreted chaingun
Weapon Two: Dual side mounted rear shotgun
Weapon Three: Anti-tank rocket turret
Armor: Extremely heavy armor

Profile: Rocketeers
Weapon One: Rocket launcher
Weapon Two: Anti-turret rockets
Weapon Three: Anti-personel rockets
Armor: Heavy Armor

Profile: Sniper
Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Armor: None

Profile: Gunner
Weapon One: Heavy Assualt-Rifle
Weapon Two: Medium Machine Gun
Weapon Three: Light Sub-Machine Gun
Armor: Very Heavy Armor

Profile: MPT
Weapon: Quad heavy chaingun
Armor: Medium Armor


Team One surged through the ravaged hallway, led by Seagle and tailed by Troutes. In front of them was a light door, blown almost completely off its hinges. However, behind it, the Marines' sensors picked up an ambush. Seagle positioned his assault troops at an angle to the main door, and had his sharpshooters aim right at the door. He, himself, planted the C4 at the base of the door, and then dove to the side. The explosion tossed the door into the next room. The door, careening off the back wall, slammed right into a cloaked Alien. Almost instantly, ten shots rang out. Ten holes appeared on the now decloaked Alien, and he collapsed on the ground.

Another shot rang-out as something moved in the darkness. Seagle grabbed three grenades and tossed them into the other room. Three large explosions later, Seagle dove through the door, toting a deadly sub-machine gun. Nothing moved. His team came rushing in a second later, spreading around the room.

The team cautiously opened the next door, which, though magnetically sealed, has taken a fair amount of damage due to the grenades. The door opened up to a large balcony that overlooked the entrance chamber to the command room. Several snipers were patrolling the walkways, and there was a turret at the end of each catwalk. Seagle signaled to team two, who was in position


In team two, Captain Sordpheesh was preparing his troops for battle. He received a communication from team one, and initiated the assault. His assault team stormed through the door, hitting the deck as they entered the room. His turretters, who had been setup right by the door, opened fire. They began ripping through bodies like they werenŐt there.

Above the entrance room, AlienŐs were scurrying around furiouslyÉ that is until SeagleŐs sharpshooters eliminated all of the Aliens in one swift stroke.

Both teams assembled in the entrance hall. Seagle setup all of the two teamsŐ soldiers with cross-angles. Anything that moved would be eliminated. Seagle went over to the access panel. He pressed the open button. All hell broke loose.


The top of the jumpgate at Kaujathat exploded in a mass of flamesÉ

Prepare to succumb to superior strategic intelligence
The Media: (url="http://"")AP Photo of the Day(/url)-(url="http://"")CNN(/url)-(url="http://"")New York Times(/url)-(url="http://"")Washington Post(/url)
Military Technology: (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url)
HC of a major (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance -(url="http://"")IRC(/url) Master!

Alien empire fleet status report:

364 million credits usable for purchases:

Kyle's fleet in Irrakis

2 carriers and 32 interceptors
1 heavy cruiser
1 cruiser

59th fleet Masada:

1 battlecruiser

15th(?) fleet Deus:

1 battlecruiser

total =
59th fleet Emperor Kyle, Irrakis, total:
2 carriers
6 battlecruisers
4 heavy cruisers
5 cruisers
7 destroyers
50 heavy fighters (including 10 on cruisers)
32 interceptors

59th fleet under rebel council(?), Masada, total:
1 carrier
2 battlecruisers
4 heavy cruisers
9 destroyers
44 heavy fighters
9 interceptors

15th fleet (change number if you'd like) under grundulater, placed in Deus, total:

2 carriers
1 battlecruiser
5 heavy cruisers
6 destroyers
14 gunboats
22 heavy fighters
31 interceptors

49th fleet under Jager in Kaujathat, fleet status estimation:

1 carrier
1 battlecruiser
60 heavy fighters
20 interceptors

(OOC: there, some order at last)

Go Red Sox! Down with the Yankees! 😛


Originally posted by Kylethekender545:
**49th fleet under Jager in Kaujathat, fleet status estimation:

1 carrier
1 battlecruiser
60 heavy fighters
20 interceptors

Incorrect. You flipped the HF and Int numbers around. 😉

1 Carrier
1 Battlecruisers
20 Heavy Fighters
60 Interceptors

Prepare to succumb to superior strategic intelligence
The Media: (url="http://"")AP Photo of the Day(/url)-(url="http://"")CNN(/url)-(url="http://"")New York Times(/url)-(url="http://"")Washington Post(/url)
Military Technology: (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url)
HC of a major (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance -(url="http://"")IRC(/url) Master!

OOC: Nice try there, Kyle. 😛


Private Anderson walked in with the information about mining the system. "Alright, command each ship to set up 20 space mines, and make the mines sort of form a fort around the planet. The smaller ships will go outside of the walls, while the larger ships, the GT-One, Athena, Odysseus, and Thunderclaps will go in holes inside the wall, so if a smaller ship is about to be destroyed or a civilian vessel must pass, the ship can move and let it through." Jimbob gave the orders to the Private.

The set up took a while, but within three hours the system was fortified.
Pollis is now semi-fortified

Cause: Putting a V12 engine on a tricycle.
Effect: A dead 3 year old.
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)

Mod post: Azdara, negative. the trinity cannon is a ship-only weapon, and is designed for that purpose. In addition, I believe many of the members would have a problem with is being fired from the surface of a world. I could, however, try building a few Mini-outposts next purchasing phase if necessary (each carry a single trinity cannon)...

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url) was an accident! 🙂 (really it was)

Go Red Sox! Down with the Yankees! 😛

OOC: Oh bah, all of my attempts to get my hands on that weapon have failed. 🙂 Is this some kind of control method that you're using, Skyblade, to make sure that you always have more firepower than your fleet commanders? 😉 I guess I'll have to sit back and wait for the Titan mk.II........


Azdara Ace read the message. He read it again. He read it once more. No Trinity Cannons.... Well, he'd have to work up some new arragements to insure the security of the system.

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.

HC Construction:

Remaining Credits: 5,400,000
Back-charge for Hammerhead Price increase: 4,000,000
(OOC: Since I'm raising the Hammerhead's cost .5 million and only 8 have been purchased, I decided to go ahead and add this. It may not happen to everyone or every time I change a price.)
Income: 335,000,000
Total: 336,400,000


20 Destroyer M7s (100,000,000)
20 Hammerhead Gunships (70,000,000)
Total: (170,000,000)

All added to General Rak's fleet (pending conclusion of battle)

Remaining Credits: 166,400,000

Priority One Message to Admiral Mark James:
Request for an additional Carrier denied. The HC has a lot of resources, but not enough to build a continuous supply of ships. You may be sent other reinforcements after the current battles have cooled down a bit, and I can see what we need for reconstruction.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

OOC: I'm lost in the battle against the Aliens. Where are they and where are the HC exactly?


Mark looked at the message from Macavenger and frowned. "Well, if I can't get reinforcements, I'll have to make-do with what I have now."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

- - - - - Comm Channel Three - Line Secure - - - - -
Source: 101st Warfleet
Destination: 42nd Warfleet
Greetings, Commander Jimbob. I received your message concerning the "thorn in the Dreden worlds," and I intend to take action upon it while the time is good. Proceed Veratex system, and destroy the defense fleet. Once your objective is complete, return to your defenses in the Seecord system. That is all, and the best of luck. -Commander Skyblade-

- - - - - Comm Channel Five - Line Secure - - - - -
Source: 101st Warfleet
Destination: 36th Warfleet
Greetings, Azdara. I've got some new orders for you (in the future I'll give you something your fleet alone can't handle. Kidding...). Proceed to the Anvas system, and destroy the defense forces. Don't stop to restock fuel and ammo there, but return to Pollis immediately. You can restock and refuel there. Good luck. -Commander Skyblade-

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

(This message has been edited by Captain Skyblade (edited 01-01-2002).)

Jimbob was sitting around (suprising, huh?) when Private Anderson walked up to him. 'Sir, Commander Skyblade wants us to take Veratex and return to defense position in Seecord."

"Alright then, we're completely restocked and refuled, correct?" Jimbob needed to know, going into battle withtout anything isn't smart.

"Yes sir, everything is greenlight"

Jimbob told Anderson to order fleets into hyperspace for Veratex and to be ready for battle.


As the fleet arrived in the system, a siren blared and the defense fleet came out. Ity was a rather small one, consisting of 6 Gunboats and 4 Heavy Fighters. Jimbob ordered the fleet to go straight in to the area that the alien ships were approaching. The Thunderclaps began firing Plasma rockets, and took two Heavy fighters down right off the bat. As the neared the alien fleet, the Cruiser released their fighters, adding 8 heavy fighters to the fleet. The fighters all dove and fired Plasma Stingers and Beams and took down the last two heavy fighetrs while the Thunderclaps and above worked on the Gunships. Before long they had taken all the Alien Ships out.

Veratex is now under (edit)DREDEN control.

2 Titan Battlecruisers
3 Athena Battlegunships
4 Odysseus Cruisers (all fighters returned, no losses)
20 Thunderclap Destroyers
12 Hawk Gunships (two damaged lightly)
19 Lynx Heavy Fighters (1 lost
30 Slicer Medium Fighters (3 lost)
30 Cricket Interceptors (8 lost)

Jimbob restocked and refuled his fleet, and the jumped back to the fortified Seecord, and retook positions.

Tired of webboard spam? Call the Spaminator at 1-800-No-Spam. The Spaminator will come to your webboard and delete all the moderators, make himsef the head one, and delete all the posts and start the webboard over! Call right when you see someone Spam!
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)|(url="http://"")EVPlayers(/url)

(This message has been edited by Jimbob (edited 01-01-2002).)

spl_cadet moves to NGC-9473.(Yes I know this is technically impossible but give me a break. About half the systems in this area are uninhabited. It'll take two of the next posts that are made)

Liberty is indeed precious but human life is infinitely more so.
(url="http://"")Coming eventually, spl_cadet shipyards!(/url)

Commander Kyle peered at the galaxy projection with rising rage and worry. The empire was falling apart. Two brand new fleets under the former emperor had been utterly annilhated in the disaster of Verdica. Reports indicated that 2 human fleets had pummeled Commander Jager's fleet in Kaujathat as well. A drastic action must be taken to push back this second threat. With a plan of action in mind, Kyle proceeded to his foremost science officer to discuss a few "possibilities".

4 hours later, the emperor called all of his ships' commanders and all science officers to the Falconlance conference room. "As you all know, our empire is suffering great losses. Mainly, the late emperor rebel council was assassinated by a great act of treachery. Now, Commander Jager is pinned down in Kaujathat. Right now, he has withdrawn from the thick of the battle but is still under heavy fire. My science officer has presented me with a plan of action however. The human fleets invaded alien space with the cover of asteroids, fooling our commanders completely. Now I will use their lack of knowledge of the fleets beyond the barricade to our advantage. I will now let the science officer take over."

"3 hours ago, I finished importing a compiled holographic image of our fleet from all angles into 3 holographic projectors. I have sent the data to Jager's carrier in Kaujathat. When activated by myself, the projectors will display the image of our fleet. Normally, this would be impossible to pull off, but the numerous asteroids in the system will provide ample disturbance. Also, I have compiled a sensor emittor with our fleet's readings on it. This is just to serve as a basis for the proof of a fleet's presence when I activate the holograms. I have sent all data to Jager's fleet and he has planted them on 3 stable asteroids a good distance away from the jumpgate. He has also planted the sensor emittors on the same asteroids, as well as scattering objects ranging from command computers to childrens' toys into space. All will serve to enhance the chaos."

Kyle resumed the pedestal. "Should this plan work, then the humans would be pushed back once more. Our fleet shall lead the attack. Science officer Ryan shall activate holograms precisely 1 minute after our fleet's arrival in Kaujathat. All commanders return to your ships. Set heading for Pax."

- Urven, Selca, :: Pax -

The science officer stood on the bridge with the emperor. "The enemy fleet has confirmed the presence of alien ships here, but our positioning has not allowed them to determine the size of our fleet. Everything is ready sir."

Soon after, Kyle stared at his huge fleet assembled and at the ready. "Yellow alert all ships, ready to switch to red immediately upon arrival. Activate engines. Engage."

The force of red ships turned into a streaky blur as they warped out in perfect formation. Arriving in the chaos that was the Kaujathat system. It appeared to the human fleets that a very large alien fleet had just appeared. With their superiority in numbers, they immediately turned to meet the new threat.

Emperor Kyle stood on the bridge giving detailed orders to all. "Look at all those damn humans. Fighters, engage any enemy frigates. Battlecruisers, cruisers, and carriers, launch all detonator clusters upon the approach of enemy fighters. Keep your shields up at all costs! Heavy cruisers engage those republic carriers! Battlecruisers fire upon enemy battlecruisers."

Outnumbered, Kyle's fleet took many losses, but the alien weapons and technology were inflicting heavy damage upon human fleets as well. But the tide took an immediate turn after Kyle's science officer switched on the holographic emittors and sensor disruptors. What appeared the every human officer and pilot was 3 enormous alien fleets approaching in the distance. Already engaged with one sizable fleet after having expended ammo on attacking Jager's previous fleet, the human morale took a very heavy hit.

Aboard the Red October, Admiral Mark James was one of the first to see the approach of new red ships. His ship had been at the brunt of alien attack and was close to being disabled. The humans, lacking any knowledge of what lay in the depths of the alien empire, had no reason to suspect the existence of so many ships attacking them. After all, they knew the power that the aliens possessed from the previous war. "Damn it. We have no chance."

The same situation was present aboard the Republic cruiser, Cloak and Dagger, which was fighting with a brilliant display of valor. It had already withstood many cruiser attacks, but the crew had all seen the new ships.

Fighter pilots pursuing alien vessels were shocked by the approach of 3 enormous alien fleets. All were stricken and morale was plunging fast within the Confederation fleet.

Finally, General Rak gave the order to retreat through the jumpgate. Heavy capital ships needed time to turn, and while fighters could quickly fly through, most frigates and cruisers took heavy fire in their attempt to retreat. The battle was over, after many losses. The human fleets were back in Kaujathin, battered after a hard battle.

Emperor Kyle looked at his tired fleet with admiration, but gave the order to be on red alert permanently. "All ships standby, weapons charged for any further human incursion. Make repairs immediately. Also, send in troops to deactivate our side of the jumpgate. Any humans that come back here won't be able to go back home."


Rak, 16th:

(1 intrepid battlecruiser lost)
(1 enterprise battlecruiser lost)

3 Tigershark Gunships (1 lost)
1 Republic-Class Carrier
HCS Cloak & Dagger, flagship (moderate-heavily damaged)
2 Freedom-Class Cruisers (2 lost) (both lightly damaged)
6 Destroyer M8s (9 lost)
1 Swordfish
18 Skates (5 lost)
125 Stingrays (81 lost)

Mark James, 7th:

(1 Republic-Class Carrier lost)
(2 Scimitars lost)
(3 destroyer M8s lost)

1 Enterprise-Class Battlecruiser (1 lost) (moderately damaged)
1 Freedom-Class Cruisers (1 lost) (heavily damaged)
One Red October, flagship
1 Destroyer M7s (3 lost)
2 Tigershark Gunships
103 Stingrays (36 lost)
77 Swordfish (37 lost)
28 Skates (19 lost)
87 Devil Rays (31 lost)

Emperor Kyle, 29th:

1 Carrier (1 lost) (heavily damaged)
4 Battlecruisers (2 lost) (2 lightly damaged, 2 moderately damaged)
One Falconlance, flagship
1 Heavy Cruiser (3 lost) (lightly damaged)
4 Cruisers (1 lost) (all moderately damaged)
3 Destroyers (4 lost)
16 Heavy Fighters (24 lost)
9 Interceptors (12 lost)

Jager, 49th:

(1 Battlecruiser lost)
(3 Heavy Fighters lost)

1 Carrier
U.N.S. Apolo, flagship
1 heavy fighter

Go Red Sox! Down with the Yankees! 😛

(This message has been edited by Kylethekender545 (edited 01-01-2002).)

"Okay, let's prepare to make the jump to the Anvas system. Mr. Alexander, is my fleet ready and fully functional?" Azdara Ace gazed out into space towards the Anvas system, where the fleet would be heading.

"Yes, Admiral. All ships fully restocked and refueled."

"Great, then let's move out." Within 5 mminutes, the Dreden 36th War Fleet Division was screaming through hyperspace, on to their next battle. The campaign had gone very well so far. The losses had been small, and the fleet's morale was way up after the Battle of Verdica. Now that he thougt about it, Azdara Ace realized how key the Battle of Verdica had been. Yes, it would go down in history as the battle that turned the tide of the war. Who knows, mmaybe people would be reading about him in history class in a few hundred years....It was exciting to him to think that he was making history, exciting, and dangerous.


The fleet had reached its destination. The system of Anvas unfolded before the 36th Fleet. Surprisingly, there was much more activity in the system then Azdara Ace had suspected. There were freighters here and there, a few liners, and one very large tanker.

"Okay, here's the plan. We will fire at and destroy the tanker at long range by torpedos, I don't want our ships hurt when it blows. Then, the fighters can engage among the freighters, with the detroyers in front of them, making sure that the fighters aren't picked off by a defense fleet."

Torpedos shot out towards the tanker from the Red Intruder , glowing as they started heating up. The lead torpedo hit the tanker right below the bridge, the second one found it's mark on one of the fuel tanks, causing the ship to buckle, and then erupt into flame, destroying a few nearby freighters. Signalled by the tanker's destruction, Dreden fighters and destroyers blasted foward, destroying all in their path. The detroyers formed a ring around the planet, and the fighters went after a few stray liners, disabling them, so that Dreden popularity wouldn't go down, but at the same time they would neutralize a possible threat.

The defense fleet finally showed its face, 17 Alien Interceptors. The destroyers hit most of them pretty hard with projectiles before their beams got into range, but when they did, they did some pretty critical damage to a destroyer. When the battle was over, Azdara Ace looked over his fleet, and th numbers were as follows:

2 Titan Battlecruisers

  • 3 Athena Battlegunships
  • 4 Odysseus Cruisers
  • 20 Thunderclap Destroyers(1 heavily damged, one disabled)
  • 9 Hawk Gunships
  • 25 Lynx Heavy Fighters
  • 43 Slicer Medium Fighters
  • 28 Cricket Interceptors

That's not good, Azdara Ace said as he looked at the destroyers. He decided in the end to leave both of them in Anvas to repair, and gave them orders to return to the main body of the 36th after repairs were complete. He didn't like to do that, but it was necessary.

The Anvas system is under the control of the Dreden Rebellion.


The Dreden 36th Warfleet Division now headed back to Pollis.

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.

Glory be and the saints be praised, BfS III has started! What a froody way to start the New Year! Okay, okay, I'll leave... (runs like hell)

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

Mod Post: Jimbob, a little correction there... I believe Veratex is now under Dreden control. 😛

= = = = = = = = = =

"Both the 36th and the 42nd have completed their main objectives,"Deckerd told Skyblade. "The fleets are now returning to their defense systems."

"Very well," Skyblade said in his usual reply. "Inform Azdara that as soon as the 36th is refueled and ammo replentished, he is to assault the Bernside system and capture it. Once Commodore Jimbob returns to Seecord, he is to set course for the Sten system and join the 334th Fighter Brigade there."

"Right away, sir."

= = = = = = = = = =
Veratex and Anvas are now under Dreden control

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

Grunadulaters fleet moves to Crede and refuels.

"What is the capital of Nebraska?"
"Uhhh, 42?"
Come visit (url="http://"")Nova6s Webboards(/url).

Mark James gritted his teeth as his fleet regrouped into a reef formation and began to hold off the aliens with long range weapons. The Aliens had moved quicker than they thought, but Mark was not surprised with the number of ships they had.

Now we was trying to think up a way to destroy the aliens using the limited amount of ships he had. Finally, remembering one of his favored tactics, Mark gave the orders.

"All Devil Rays, arm your weapons, and charge the alien fleet! Launch bombs and all weapons at the center of their fleet!! All heavy warships, provide support fire."

A massive hoard of Devil Rays zoomed forward towards the aliens while they were covered by long range artillary from the rest of the fleet. Not firing until were rather close, the HC bombers opened up with all their weapons at once. Dozens and dozens of space bombs, torpedoes, and missiles streaked through space and exploded in the very core of the alien fleet.

A chain reaction was set off by the explosions, which, in the end, obliterated most of the enemy fleet as massive fireballs of red and white went off everywhere. As the Aliens struggled to regroup and recover from the shock, the two HC fleets hit them hard in a massive charge.

Weapons fire fire flew everywhere as the HC avenged their losses, tearing apart enemy warship after warship. The 7th fleet first surrounded the aliens while Admiral Rak kept them busy, and then they charged, cutting down the aliens in a deadly crossfire.

Meanwhile, Mark James and Admiral Rak had backed off from the battle for a while to repair their ships. Finally, the minor and quick repairs were completed, and the two glorious warships charged back into the fray.

Covered by a wing of destroyers and fighters, the Red October charged through the battle, destroying anything it came across. Then, Mark spotted Jager's flagship, the Apollo. Sneaking up behind the massive alien carrier while fighters kept it busy, Mark James opened fire with a massive volley of gunfire which tore through the vessels shields. Aided by the other ships, the alien carrier suffered heavy damage early on as it was pummeled by the HC.

Suddenly, the Apollo responded with its own volley of gunfire, which hit the Red October hard and knocked out many fighters. However, without warning, a Destroyer M8 streaked towards the alien behemoth, trailing smoke. The destroyer had been severely damaged, and was now doing it's final suicide run to help the HC win the battle.

In a final blaze of glory, the destroyer collided with the alien carrier, ripping through its hull plating, armor, and inner-systems. The flagship was enveloped in a massive fireball as its reactor exploded, sending out flames and debris streaking through space. Mark backed off as the ship disintigrated fully, leaving behind only wreckage and fire.


OOC: Jager could have escaped in an escape pod, I guess. Since I'm not sure, I just left out that part for him and the mods to sort out.



Rak, 16th:**

2 Tigershark Gunships (1 lost)
1 Republic-Class Carrier
HCS Cloak & Dagger, flagship (moderate damaged)
2 Freedom-Class Cruisers (both lightly damaged)
4 Destroyer M8s (2 lost)
0 Swordfish (all lost)
16 Skates (2 lost)
110 Stingrays (15 lost)

Mark James, 7th:

1 Enterprise-Class Battlecruiser (heavily damaged)
1 Freedom-Class Cruiser (moderate damage)
One Red October, flagship
0 Destroyer M7s (all lost)
2 Tigershark Gunships
90 Stingrays (13 lost)
60 Swordfish (17 lost)
25 Skates (3 lost)
57 Devil Rays (30 lost)

Emperor Kyle, 29th:

0 Carriers (1 lost)
2 Battlecruisers (2 lost) (2 heavily damaged)
One Falconlance, flagship (heavily damaged)
0 Heavy Cruisers (1 lost) (lightly damaged)
2 Cruisers (2 lost) (all moderately damaged)
2 Destroyers (1 lost)
0 Heavy Fighters (all lost)
0 Interceptors (all lost)

Jager, 49th:

(1 Carrier lost)
(1 Heavy Fighter lost)


If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 01-01-2002).)