Newbie Mistakes we've made in EV - LOL!


Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
**Oh, Wow! Those were both funny! (Mostly cuz I remember the same goof ups for myself.)

(Conspiratoraly) Cable Guy, your asteroid goof reminded me, I still will occasionally shoot at asteroids randomly. I'm just not convinced there is no Easter Egg associated with ONE of those suckers. (You know, "Zap! Congratulations! Your shield refresh rate was just bumped up 2000%.") One of these days it'll happen ... I just know it.


there is a plug in with those "sheid refreshing rates".

Jump L map, jump L map read-me, raed-me, shift jump jump jump
Thats my experience with the jump system!

Join Starbase Delta at


Originally posted by cable_guy:
**Lets just say that it took me almost 5 minutes to work out that asteroids can't hit you, and so was whizzing about Levo in a frantic bid to miss the rocks flying about. Pretty stupid, huh?


Me too. I thought it was some other game I had on the same shareware CD I first found EV on.

I usually only come here past dawn when I've been up all night, so please don't bother me about a signature.

Heh, you know you're a real newbie when you made a bunch of the mistakes on the (url="http://"")Signs you won't last long in EV space...(/url) topic.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 05-20-2001).)

yeah, everyone check it out. it has some funny crap in there, made by Carnataur of course. 😉

titan's new board click (url="http://"")here(/url) to enter


And, on topic, I can't really remember any of my newbie mistakes.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

When playing through EV for the first time, I killed the Alien Cruiser in the following way: I launched the two lightnings and the two hawks from my Kestrel and then cloaked. I waited for a LONG time, occasionally decloaking and hiding. Finally, the fighters had destroyed the cruiser, which single-mindedly waited for me to uncloak while being fired at by two Rebel Cruisers and twelve fighters.
As soon as I had destroyed the cruiser, I tried to take on the Alien Fighters (which in my opinion are far more dangerous than the cruiser). I almost got blown up. I managed to jump out of the system and land on a nearby planet. Then I wandered around for about a week (real time), because I thought you had to kill the fighters too to finish the mission. Finally I landed on Palshife, and to my surprise, I had finished the mission. I felt VERY stupid then, playing for a week never having the idea that the cruiser might suffice.

Baron Vladimir Zarkonnen le Errible