It's been bugging me about how fast the votes against SIB piled up.

I'm not convinced his presence is beneficial to our survival, but I'm also not sure of his guilt.
(If I only voted against people because they were bad players, I'd have a list of players longer than we can afford to lose that'd I'd be voting against in every single game.)

I also don't like RJC's reasoning that "darth is too innocent., " but I'm not committing to killing him. Yet.

For the moment, my vote against SIB is Retracted.

The Vote As It Stands:
RJC Ultra: (1) by darth_vader
SoItBegins: (2) by Mackilroy, Anon
darth_vader: (2) by SoItBegins, RJC Ultra

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 21 November 2007 - 11:32 PM

I don't like this tie. I may have to switch my vote to SIB to save myself. I don't want to do that because it's a bad reason, but I will if I have to. If nothing else, I am sure of my own innocence.

Alright. Let's make this interesting.

I may regret this later, but I'm going to get off the fence and commit against RJC Ultra.

Three-way tie, baby.

(EDIT) I have to get of for the night now. I'm hoping I'll have a chance to respond to any changes tomorrow.

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 22 November 2007 - 12:52 AM

I retract my vote for SoItBegins and switch it to RJC Ultra.

Allright, this is another proof of the fact that we've got no idea who could be a terrorist; I simply got bandwagoned for placing an idiot post(a terrorist wouldn't do such thing, would he?). I hoped to be able to identify a terrorist by looking at your reactions, but for the moment, I can't say anything about that.

It looks like everyone is just eager not to get out-voted.
So am I, although it might sound a little pathetic.

I retract my vote for RJC Ultra. I only made that self-defense vote because I didn't know what else to do. I hope we can get more time in this round, and I'm actually not at all sure when it's supposed to end.

I think it ends at 7:00 PST tonight.

If this was a real emergency, you'd already be dead.

nfreader steps into the screen and looks down at the gathered delegates.
"Well gentlemen, here we are once again. You truly have proven yourselves to be bureaucrats. Also, RJC ultra, we find you guilty of being a terrorist!"
An automated gun turret descends from the ceiling, points at RJC and opens fire, killing him instantly.
"That settles that. We'll have to finish our investigation as to whether he was a terrorist or not though. In the mean time-" He gets cut off by a blaring siren and flashing red lights.
"I just received word that RJC's country, Kookoostan has been subjected to a nuclear holocaust. Here's the kicker: We didn't launch. It must have been the terrorists." nfreader pauses for a moment, as if contemplating. "Heh, someone must have really wanted him dead. It's almost as if HE KNEW TOO MUCH."
Anon stands up. "Wait wait wait. What do you mean 'he knew too much'?"
"Oh nothing really, I just felt like saying that. He was totally not the intelligence agent though. For serious." There is an awkward silence before nfreader gets bored and walks off camera.

Vote moar plz.
Also, round ends in 48. Go nuts.

Whoa whoa whoa. So RJC Ultra got killed by both the innocents and the terrorists?!

@soitbegins, on Nov 23 2007, 05:06 PM, said in GTW XIII:

Whoa whoa whoa. So RJC Ultra got killed by both the innocents and the terrorists?!

Yeah, pretty harsh if you ask me.

A-hahahaha. I see what happened.

For most of yesterday, SIB was under the gun. The Dictator probably thought that SIB would get lynched, and called in the hit on RJC Ultra early.

But nfreader ended the round significantly later than he said he would. The vote shifted against RJC Ultra, and I don't think our traitor checked in in time to see it.

I think the Dictator never sent in updated kill orders. Heh.

I think that rules out SIB as evil. He was watching the topic enough to see when the vote turned against RJC.

The same reasoning should apply to Mackilroy. His behavior last round had me watching closely, but since it's his vote that tipped the balance against RJC, he would have known to re-target for the Night-Kill.

darth_vader also saw the vote turn. He'd know that a Dictator effectively sacrificing his kill would only aid the Innocents by giving them another round to figure things out. (Even number of players benefits EVIL. Odd number of players benefits GOOD. We had Six (6). We're down to Five (5). We could have been down to Four (4).)

I know I saw the vote turn against RJC before the round ended. (If I were evil, I'd have no reason to take my vote off of SIB, and even less to put it onto RJC, especially without re-targeting the Night-Kill.)


Where's Anon?

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 23 November 2007 - 08:51 PM

Yeah, I watch the rounds pretty closely. Actually, I have a special Firefox browser extension that checks for me (every 5 minutes in this case).

Eugene Chin said:

Where's Anon?

Here's a traceback of the previous round:

SoItBegins - > Eugene Chin (retracted)
Eugene Chin - > SoItBegins (retracted)
Anon - > SoItBegins <--- He's here!
Mackilroy - > SoItBegins (retracted)
(SoItBegins retracts vote)
RJC Ultra - > darth_vader (retracted)
darth_vader - > RJC Ultra (retracted)
SoItBegins - > darth_vader
(Eugene Chin retracts vote)
Eugene Chin - > RJC Ultra
(Mackilroy retracts vote)
Mackilroy - > RJC Ultra
(RJC Ultra retracts vote)
(darth_vader retracts vote)

Me: 1
darth_vader: 1
RJC Ultra: 2
Abstain: 2 (darth_vader, RJC Ultra)

RJC Ultra is eliminated by vote and killed by terrorists.

Anon was last seen voting against me. He hasn't appeared since.

EDIT: Fixed a few inaccuracies. I only now noticed that RJC Ultra had retracted last round.

This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 23 November 2007 - 09:35 PM

@eugene-chin, on Nov 23 2007, 07:28 PM, said in GTW XIII:

Where's Anon?

Watching the topic. I felt no reason to post again, because I had no desire to change my vote. I haven't trusted SoItBegins from the beginning, although in light of recent events, I may have been incorrect in that regard.

You haven't trusted me from the beginning! 😮 What? Is it my avatar?


I can see how RJC's below-the-radar retraction could cause confusion (And put a bullet-hole into my theory to boot).

If the Dictator did see RJC's retraction...

... Then that's still late enough into the round to realize that RJC was going get lynched, and the Dictator should have known to re-target. darth's retraction would have had no impact on that.

So. He didn't see RJC retract his vote. Which begs the question, did he miss it because it was so inconspicuous, or because he wasn't looking at the topic?

If A), he missed it because it was easily missed, then the Dictator must have thought that a tie still existed between darth_vader and RJC Ultra, and that the round would continue long enough to either get darth lynched, or to re-target the Night-Kill.

If B), he missed it because he wasn't looking at the topic, then the Dictator must have stopped looking at the topic before the vote turned against RJC.

B) rules out Mack, me, SIB and darth... Or, it would have if it was the only possibility.

Now, considering A):

darth_vader retracted his vote against RJC shortly after RJC retracted from darth, citing that it was only in self-defense. I'm taking this to mean that darth did see RJC's retraction. If he had been a dictator, he would have known that the vote had shifted against RJC, and known to re-target the Night-Kill right then. Yet, we know that the Dictator didn't re-target.

Therefore, darth is Innocent.

Mackilroy. At the time of Mackilroy's last action, RJC Ultra was in the lead with Three (3) votes, half of our players. If Mackilroy was the dictator, then why call in the Night-Kill on a player who, at the time, looked for all the world like he was going to be lynched?

Therefore, Mackilroy is Innocent.

SoItBegins. In your own words:

@soitbegins, on Nov 24 2007, 02:25 AM, said in GTW XIII:

EDIT: Fixed a few inaccuracies. I only now noticed that RJC Ultra had retracted last round.

This does not mean that you are a Dictator. However, neither does it exonerate you.

SoItBegins remains under A).

Anon. His last visible action here was to vote against SIB, early in the round. Additionally, he has a tendency to be off the forums for extended periods. Either he's lurking while logged out, or he's just not on. He has said that he was watching the topic develop, but in the end, we don't really know.

Anon is included under B).

Eugene. I've said that I was watching the topic when things went south for RJC Ultra. Now, obviously, I can't prove that to you. At the time of my last visible action before the round ended, the vote was stuck in a three-way-tie. I even commented about it. In my defense, I will say that targeting a Night-Kill when the vote is so up-in-the-air, and further, targeting one of the players in the tie, and further, targeting the player I had just voted for, isn't exactly beneficial to an Evil Dictator. Anyone can say "I am Innocent," but obviously, you're going to have to take my words with a grain of salt. I've shown how the events that unfolded would not have made sense coming from me. I've also, I believe, exonerated darth and Mackilroy, reducing the pool of potential suspects.

(EDITx??) After going over all of this for over an hour, thinking over so many possibilities, and editing again and again, I think I'm going to have to vote for Anon now. He seems to be more likely the Dictator than SIB does.

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 24 November 2007 - 12:40 AM

Here's my two cents:

Eugene Chin said:

I've said that I was watching the topic when things went south for RJC Ultra. Now, obviously, I can't prove that to you.

I'm pretty sure (if my memory's going right) that I can verify Eugene Chin was watching the topic at that time. I know I was, because I had just gotten myself out of the fire (a majority of the votes) and into the frying-pan (tied with two other people).

@soitbegins, on Nov 23 2007, 09:35 PM, said in GTW XIII:

You haven't trusted me from the beginning! 😮 What? Is it my avatar?

First for your odd indictment of Mack, then your admission of using a random number generator. I don't like random number generators.

And to Eugene Chin :
I generally check the boards twice a day. This topic is the first I check to see if there has been any activity. Anyway, given your own analysis, I am nominating you. I know that this is highly likely to kill me this round, but when the game doesn't end with my death, remember me.

Anon: You should use Update Scanner. It's a free Firefox extension that checks pages, at an interval you specify. My copy checks the GTW page every 5 minutes.

Oh, and Re the random number generator: I'm going to do that in the first round on every game I'm in.

@soitbegins, on Nov 23 2007, 11:53 PM, said in GTW XIII:

Anon: You should use Update Scanner. It's a free Firefox extension that checks pages, at an interval you specify. My copy checks the GTW page every 5 minutes.

Oh, and Re the random number generator: I'm going to do that in the first round on every game I'm in.

Then I will vote for you in the first round of every game I'm in.