Favourite RPG


Originally posted by Kireck:
How I wish Coldstone would come out. After playing a game of Diablo II (favorite comp RPG) and killing Diablo on normal mode for the second time, I'm inspired to create. But alas, no Coldstone, no creation, my inspiration has died. 😞

I am really sick of people complaining that Coldstone is not ready.
Let them make it at their own pace, and it will be a better product.

Until POG is out, Cythera is the greatest RPG ever (payout).

apalled (sp?) and offended
I'm not complaining to the board, BEEBLE, if I was complaining about it not being out, I would have said that it's taking too long, which I haven't, I'm just wishfully thinking out loud. I KNOW that they need to finish the engine and I WANT them to fiish the engine. You don't have to get hostile towards me for no reason. So the next time you decide you're going to beat up on someone, make sure they've done something wrong.


Originally posted by Kireck:
apalled (sp?) and offended
I'm not complaining to the board, BEEBLE, if I was complaining about it not being out, I would have said that it's taking too long, which I haven't, I'm just wishfully thinking out loud. I KNOW that they need to finish the engine and I WANT them to fiish the engine. You don't have to get hostile towards me for no reason. So the next time you decide you're going to beat up on someone, make sure they've done something wrong.

I'm sorry Kireck.
I was just very grumpy last night. 😉

Until POG is out, Cythera is the greatest RPG ever (payout).

Chrono Trigger! Great great game. If you haven't played it yet, get it for an emulator, it rocks! Baldur's Gate is pretty cool...I haven't played it that much.

King Eldar the Mighty

Ok here goes:
Console RPG games:
Final fantasy VII was ok but VIII whith that hole juctioning thing was bad. seriosly bad. i havent got IX yet.
Mac RPGs:
i havent played many but Cytheria is allwrite but Diablo 2 is better as it's grathics are more realistic.
any pen and papper rpg i am willing to try once, unlike console and platform rpg you control your cahicers more the best three are
Hong Kong Action Theater:
where you are a movie star in a movie but everything has suddenly got way to real. And you cant die as there are always secwells to action movies.
A D&D;: is still slitly better then 3rd ed in my reconing it's playabilaty is not as easy but DMing it is way esayer (thaks to 3erd ed rulls i cant use certin things i did in second ed).
Unfortunly FASA went broke so Ulternaty was bort out by some new kid on the hard to get anywher RPG block market. If you can still find the game it's expensive as all hell Aust$50 just for canpain books and around Aust$250 for the whole kit and kaboodle. It's a little more if you want world cretion rues magic rules ect the list just keep going it's worse than warhammer (good i hate the expesise in that).
if you think youve got it tougth paying for stuff for your Rpg life think of pore old me in Austrlia pay twice as much. Ulternaty is set in the future thaer are so many canpain world it's not funny. none are due for reprint in 5 or is it 6th ed? i dont know i just play and listen. There can be as many races as you like, there can be as many things as you like only difrece is you only have around 10Hp and you take certine damage for certine guns and swords and stuff. You dont gian levels only skills and wepons inprovements . and a hole lot of other stuff i cant exatly remeber know.

I saw the Final Fantasy Movie a couple weekends ago and I must say the animation was breath-taking. Plot could have used tweaking, but what movie plot can't you say that with? As for my favorite RPG's...

Console: It's a toss up. Secret of Mana is awesome. For some reason I like it more then Crono Trigger... I'm wierd. It takes 2nd. Final Fantasy 7 and 9 are my favorites! FF7 storyline drew me right in. Man I wanted to kick Sepheroth's ass! I wish they could make a Final Fantasy 7 #2! FF9 combined the ever-going dispute of "Should spells be learned or use MP?" FF9 had a great system with a great interface... but the plot was just so-so.
I guess FF7 was my fav!

Computer: Well I haven't had to much experience since I just got my first new computer ( I had a Quadra 605 and Preforma 550 before! ). But I must say that I do love Diablo 2. I can't play it for the length of time as Diablo one ( i think it has a shorter attention span ) but I deffinately play it more often.

Never played a pencil & paper RPG...I wasn't in the frnacise at that age!

I wonder if this topic will make it all of the way to the release of PoG/CS. Maybe this'll beccome a discussion of our favorite CS RPGs, now wouldn't that be something. I must say that just from looking at it so long, PoG is my favorite computer RPG already.


Originally posted by Kireck:
I must say that just from looking at it so long, PoG is my favorite computer RPG already.

looks aren't everything, and POG is not the most graphically advanced RPG on the market, not by a long shot... not that that is what you meant by "looking at it so long"
oh and Diablo2 is my fav crpg again - my sor isn't dead yet, and it'll take more than a lousy patch to kill her!

"...But no matter, IÂ’ve found you, and everything is going to be fine now..."


Originally posted by Lorenoth:
**looks aren't everything, and POG is not the most graphically advanced RPG on the market, not by a long shot... not that that is what you meant by "looking at it so long"
oh and Diablo2 is my fav crpg again - my sor isn't dead yet, and it'll take more than a lousy patch to kill her!


::glares at you::

Now i remember why i used to flame you up, your attitude stinks and you are consistently downing the ideas and comments of others, pus you seem to stomp off on unrelated tangents.

"I'm not imagining things, you bastards deleted my reply, may carpal tunnel befall you all"


Originally posted by chill_rx:
**::glares at you::

Now i remember why i used to flame you up, your attitude stinks and you are consistently downing the ideas and comments of others, pus you seem to stomp off on unrelated tangents.


I get this way towards the end of the summer.. sorry if I'm sounding downright cynical and pissy towards peopl. I'll do my best to lighten up
And you know, it's strange that chill(of all people) is the one to tell me : )

"...But no matter, IÂ’ve found you, and everything is going to be fine now..."


Originally posted by Kireck:
(B)I wonder if this topic will make it all of the way to the release of PoG/CS. Maybe this'll beccome a discussion of our favorite CS RPGs, now wouldn't that be something./B)

I know. 😄
When I started this topic I thought it would only reach 10, because no one would bother posting about their favourite RPG.
But with this post it has reached 90!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But at the start I said that Ultima was my favourite RPG. What was I thinking. :eek:

Until POG is out, Cythera is the greatest RPG ever (payout).

**What the hell is Chrono Trigger?😕
Everyone says how great it is.


What the hell was i thinking? 😕


You can still get the emulator for SNES and play Chrono Trigger. That was the first time I ever played it to tell the truth. It's the plot and the way that you have a lot of choices in what you do to beat the game. Even though you're still kinda tied to the plot, you can go off and do other things, and there are different times, places and ways to beat it, unlike most other console RPGs and some computer RPGs.
But I'm sure ALL of the Coldstone RPGs will be just PERFECT seing how we have so many strict critics on this board. Wait until these people start dying when they realize that they can't make the perfect RPG that they always expect from everyone else. I'm not pointing any elbows though.



Originally posted by Kireck L:
**You can still get the emulator for SNES and play Chrono Trigger. That was the first time I ever played it to tell the truth. It's the plot and the way that you have a lot of choices in what you do to beat the game. Even though you're still kinda tied to the plot, you can go off and do other things, and there are different times, places and ways to beat it, unlike most other console RPGs and some computer RPGs.
But I'm sure ALL of the Coldstone RPGs will be just PERFECT seing how we have so many strict critics on this board. Wait until these people start dying when they realize that they can't make the perfect RPG that they always expect from everyone else. I'm not pointing any elbows though.


You point elbows? I'd like to see that sometime.



Right now, I'm playing, and thoroughly, thoroughly enjoying FF4(hacked english version). Its just like a good novel, I can't wait to find out what happens next. I might try out FF6 again (I only started it before) but it seems that the general consensus is better graphics but poorer gameplay and story. I looked at Tales of Phantasia (hacked english version), and it seems cool, but too many random fights. I can't wait till the Front Mission ("not really an RPG"...bah, I defy your boundaries...) hack, even in Japanese I can tell the story is cool. Oh yeah, and I have FFVII and Star Ocean 2 around here somewhere, should probably give them another try at some point. I never got too into FFVII, though it seemed kind of interesting, I was put off by the random battles and the graphics, but Star Ocean 2 ooked like it could be cool.


](http://killeous.boltpages.com<br />
I) I don't know why I put this...ok I do but whatever.

I finished act V of the Diablo II expansion this morning, just got it yesterday. Has anyone here played the fifth act and beaten Baal? NOT an easy task. The Diablo II expansion makes Diablo II an even better game than before. In my opinion, Baal is much scarier than Diablo even though Diablo is supposed to be the Lord of Terror. His sickening laugh makes me shudder every time I hear it. I'm inspired even further to create.



Originally posted by Yorick:
**Right now, I'm playing, and thoroughly, thoroughly enjoying FF4(hacked english version). Its just like a good novel, I can't wait to find out what happens next. I might try out FF6 again (I only started it before) but it seems that the general consensus is better graphics but poorer gameplay and story. I looked at Tales of Phantasia (hacked english version), and it seems cool, but too many random fights. I can't wait till the Front Mission ("not really an RPG"...bah, I defy your boundaries...) hack, even in Japanese I can tell the story is cool. Oh yeah, and I have FFVII and Star Ocean 2 around here somewhere, should probably give them another try at some point. I never got too into FFVII, though it seemed kind of interesting, I was put off by the random battles and the graphics, but Star Ocean 2 ooked like it could be cool.


Hey! You rock! FFIV (or FFII) in english, is the best rpg ever created. You wont believe the conicidences that turn up late in the game. Next chance you get, check out FFV. Except for the villain's name being really uncreative, it's a very cool game, and has a class change system that is the best I've ever seen. (and try SoM 2) FFV is available at members.madasafish.com/~kefka/. Check it out.

The legend of Zelda, while a good insomnia cure, is NOT an rpg.

Me thinks this is gonna go on a future 'Best of Coldstone' archive. 😉


Lets see... fav. RPG... I haven't played many.. but from what I HAVE played, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time had me.
- Superbly beautiful graphics, awesome storyline, and very addicting gameplay... until you beat it of course.

.... So, two guys walk into a bar...... the third guy ducked.


Originally posted by MrStuffTheIT:
**Me thinks this is gonna go on a future 'Best of Coldstone' archive.;)

You reckon?


Yeah, pardner... I reckon so... (spits in a bucket)... Whooeee that was a wild one.

.... So, two guys walk into a bar...... the third guy ducked.