Newbie Mistakes we've made in EV - LOL!


Originally posted by ElGuapo7:
**Beat THIS worst newbie mistake:

/me opens up MacAddict CD in Jan 97.

E: Hey, Escape Velocity! Looks like another of those stupid stargazing programs like Voyager or Distant Suns! What a waste - I won't even bother installing it...Hey look - a game called "Space Taxi"! Looks fun!

July 97: I invite my PC user friend over to boast of my software and hardware.

Friend: Ohmigosh! You've got EV! Ohmigosh, have you played it?! it's AWESOME!!!!! FAB!!!
/me installs and plays.
ElG7: crud, I feel stupid. How could I judge so HARSHLY by name: I am so DUMB!!!! Why didn't I install this game 6 months ago? It's WAY better than that dumb space taxi!!!!

So as you see, my first newbie mistake extended to even BEFORE I ever played EV!


Ahh, when I first saw EV (probably the same disk too), I thought the same thing. Of course, my father already installed it onto the computer so I tried it out. One of the better games around.
Skyblad: I tried to go to the next system by real space but it didn't work. So I exited and realized that I didn't save my status up to then, losing my credits. That is a rookie mistake.


Are you gonna tell him that's a boy cow?
Naw, he'll figure it out.

no big amazing stupid actions to declare;
-I saved up 3,390 credits,bought a missile,but couldn´t fire it. 😕
-I had a bug in my keyboard while playing EV.I wanted to hail someone(I set it Y),but nothing happens!Instead,I had to press Z for communicating. 😕
that was my little reply,don´t take it too serious.


(This message has been edited by Hans Hansen (edited 03-08-2001).)

(quote)Originally posted by Hans Hansen:
**no big amazing stupid actions to declare;
-I saved up 3,390 credits,bought a missile,but couldn´t fire it. 🙂 I remember once I bought a torpedo, and was ready to go and fire it. I then found out that my shuttlecraft didn't have a launcher, so I couldn't shoot the yellow thing I had been so excited to fire. 🙂

~Captain Skyblade

Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

well,we were young,eager and unsuspecting.
Howewer,ev´ryone starts as a little beginner.


(This message has been edited by Hans Hansen (edited 03-08-2001).)

A dumb move on the Alien Mission:

I got so frustrated looking for that ding-dong Alien Cruiser (searching back and forth in and around all the uninhabited systems between Trugati and Serpens) I decided to just abort the stupid mission(!). If I remember correctly, I was leaving Virgo and planning to re-examine the systems southeast of Sirgil when ... I just gave up. I mean, I'd been to every system in that arc of the galaxy at least twice...!

So before jumping to Sirgil I did it, "There! Who wants to find the stupid Alien Cruiser anyway?"

I jumped into Sirgil's system and BAM!!! Before I knew it, a phalanx of three Destroyers and a fully fighter-escorted Rebel Cruiser were pounding away at me ... for NO reason(?). I was stupefied into momentary inaction by the "friendly" fire, and by the time my Kestrel started fighting back my shields were already down to 30%. I elected to run ...
impossible for my slower craft.

I was quickly killed.

"Now, what could have cause that?" I wondered. "I know! Once you accept the Alien mission you better 1. succeed, 2.die trying, or 3.just keep the stupid mission active while going about other business." ( I chose option 3.)

It was a saving grace that I had not landed anywhere since aborting the Alien mission. Reopening my pilot restored the mission to my status board.

I carried on with other Velociteer activities -- keeping the Alien mission in "active" status for many hours more game play. What a special delight when I popped into the ****** system and discovered the Alien Cruiser and his quick friends.

But that war story is for another day....

Let's see what this button does....


Originally posted by Desert Fox:
Skyblad: I tried to go to the next system by real space but it didn't work. So I exited and realized that I didn't save my status up to then, losing my credits. That is a rookie mistake.

I landed on uninhabited planets, so I was just trapped in the system forever. I was like: 'This game sucks.'

(url="http://"")The Omega Conspiracy(/url) - New chapter added 3/4/01

Well, lets see. I remember hiring about 3 or 4 light freighters as escorts, and having only around 10,000 credits left in the bank. I couldn't figure out why they kept defecting. %)

Also, I once tried to follow and kill an escape pod. I wasted all my secondary weapons and was forced to watch it simply disappear.

10-4 🙂

All your base are belong to us.

" Well, Captain Jack is gonna fly tonight, and take you to your destination, Captain Jack will kill your enemies, don't get him cross or you'll be dying!"

(quote)Originally posted by Captain Jack:
**Well, lets see. I remember hiring about 3 or 4 light freighters as escorts, and having only around 10,000 credits left in the bank. I couldn't figure out why they kept defecting. %)

Also, I once tried to follow and kill an escape pod. I wasted all my secondary weapons and was forced to watch it simply disappear.

10-4 🙂 Another stupid mistake I made was fitting just neutron cannons to my bigger ships, instead of space that could be occupied with proton turrets and cannons...

~Captain Skyblade

Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Captain Jack:
**I remember hiring about 3 or 4 light freighters as escorts, and having only around 10,000 credits left in the bank. I couldn't figure out why they kept defecting. %)

That reminds me, I had one "dangerous" mission on which I kept getting killed. So I decided to hire some escorts.

"Cool!" Mission accomplished.

"But why don't those two Clippers and one Lightning GO AWAY now that the mission is over? And why do they keep taking my credits?"

I lost millions....

Let's see what this button does....

Lemme see I haven't read this whole post so I am not sure if am restating some of these, but they are truly mistakes I made out of stupidity.
1. Flying off into the rim in a shuttlecraft to learn the fact of fuel.
2. Landing on the planet there(and autosaving) thinking I could just buy gas.
3. Hiring escorts without ever learning how to make them stop taking my credits and flying away.
4. Ever thinking that defenders were "cool and awesome" ships, this was remedied by dieing just as fast as I did in the space bus(what I call shuttlecrafts)
5. Dodging asteroids as many here obviously had.
6. Taking weeks to figure out how to set a long term jump path, instead of opening up my map everytime. (keep in mind I am only 16 now and I got this in the first year it came out, (you do the math)
7. ever trying to make a plug in with that stinking EV EDIT (many a long night/day sitting in front of the computer yelling "DIE DIE DIE (ev edit)"

8. Also one time I was so absorbed in the game that the phone rang, I picked it up and told the caller to "communicate" then needless to say, the person said "Umm this must be the wrong number"

Oh and "they set us up...the bomb!" ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US

AOL/IM: IonStorm332
Gameranger: Ion Storm

(This message has been edited by Matrix (edited 03-08-2001).)


Originally posted by skyblade:
**I landed on uninhabited planets, so I was just trapped in the system forever. I was like: 'This game sucks.'

Heh, that is what happened to me later on. I went into that area again hunting pirates and got stuck. No ships were coming in-system, I had landed, and I wasn't getting anywhere. I aborted that pilot file eventually.


Are you gonna tell him that's a boy cow?
Naw, he'll figure it out.

Oh the worst mistake to make is to hire a freaking Clipper. You would think it could help a little but nooooo! It sits back and watches as you get destroyed.


Are you gonna tell him that's a boy cow?
Naw, he'll figure it out.


Originally posted by Desert Fox:
**Oh the worst mistake to make is to hire a freaking Clipper. You would think it could help a little but nooooo! It sits back and watches as you get destroyed.


Hehe...Hiring clippers is like hiring a bulky merchent ship. The don't do anything, except maybe fire three or four proton bolts, one javelin rocket, then they let you do the rest. They aren't much of a help... 🙂 Now Rapiers and Lightings are a different story...

~Captain Skyblade

Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

Well, when I was a newbie three-four years ago, I did not read the instructions so I didn't know: 1: I didn't know how to hail ships. When text was displayed at the bottom of the screen "hail me to get mission", I just buzzed around the hailing ship and tried to make something happen 🙂 2: I didn't know how to scann in the closest ship, so when I was under attack by fighters, I stabbed at the scann-button (what's the name of it again!!) and tried to get in the closest fighter. 3: I didn't understand what the Spaceport Bar was. For me it just looked like a weird place where some cubes where spinning around, and you could get into a strange HOLOWID NEWS stuff! The Bars was very difficult to understand... 4: I didn't know how to get escorts in scann when I by accident hired one when I was klicking around in the strange bar (see above) so I let him ruin me so he got away by himself. 5: I didn't understand that you needed a launcher to fire missiles!!!!! I just bought "Missiles" and tried to launch them!!! I know that you must think I am an idiot, but I didn't think so much back then. I just wanted to get the biggest ship at once and shot things down. Well, I still want to, but now I know how to do 🙂 Hope you enjoyed my newbie mistakes.


Oh, and I did just remember that I did not even bother about the "Open Pilot" thingy. I started a pilot, got killed, started a new pilot, got killed and so one. I always named my ships "The Owl" and numbered it after how many times I have tried to win the game. (I thought it would go quick and easy to win; just shoot down everything and get to next level...) After "The Owl 83" (YES! It's true! 83!) my father showed me how to use "Open Pilot" and I started playing for real.


I remember the first ship I ever bought "intended" for fighting was the Defender. I had slowly been saving up my money for the ship, and alas, I could afford it! I fitted it with laser cannons and prepared to blow up the galaxy. I was confused, however, when a Confederation Frigate was able to destroy me instantly... 😉

~Captain Skyblade

Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

um, i had some problems with that damn mission computer. i had no idea what that rewd arrow out in the middle of nowhere was for.

i had no idea how to use the radar or aoutpilot. i was in a shuttle and a kestrel, A KESTREL was disabled after a battle and i couldnt get to it.

Never try and take on a Rebel carrier in a scoutship.

A jedi's strengh flows through the force
luke do not underestimate the powers of the darkside
I have acepted that you were once Anakin Skywalker my father
young jedi only now do you truly understand the powers of the darkside


Originally posted by wraith:

Never try and take on a Rebel carrier in a scoutship.


Hehe...Good Idea. And did you mean the Rebel Cruiser?

~Capn' Skyblade

I didn't know about the map key, and hypered all over the galaxy with the key that cycles agacent system. Oui very, that was horrible to find ou thow to get someplace!

This isn't right. This isn't even wrong.


Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
**Oh, Wow! Those were both funny! (Mostly cuz I remember the same goof ups for myself.)

(Conspiratoraly) Cable Guy, your asteroid goof reminded me, I still will occasionally shoot at asteroids randomly. I'm just not convinced there is no Easter Egg associated with ONE of those suckers. (You know, "Zap! Congratulations! Your shield refresh rate was just bumped up 2000%.") One of these days it'll happen ... I just know it.


You can actually kill them. It takes a helluva lot of patience. Though. One time I got myself a cheat ship with 50 proton cannons. I chased an asteroid all over the system. An hour or so later, it blew up. No easter egg. :frown:

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