Newbie Mistakes we've made in EV - LOL!

My biggest mistake was trying to find the Satelite of Love.
2nd biggest playing EV on an LCIII, battles last forever (cool) and torpedoes chased me for upwards of 10 min :frown:

Best ship to play on an LCIII, Scoutship. I could defeat fleets of corvettes. 🙂

When I first entered the game I got about 10 shuttle escorts so I could carry tons of goods between systems. (and then I went bankrupt........wonder why?)

I thought space bombs were the greatest thing. So, I decide to test one on an asteroid. I follow the bomb in and see it explode and watch my ship fly to the other side of the screen. Alarms start blaring at me as my ship detonates. I am to ashamed of my other mistakes to tell you about the(like the time I thought my Scoutship was the best warship out there)

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Centauri.


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**I thought space bombs were the greatest thing. So, I decide to test one on an asteroid. I follow the bomb in and see it explode and watch my ship fly to the other side of the screen. Alarms start blaring at me as my ship detonates. I am to ashamed of my other mistakes to tell you about the(like the time I thought my Scoutship was the best warship out there)


the scoutship is the best warship, man it has two cannons and everything

This "evil" kid is really getting on my nerves, but I'll try not to make a big deal out of it. And by the way, I hope you were kidding. I can blow up a stupid little scout in 2 seconds, even if it had 2 cannons. Oh, and if they're lasers, that's really dumb. But, who am I to poke fun? By the time I got in a Corvette, my rating was mostly harmless. Now, however, I'm in a Rebel Cruiser and kicking @$$.

See ya!

Would someone please give me the title "swedish chef"? PLEASE?

After reading the EV bible, I thought, "hey, I'm a professional programmer and creative guy, I can whip up something as good as Galactic Scourge in a few weeks!"

NOT! I failed miserably. After constructing a few new planets and ships, I concluded, "this is hard". I gained new appreciation for the fabulous work done by the authors of major plugins.


  1. Mine was that I didn't know what those grey out systerms were and didn't know how to jump. So I decided I had t reach it the LONG way and just headed in the general direction of the system with normal drive. I left it going for a goo dhour I think before I gave up.

  2. Putting all my plugs in at the same time and didn't know why there were so many errors.

Touch to touch.

Uh... Yeah. I once bought a courier thinking it would make a good fighter. But even before that, I made the mistake of playing EV without seeing Manos: Hands of Fate or reading The Hitchhiker's Guide. Whoops.

As long as we're on the subject, why don't we change it?

Well, I only discovered EV last summer - June?? - but it seems like ages, so I really have to think. There must have been some stupid mistakes I made.
Am I the only one who actually bothered to read instructions and read-mes before taking on the entire galaxy single-handedly (which is a stupid expression for EV: mouse = one hand, keyboard = other hand), unprepared, full of vigour and expectations?

Oh, yes. Remembered one thing - not as hilarious as some of the other things posted here, though.
Felt really proud about my two newly dominated planets - Levo, I think, and some other independent planet - happily flaunting my status of "Overlord" all over the galaxy - !!!!Someone's got to notice that I'm an Overlord on two planets! And I'm so smart I didn't even piss off the Rebs or Confeds because I chose Indies to dominate!!! - with a steady cash flow pleasantly tickling my balls......

Yeah. sure. Someone noticed.

Unfortunately, those Someones who Noticed were flying about in sleek, black, powerful ships and wanted to kill me.

Think I had a Corvette at the time, but my combat skills (don't mean combat rating, but skills operating keys and mouse) weren't that great, so I stopped playing EV for at least two weeks because I kept getting blown up by bounty hunter Kestrels and their bastard Lightnings - AND I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHY THEY KEPT APPEARING EVERYWHERE! WHAT HAD I DONE????

This is probably not my silliest mistake.
If I remember something really stupid, I'll let you know, folks.
I'm sure you'd enjoy that. Nothing like having a good giggle at newbie mistakes, is there?

Erm. While I'm at it.
Stupid newbie question.
Does anyone know where the expression 'newbie' actually comes from?
It's fairly self-explanatory, but I'd like to know the background.
I work as a translator, so these things are quite interesting to me.


I dunno. Sounds better than "new guy" or "that-kid-who-just-started-posting-on-the-boards".
Doesn't it?

"If we shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended ... umm ... something something." -Puck


Originally posted by Galactic Punk:
**Erm. While I'm at it.
Stupid newbie question.
Does anyone know where the expression 'newbie' actually comes from?
It's fairly self-explanatory, but I'd like to know the background.
I work as a translator, so these things are quite interesting to me.

Very good question. I never encountered newbie before the internet. I first got on the net in 1992 in college. Back then, new people were called things like luser, clueless, twink, and were told to RTFM. People ROTFL at them. Later on, around 94-96, aoler (AOL users were called worse things as well, I forget, but they were HATED on usenet) and "clueless newbie" came along. Now, newbie seems to have replaced all of the previous terms for referring to new or inexperienced net users.
Now, if google ever gets the Deja usenet database back online, we could do the first archaeological dig in cyberspace...


It was my early days of EV, and I was valiently exploring the Southeast corner of the map in my shuttlecraft (cleverly equipped with a laser cannon, just in case). Upon running out of fuel, I decided that I would just bite the bullet and use my sub-light drives to get me there. My request was politely declined by an invisible force holding me at bay. Needless to say, I didn't use the "Strict Play" option again.

c r a f t y


I made the mistake of playing EV without seeing Manos: Hands of Fate or reading The Hitchhiker's Guide. Whoops.

Hehehe. That is surely the biggest mistake of them all. 😄

c r a f t y

Most of my errors were with my feeble attempt at making cheater plugins with the worst plugin software ever (EV-Edit v1.0). I remember that I wanted to have the best ship in the galaxy. So, I made a little cheat plug in EV-Edit (when I was a newbie to plugs as well as to the game) that would make the Shuttlecraft have 32767 (I'm not sure how I discovered that this was the max, but I somehow did) shields, 32767 heavy fusion beams, 32767 Seeker drones, 32767 Alien fighters, and 32767 Proton Turrets. I didn't really know what the AI meant, so I changed it to warship (I wanted a warship, so I made it a warship). Then, as I hated the Confeds already, made it Rebellion, thinking that all shuttles in the game would become Rebels. Unfortunately, that was not the case. When I tried to kill Confeds, the shuttles (I was a newbie, and worse at combat than the AI) attacked me and killed me. I tried again and again to make the Confeds inferior, by doing such things as making heavy rockets guided and taking them away from the Confeds and giving them to the Rebels, taking the missles away from the Rebels and making them last one second, attempting to make an Alien Destroyer, which somehow had an Alien Cruiser bay (I also thought that many of the weapons never actually appeared in the game, like the tractor beam and Alien ships) that would fight for the Rebels, and making a system full of Aliens (trying to make them Rebels, but since they are psycho, they killed me several times). I also, for some reason, thought that the Rapier was just a cheaper and slightly worse version of the Corvette, as they were the same colour, and bought a hawk bay for either my Rapier or Argosy, I can't remember which. I also thought that the Kestrel was some super-ship that you could never really buy, it just killed you all the time. Oh, yeah. I also made some plugs where I could fire the forklift rapidly, but managed to kill myself rapidly also by being in the blast radius. I also couldn't figure out why EV kept on crashing when I put every plug in at once.

These ones aren't as hilarious as the other ones (my brother really showed me how to play, so I don't have any silly landing or flying errors), but they are true.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)

(This message has been edited by Lord Gwydion (edited 05-10-2001).)


Originally posted by Rawzer:
**This "evil" kid is really getting on my nerves, but I'll try not to make a big deal out of it. And by the way, I hope you were kidding. I can blow up a stupid little scout in 2 seconds, even if it had 2 cannons. Oh, and if they're lasers, that's really dumb. But, who am I to poke fun? By the time I got in a Corvette, my rating was mostly harmless. Now, however, I'm in a Rebel Cruiser and kicking @$$.

See ya!


No i don't kid. Rebel Cruisers are nothing next to my scoutship. 🙂 Zap! Eat Laser Cannon!

(quote)Originally posted by crafty:
**Hehehe. That is surely the biggest mistake of them all.:) 42

They'll try to kill 'em all with the FORKLIFT!

Well, I've made a few mastakes too. Okay, a hole Kestrel full. But now I've discovered how easy it is to land. When my friend comes over and he has no idea how to land, it brings back memories.

Do I talk too much?
Do I ask too many questions?
I wonder...


Originally posted by MikeMTL:
**Well, I've made a few mastakes too. Okay, a hole Kestrel full. But now I've discovered how easy it is to land. When my friend comes over and he has no idea how to land, it brings back memories.


Same thing happened to me today. He was this close to killing me. || <----

I don't care what the moderators say, my nickname is swedish chef.

(quote)Originally posted by "evil" kid:
No i don't kid. Rebel Cruisers are nothing next to my scoutship. Zap! Eat Laser Cannon!(/B)(/QUOTE)

What about 7? >

I don't care what the moderators say, my nickname is swedish chef.

My Newbie Mistake

After 2 years of playing EV non-stop i found out you could do some thing with the map, if you shift click your destination then a green fuzzed line will pop up, then a button saying "clear route" popped up too, so i thought "wow, so if i shift click and then click "clear route" then i will get to my destination faster" i did this for another year and a half, then one day i accidently shifted clicked twice on two different systems, i then said "what the heck why not, lets see what happens if you dont clear route" and pressed j, i then pressed j again, and too my amazment i just jumped 2 systems without going to the map twice, I was over joyed and felt very very very very very stupid, i probaly wasted 1 hour each day i played plotting my course jumping once and repeating process!! Oh well......

Ä„Funny Word Time!
::roar of laughter in background::
Thank you thank you